scholarly journals Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Karya Dr. D. Hidayat

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-257
Mabrurrosi Mabrurrosi

Books are an integral part of teaching and learning activities. So far, textbooks have become the most widely used media in transferring knowledge and knowledge to students. However, the ability to compile books properly and according to the mandate of the curriculum cannot be done by everyone. Therefore, it requires exposure and content analysis in textbooks. In this research, the learning content contained in the Arabic language book by Dr. D. Hidayat for grade 6 MI. This study aims to describe the content of teaching materials and identify them according to the principles of teaching material analysis so that teachers can see the strengths and weaknesses of the book.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 1056
Dince Avia Kormasela ◽  
Dawud Dawud ◽  
AH. Rofi’uddin

<p class="Abstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> Teaching materials are a very important learning tool to support learning activities and are arranged systematically so that they can be used in teaching and learning activities. Basically, instructional materials compiled include knowledge and skills and contain information, facts, concepts and learning objectives. The teaching material developed in this study was writing a text for procedures containing Maluku local wisdom. Teaching materials that have been prepared display a variety of Maluku local wisdom formed in the procedural text of each unit. Text that contain step or steps that must be done to get the final destination is known as the procedure text.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Bahan ajar adalah sebuah alat pembelajaran yang sangat penting untuk menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran dan disusun dengan sistematis sehingga dapat dipergunakan pada kegiatan belajar mengajar. Pada dasarnya, bahan disusun mencakup pengetahuan maupun keterampilan dan berisi informasi, fakta, konsep, dan tujuan pembelajaran. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah menulis teks prosedur bermuatan kearifan lokal Maluku. Bahan ajar yang telah disusun menampilkan beragam kearifan lokal Maluku yang dibentuk dalam teks prosedur pada setiap unit. Teks yang berisi tahapan atau langkah yang wajib dilakukan guna mendapatkan tujuan akhir dikenal dengan nama teks prosedur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Safrudin Sagaf ◽  
Muhammad Nasir Tamalene ◽  
Vrita Tri Ariyuni ◽  
Muhamad Ihsan Azhim ◽  
Rahma Musyawarah

1. The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Product of teaching material (module) of Basic Pedosphere geography in SMA Negeri 5 Ternate by using education based on local advantage 2). To know the feasibility of product of teaching materials (module) of geography at SMA Negeri 5 Kota Teranate. Data collection using intrument in the form of questionnaire,, questionnaire that used consist of two part that is part I in the form of assessment questionnaire and part II in the form of suggestion sheet and comment from validator. Data were analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of the research shows that (1) The compilation of geography-based teaching materials based on local advantage in the form of module to facilitate teaching and learning activities for teachers and students in SMA and MA Class X especially in SMA Negeri 5 Ternate. (2) used in high school and MA Class X especially in SMA Negeri 5 Ternate City..

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Karliana Indrawari ◽  
Sayyid Habiburrahman

Abstract: The teaching materials of Islamic Education in Public Universities in South Sumatra almost all refer to the existing curriculum, but the sources of material in the verses of the Qur’an are still minimal. In fact, it’s time to introduce the contents of the verses of the Qur’an to students. In this study, the author feels the need to develop Islamic religious education materials in public universities that have existed in South Sumatra into a teaching material for Islamic Education, which later can be used as a guide in teaching and learning activities. The procedure for developing teaching materials is analysis, planning, developing, evaluation, and revision. The results of this development are expected that Tridinanti, Stifi, Bina Dharma and UIGM universities have a source of guidance for lecturers and students in teaching and learning activities, making it easier for students to understand and explore the contents of the Qur’an, add insight and innovation to scientific thinking and education enrich the treasure and give new colors to the material of Islamic Education in public universities. ملخّص: مدّة التّعليم التّبية الإسلاميّة في جامعة العّامة بسمطرة الجنوبية تقريبا كلّهم قد اشار إلى التّخطيط الموجودة. ولكنّ فى الحقيقة منذ الآن. يعلم العلم القرآنيّة إلى الطّلاب الجامعة. في هذا البحث يحتاج الكاتب إلى التطوير في مدّة التّبية الإسلاميّة في جامعة الموجودة بسمطرة الجنوبيّة ليكون مدّة التّعليم الاسلاميّة. الّذي بعده يستطيع أن يكون اسوة في برنامج التعليم المتعلم. وأمّا طريقة التّطوير المدّة التّعلّم هم التّحليل، التّخطيط، التّطوير، التّقويم ومراجعة. ان يملك  UIGM و ،Tridinanti، Stifi، Bina Dharma وحاصل من هذا التّطوير يرجى إلى الجامعة ممنوع العلوم لمحاصر والطّلاب في برنامج التّعليم و المتعلم لتسهيل الطّلاب في تفهيم علوم القرآن. وتزديد العلوم وإبكار التّفكّر العلميّة في علوم التّبيّة وتكثير الخزانة تلوين الموجودة في مدّة التربيّة الإسلاميّة بجامعة العّامة.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Amanee Abdul Hai ◽  
Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin ◽  
Ahmad Abdul Rahman ◽  
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud

