scholarly journals Incidencia de apectos historiográficos en la Organización de los saberes en la Universidad

Rosa San SEGUNDO ◽  
Maria Adelina CODINA CANET

Knowledge Organization has been generated primarily within universities. The university will establish that space which states and defines each knowledge and organizes all disciplines. It is necessary to address a genealogical and historical perspective of universities to analyze and identify the artificiality of our concepts, knowledge and classifications. The origin of the University dates back to the Middle Ages, the first University was in Córdoba, and how this institution influenced decisively in the knowledge that encouraged and organized themselves. In late Western Middle Ages, the organization of knowledge in universities is at the service of the Church. The modern world is going to separate the doctrine of the Church from University knowledge. And, subsequently, in various periods that there was a suppression of freedoms it has reversed immediately in the scientific content itself and in the bias that has characterized it. The construction and structuring of knowledge requires, as a fundamental value, a context of freedom. Globalization contributes to deconstruct organizations among knowledge while the technocratic discourse is imposed over other discourses and also over the critical capacity to develop global approaches. The university develops a performative discourse, that is the discourse itself producing the event to talk, words, language and classifications create reality. That is why scientific discourse is performative and shapes the knowledge itself. In the University context one must raise divergent approaches against existing systems and the dominant paradigms of thought. Thus the University has to fulfill a key role in stimulating critical thought. The University must pursue performing its tasks in freedom. What reports a fragility against the powers that seek to violate as it should have its own sovereignty. The University collects the accumulated knowledge and organizes it. It should question the order of knowledge and propose new models

1997 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 632-637
Aidan Nichols

Newman and Manning failed signally to achieve a relation of mutual peace and concord during life. But the re-discovery, in recent scholarship, of the sharpness and fertility of Manning's theological mind, is bringing about, if not a posthumous pax anglica between them, then at any rate a greater parity of intellectual esteem on the part of modern students. The collection of essays By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium (1996), edited by the distinguished editor of Recusant History, and largely the fruit of symposia of 1993^ at the ‘International Institute for the Advancement of Newman Research’ at the University of Freiburg, is a major contribution to this process. As its title suggests, its common thread is ecclesiology, and notably the issue of Christian authority so central to any doctrine of the Church, since such doctrine cannot evade the question of where the exousia (‘powerful authority’) given by Christ to the apostles is now to be found — if anywhere — on earth.


У статті подано виклад сучасних теоретичних засад соціальноїполітики українських православних церков і практичної діяльностірелігійних громад в умовах процесів глобалізації. Показано взаємозв’язоксоціального вчення церкви з державним управлінням, політологією,філософією та соціологією. Осмислено актуальні проблеми в реалізаціїсоціального служіння церков та можливі шляхи модернізації соціальноїполітики церкви. Автор вважає, що соціальна сфера не лише суспільства,але й церковного буття являє собою складну й динамічну парадигмудуховного й соціального розвитку сучасного світу. Вонахарактеризується низкою різнобічних параметрів, які окреслюютьпарадигми життєдіяльності людства. Оскільки особисте життя,професійна діяльність і місія християнина відбуваються у життідержави, то й будь-які зміни у ній приводять до змін у становищіокремої людини, і навпаки. Соціальна політика церкви є одним з головнихнапрямів місії церкви у сучасному світі і має відповідати теологічнійдумці християнства. Ігнорування релігійними громадами питаннясоціальної політики може призвести до втрати конструктивного йпозитивного впливу релігії на життя суспільства. The article describes the modern theoretical foundations of social policy ofUkrainian Orthodox Churches and the practical activities of religiouscommunities in the conditions of globalization processes. The interrelation ofthe social doctrine of the Church with public administration, political science,philosophy and sociology is shown. The actual problems in implementing thesocial service of Churches and possible ways of modernizing the social policyof the Church are comprehensively understood. The author believes that thesocial sphere not only of society, but also of Church life is a complex anddynamic paradigm of spiritual and social development of the modern world. Itis characterized by a variety of versatile parameters that outline the paradigmsof human life. Since the personal life, professional activity and mission of aChristian occur in the life of the state, then any changes in it lead to changes inthe situation of the individual and vice versa. The social policy of the Church isone of the main directions of the mission of the Church in the modern worldand should correspond to the theological thought of Christianity. Ignoring byreligious communities the issue of social policy can lead to the loss of theconstructive and positive influence of religion on society

