Development of new technologies for sorting of fibrous cotton stalks by the combined method “ADAU” and production of sowing material

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (09) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Şahlar Mahmud oğlu Babayev ◽  
Camaləddin Ələkbər oğlu Məmmədov ◽  
Səfiyyə İbrahim qızı Məhərrəmova ◽  

The article is devoted to the development of technologies for the production of quality sowing material, which is the main problem of cotton growing, which has a greater share in the agricultural sector, which is the basis of the economy of the republic. For this purpose, a new technology for the production of sowing material was developed as a result of the selection of biologically mature yarns during the combined sorting of fibrous cotton yarns, as well as processing of these yarns by the proposed method, and two positive decisions were made by the Intellectual Property Agency. In addition to the mentioned advantages of the proposed technology, the use of low-percentage starch solution, as well as absorbents with high absorption capacity (zeolite or bentonite) in the country to improve the quality of sowing material in the production of sowing material as a result of processing raw materials. indicates that it has indicators. Key words: fiber, cotton, yarn, combined, sorting, sowing material, production, technology

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-303
Kamaridin Urinovich Komilov, Aypara Djoldasova Kurbanova, Gafurjan Israilovich Muhamedov

The possibility of using bulk waste of the chemical industry - phosphogypsum as a useful resource is considered. The results of scientific research and practical experience convincingly proved the technical feasibility and feasibility of using phosphogypsum in the national economy instead of traditional types of natural raw materials. A brief description of phosphogypsum, promising areas for its processing, and some statistics are presented. The article is about the use of chemical ameliorant based on phosphogypsum for effective feedingin various soil and climatic zones for cereals, vegetables, industrial and other crops, to increase the yield of cotton and the technological quality of its fiber. That the use of phosphogypsum as a chemical ameliorant improves the chemical, physical and water-physical properties of saline soils. The article describes a new technology of cotton sowing in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The technology of soil treatment and methods of measuring for preventing crust formation are analyzed. The used mechanisms, units and are justified.

Б.С. Мухан ◽  
А.М. Есиркепова ◽  
А.С. Тулеметова ◽  
B. Mukhan ◽  
A. Yessirkepova ◽  

Мақалада тежеуші факторларды ескере отырып, жеңіл өнеркәсіптің отандық нарығын дамытудың басым бағыттары қарастырылған. Елдің экономикалық және стратегиялық қауіпсіздігі негізінде жеңіл өнеркәсіптің дамуын зерттеген ғалымдардың еңбектеріне басты назар аударылған.Статистикалық деректерді талдау барысында жеңіл өнеркәсіп құрылымындағы ең үлкен үлес салмақты тоқыма саласының өнімдері алып отырғаны, ал киім өндірісі соңғы жылдары өз орнын жоғалтқаны анықталды. Жеңіл өнеркәсіп кәсіпорындары Қазақстан Республикасының барлық өңірлерінде орналасқан, өйткені олар көптеген сабақтас салалармен байланысты және бүкіл халық шаруашылығы кешеніне қызмет көрсетеді.Авторлардың пікірінше, жеңіл өнеркәсіп нарығында саланы дамытудың негізгі жүйелі мәселелері бар: жеңіл өнеркәсіптің технологиялық артта қалуы; ішкі нарықтағы отандық тауарлардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігінің төмендігі; электрондық сауда нарығының дамымауы; импорттық шикізатқа тәуелділік; саланың инновациялық қызметінің төмен деңгейі; тауарлар сапасының сатып алушылардың қажеттіліктеріне сәйкес келмеуі.Мақала авторлары Қазақстан Республикасының жеңіл өнеркәсіп нарығын одан әрі дамыту бойынша нақты ұсыныстар берген: жаңа технологиялар мен инновацияларға ақша салу; тауарларды жылжыту және тұтынушылардың қалауын анықтау үшін әлеуметтік желілерді пайдалану; тауарларды өткізу үшін электрондық бизнес модельдерін қолдану. The article considers the priority directions of development of the domestic light industry market, taking into account the constraints. The main attention is paid to the works of scientists who consider the development of light industry in the context of economic and strategic security of the country. The analysis of statistical data revealed that the largest share in the structure of light industry is occupied by textile products and clothing production has lost its position in recent years. Light industry enterprises are located in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as they are connected with many related industries and serve the entire national economic complex. According to the authors, the light industry market has the main systemic problems in the development of the industry: technological backwardness of light industry; weak competitiveness of domestic goods in the domestic market; underdevelopment of the e-Commerce market; dependence on imported raw materials; low level of innovation in the industry; discrepancy in the quality of goods to the needs of customers. The authors of the article give specific recommendations for the further development of the light industry market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: to invest money in new technologies and innovations; to use social networks to promote products and find out consumer preferences of buyers; to apply e-business models for the sale of goods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-29

