scholarly journals Makna Rumah Tangga dalam Lirik “Settle Down” Ciptaan Tetaz Francois Lois dan Johnson Kimbra Lee (The Meaning of Family in “Settle Down” Lyrics by Tetaz Francois Lois and Johnson Kimbra Lee)

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Hana Putri Lestari

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan makna rumah tangga dalam lirik “Settle Down” ciptaan Tetaz Francois Lois dan Johnson Kimbra Lee. Lagu dengan aliran freak folk ini menarik untuk diteliti karena makna liriknya dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam berumah tangga untuk tidak terlalu berekspetasi pada seseorang. Lirik lagu “Settle Down” mengisahkan ekspektasi, realita, serta problematika rumah tangga itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui pendekatan analisis wacana. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. van Dijk. Poin-poin analisis penelitian ini di antaranya struktur makro (tematik), superstruktur (skematik), dan struktur mikro (semantik, sintaksis, dan stilistik). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lirik lagu “Settle Down” memiliki premis klise rumah tangga yang ideal bagi seorang perempuan. Adapun makna rumah tangga dalam lirik “Settle Down” terdiri atas ekspektasi atau harapan, ancaman, dan realita atau kenyataan. This research describes the meaning of family in “Settle Down” lyrics by Tetaz Francois Lois and Johnson Kimbra Lee. This freak folk song is interesting to study because the meaning of the lyrics can be used as a guide in family affairs. “Settle Down”’s lyrics tell expectations, realities, and problems of the household itself. This research is a literature research with a descriptive qualitative method. The theory of this research is Teun A. van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis. The analysis points of this research are macrostructure (thematic), superstructure (schematic), and microstructure (semantics, syntax, and stylistic). The results showed that “Settle Down”’s lyrics have a cliché premise, woman’s expectations for the ideal family. Family in “Settle Down” lyrics represents expectation or hope, threat, and reality.

Humaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 311
Rahayu Fitri ◽  
Wahyudi Rahmat

The purposes of this research were to describe the marginalized of the murder news and the process of inclusion of the murder news in the Posmetro Padang daily newspaper. The research applied a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research was the inclusion strategy of the murder news in the paper. This occurred through three strategies; they were the differentiation strategy, objectivation-abstraction, and assimilation-individualization. The results of this research are the most journalists of murder news in Posmetro Padang daily newspaper try impartially and the perpetrators, as if the offender is a party that is good and right, while those who fall victim as a marginalized and regarded as the bad news. The inclusion of seven murders news that has been analyzed and published in the Posmetro Padang daily newspaper.

Epigram ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Yoyok Sabar Waluyo

AbstractThis article tries to present and explore a response of PP Muhammadiyah to MUI’s fatwa about freedom and comfortable worship in approaching the Christmas Day. The news text is published online media of dated November 21st, 2016. The fatwa states that moslems are banned using attribute of celebrating the Christmas Day. This regards for giving a right of belief conducting. The issue causes some differences responses among people and organizations. The text will be explored using a critical discourse analysis in the viewpoint of systemic functional linguistic approach to analysis. This article uses a descriptive – qualitative method to make obvious and easy in understanding the analysis. This article found some data, i.e. words and clauses representing the aims and function of the fatwa, as well as a critic. The data conveys the proven that the fatwa is on the right track to reveal the freedom and comfortable worship. This article exposes the argument and suggestion following the fatwaKeywords: CDA, SFL, freedom, comfortable worship, fatwa, moslemAbstrakPenelitian ini dilalukan berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan pada tahun 2010 yang berjudul “Kekerapan Penggunaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Teknik yang digunakan Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Elektro”. Penelitian ini dibertujuan untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk berlatih kosakata bahasa Inggris Teknik. Karena hasil penelitian ini berupa perangkat lunak maka perangkat ini dapat digunakan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Perangkat ini terdiri dari 3 bagian latihan. Dan pada akhirnya diberikan hasil evaluasi dengan sistem penilain. Hal ini akan memotivasi mahasiswa untuk belajar lebih giat lagi.Kata Kunci: kosakata bahasa Inggris teknik, perangkat lunak, mudah dibawa

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Ani Maghfiroh ◽  
Sulis Triyono

