Pieturzīmes senajos latviešu tekstos

Sintija Ķauķīte ◽  

Early written Latvian texts are important sources not only for linguistics but also for culture and social studies. Latvian texts (and indeed Latvian culture as a whole) show consistent German influence. These texts were produced in a cross-cultural context of Catholicism and Protestantism and display elements from local folklore. The history of the Latvian written language dates to the 16th century and is largely linked to the Reformation of the Church. The earliest texts from the 16th century are various versions of translations of the Lord’s Prayer, as well as separate short records in the books of Riga trade associations. Since the 17th century, the scope of genres of written sources widens: lexicographical, legal, and other secular texts have been published. There are two significant aspects of these early Latvian texts. The first is that most of the texts were translations from German, Latin, and Polish, and there were very few original texts. The second aspect is that most of the translators were not native speakers of Latvian. First punctuation marks in Latvian appeared in the 16th century in translations from the German language. In 16th-century texts, the following punctuation marks – point, question mark, slash, double hyphen, colon, and parentheses – were used. Semicolons and exclamation marks were used in 17th-century writings. The following punctuation marks have entered the 18th century: a dash, dots, round quotation marks, a comma, and an apostrophe, but they had been used on a different basis than today. While reading various texts of the 16th and the 17th century, the author also looked at the punctuation marks used at this time – a point, a question mark, a slash, a colon, a semicolon, brackets, a double hyphen, and an exclamation mark. In this study, the use of punctuation marks of 11 texts of Early Written Latvian is analyzed, and a comparison of Early Latvian Texts and the Luther Bible is given. The descriptive method and the comparative method are used. At the end of the paper, the main conclusions are given.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Н.Е. Касьяненко

Статья посвящена истории развития словарного дела на Руси и появлению первых словарей. Затрагиваются первые, несловарные формы описания лексики в письменных памятниках XI–XVII вв. (глоссы), из которых черпался материал для собственно словарей. Анализируются основные лексикографические жанры этого времени и сложение на их основе азбуковников. В статье уделено внимание таким конкретным лексикографическим произведениям, как ономастикону «Рѣчь жидовскаго «зыка» (XVIII в.), словарям-символикам «Толк о неразумнех словесех» (XV в.) и «Се же приточне речеся», произвольнику, объясняющему славянские слова, «Тлъкование нεоудобь познаваεмомъ въ писаныхъ рѣчемь» (XIV в.), разговорнику «Рѣчь тонкословія греческаго» (ХV в.). Характеризуется словарь Максима Грека «Толкованіе именамъ по алфавиту» (XVI в.). Предметом более подробного освещения стал «Лексис…» Л. Зизания – первый печатный словарь на Руси. На примерах дается анализ его реестровой и переводной частей. Рассматривается известнейший труд П. Берынды «Лексикон славеноросский и имен толкование», а также рукописный «Лексикон латинский…» Е. Славинецкого, являющий собой образец переводного словаря XVII в. The article is dedicated to the history of the development of vocabulary in Russia and the emergence of the first dictionaries. The first, non-verbar forms of description of vocabulary in written monuments of the 11th and 17th centuries (glosses), from which material for the dictionaries themselves were drawn, are affected. The main lexicographical genres of this time are analyzed and the addition of alphabets on their basis. The article focuses on specific lexicographical works such as the «Zhidovskago» (18th century) the dictionaries-symbols of «The Talk of Unreasonable Words» (the 15th century). and «The Same Speech», an arbitrary explanation of slavic words, «The tlution of the cognition in the written», (the 14th century), the phrasebook «Ry subtle Greek» (the 15th century). Maxim Greck's dictionary «Tolkien names in alphabetical order» (16th century) is characterized. The subject of more detailed coverage was «Lexis...» L. Sizania is the first printed dictionary in Russia. Examples give analysis of its registry and translation parts. The famous work of P. Berynda «Lexicon of Slavic and Names of Interpretation» and the handwritten «Lexicon Latin...» are considered. E. Slavinecki, which is a model of the 17th century translated dictionary.

2020 ◽  
pp. 157-188
Александар Крстић

У раду се анализирају старе географске карте, настале од осмадесетих година XV до половине XVIII века, на којима су приказани тврђава или насеље Ершомљо. Иако је овај јужнобанатски град после пада под османску власт (1552) током друге половине XVI столећа трајно променио име у Вршац, Ершомљо је и даље упорно приказиван у бројним картографским публикацијама насталим у западној Европи у наведеном периоду. Услед погрешног преузимања података са старих карата и непознавања савремене географије европске Турске, па тако ни Баната, Ершомљо је на анализираним картама најчешће лоциран знатно источније, некада и на саму границу Баната према Трансилванији и Влашкој. Од друге половине XVII века, а посебно у време Великог бечког рата, на европским географским картама почиње да се појављује и Вршац. Међутим, на неким картама из овог периода механички су преношени подаци са старијих карата, па је паралелно с Вршцем уцртаван и Ершомљо. The paper analyses old geographic maps, created from the 1480s until the mid-18th century, which show the fortress or settlement of Érsomlyó. Although this south Banat town, after its fall under Ottoman rule (1552) permanently changed its name into Vršac in the second half of the 16th century, Érsomlyó was still persistently shown in numerous cartographic publications created in Western Europe in this period. Due to erroneous copying of data from old maps and the lack of knowledge about the contemporary geography of European Turkey, including Banat, in the analysed maps Érsomlyó is most often located much more eastward, sometimes on the very border of Banat towards Transylvania and Wallachia. From the second half of the 17th century, particularly at the time of the Great Turkish War, Vršac also began to appear in European geographic maps. However, data from older maps were mechanically transferred to some maps from this period, and Érsomlyó was inscribed in parallel with Vršac.