The aim of this work is to create new veterinary products for agriculture based on local raw materials, to develop a highly efficient technology for their production. Waste from the production of medamine produced in the pilot production of the Institute of Plant Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The process of synthesis of 5-nitro-2-acetylaminobenzimidazole was studied by one-factor experiments. The structure of the obtained product was investigated by IR, Mass, 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy. The main factors influencing the process of obtaining 5-nitro-2-acetylaminobenzimidazole were revealed. On the basis of the obtained research results, a technological scheme for the preparation of 5-nitro-2-acetylaminobenzimidazole was developed. Works of selection of equipment, installation of a pilot plant, commissioning and testing of the technology for the production of 5-nitro-2-acetylaminobenzimidazole have been carried out. Experience samples of the product have been received for biological testing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-130
Marko Vidmar ◽  
Marino Žagar ◽  
Mile Perić

This paper deals with the topic of a modern electronic toll collection system that will be applied in the Republic of Croatia from the year 2022 onwards. The paper primarily analyses the existing toll collection systems in Croatia, as well as in the European Union. Modern electronic toll collection systems were analysed with an emphasis on the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system, because ANPR technology will be used in Croatia after the restructuring of road traffic occurs. ANPR is not a new technology, however in the last twenty years it has found its wider application. This happened mostly thanks to local and global infrastructural development and technological improvements therefore in turn infrastructure required for the operation of this system became cheaper. By applying the ETC and ANPR, Croatia will have a system in line with European directives and practices which are being applied in other European countries. The system will in turn significantly raise the quality of road traffic in Croatia and reduce its costs.

Nafta-Gaz ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 208-214
Michał Pajda ◽  
Wojciech Mazela ◽  

The aim of the work was to present the issue of eco-efficiency, based on the PN-EN ISO 14045:2012 standard in relation to the production of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The ecoefficiency analysis takes into account economic and environmental aspects in the improvement of products and processes / technologies. Eco-efficiency considers the product and technology throughout the life cycle, from the construction phase, through use to decommissioning. The impact on the natural environment is assessed on the basis of: consumption of energy, materials, dust and gas emissions, waste and sewage. Total costs include: production costs, raw material costs, costs during the use phase including maintenance, repair and operating costs, product disposal or recycling. The eco-efficiency analysis is helpful in making decisions regarding the selection of a new product or designing a new technology, and enables the selection of the variant that is the most economical and has the least possible impact on the natural environment. These issues are particularly important in the case of biofuels. The rapid growth of their production and the European Union’s policy, which aims to increase the share of energy from renewable sources, cause concerns of many experts regarding the threats related to the production of biofuels, both for the environment and food security. In particular, efforts are made to minimize the amount of waste and residues by implementing the idea of a circular economy. This approach promotes the development of new technologies that are more environmentally friendly. Due to the regulations set out in the RED and RED II Directives, there is a chance that the biofuels will have a less negative impact on the environment. This results from the obligation to certify compliance with the sustainability criteria, which is carried out by voluntary systems recognized by the European Commission, such as the KZR INiG System.

