2019 ◽  
pp. 184-195
Hanna Pantsyreva

The present state of the trends of the use of annual flower-ornamental crops in the Podillya region is analyzed and their promise for landscaping of the park zone of VNAU is determined. The most promising species and varieties of the cultures of the Astra family (Asteraceae L.) were studied and investigated: Medicinal leeches (Calendula officinalis L.), Zinnia aqnustifollia H., Rootsters (Tagetes erecta L.) and Astra annalistic (Callistephus chinensis L.), – ecologically plastic plants, resistant to limiting environmental factors and with long decorative properties during the growing season. The most promising varieties of domestic selection for the creation of a collection of annual crops on the basis of the exhibition area of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University are found: medicinal herbs (Sun of Egypt, Kabloon, Geisha), cynic of the narrow-leaved (Gloriencha, Sombrero, Classic), black-eyed peoples (Titan, Vavila, Robin Good), astera annually (Artistic, Yablunevo, Amethyst). By studying the dynamics of the flowering time of the studied varieties, it was found that the highest flowering duration (up to 60 days) was found in Tagetes erecta L. (52 days for the Titan variety, 60 days for the Vanilla variety, 55 days for Robin Good variety). Also, we have generalized recommendations on the use of different cultivars of the studied annuals of foreign selection in landscaping, taking into account their biomorphological features. It is established that from a practical point of view, they are promising for creating groups on the background of the lawn, micoborts, rabatok, flower beds and is an excellent material for the creation of monosads. It is the expansion of variants of simple and complex garden compositions with their participation will give the park area VNAU more decorative, the results of research will be used for the course of lectures and practical classes on the program of the specialty «Landscape management» for students of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Vinnytsa National Agrarian University.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (8) ◽  
pp. 55-59
H. V. Pantsyreva

На основі наукових досліджень визначено найбільш перспективні види та сорти культур родини Айстрові (Asteracea L.), а саме: нагідки лікарські (Calendula officinalis L.), цинія вузьколиста (Zinnia aqnustifolla H.), чорнобривці прямостоячі (Tagetes erecta L.) та айстра однорічна (Callistephus chinensis L.). Встановлено екологічну пластичність цих рослин, стійких до лімітуючих факторів довкілля, та визначено тривалість декоративних властивостей впродовж вегетаційного періоду. Досліджено найбільш перспективні сорти вітчизняної селекції для створення колекції однорічних культур на базі архітектурно-експозиційної ділянки Вінницького національного аграрного університету. Матеріалом для досліджень слугували: сорти та гібриди нагідок лікарських – Сонце Єгипту, Каблуна, Гейша; цинії вузьколистої – Глоріенша, Сомбреро, Класік; чорнобривців прямостоячих – Тітан, Вавіла, Робін Гуд; айстри однорічної – Художня, Яблунева, Аметист. Проаналізувавши динаміку тривалості цвітіння досліджуваних сортів/гібридів, встановлено найвищі показники тривалості цвітіння у Tagetes erecta L. (сорт Тітан – 52 дні, сорт Ваніла – 60 днів, сорт Робін Гуд – 55 днів). На основі експериментальних досліджень узагальнено рекомендації щодо використання різних культиварів досліджуваних квітниково-декоративних однорічних рослин в озелененні з урахуванням їх біоморфологічних особливостей. Встановлено, що з практичної точки зору вони є перспективними для створення груп на фоні газону, міксбордерів, рабаток, клумб та є чудовим матеріалом для створення садових композицій. Розширення варіантів простих і комплексних садових композицій з їх участю надасть парковій зоні ВНАУ більш декоративного вигляду, результати досліджень будуть використані для курсу лекцій та практичних занять за програмою спеціальності 206 "Садово-паркове господарство" для студентів факультету агрономії та лісівництва Вінницького національного аграрного університету.