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 42-45
Petr Mašek

The core of the Višňová castle library was formed already in the 17th century, probably in Paderborn. Afew volumes come from the property of the archbishop of Cologne, Ferdinand August von Spiegel (1774–1835), but most of the items were collected by his brother Franz Wilhelm (1752–1815), a minister of the Electorate of Cologne, chief construction officer and the president of the Academic Council in Cologne. A significant group is formed by philosophical works: Franz Wilhelm’s collection comprised works by J. G. Herder, I. Kant, M. Mendelsohn as well as H. de Saint-Simon and J. von Sonnenfels. Another group consisted of historical works, e.g. by E. Gibbon; likewise his interest in the history of Christianity is noticeable. The library contains a total of more than 6,200 volumes, including 40 manuscripts, 3 incunabula and 15 printed books from 16th century; more than a half of the collection is formed by early printed books until the end of the 18th century. The other volumes come from the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Volumes from the 17th century include especially Latin printed books on law, and one can perceive interest in collecting books on philosophy. There are many publications devoted to Westphalia; in addition, the library contains a number of binder’s volumes of legal dissertations from the end of the 17th century and the entire 18th century published in diverse German university towns. Further disciplines widely represented in the library are economics and especially agriculture, with the publications coming from the 18th and 19th centuries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 135 (4) ◽  
pp. 1007-1041
Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga ◽  
Francisco Javier Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga

Abstract The process of grammaticalization of Italian tuttavia and Spanish todavia, from Latin tota via, is an interesting case study because both adverbs converge and diverge at different points along the history of Italian and Spanish. Both adverbs inherited the temporal values of late Latin tota via (‘always’) and developed adversative values when reanalysed as connectives in some contexts where contemporary events could be reinterpreted as opposing one to another, However, It. tuttavia went further down this path of grammaticalization and lost its temporal values, while Sp. todavía, due probably to the emergence of new adversative connectives in the 17th century such as sin embargo and no obstante, abandoned the adversative uses in the 18th century and consolidated the phasal temporal value developed since the 16th century. In present Italian, tuttavia is a discourse connective with an antioriented argumentative function and no continuative or phasal temporal value, while in present Spanish, todavía is a phasal temporal intrapredicative adverb. This study tries to highlight how the comparative approach adopted here enriches our knowledge on the history of Romance Languages and allows for a better understanding of non-linear grammaticalization processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 9-24
Vitaliy Nagirnyy

Chernelytsia by the Dniester. The Development of a Medieval Grod Into a TownThe article explores the early history and gradual modernisation of Chernelytsia – a town of Pokkuttya region. The first settlement in this region was noted on a high triangular cape on the right bank of the Dniester. Initially, it was a modestly fortified settlement located on the border of the Kievan state. However, after its incorporation into the Galicia Rostislav state and subsequently into Galicia–Volhynia Romanovich state, the settlement developed into a tri-part fortified grod of 5 ha in area. The author hypothesises that the grod ceased to be active between the 2nd half of the 16th century and the 1st half of the 17th century, after it had fallen prey to the Tatars who had raided Pokkuttya. Another period in the history of Chernelytsia is marked by the emergence of a new settlement at the area of today’s town’s centre. The emergence is dated at the 1st half of the 15th century. Initially, both the new settlement and the old grod were active, however, soon after being granted a municipal charter, the new settlement took the lead in social and economic activity. The town structure ossified in the 17th century when the bastion castle was built, as well as the St Archangel Michael Church and a Dominican monastery. Also, three tserkov churches were active in Chernelytsia at that time. The market square emerged, the town hall and a synagogue were built, and suburbs became discernible. The town plan changed only at the end of the 18th century when the new era in town’s history started.

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-27
Sara Matrisciano ◽  
Franz Rainer

All major Romance languages have patterns of the type jaune paille for expressing shades of colour represented by some prototypical object. The first constituent of this pattern is a colour term, while the second one designates a prototypical representative of the colour shade. The present paper starts with a short discussion of the controversial grammatical status of this pattern and its constituents. Its main aim, however, concerns the origin and diffusion of this pattern. We have not found hard and fast evidence that Medieval Italian pigment compounds of the type verderame influenced the rise of the jaune paille pattern, which first appears in French in the 16th century. This pattern continued to be a minority solution during the 17th century, but established itself during the 18th century. In the 19th century, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese adopted the pattern jaune paille, while it did not reach Catalan and Romanian before the 20th century.