This study purposes to uncover the symbolic ideology and the structures of the speech discourse delivered by the current new-inaugurated educational and cultural minister; Nadiem Makarim on National Teacher’s Day. The descriptive qualitative method was employed to shed a light on the interpretation and finding of the study whilst the model of van Dijk in CDA was used to identify and answer the problems. The data were totally elicited from the speech text whilst it was as well used as subject of the study. The documentation method was applied and the data were afterwards expounded descriptively. The finding denotes that of the speech discourse’s structures including macro, micro, and supra, the speech is perceived to have certain language style usage by underlying topic of speech on conveying the mission of providing a change towards Indonesia’s Better Education. In addition, the ideology is as well indicated in ways behind the structures organized. The macro structure puts the ideology beneath the theme and the topic which are in the forms of ideology purposed as system of beliefs and system of actions. In essence, the tendency of the ideology lies on the aspect of speech theme in which it was utilized to invite (deliberately aimed) the educators and all parts getting involved in education realm and to believe and to act as what was expected.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Zahra Rahmi Fatmawati ◽  
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono ◽  
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono

This thesis is entitled “Power of Sakdiyah Ma’ruf in Stand-Up Comedy through Appraisal Approach”. There are two objectives in this study: to describe the Appraisal system of Attitude and to analyze the realization of power in Sakdiyah Ma’ruf stand-up comedy at TEDxUbud on May 2016. The analysis is based on the theory of appraisal by Martin and White (2005) and critical discourse analysis, especially power by Fairclough (1989). The researcher used descriptive qualitative method to describe the realization of Appraisal’s Attitude and power of each utterances of the written transcription of the video of Sakdiyah Ma’ruf’s stand-up comedy. The researcher found that there are 35 Appraisal system of Attitude which consist of 6 affect (17.14%), 13 judgment (37.14%) and 16 appreciation (45.71%). In terms of gradability, there are 2 low-graded of attitude, 15 medium-graded of attitude and 18 high-graded on. The researcher uses the gradability system of attitude to consider the power of the speaker in her stand-up comedy. Sakdiyah use more than 50% of high-graded attitude which means that she shows herself as a powerful person and has higher position than the hearer.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 336-343
Dian Handayani ◽  
Heriyanto Heriyanto ◽  
Ypsi Soeria Soemantri

The aim of this research is to analyze and find out the ways used by Trump in delivering his political speech, based on Fairclough’s three dimension framework (1995). The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research is a set of transcription extracted from Trump’s speech published on December 8th, 2017 on youtube, which theme of the speech is Trump’s statement about Jerussalem being the capital of Israel. The research uses Fairclough theory. Since there are three dimension frameworks of the critical discourse analysis; first, a text or description (speech, writing, vicual images or a combination of these). Second, a discursive pratice or interpretation which involves the production and consumption of the texts. Third, a social practice or explanation of the discourse. Based on the theory, this research found some results that had been gained from Trump political speech; The ways of delivering this speech were vocabulary, voice, mood and transitivity.  This speech conveyed meaning as persuading, criticism, constrastive participant, power, authority, allusion, claim, that were implicitly contained in this speech

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1085
Irma Suryani ◽  
Kamiyatein Kamiyatein ◽  
Julisah Izar

This study aims to examine the construction of the exclusion strategy used by Watchdoc in The Mahuzes documenter film. The data used in this research is the text of the speech in the film obtained from the transcripts.The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with Van Leeuwen approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The result showed that Watchdoc used passivation and nominalization strategies to eliminating social actors in the film trough narrative descriptions, journalists speech, and adat community stories. Watchdoc uses the form of passivation dijadikan, dibongkar, dibersihkan and nominalization perebutan, penggusuran, andpembongkaran to criticize government policies and corporate industrial activities in Papua. By eliminating the actors in the film, the audience will think critically about the people involved in events and circumstances that are destrimental to adat community in Papua.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Indah Mustika Santhi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanbagaimana kematian Putri Diana direpresentasikan oleh The Daily Mail dalam artikelartikelpemberitaannya melalui dimensi tekstual dan juga memaparkan cara pandang TheDaily Mail sebagai pelaku media konspirasi pada praktik kerjanya terkait berita kematianPutri Diana dalam dimensi sosiokultural. Objek penelitian ini adalah The Daily Mail, salahsatu tabloid harian terbesar di Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode kualitatif, analisis deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritisFairclough (1995), disertai dengan beberapa teori pendukung lainnya, seperti teori klausasebagai representasi Halliday (2004), teori konspirasi Feaster (2008), Birchall (2006),Barkun (2003), Hodapp dan von Kannun (2008). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa representasi kematian Putri Diana dalam dimensi tekstual didapat melalui prosesmaterial, proses mental, proses relasional, proses verbal, dan proses eksistensial yangterdapat dalam artikel-artikel The Daily Mail. Sementara itu, cara pandang The Daily Mailsebagai pelaku media konspirasi atas berita kematian Putri Diana didapat melalui prosestataran sosial, tataran institusional, tataran sosial pada dimensi praktik sosiokultural.Kata Kunci: Transitivitas, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Media konspirasi.ABSTRACTThis thesis is entitled “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. This thesis is aimed to describe therepresentation of Princess Diana’s death and The Daily Mail’s perspective as a mediaconspiracy actor through textual and sociocultural dimension. The object of this thesis isThe Daily Mail, one of the widest national daily newspapers in England. The method that isused in this thesis is a qualitative method, a descriptive analytic method. The writer uses thecritical discourse analysis theory of Fairclough (1995) and some other supported theories,such as clause as representation theory by Halliday (2004), the conspiracy theory by Feaster(2008), Birchall (2006), Barkun (2003), Hodapp and von Kannun (2008). The result of thisresearch shows that the representation in textual dimension that appear on Princess Diana’sdeath is derived from material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, andexistential process. While The Daily Mail’s perspective on Princess Diana’s death is derivedfrom situational level, institutional level and social level of sociocultural practice dimension.Keywords: Transitivity, Critical Discourse Analysis, Media Conspiracy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah

Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis secara kritis visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia versi 4 International Colleges & Universities. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis wacana kritis yang mengacu pada teori Michel Foucault. Teori analisis wacana Foucault mengacu pada wacana sebagai alat bagi kepentingan kekuasaan, hegemoni, dominasi budaya, dan ilmu pengetahuan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi tersebut mengandung unsur-unsur yang sejalan dengan fungsi wacana menurut Foucault. Hal tersebut didasari pada visi dan misi setiap perguruan tinggi yang memiliki tujuan mengembangkan institusi berkelas internasional, namun tetap dengan berdasar pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang berakar pada budaya lokal. Kata kunci: wacana, visi, misi, perguruan tinggi Abstract: This article aims to critically analyze the vision and mission of the 10 best universities in Indonesia version of 4 International Colleges & Universities. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. This research is a critical discourse analysis that refers to Michel Foucault's theory. Foucault's theory of discourse analysis refers to discourse as a tool for the interests of power, hegemony, cultural domination, and science. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the vision and mission of the 10 universities contained elements that were in line with the discourse function according to Foucault. This is based on the vision and mission of each college that has the aim of developing international-class institutions, but still based on the development of science rooted in local culture. Keywords: discourse, vision, mission, college

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 213
Atin Fitriana

<p>The Javanese culture has a specific perspective on the ideal figure of women. This perspective is generally manifested in the classical texts, for example, in Serat Wulang Putri Adisara. Written by Nyi Adisara. Serat Wulang Putri contains the teachings for royal daughters in living their life as Javanese women based on Javanese teachings. In this manuscript, the readers can see the women figure portrayed from the perspective of a woman writer. This paper discusses the ideal women’s discourse in Serat Wulang Putri using the approach of critical discourse analysis from van Dijk. The analysis is conducted by considering the text’s microstructure, macrostructure, and cultural context. Through the analysis, we can see the ideal discourse of Javanese women based on Serat Wulang Putri. Furthermore, the text discusses women as figures who must pay attention to their attitudes and behavior, and can control their hearts, minds, and feelings. In this case, the author uses the male point of view to describe the characteristics of ideal Javanese women. Javanese women are also described as a weak figure and must obey what men command or expect from them.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Enita Istriwati

In one of the 13 October 2016 news, this Detiknews media online shows certain ideology to the 2017 Jakarta Governor Election. To find out the ideology or the perspective of the media to the election, the writer analyzes the news text using critical discourse analysis theory of Norman Fairclough. Yet, the writer limits the analysis only on the description of the vocabulary, grammatical, and textual structure. The study uses a descriptive qualitative method, while the data is analyzed by using the equivalent method. The equivalent method is used to analyze the meaning of vocabulary, phrase, or sentences in the article. The data is collected by using deep-listening and note-taking techniques. The analysis result shows that Detiknews media online in “Panasnya Pilgub DKI: Ada Upaya Serius Ganjal Agus-Sylvi, Ada yang panik?” of 13 October 2016 uses vocabulary of expression to attract readers. It also uses many active sentences. As in textual structure, the text has been affected situationally, socially, and institutionally. 

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