2020 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 01005
Aigerim Kazhmuratova ◽  
Sandigul Akhmetkaliyeva ◽  
Aigul Boltaeva ◽  
Aisulu Moldabekova

This article discusses the widespread use by countries of environmental innovations and new technologies, which will soon bring serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind. The need for radical changes in methods and means of environmental protection, which reduce the technological impact on the biosphere of the earth, and contributing to the preservation of human health, is shown. Under the conditions of technoglobalism, the development of environmental innovations brings serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind, the transition of national economies to a system of qualitatively safe energy and environmental development. This is due to the fact that the planning and implementation of the material progress of society often does not take into account the ecological foundations of the coexistence of society and the environment. The modern concept of quality of life covers all aspects of the interaction between man and the environment, and ecology is becoming a priority for the development of innovative economies in developed countries. In this context, Kazakhstan intends to continue to work to stimulate and encourage innovation and investment in the environmentally friendly production of goods and services, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and apply climate-resilient technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 03002
Gulzira Zhaxygulova ◽  
Maiya Myrzabekova ◽  
Guzel Sadykova

Beet sugar production is one of the material-intensive industries, where the volume of raw and auxiliary materials used in production is several times higher than the output of finished products. It is also a source of multi-tonnage secondary resources, i.e. by-products and production waste, the main ones beingAbeet pulp, molasses and filtration sludge. Against the background of the implementation of the Sectoral Program of Beet Sugar Production Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2027, there is a need to create a concept of ecologization of production, which will provide for the development of fundamentally new technologies to ensure minimum waste, combining environmentally friendly methods with cost-effective production of sugar beet and by-products. The bet should be made on low-cost technologies that will minimize production costs and environmental impact. In this article possible variants of sugar beet processing technologies with complex deep processing of waste are offered. The comparison of traditional technology and various variants of progressive technologies of sugar beet processing and production of new products from secondary resources was carried out, which allowed to determine revenue from complex processing of 1 ton of sugar beet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 86-93

The author examines the problems that have arisen in food market: rising food prices, restrictions on the supply of agricultural raw materials due to the coronavirus pandemic around the world. It is shown that in Kazakhstan the size of GDP for 8 months of 2020 decreased in relation to the same period in 2019 by 3%. The statistical data on changes in the level of development of sectors of the national economy for August 2020, the amount of gross output of agriculture, forestry and fishery in the republic are presented. State measures to support farmers in the current situation have been substantiated. Literary sources are summarized with emphasis on the importance and role of attracting foreign capital to agricultural sector. The analysis of investment projects for production, processing and storage of agricultural products is carried out on the example of Almaty region. Foreign investors who, together with the participation of government agencies, allocate material resources for modernization, reconstruction, construction of new factories and agricultural complexes are presented. At the same time, great attention is paid to increasing the efficiency of production facilities and innovative agricultural technologies. Subsectors of agriculture have been identified, where investments in this region are involved as a priority. The barriers and problems of limiting foreign investment in agro-industrial complex during the period of "COVID 19" are identified: uncertainty of continuation of the pandemic, the volatility of world oil prices, trade wars and sanctions, dollarization of the economy, etc. Recommendations and prospects for improving the implementation of investment projects are presented.

Atoosa Gholamhosseinian ◽  
Adel Sepehr

Soil is the major natural resource on which human life depends for the production of food, feed, fiber, renewable energy and raw materials, as well as the protection of the planet’s natural ecosystems and climate system. Increasing soil degradation and subsequent ecosystem degradation is a current concern in agriculture and the environment. Soil degradation poses many challenges to feed the world’s growing population. This food insecurity will also reduce the income of the agricultural sector, which will lead to a decrease in economic income. Soil degradation will lead to environmental threats, the extinction of animals and plants, the reduction of biodiversity, water loss, and disruption of water and carbon cycles. The use of new technologies such as biological crusts has provided great hope for the recovery and restoration of degraded ecosystems. Inoculation of biological crusts, especially cyanobacteria, has had positive results on improving soil conditions and restoration degraded soils. In this article, has been introduced the biocrusts communities considering cyanobacteria species to restore degraded soils. We reported the results of cyanobacteria applications in soil conservation in arid environments of Iran.

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