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Arwen Thysse

Magras, Diane. The Mad Wolf’s Daughter. Kathy Dawson Books, 2018. The Mad Wolf’s Daughter is a children’s novel set in thirteenth-century Scotland that tells the story of Drest, a young girl who goes on an adventure to save her father and brothers after they are captured by invading forces. Diane Magras tells an engaging adventure story that sweeps you along with Drest as she tries to navigate a frightening world without her family—learning whom she can and cannot trust, and coming into her own as a young girl who can best adults through both her strength and her intelligence. Written for children, particularly girls of around the same age as Drest (12 years old), this story provides many insights into life, family, and friendship that both children and adults might find extremely powerful. For example, over the course of the story, Drest comes to understand that “you can’t always control your legend”—an important lesson in our modern world where rumour can spread so fast. The story emphasizes that you have to be true to yourself despite what people may be saying around you, and that it is this belief in one’s own self that can guide you through the roughest of times. As details around the lives of Drest’s family and the families of Drest’s friends are revealed in the story, Magras builds another powerful message about how it is ok to differ from and, indeed, disagree with people you love. Magras, aware that certain aspects of the medieval world in which she places her story may be unfamiliar to her audience, includes a glossary of terms as well as an author’s note that discusses the historical setting in greater detail. In particular, Magras does a good job of indicating that gender roles were not as fixed in the Middle Ages as is often assumed, and introduces the reader to the great variety of roles and indeed agency that women could have in the medieval period. Despite these positive traits, Magras’ story does seem to lack some depth to its world and only scratches the surface of the medieval context that she researched for the story. However, the exciting plot and vivacious characters satisfactorily carry the novel’s interest. Overall, this is a good adventure book which also offers a point of departure for readers to explore the medieval world in more detail. Therefore, this book would be a good addition to school and public libraries. Recommended: 3 out of 4 starsReviewer:  Arwen Thysse Arwen Thysse is a graduate of the University of Alberta Bachelor of Arts program and graduate of the University of Toronto’s Master of Medieval Studies program. She is also an avid musician, and enjoys children’s books.