S. M. Nikolaev ◽  
N. S. Badmaev ◽  
Z. G. Sambueva ◽  
D. N. Olennikov ◽  
N. I. Kashchenko

The aim of the present work was to estimate the choleretic effect of dry extracts derived from Carthamus tinctotius L., Calendula officinalis L. and Tagetes erecta L.Materials and methods: The experiments were carried out on white male rats weighing 180–230 g. The extracts in a single dose were introduced into the duodenum of the rats at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg in the form of water solution.Results: The results of the experiments have shown that the extracts from Calendula officinalis and Carthamus tinctorius have the marked choleretic effect due to the presence of biologically active substances, predominantly fl avonoids.

Kefayatullah Wasiq ◽  
Satya Prakash ◽  
Bijendra Singh ◽  
Rajat Singh

An experiment was carried out to access the effect of different doses of Cycocel and Maleic hydrazide on growth and flowering of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa narangi gainda at Horticultural Research Center (HRC) of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Modipuram, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh during the year 2019-2020. The investigation was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with nine treatments and three replications. The results indicated that among the treatments, minimum plant height with the application of MH 250 ppm (57.03 cm), plant spread of east to west (45.17 cm), plant spread north to south (46.40 cm), the number  of branches per plant (37.61), Days taken to first flower bud initiation (54.60 days), days has taken to opening of first flower (67.21 days), days have taken to opening of 50% flowering (83.72 days), duration of flowering (78.22 days), The study revealed that the number of branches and flowering duration significant higher than control and other treatment the height of plant also decrease.

N. V. Bashmakova ◽  
K. V. Kravchenko

The purpose of this article is process of analyzing in reference to concert capriccio by C. Munier for mandolin with piano («Bizzarria», op. 201, Spanish сapriccio, op. 276) from the point of view of their genre specificity. Methodology. The research is based on the historical approach, which determines the specifics of the genre of Capriccio in the music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and in the work of C. Munier; the computational and analytical methods used to identify the peculiarities of the formulation and the performing interpretation of the original concert pianos for mandolins with piano that, according to the genre orientation (according to the composerʼs remarks), are defined as capriccio. Scientific novelty. The creation of Florentine composer,61mandolinist-vertuoso and pedagog C. Munier, which made about 300 compositions, is exponential for represented scientific vector. Concert works by C. Munier for mandolin and piano, created in the capriccio genre, were not yet considered in the art of the outdoors, as the creativity and composer’s style of the famous mandolinist. Conclusions. Thus, appealing to capriccio by С. Munier, which created only two works, embodied in them virtually all the evolutionary stages of the development of genre. In his opus of this genre there are a vocal, inherent in capriccio of the 17th century solo presentation, virtuosity, originality, which were embodied in the works of 17th – 18th centuries and the national color of the 19th century is clearly expressed. Thus, the Spanish capriccio is a kind of «musical encyclopedia» of national dance, which features are characteristic features of bolero, tarantella, habanera, and so forth. The originality of opus number 201 – «Bizzarria», is embodied in the parameters of shaping (expanded cadence of the soloist in the beginning) and emphasized virtuosity, which is realized in a wide register range, a variety of technical elements.

Trictrac ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Liliana Danciu ◽  
Petru Adrian Danciu