Л.А. Беляев ◽  
С.И. Баранова

Задача статьи – понять, где, сколько и каких сохранилось археологических материалов по истории наиболее известного из гражданских дворцовых соо­ружений, срубленных из дерева, – дворца в Коломенском. Дворец использовался как летняя государственная резиденция в основном царем Алексеем Михайловичем и его сыновьями, Федором и Петром I (в юности), а позже эпизодически правительницами России XVIII в. После разборки в 1760-х гг. от него сохранились описания, обмеры и даже модели. За столетие (с 1920-х гг.) остатки усадьбы не раз исследовались археологически, материалы фиксации отложились в ряде архивов и музеев, в основном московских. На будущее ставится задача свести эти материалы воедино и заново проанализировать их вместе с другими видами источников. The paper is aimed at shaping a clear idea on what, where, and how much of archaeological materials on the history of the Kolomenskoye Palace, which is the most famous civil palace construction made from logs, has been preserved. The palace was used as a summer state residence, mostly, by tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich and his sons – Fyodor and Peter I (in his childhood), and in the subsequent period in the 18th century from time to time by female rulers of Russia. In the 1760s the palace was dismantled; its descriptions, measurements and even models were preserved. Over a hundred years (since the 1920s), the remains of this estate have been repeatedly excavated, and the records have been stored in a number of archives and museums, mostly, in Moscow. The future task is to consolidate these materials and analyze them along with other types of sources.

Slovene ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 417-447
Petr S. Stefanovich

The article analyzes the history of the concept of a “Slavic-Russian nation”. The concept was first used by Zacharia Kopystenskij in 1624, but its wide occurrence starts in 1674, when Synopsis, the first printed history of Russia, was published in Kiev. In the book, “Slavic-Russian nation” refers to an ancient Slavic people, which preceded the “Russian nation” (“rossiyskiy narod”) of the time in which the book was written. Uniting “Slavs” and “Russians” (“rossy”) into one “Slavic-Russian nation”, the author of Synopsis followed the idea which was proposed but not specifically defined by M. Stryjkovskij in his Chronicle (1582) and, later, by the Kievan intellectuals of the 1620s–30s. The construction of Synopsis was to prove that “Russians” (“rossy”) were united by both the common Slavic origin and the Church Slavonic language used by the Orthodox Slavic peoples. According to Synopsis, they were also supposed to be united by the Muscovite tsar’s authority and the Orthodox religion. The whole conception made Synopsis very popular in Russia in the late 17th century and later. Earlier in the 17th-century literature of the Muscovite State, some authors also proposed ethno-genetic constructions based on Stryjkovskij’s Chronicle and other Renaissance historiography. Independently from the Kievan literature, the word “Slavic-Russian” was invented (first appearance in the Legend about Sloven and Rus, 1630s). Both the Kievan and Muscovite constructions of a mythical “Slavic-Russian nation” aimed at making an “imagined” ethno-cultural nation. They contributed to forming a new Russian imperial identity in the Petrine epoch. However, the concept of a “Slavic-Russian nation” was not in demand in the political discourse of the Petrine Empire. It was sporadically used in the historical works of the 18th century (largely due to the influence of Synopsis), but played no significant role in the proposed interpretations of Russian history.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 11-41
Maciej Ziemierski

17th century testaments of the Królik family from Krakow The article is dedicated to the Królik family from Krakow, who lived in the town from the late 16th century until the first years of the 18th century. The family members initially worked as tailors, later reinforcing the group of Krakow merchants in the third generation (Maciej Królik). Wojciech Królik – from the fourth generation – was a miner in Olkusz. The text omits the most distinguished member of the family, Wojciech’s oldest brother, the Krakow councillor Mikołaj Królik, whose figure has been covered in a separate work. The work shows the complicated religious relations in the family of non-Catholics, initially highly engaged in the life of the Krakow Congregation, but whose members gradually converted from Evangelism to Catholicism. As a result, Wojciech Królik and his siblings became Catholics. This work is complemented by four testaments of family members, with the first, Jakub Królik’s, being written in 1626 and the last one, Wojciech Królik’s, written in 1691.

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (3-4) ◽  
Mihály Balázs

Although in recent years there has been an upsurge in the research of the history of early modern spirituality, this research has paid hardly any attention to the Unitarian denomination. The reasons for this lie beyond the scope of the present study: between the late 16th century and the late 18th century the denomination had to refrain from the use of printing, and thus, the manuscript versions of prayer texts were threatened by loss and destruction. It is a unique paradox, however, that the first edited protestant Hungarian prayer book of considerable length was published precisely by this denomination in 1570/1571. The first part of the paper explores the concept of the prayer book based on Johann Habermann’s famous Gebetbüchlein, and compares it to the greatest achievements of the same sort within this period, the Catholic Péter Pázmány’s and the Calvinist Albert Szenci Molnár’s works. This section is followed by a survey of the vivid reception of Heltai’s work, with particular focus on the way the Unitarian author’s work was used in the Lutheran community of Lőcse. The concluding part argues that building on the foundations of this tradition, as well as on the heritage of Calvinist prayer culture, an unparalleled Unitarian prayer literature developed in the 17th-18th centuries, which deserves the attention of comparative research.

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