scholarly journals Understanding expressive intonation

Ana Llorens

Research on intonation has mainly sought for classifying and/or expressive explanations for performers’ strategies. In the field of music psychology and music perception, such explanations have been explored in terms of interval direction, size, or type; in the field of performance analysis, to which this article belongs, investigation on intonation has been not only scarce but also limited to short excerpts. In this context, this article explores Pau Casals’ intonational practice specific to his recording of Bach’s E flat major prelude for solo cello. To do so, on the basis of exact empirical measurements, it places such practice alongside the cellist’s conscious, theoretical recommendations apropos what he called “expressive” string intonation, showing that the interpretation of the latter should is not straightforward. It also proposes several reference points and tuning systems which could serve as models for Casals’ practice and looks for explanations beyond simple interval classification. In this manner, it ultimately proposes a structural function for intonation, in partnership with tempo and dynamics. Similarly, it understands Casals’ intonational practice not as a choice between but as a compromise for multiple options in tuning systems (mostly equal temperament and Pythagorean tuning), reference points (the fundamental note of the chord and the immediately preceding tone), the nature of the compositional materials (harmonic and melodic), and, most importantly, structure and expression.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 67-69
José Antonio Pérez Turpin ◽  
Juan Manuel Cortell Tormo ◽  
Juan José Chinchilla Mira ◽  
Roberto Cejuela Anta ◽  
Concepción Suárez Llorca

Para conocer los componentes actuales del rendimiento en vóley playa, es preciso conocer la estructura temporal de la competición. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la distribución del tiempo de juego real y absoluto durante el partido, los sets y los puntos en jugadores de vóley playa profesionales. Para esto, se realizaron video grabaciones de 10 jugadores durante cuatro encuentros disputados en el Campeonato de Europa de vóley playa (Valencia 2005). Se cuantificó la duración total de los partidos, sets y puntos al tiempo que se diferenció del tiempo real de juego. Como resultado se observó que la media de tiempo absoluto por partido fue de 37min 17,4s±11min 16,2s mientras que el tiempo real fue de 8min 12s±2min 24s. La duración media del total del tiempo de duración de los sets fue de16min 19,8s±2min 27s. y la real de 3min 25,8s±43,20s. La media de tiempo invertida en la realización del punto fue de 6±0,95s. El conocimiento mejorado del tiempo absoluto y real de juego en los jugadores puede aportar una valiosa información que permita establecer patrones de entrenamiento específicos para el vóley playa.Abstract: In order to identify the real components of beach volleyball performance, we need to know the time structure of the competition. This study was designed to identify the distribution of time in real and absolute play during the matches, sets and points played by professional beach volleyball players. To do so, we made video recordings of 10 players playing four matches at the European Beach Volleyball Championships (Valencia 2005). We measured the total length of the matches, sets and points while differentiating real playing time. We observed that the absolute time per match was 37min 17.4sec±11min 16.2sec, while real playing time was 8min 12sec±2min 24sec. The average length of the total duration of the sets was 16min 19.8sec±2min 27sec and real playing time was 3min 25.8sec±43.20sec. The average time taken to play a point was 6±0.95sec. An improved understanding of absolute and real playing time provides valuable information that allows us to create specific training patterns for beach volleyball.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Dóra Hangya

