scholarly journals Montanhismo: um relato de experiência da interdisciplinaridade entre educação física e geografia

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Marcelo Faria Porretti ◽  
Fernando Amaro Pessoa ◽  
Monique Ribeiro De Assis

INTRODUÇÃO: Ao debater as questões ambientais, apresentamos o trabalho interdisciplinar de educação física e geografia no montanhismo. OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência de uma proposta pedagógica interdisciplinar na prática corporal de aventura de montanhismo no CEFET/RJ campus Petrópolis. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de caráter qualitativa descritiva, onde debatemos as atividades interdisciplinares realizadas no projeto de extensão Expedições do CEFET/RJ campus Petrópolis, com a participação de alunos do Ensino Médio e graduandos em Turismo. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de relatórios individuais, os quais foram analisados, ordenados e classificados de acordo com Gomes (2002). RESULTADOS: São relatadas, avaliadas e discutidas sete atividades desenvolvidas no ano de 2018 - trilhas e caminhadas no Morro Meu Castelo por duas vezes, Pedra do Quitandinha, Travessia Cobiçado-Ventania, Travessia Uricanal, Travessia Petrópolis-Teresópolis e Caminho do Ouro; onde foram arrolados os temas, na educação física: frequência cardiorrespiratória, percepção de esforço, recreação e lazer, turismo de aventura, compreensão dos limites individuais, hidratação, monitoramento da frequência cardíaca, escala modificada de Borg, alimentação, história do montanhismo, combate ao sedentarismo e práticas corporais de aventura; na geografia: ecossistemas, urbanização, paisagem antropizada, geociências, relevo, bacias hidrográficas, patrimônio natural e contexto histórico; em ambas as disciplinas: saúde, educação ambiental, justiça ambiental, interpretação ambiental, sustentabilidade, preservação e conservação da natureza. O imaginário, os riscos, a prática regular de atividade física e consciência ambiental foram os resultados mais apontados. CONCLUSÃO: A educação física escolar resignificou conteúdos e processos de ensino-aprendizagem de forma interdisciplinar a partir de aspectos que procuraram influenciar os participantes em termos pessoais, escolares, físicos e também emocionais, na busca da formação de um cidadão mais consciente e participativo na sociedade. ABSTRACT. Mountaineering: an experience report of interdisciplinarity between physical education and geography. BACKGROUND: When discussing environmental issues, we present the interdisciplinary work of Physical Education and Geography in mountaineering. OBJECTIVE: To present the experience of an interdisciplinary pedagogical proposal in the corporal practice of mountaineering of adventure at CEFET/RJ, campus Petrópolis. METHODS: This is a descriptive qualitative research, in which we discuss the interdisciplinary activities carried out in the extension project Expeditions of CEFET/RJ at the campus Petrópolis , with the participation of high school students and undergraduate students in Tourism. The data were obtained from individual reports, which were analyzed, ordered and classified according to Gomes (2002). RESULTS: Seven activities developed in 2018 are reported, evaluated and discussed - trails and hikes in Morro Meu Castelo - twice, Pedra do Quitandinha, Travessia Cobiçado-Ventania, Travessia Uricanal, Travessia Petrópolis-Teresópolis and Caminho do Ouro; being listed the following themes, in physical education: cardiorespiratory frequency, perception of effort, recreation and leisure, adventure tourism, understanding of individual limits, hydration, heart rate monitoring, modified Borg scale, eating habits, history of mountaineering, combating physical inactivity and adventure bodily practices; in geography: ecosystems, urbanization, anthropized landscape, geosciences, terrains, river basins, natural heritage and historical context; in both disciplines: health, environmental education, environmental justice, environmental interpretation, sustainability, preservation and conservation of nature. The imaginary, the risks, the regular practice of physical activity and environmental awareness were the most highlighted results. CONCLUSION: School physical education reframed contents and teaching-learning processes in an interdisciplinary way from aspects that sought to influence participants in personal, educational, physical and also emotional terms, in the search for the formation of a more conscious and participative citizen in society.