The axes of the creation and birth of the imaginary as a mythical language. Our research follows the relationships of the concepts that are taking into account creation on the double axis of verticality and horizontality. We highlight those symbolic elements which would later constitute the mythical language about the sacred space-temporality. Inside this space-temporality a rich spectrum of mythical images develops; images capable of explaining the relationships of the creation plans. Without a religious perception of the temporality, the conceptualization of the axis would remain a philosophical approach. Through our point of view, the two are born simultaneously. Thanks to them, creation can be imagined. The first “frozen” formula of the mystical human spirit can be thought, brought to a palpable reality, expressed in an oral and then a written form. Studied together, temporality (sacred or not) and space are permanently imagined together. For example, a loss of mundane temporality in the secret ecstasy that offers to the soul an ascending direction does not mean getting out of universal temporality, but of its mundane section. In the sacred space the soul relates to time. Even the gods are submitted by the sacred, Aeon sometimes being synonymous to destiny. The universal creator seems to evade every touch, but not consistently, only when he avoids the descent into its created worlds. In sacredness, time and space seem or become confused, both expressing the same reality, by the immediate swing from thinking to deed. The mythical imagery conceives the displacement in the primary space-temporality by the spoken word. So, for something to appear and live, the spoken word is required. Even the divine dream appears as a pre-word of a creator’s thought. The thought follows the spoken word, the spoken word follows the gestures which finally indicate the meanings of the creative act, controlling the rhythm of the creation days. These three will later be adapted through imitation in rite. We are now situated at the limit of the physical world, a real challenge for the mythical imagery. The general feature of the mythical expression on the creation of the material world is the state of the divinity’s exhaustion, most often conceptualized by sacrifice or divine fatigue. The world geography identifies with the anatomy of a self-gutted god. Practically, material creation is most likely the complete revelation of God’s body autopsy. As each body decomposes, everything in it is an illusion. An axial approach of the phenomenon exists in all religious systems. The created element’s origin is exterior, with or without a pre-existing matter, by a god’s sacrifice or only because it has to be that way. This is the starting point of the discussion on the symbolism of axiality as a reason for the constitution of the language of creation, capable of retelling the imaginary construction of myth in an oral and then written form.

2020 ◽  
Ronald Nersada Eryono Aulu

Sebagian besar tanaman herba dalam keluarga bunga matahari. Tanaman ini digambarkan sebagai genus oleh Carl Linnaeus pada tahun 1753. Genus berasal dari Amerika Utara dan Amerika Selatan. Diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut big Marigold, bahasa latin Tagetes Erecta L adalah genus tahunan dan abadi, Bunga tahi ayam sering disebut sebagai kenikir, randa kencana dan ades (Indonesia), tahi kotok (Sunda), amarello (Filipina), African Marigold, Astec Marigold, American Marigold, Big Marigold (Inggris).Tagetes Erecta L, termasuk ke dalam keluarga Compositae (Asteraceae) dan mempunyai 59 species.

Dewa Ayu Ika Paramitha ◽  
James Sibarani ◽  
Ni Made Suaniti

ABSTRAK: Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan formula sediaan hand and body cream dengan memanfaatkan sumber antioksidan yang dimiliki oleh dua jenis ekstrak etanol yaitu ekstrak bunga pacar air merah (Impatiens balsamina L.) dan bunga gemitir (Tagetes erecta L.) dengan taraf perlakuan sebesar 1% dari masing-masing ekstrak (FPM dan FG) dan campuran 0,5% ekstrak pacar air merah dan 0,5% ekstrak gemitir (FCPMG). Pengujian terhadap  produk dilakukan pada sifat fisikokimia  meliputi pH, viskositas, aktivitas antioksidan, angka lempeng total mikroba, dan ukuran partikel. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian produk hand and body cream yang dihasilkan memiliki antioksidan yang cukup tinggi sebagai produk perawatan tubuh dengan penambahan 1% ekstrak etanol pacar air merah, gemitir dan campuran dari kedua ekstrak etanol. Kualitas produk hand and body cream yang dihasilkan baik dan memenuhi standar mutu SNI dari aspek nilai pH, viskositas, dan nilai ALT. Warna yang dihasilkan mulai dari warna kuning kemerahan sampai dengan warna kuning, dan partikel yang dimiliki oleh produk adalah nanopartikel dengan sistem polidispersi. ABSTRACT: Formulations of hand and body creams using ethanol extracts of flowers of red Impatiens balsamina L. And Tagetes erecta L. As antioxidant sources have been developed.  One percent of  extracts (FPM and FG) and the mixture of 0.5% each extracts (FCPMG) were added to the basic formula. The analysis of physicochemical properties of the products was conducted including pH, viscosity, antioxidant activity, the size of the particles, and total microbial plate numbers. Based on the results, the quality of the hand and body creams meet the national standard of Indonesia (SNI) regarding to pH, viscosity, and the total microbial numbers. The colours of the hand and body creams resulted are reddish yellow to yellow with polydispersion nanoparticles.

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