Az ÚNKP kutatás célja annak vizsgálata, hogy a szakértői nyilvántartásban szereplő felnőttképzési szakértők és programszakértők kötelező továbbképzéseinek moduljai (14/2014. (III. 31.) NGM rendelet) tartalmaznak-e ismereteket a fogyatékossággal élő felnőttek képzésben való részvételének feltételrendszeréről, valamint hogy a felnőttképzési szakértők számára nehézséget okoz-e, ha a felnőttképzési intézmények munkatársai a témát érintő kérdésekkel fordulnak hozzájuk. Előzmény a KJM Alapítvány 2016. évi Phd pályázata keretében lefolytatott kutatás, amely eredményei szerint a válaszadó engedéllyel rendelkező felnőttképzési intézmények 95%-a úgy véli, hogy a felnőttképzési szakértők számára szükséges volna olyan tartalmú továbbképzés biztosítása, mely támpontokkal látja el őket annak érdekében, hogy segíteni tudják őket az egyenlő esélyű hozzáférés biztosításának megteremtésében (n=136). (Hangya, 2016, Hangya, 2017)A kutatás módszere teljes körű mintavételen alapuló félig strukturált kérdőíves lekérdezés. 314 fő válaszolt a kutatás kérdőívére, mely a tisztított minta 41%-a. A szakértők 80%-a jelezte, hogy a kötelező továbbképzések nem tartalmaztak fogyatékosság-specifikus ismereteket. A válaszadó szakértők több mint 90%-a egyetért azzal, hogy szükséges volna ennek pótlása (n=312). 227 fő nem vett még részt ilyen témájú továbbképzésen, de 78%-uk szívesen tenné, amennyiben rendelkezésre állna ilyen (n=227). A válaszadók (n=308) 59,4%-a nem találkozott még olyan kérdésekkel a felnőttképzési intézmények részéről, melyek a fogyatékossággal élő felnőttek egyenlő esélyű hozzáférését érintik, 46,5%-uk számára ez nehézséget jelentene.  84 fő (27%) fogalmazott meg nyitott kérdés keretében a témával kapcsolatban fejlesztési javaslatokat. The aim of the ÚNKP research is the investigation of whether the obligatory further education modules for adult education experts and program experts (14/2014. (III. 31.) NGM regulation) contain information regarding the conditionality for adults living with disabilities participating in education and the level of difficulty for adult education experts to inform colleges from adult education institutions on questions regarding this subject. A precursor is a research conducted within the framework of the 2016 Phd application of the KJM Foundation, according to which 95% of adult education institutions authorized for a response is of the opinion that the provision of a further education program for adult education experts which contains reference points to facilitate the provision of equal opportunity access would be necessary (n=136). (Hangya, 2016, Hangya, 2017)The method of research is a semi-structured questionnaire survey based on comprehensive sampling. 314 persons answered to the research questionnaire, which makes up 41% of the purified sample. 80% of experts indicated a lack of disability-specific information within the obligatory further education programs. More than 90% of respondents agree that supplementation of such information is necessary (n=312). 227 persons did not yet participate in further education programs within this subject, however, 78% would gladly do so if given the opportunity (n=227). 59,4% of respondents (n=308) did not yet encounter questions from adult education institutions regarding the equal access of adults living with disabilities, 46,5% would consider this a difficulty.  84 persons (27%) formulated developmental suggestions regarding the subject within the framework of an open point.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-61 ◽  
John M. Geringer

This study was designed to explore the intonation performances of highly regarded concert violinists in an unaccompanied context. I chose eight solo artists representing different generations of performers (Heifetz, Grumiaux, Milstein, Perlman, Hahn, Midori, Barton Pine, and Shaham). Pitch performances were analyzed in commercial recordings spanning 65 years of two unaccompanied pieces composed by Bach, one in d minor and one in E major. I investigated whether similarities in intonation tendencies would occur among these respected artists, and whether the displayed patterns would approximate the theoretical tuning systems that have been studied previously: Just, Pythagorean, or equal temperament. The artists appear to have their own individual tendencies, and none of them conformed consistently to any theoretical tuning system. Although there are average tendencies on isolated intervals that approximate one tuning or the other, multiple repetitions show a wide range both between and within individual performers. However, performances of the thirds and sixths in the major key and less so in the minor key (intervals that illustrate the largest differences in tuning between systems) did display a propensity toward Pythagorean tuning of these scale degrees. Deviations away from all three tuning systems are common, and these artists never play exactly in one tuning or another.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 617-635 ◽  
Creighton Connolly

This paper engages with emerging literature on worlding cities in analysing the contested ways in which mid-sized cities attempt to ‘globalize’ through the redevelopment of urban infrastructure, and in particular, transportation infrastructure. The paper focuses specifically on the World Heritage City of Penang, Malaysia and critically examines controversies over the extensive urban redevelopment and regeneration projects that have emerged since 2012. In particular, it examines the ambitious Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP), which has posed considerable implications for the city’s heritage landscapes, but also several socio-environmental impacts. The paper analyses the state government’s vision for the PTMP, before turning to an alternative strategy and critique of this plan put forth by local civil society organizations. As I demonstrate, both plans make use of worlding strategies in ‘selling’ their particular vision for the city’s future, but the ways they do so are markedly different. In reviewing this case, the paper challenges the conceptualization of inter-referencing and urban modelling practices as it is currently documented in the literature on worlding cities. What is novel in Penang is the way local stakeholders identify comparable cities outside of the Global North as models to follow, rather than established mega- or ‘world’ cities, which act as more realistic reference points. In doing so, the paper highlights key technologies of governance that are being used to counter the neoliberal worlding strategies put forth by city managers.

Mirdza Paipare

Very few researches focus on music as an activity and most often it is linked to music perception, therefore – music psychology. Similarly the theories on this question are developed. Interrelations between music therapy and music psychology, as well as the role of listening and music listening in music pedagogy, psychology and music therapy are little researched. The goal of this article is to intentionally draw attention to the significance of this very common thing in our everyday lives – listening – in communication, development of cognitive and phenomenological skills and abilities (perception, recognition, describing, explaining). These skills and abilities are necessary in the work of pedagogue and psychologist, and especially music therapist.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Rasim Erol Demirbatır ◽  
Hatice Çeliktaş ◽  
Doruk Engür