2020 ◽  
Nélia Lúcia Fonseca

This study first approaches the history of the observer’s gaze, that is, as observers, we are forming or constructing our way of visualizing moving images. Secondly, it reaffirms the importance and need of resistance of the teaching / learning of Art as a compulsory curricular component for high school. Finally, the third part reports an experience with video art production in a class of first year high school students, establishing an interrelationship between theory and practice, that is, we study video art content to reach the production of videos, aiming as a final result, the art videos created by the students of the Reference Center in Environmental Education Forest School Prof. Eidorfe Moreira High School. The first and second stages of this research share a theoretical part of the Master ‘s thesis, Making films on the Island: audiovisual production as an escape line in Cotijuba, periphery of Belem, completed in 2013.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
João Márcio Fialho Sampaio ◽  
Paulo Rogério Barbosa do Nascimento

O estudo é resultado de uma experiência de tematização do conteúdo “exercício físico e saúde”, desenvolvido por integrantes do PIBID em uma escola de educação profissional de ensino médio, localizada no município do Crato (CE). O objetivo do estudo foi descrever e analisar uma unidade didática de ensino e a relação ensino-aprendizagem levada a efeito com o conteúdo “exercício físico e saúde”. O relato de experiência, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, foi pautado a partir de uma ação colaborativa entre professor da disciplina de educação física e acadêmicos bolsistas do PIBID. Como resultados, pudemos observar que há possibilidade de conjugar teoria e prática e envolver o aluno de maneira ativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A demonstração das dificuldades dos alunos revelou a necessidade de adaptações relativas às exigências motoras que lhes são feitas, o que faz com que a intervenção pedagógica seja atrelada à leitura da realidade. Como conclusão, identificou-se que é possível conduzir um processo de intervenção pedagógica em educação física pautada na colaboração, compartilhamento de experiências, criticidade, indissociabilidade entre teoria e prática e noção de movimento humano para além dos aspectos biomecânicos.ABSTRACT. Didactic possibilities in physical education classes: the topic of “physical exercise and health” in high school. The study results from an experience on thematizing the topic “physical exercise and health”, as developed by members of the PIBID in a school which offers professional education in high school in the city of Crato, in Ceará, Brazil. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze a Didactic Unit used for teaching as well as the teaching-learning relationship which was taken to class under the topic of “Physical Exercise and Health”. This is a report from a qualitative, exploratory in nature, experience grounded on a collaborative-like action involving the physical education teacher and the trainees participating in the PIBID project. There are possibilities in combining theory and practice and involving the high school students in an active way in the teaching-learning process. The demonstration of the students’ difficulties revealed the necessity of making adaptations regarding the motor demands requested from them, which makes it necessary to read the reality and the pedagogical intervention as complementary. It was identified that it is possible to conduct a pedagogical intervention process in physical education which is grounded on collaborating, on sharing experiences, on being critical, and on associating theory and practice and the notion of human movement going further than the bio mechanical aspects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 76 (5) ◽  
pp. 739-752
Veronika Végh ◽  
Gergely Horzsa ◽  
Zsolt B. Nagy ◽  
Gábor Elbert ◽  
Henriette Pusztafalvi

The rationale behind the research is the Hungarian government’s decision to introduce daily physical education lessons in schools. The system was expanded to all grades by the 2016/2017 academic year. It aims to improve students’ health consciousness and sports habits. Hungarian high school students’ physical activity, participation in competitive sport, body mass index and lifestyle determiners were examined with regard to gender. Altogether, 333 students completed the anonymous questionnaire, their average age was 16.12. Their Body Mass Index (BMI) was used to estimate the prevalence of obesity. The association between BMI and lifestyle determiners was analysed. 63.8% of girls and 70.4% of boys exercise daily or several times a week. Girls love individual sports, while boys would rather choose team sports. More boys participate in competitive sports (26.2%) than girls (16.5%). Both genders’ biology marks are better than those of students who do no sport. 46.81% of girls and 27.59% of boys have been on a slimming diet, and a high percentage of girls were on a slimming diet, even those with a normal BMI. The results suggest that despite having five physical education (PE) lessons every week, students want to get more exercise. However, a lack of time and fatigue prevents them from doing so. Most children chose PE as their favourite subject, but out of all sporting venues it is at school that they like doing sport the least. Keywords: physical activity patterns, eating habits, physical education.