Lino Rampazzo

Para entender a identidade das Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior (IUS), é necessário, antes de tudo, entender o que é uma Universidade, em geral, e, especificamente, o que é uma Universidade Católica. Este estudo, pois, mostra que a Universidade nasceu na Idade Média, como Instituição que se consagrava ao serviço de todo o saber, nos seus diferentes campos e métodos de análise, incluindo a integração entre fé e razão, até pelo fato de ter sido uma iniciativa promovida nas escolas da Igreja. Quando, mais tarde, os Estados tomaram como sua a missão de fundar universidades, inclusive num clima de ruptura com a visão religiosa, a Igreja continuou promovendo a ciência e a cultura em centros acadêmicos próprios; e, particularmente a partir do século XIX, através da Universidade Católica, considerada como um lugar privilegiado para o diálogo entre essas duas dimensões da existência: a da fé e a da razão. E, neste sulco, aparecem as Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior (IUS), que assumem a opção prioritária pelos jovens e adotam um estilo acadêmico e educativo de relacionamentos, baseado na amorevolezza.AbstractThe identity of the University, the Catholic University and the IUS (Salesian Institutions of Higher Education)In order to understand the identity of the Salesian Institutes for Higher Education (IUS), it's necessary, above all, to understand what is an University, in general, and, specifically, what is a Catholic  University. This study therefore shows that the University was born in the Middle Ages as an Institution devoted to the service of the whole knowledge, in its different fields and methods of analysis, including the integration between faith and reason, also owing to the fact of having been a initiative promoted at the Church schools. When later the States took as theirs the mission of founding universities, by the way in a state of rupture with the religious view, the Church kept on promoting science and culture at its own academic centers; and, particularly as from the nineteenth century, through the Catholic University, considered as a privileged place for the dialogue between these two dimensions of existence: that of faith and that of reason. And, in this groove, the Salesian Institutes for Higher Education (IUS) appear, assuming priority option by the youngsters and adopting an academic and educative style of relationships, based on amorevolezza.ResumenLa identidad de la Universidad, la Universidad Católica y el IUS (Instituciones Salesiano de Educación Superior)Para entender la identidad de las instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS) es necesario en primer lugar entender lo que es una Universidad, en general, y en particular lo que es una Universidad Católica. Por tanto, este estudio muestra que la Universidad nació en la Edad Media como una institución que se consagró al servicio de todo el conocimiento en sus diferentes campos y métodos de análisis, incluida la integración de la fe y la razón, por el hecho de haber sido una iniciativa promovida en las escuelas de la Iglesia. Cuando, más tarde, los Estados tomaron como sus la misión de fundar universidades, inclusive en una atmósfera de ruptura con la visión religiosa, la Iglesia siguió promoviendo la ciencia y la cultura en sus propios centros académicos, y en particular desde el siglo XIX a través de la Universidad Católica, considerada como un lugar privilegiado para el diálogo entre estas dos dimensiones de la vida: la fe y la razón. Y en esta ranura, aparecen las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS), que tienen la opción de prioridad para los jóvenes y adoptan un estilo académico y educativo de relaciones, basado en la amorevolezza.Revisor do inglês: Prof. Tadeu GiattiRevisor do espanhol: Prof. Lilian de Souza

1924 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-295
Gustav Krüger

It is a characteristic of German scholarship to see problems and to work with them in the solution of intellectual and spiritual questions. Certainly it is a praiseworthy trait in the field of history that it follows the inner relation of events and cannot rest until all the subtlest threads are discovered. Such a problem is presented in the rise of the modern world of thought and the inquiry as to the factors which have contributed to it. In von Below's book on the causes of the Reformation, referred to at the beginning of my third article (HThR, Jan. 1924, pp. 5f.), the question is discussed, among others, whether the transition from the Middle Ages to modern times is really to be found in Luther and his work.

Pericles Rospigliosi ◽  
Tom Bourner ◽  
Linda Heath

The aim of this article is to explore the historical context of vocationalism in universities. It is based on an analysis of the history of the university from a vocational perspective. It looks for evidence of vocational engagement in the activities of universities over time, taking a long view from the birth of the Western University in the Middle Ages to the 1980s with the emergence of current issues of vocationalism in university education. It adopts a chronological perspective initially and then a thematic one. The main findings are: (1) vocationalism in university education is as old as the Western University itself, (2) there is evidence from the start of the Western University of vocational engagement in terms of the provision of vocationally relevant subjects, vocationally relevant skills and the development of vocationally relevant attitudes, (3) whereas most graduate employers used to be concerned with the vocationally relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes students acquired on their degree courses, most are now more concerned with graduate capacity and disposition to learn within their employment after graduation and (4) subject-centred education is compatible with university education that supports the vocational aspirations of students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 721-744 ◽  

AbstractThis article considers how lecturing in Victoria Park in the East End of London allowed three early heads of the university settlement Oxford House to engage local communities in a discussion about the place of religion in the modern world. It demonstrates how park lecturing enabled James Adderley, Hebert Hensley Henson, and Arthur Winnington-Ingram, all of whom also held positions in the Church of England, to perform and test out their religious identities. Open-air lecturing was a performance of religious faith for these settlement leaders. It allowed them to move beyond the institutional spaces of the church and the settlement house in order to mediate their faith in the context of open discussion and debate about religion and modern life. The narratives they constructed in and about their park sermons reveal a good deal about how these early settlement leaders imagined themselves as well as their relationship with the working-class men they hoped to reach through settlement work. A vivid picture of Victorian religious and philanthropic life emerges in their accounts of lecturing in Victoria Park.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (314) ◽  
pp. 615
Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade

O Ensino Social da Igreja constitui uma rica tradição teológica e magisterial sobre questões sociais, econômicas e políticas, que, partindo das Escrituras, estabelece-se na Patrística e avança na Idade Média, prosseguido até os dias de hoje. Como parte deste Ensino, constituiuse, a partir da Encíclica Rerum Novarum de Leão XIII, em 1891, um conjunto de Documentos Pontifícios emanados pelos Papas sucessivos, dedicados às questões sociais, politicas e econômicas ao qual chamamos de Doutrina Social da Igreja e no qual se reconhece certa unidade e coerência. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, encontramos na Doutrina Social da Igreja algumas mudanças paradigmáticas ao longo do tempo que marcam um desenvolvimento não linear deste Ensinamento. Neste artigo buscamos destacar como o Papa Francisco, no seu Pontificado, inaugura um novo paradigma na Doutrina Social da Igreja, unindo a questão social, política e econômica à ambiental, e procuramos analisar qual o seu significado. Abstract: The Social Teaching of the Church constitutes a wealthy theological and magisterial tradition about social economic and political issues. Starting with the Scriptures, it establishes itself in the Patristic and goes forward in the Middle Ages, continuing until present days. As part of these Teachings, and starting with Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum Encyclic, in 1891, a set of Pontifical Documents, produced by the subsequent Popes was created. This we call the Social Doctrine of the Church and in it we perceive a certain unity and coherence. At the same time, however, we find in the Social Doctrine of the Church some paradigmatic changes overtime that show a non-linear development of this Doctrine.  In this article we seek to emphasize how Pope Francis, in his Pontificate, inaugurated a new paradigm in the Social Doctrine of the Church, linking the social political and economic issues to the environmental one and we attempt to analyze its meaning.Keywords: Pope Francis; Social Doctrine of the Church; New paradigm; Option for the poor; socio-environmental crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-57
Elijah King’ori

Purpose: This paper aims at identifying how the Medieval Christian history provides insights, and suggests solutions in regard to present corruption-related social problems in in the modern world. The study is expected to show that the Church is a human organization that is dynamic rather than static, a community that does not have immunity over other forces operating on earth such as corruption. Methodology: Key data was acquired from literature materials dealing with the history of Christianity during the Middle Ages or medieval period. The second group of literature materials provided information that has to do with the current social moral issues, with special focus on corruption. The study applies narrative method of literature review to fill the gaps on what corruption entails. Both qualitative and quantitative study designs were engaged. Findings: The desire for power and prestige, simony and investiture, feudalism, sale of indulgences, and nepotism are all identified with the medieval period church history. The Church must be given credit for the effort it put in eradicating those evils, and the modern Church’s challenge is to continue fighting for the same. The modern Church has been challenged to learn from the mistakes of the medieval Church and make sure that they are not repeated. Moral depravity, lack of proper education, poverty, land issues, and love of money have been highlighted as the key factors that contribute to the increase of corruption in Kenya and many other countries in Africa. Change of values, instilling of accountability systems, playing a mediating role, and establishing anti-corruption education are stated as the key methods that Christians should incorporate in their fight against corruption. Unique Contribution to theory, practice and policy: The Church of the medieval period portrayed a clear picture that the whole human society was subject to the will of God. In spite of the many pitfalls that accompanied Christianity, there still remained many faithful people who were true ambassadors of Christ. It must also be known that Christianity deserves unreserved credit for her forefront participation in the development of the modern societies. The church is recommended to take a forefront position in the fight against corruption.

2003 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-46
A. D. M. Barrell

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