Ear training and musical literacy (ETML) education is one of the main dimensions of the bachelor degree program of music teacher education departments, which provides professional music education. In ETML education, hearing, sight-reading and dictation studies for Turkish music makams have an important place. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of different instrument sources and tuning systems; namely, equal tempered or traditionally tempered, on the modal dictation performances of students in dictation exercises in the scope of ETML education. This research was conducted with 56 bachelor degree music education students who were taking ETML course. While equal tempered and traditional instruments (piano and kanun) were used as the sound source in the research, examples of equal difficulty level in Huseyni makam scale, which is one of the main makams of Turkish music, were used as dictation material. Both instruments were tuned in accordance with both the equal temperament and the traditional makam system so that four different dictation types were created. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the students are more successful when piano is used in dictation than kanun-dictated trials and in terms of tuning system, the students are found to be more successful with equal tempered system when compared with traditional tuning system. The instrument and tuning interaction was not statistically significant.

2018 ◽  
Beomseob Park

This research explores the role relative economy plays in vote choice and turnout. The decision to vote and for whom to vote are heavily predicated on selecting competent policymakers based on their performance handling the economy. To do so, voters must infer the leader's competence based on observations of the economy. I argue that voters can better extract the 'competence signal' by comparing their own economy with the economies of reference countries that share a great deal of familiarity, similarity and connectivity. A relatively strong economy signals incumbent competence whereas a relatively poor one signals their incompetence, and thus, incumbent vote share and voter turnout should be a function of the relative economy. By selecting appropriate reference points from news media in 22 different languages from 33 democracies, this research demonstrates that incumbents tend to be rewarded with increasing vote shares for out-performing growth and are punished for growth that under-performs relative to reference economies. It also reveals that the relatively poor economy makes voters alienated and indifferent from politics, which eventually leads them to abstain from voting. This research has an important implication for democratic electoral accountability; despite frequent instability between the economy and vote choice, this research reaffirms democratic theorists by showing that elections offer citizens periodic chances to change policymakers.

2005 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 694-705 ◽  
Daniele Schön ◽  
Mireille Besson

The general aim of this experiment was to investigate the processes involved in reading musical notation and to study the relationship between written music and its auditory representation. It was of main interest to determine whether musicians are able to develop expectancies for specific tonal or atonal auditory events based on visual score alone. Can musicians expect an “atonal” event or will it always sound odd? Moreover, it was of interest to determine whether the modulations in amplitude of a late positive component (P600) described in previous studies are linked to a general mismatch detection process or to specific musical expectancies. Results showed clearly that musicians are able to expect tonal auditory endings based on visual information and are also able to do so for atonal endings, although to a smaller extent. Strong interactions seem to exist between visual and auditory musical codes and visual information seems to influence auditory processing as early as 100 msec. These results are directly relevant for the question of whether music reading is actually music perception.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychologyprovides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this fast-growing area of research. With contributions from experts in the field, the coverage offered has both range and depth. The fifty-two articles are divided into eleven sections covering both experimental and theoretical perspectives. Ten sections each present articles that focus on specific areas of music psychology: the origins and functions of music; music perception; responses to music; music and the brain; musical development; learning musical skills; musical performance; composition and improvisation; the role of music in our everyday lives; and music therapy and conceptual frameworks. In each section, authors critically review the literature, highlight current issues, and explore possibilities for the future. The final section examines how in recent years the study of music psychology has broadened to include a range of other scientific disciplines. It considers the way that the research has developed in relation to technological advances, fostering links across the field and providing an overview of the areas where the field needs further development in the future.

Carla Arlandis Toledano ◽  
Elena Meseguer Monfort

En este artículo se propone una secuencia de actividades basada en algunas ideas del Método verbo-tonal (Guberina/Murillo, 2008; Padilla, 2018) la cual consta de cinco actividades, secuenciadas en percepción-producción/consciente-inconsciente (Padilla, 2015), para practicar la entonación expresiva. El elemento motivador que se emplea a lo largo de la secuencia didáctica es la película Del revés. En esta secuencia de actividades perseguimos dos objetivos: contrastar la entonación neutra con la emotiva y practicar la entonación neutra y emotiva en enunciados declarativos. Para ello, haremos una contrastación de los valores emotivos con los neutros, trabajando las seis emociones básicas: alegría, miedo, asco, enfado, tristeza y sorpresa.   Palabras clave: verbo-tonal, actividades, entonación, expresiva, emociones   This article aims to develop a sequence of five activities based on some of the ideas of the verbo-tonal method (Guberina/Murillo, 2008; Padilla, 2018). They are classified as different processes in order to practice the expressive intonation: perception and production in a conscious and unconscious way (Padilla, 2015). The primary motivation is the movie- Inside out. This sequence of activities has two objectives: contrasting the neutral intonation with the emotional intonation and practicing the neutral and emotional intonation when using declarative statements. To do so, this sequence of activities will contrast the neutral values with the emotional ones by working with the six basic emotions: happiness, fear, disgust, anger, sadness and surprise. Key words: verbo-tonal, activities, intonation, expressive, emotions

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