2021 ◽  
Klára Gulyás

A cigányokról közvetített történelmi ismeretek alapvető nehézsége elsősorban abból adódik, hogy a cigányok, mint transznacionális csoport története különös történelem. A magyarországi cigányok története – a sajátos történelmi viszonyok miatt – kizárólag a többségi társadalom történetének részeként értelmezhető. A magyarországi cigányok történetét a többségi társadalom történetével párhuzamosan, annak szerves részeként való bemutatása módszertani indokoltsága mellett más, többek közt pedagógiai vonatkozásban is döntő jelentőségű. Egyrészt a többségi társadalomhoz tartozó diákok számára lehetőséget ad a roma társadalommal kapcsolatos nézetek/attitűdök formálására, megváltozására, továbbá nyomatékosan bemutatja azt is, hogy a magyarországi cigányok a többségi társadalommal az egyes történeti időszakokban szimbiózisban éltek. A roma történelem ilyen módon való reprezentációja a roma társadalomhoz tartozó diákok számára is előnyökkel jár: lehetőséget ad identitásuk felvállalásához és megerősítéséhez is. A magyarországi cigányok történetének a többségi társadalom történetének részeként, az együttélést középpontba állító bemutatása a pedagógiai gyakorlatban olyan új tudásterület, amely speciális pedagógiai módszertani megoldásokat is igényel. Tanulmányomban az elméleti keretek és a történeti kontextus rövid felvázolása után a mai kor igényeit kielégítő tudásátadásnak és szemléletformálásnak azokat az új módozatait veszem számba, amelyek elősegítik a magyarországi romákra vonatkozó történelmi ismeretek középiskolások felé való hiteles közvetítését. ----- Paradigm shift in the Gypsy ethnography education ----- The fundamental difficulty of the historical knowledge conveyed about gypsies stems mainly from the fact that the history of the gypsies as a transnational group is a rather peculiar history. The history of the gypsies in Hungary – due to the specific historical conditions – it can only be interpreted as part of the history of the majority of the society. The presentation of the history of the Hungarian Gypsies in parallel with the history of the majority society, as an integral part of it, is of decisive importance in addition to its methodological justification, including pedagogical aspects. On the one hand, it gives students belonging to the majority of the society the opportunity to form and change their views / attitudes towards Roma society, and it also emphatically shows that the Hungarian Gypsies lived in symbiosis with the majority of the society in certain historical periods. Representing Roma history in this way also benefits students belonging to Roma society: it also provides an opportunity to assume and confirm their identity. The presentation of the history of the Gypsies in Hungary as part of the history of the majority society, focusing on coexistence, is a new area of knowledge in pedagogical practice that also requires special pedagogical methodological solutions. In my study, after outlining the theoretical framework and the historical context, I enumerate the new ways of knowledge transfer and attitude formation that meet the needs of modern times and that facilitate the credible transmission of historical knowledge about Roma to high school students.

Andréa A. Ribeiro Alves ◽  
Renato Drummond Tapioca Neto ◽  
Alyson Axl Barcelos Lopes Fontes