This study is designed to present a web 2.0 application that provides multimedia and animated video known as GoAnimate.Com which has been used as a learning activity tool directly in Arabic teaching and learning (T&L) process. This activity was implemented in the class whereby the students were actively involved as practitioners and the teachers played the role as facilitators. The guidance to use GoAnimate.Com was explained to students by teachers before dividing them into groups. Each group were asked to prepare an animated video containing simple Arabic conversation using GoAnimate.Com application. Quantitative method was utilized  to make this study successful by using the instrument of questioners prepared to identify students’ perception towards GoAnimate.Com application and their preference of using this application in Arabic T&L at  University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). The result of this study has indicated  that student’s perception towards GoAnimate.Com application in learning Arabic is high with the overall mean score of 4.05. This study has shown  that the usage of GoAnimate.Com can increase students’ engagement and involvement in learning Arabic. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the outcome  of this study  can provide an alternative approach and various strategies in Arabic T&L towards Education 4.0 in the Forth Industrial Revolution era (IR4.0).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Nurul Hikmah

The development of Arabic teaching materials is very important so that the material taught is in accordance with the goals and learning outcomes of students. the author uses research and development methods in developing teaching materials at madrasah ibtidaiyah. The material developed by the researcher is the Kitabah learning material in the first grade of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in order to train students' ability to write Arabic. Hijaiyah letters are letters or characters used in Arabic that generally known to be 28 letters, and have different shapes according to the position of aletters in a word that is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, and the original letters that stand alone. students are required to be able to write Arabic correctly according to the rules of writing Arabic letters. The material must be accompanied by enough exercises. The design of the Arabic language teaching material model that will be developed in this study consists of: (1) needs analysis, (2) the process of drafting a model consisting of an analysis of learning conditionsnamely the analysis of learning objectives and sources, the development steps consisting of:from the activities of formulating SK-KD, compiling the syllabus, determining the method and media and develop evaluation instruments and measures for measuring results study. (3) compiling a draft of teaching materials consisting of an introduction, instructions for using materials and book instructions, analysis of learning programs and learning activities. All of these were formulated by the researchers in a single unit of teaching material consisting of: content, exercises and evaluations. The design of this teaching material model is only limited to designs compiled based on research introduction To test the effectiveness of the success of this material against students' language skills need further research.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Syamsuyurnita Syamsuyurnita ◽  
Dewi Kesuma Nasution

This study aims to describe the process of developing teaching materials by using Glasser model in the Indonesian language course in FKIP UMSU. The sample of the research is 34-second semester A morning students in the Study Program of Language and Literature of Indonesia, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah, Sumatera Utara. The questionnaire instrument was used to determine the student's response and activeness to the developed teaching material, the observation sheet used to know the condition of the students in the learning process, and the validation sheet instrument used for the development of teaching materials based on SAP using Glasser model. The result of descriptive research on student's response shows that 100% of students were happy about the teaching materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Teaching Materials, Guided Exercises and Lecture Strategies) and 91.66% of students think that the teaching materials are new to them. After using the teaching materials developed by the researcher and following the teaching and learning activities, students (100%) are interested in following the next lesson, the readability of the language of the learning material is easy to understand (91.66%) and the guidance given by the lecturer is clear (100%). While the self-employed activity is fun for students (91.66%). Students activity in learning activities was shown by their involvement in problem solving, his involvement in carrying out learning tasks, assessing his ability, digging and developing his own knowledge. Based on the validation sheet on the test of learning result 1 obtained information that from the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP I and SAP II there is 1 learning objectives that have not yet completed. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of the test results of learning 2 it was obtained that the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP III and SAP IV was finished learning objective.

Ahmad Rois ◽  
Rifqi Aulia Rahman

The purpose of this research is to develop humanism-based Arabic language teaching materials, which are the vision and mission of the Wonosobo Al-Qur'an Science University. This textbook will be used to enhance the sense of humanism in UNSIQ students. The method in this study is Research and Development (R&D), which is by developing Arabic language teaching materials based on humanism, which form the basis of vision in UNSIQ universities. This teaching material is not just a textbook but by using the humanism approach that has been implemented at the university. This research step consists of: (1) proposing information, (2) conducting design, (3) developing original product forms, (4) conducting limited trials, (5) conducting revisions, (6) conducting field trials, (7) ) make revisions. Textbooks developed were validated by experts and students during the trial. The subjects of this research trial were PAI students in class A and PAI class B in semester 4 of the Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty of UNSIQ, Central Java in Wonosobo. Limited trials were conducted on 14 students. Field trials were conducted on two classes consisting of 30 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. Data was collected using validation sheets, observation sheets, and assessment sheets.The results of this research and development are. (1) The model of teaching material developed is Arabic teaching material based on humanism, which is used as the vision of the Al-Qur'an Science University (UNSIQ). Textbooks that are developed are in accordance with established criteria. The assessment of teaching materials and tools from all aspects falls into the "very goodcategory." (2) after using teaching materials that are developed on the basis of humanism, it enhances student's living values compared to before using textbook development materials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 662
Johri Sabaryati ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  
M. Isnaini ◽  
Abdul Manan