ResumoNo Ensino Médio, é fácil observar os alunos desmotivados. Os fatores para tal são vários, porém, no contexto educacional, podemos citar os conteúdos curriculares descontextualizados e a falta de “diálogo” entre as disciplinas escolares. Esta realidade atinge diretamente a compreensão e a aprendizagem dos adolescentes, visto que estes não relacionam as ciências ao contexto histórico, gerando conceitos e concepções errôneas no que tange o espaço-tempo e as descobertas científicas. Neste trabalho buscou-se promover uma relação mais tênue entre Ciências: Química e a História: Dinastia Tudor, para compreensão das descobertas químicas e alquímicas desenvolvidos neste período tão importante da Idade Moderna. Esse entrelaçar das disciplinas visou promover para os alunos do Ensino Médio uma maior valorização deste momento histórico e para os universitários visou envolvê-los na evolução da descoberta das ciências e da Química. A História da Ciência se pautou no viés da epistemologia, historiografia e ciências e sociedade e buscou-se um diálogo interdisciplinar em prol de um conhecimento mais consolidado e significativo. Observou-se ao final da execução deste trabalho que a busca literária foi difícil, pois as fontes primárias e secundárias focam-se muito no contexto histórico ou no científico, não fazendo uma interface entre ambos, e no que concernem as discussões em sala de aula desta temática com as mídias cinematográficas observou-se grande participação dos alunos e maior entendimento da importância das descobertas científicas desta Dinastia, uma vez que algumas perduram até os dias atuais, porém acredita-se que deveria ter mais tempo pra explorar essa interação entre as áreas.Palavras-chave: Dinastia; Ciências; Mídias.AbstractIn high school, it is easy to observe students with no motivation. The factors for this are several, however, in the educational context, we can mention the decontextualized curricular contents and the lack of “dialogue” between school subjects. This reality directly affects the understanding and learning of adolescents, since they do not relate science to the historical context, generating misconceptions and concepts regarding space-time and scientific discoveries. In this work we sought to promote a more tenuous relationship between Sciences: Chemistry and History: Tudor Dynasty, to understand the chemical and alchemical discoveries developed in this very important period of the Modern Age. This intertwining of the disciplines aimed to promote for High School students a greater appreciation of this historical moment and for university students it aimed to involve them in the evolution of the discovery of science and Chemistry. The History of Science was guided by the epistemology, historiography and sciences and society bias and an interdisciplinary dialogue was sought in favor of a more consolidated and meaningful knowledge. It was observed at the end of the execution of this work that the literary search was difficult, since the primary and secondary sources focus a lot on the historical or scientific context, not making an interface between both, and with regard to the discussions in the classroom of this theme with the cinematographic media there was a great participation of the students and a greater understanding of the importance of the scientific discoveries of this Dynasty, since some persist until the present days, however it is believed that there should be more time to explore this interaction between the areas. Keywords: Dynasty; Sciences; Media. 

2020 ◽  
Ornella MBANG NGUEMA ◽  
Reinne MOUTONGO ◽  
Bedrich PONGUI ◽  

Abstract Background: Early detection of hypertension is necessary to reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension in a high school students from Libreville, the capital city of Gabon and to identify their predisposing factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study carried out on a population of students enrolled in two establishments in Libreville during the 2018-2019 year school. Information of family history of hypertension, eating habits, consumption of alcohol and/or tobacco, taking oral contraception, age, gender, body mass index and blood pressure were collected. The NHBP and European Cardiology Society 2013 classifications were used for the analysis of blood pressure in children and young adults respectively.Results: A total of 613 students with mean age of 20.3 ± 2.5 years were included. The sex ratio was 2.3. The prevalence of hypertension was 19.4% and the predisposing factors were: obesity (OR: 2.62, [1.30-5.27]), overweight (OR: 2.52, [1.30-4.89]), male sex (OR: 2.13, [1.29-3.52]) and age over 18 (OR: 13.5, [6.6-27.4]). The prevalence of prehypertension was 23.0% and the predisposing factors were: obesity (OR: 4.38, [1.03-18.6]), overweight (OR: 2.16, [1.03-4.53]), the male sex (OR: 1.72, [1.10-2.78]) and the age below 18 years (OR: 1.21, [0, 57 to 2.56]). Conclusions: Hypertension and prehypertension are frequent in school students from Libreville. Awareness on predisposing factors and screening campaigns within school establishments are necessary to reduce complications in adulthood.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 754-760
Alparslan Ince ◽  

The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between physical education and sports high school students' positive thinking skill levels and attitudes of learning in terms of gender and years of doing sports. The study is a descriptive method, one of the quantitative research methods. The study group consisted of 280 (age: 20.98 ± 1.390) university students from School of Physical Education and Sports in Ordu university. As a result, it was concluded that the students' positive thinking skills were at a high level, and the nature of learning, anxiety, expectation, and openness to learning sub-dimensions of the attitude tolearning scale were at high levels. It was concluded that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between the nature of learning, Expectation, and openness to learning, and positive thinking skill from sub-dimensions of the attitude to learning scale, but there is a negatively significant relationship between anxiety and positive thinking skills

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