ABSTRAKDitengah merebah wabah Covid-19 ini,kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah sangat tidak efektif. Fasilitas internet yang dimiliki oleh sekolah belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal, karena penggunaannya masih terbatas pada kegiatan mencari sumber referensi dan penambahan bahan ajar.Padahal kehadiran internet memmiliki dampak positif yaitu lebih dimudahkannya proses belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa. Penggunaan aplikasi  multimedia interaktif online dapat mempermudah para siswa dapat mengakses secara online dari berbagai tempat. Sehingga dapat menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi kondisi siswa yang diliburkan karena kasus covid-19. Guru dan siswa masih bisa tetap melakukan pembelajaran dengan tetap stay at home untuk kebaikan dan kesehatan bersama. Dalam multimedia interaktif online (MI-O) ini terdapat tugas proyek. sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, meningkatkan kecakapan kolaboratif, meningkatkan keterampilan mengelola sumber. Siswa dan guru tidak perlu hadir secara fisik di kelas (classroom meeting), karena siswa dapat mempelajari bahan ajar dan mengerjakan tugas-tugas pembelajaran serta ujian dengan cara mengakses jaringan komputer yang telah ditetapkan secara online. Pada Pembuatan MI-O ini berjalan sangat antusias karena banyak guru belum familiar mendengar istilah Adobe Animate CC dan Web Hosting SWF sehingga terbentuk komunitas belajar aktif untuk kegiatan pembelajaran. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan di MTs NW Putra Narmada Desa Lembuak Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat NTB. Kata kunci: belajar aktif; multimedia interaktif online; berbasis proyek ABSTRACTIn the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, teaching and learning activities in schools are very ineffective. Internet facilities that are owned by schools have not been utilized optimally, because their use is still limited to finding reference sources and adding teaching materials. Even though the presence of the internet has a positive impact, namely making the teaching and learning process easier between teachers and students. The use of online interactive multimedia applications can make it easier for students to access online from various places. So that it can be a solution to overcome the conditions of students who were closed due to the Covid-19 case. Teachers and students can still learn by staying at home for the common good and health. In this online interactive multimedia (MI-O) there are project tasks. thus increasing problem-solving skills, increasing collaborative skills, improving resource management skills. Students and teachers do not need to be physically present in class (classroom meeting), because students can study teaching materials and do learning assignments and exams by accessing predefined computer networks online. The MI-O was very enthusiastic because many teachers were not familiar with the terms ADOBE ANIMATE CC and WEB HOTING SWF so that an active learning community was formed for learning activities. This community service activity was carried out at MTs NW Putra Narmada, Lembuak Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency, NTB. Keywords: active learning; online interactive multimedia; project based.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Fitrawati Fitrawati ◽  
Witri Oktavia

This article presents a part of a study conducted to develop multimedia based teaching material for Grammar 3. It aims at describing needs and problems of students in learning Grammar 3 through a descriptive study. The data were gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the students who have taken Grammar 3 course. The result of the research conveys that 1) there is a gap between the objective of Grammar 3 course and the students’ achievement in the class, 2) students get the problems in understanding Grammar 3 due to inappropriate teaching materials used in teaching and learning process, and 3) the students need a multimedia based teaching materials to improve their understanding and achievement in Grammar 3 course.Key words/phrases:teaching material development, multimedia, need analysis, Grammar 3 APAKAH MAHASISWA MEMBUTUHKAN MATERI AJAR GRAMMAR 3 BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA?AbstrakArtikel ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari rangkaian penelitian pengembangan materi ajar Grammar 3 berbasis multimedia. Penelitian deskrptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan masalah dan kebutuhan mahasiswa terhadap materi Grammar 3. Oleh karena itu, data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang disebar kepada seluruh mahasiswa yang telah mengambil mata kuliah Grammar 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) adanya ketimpangan antara tujuan pembelajaran Grammar 3 dan kemampuan yang dikuasai mahasiswa; 2) mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi Grammar 3 karena kurang memadainya materi yang digunakan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar; dan 3) mahasiswa membutuhkan materi ajar berbasis multimedia yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mereka pada materi Grammar 3.Kata Kunci/frase: pengembangan materi ajar, multimedia, analisis kebutuhan, Grammar 3

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