scholarly journals The Factors Associated with Early Complementary Feeding Practices on Infants in Working Area Basuki Rahmat Public Health Center Bengkulu

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Suryani Suryani ◽  
S. Effendi ◽  
Nurmaya Pebrianti

The impact if  complementary foods was given early  is the infants will become more easily sick, ranging from cough, colds, fever, constipation, or diarrhea.               The purpose of this study was to study the factors associated with  early complementary feeding practices of  infants in working area of  Basuki Rahmat Public Health Center Bengkulu. This research used Cross Sectional design.                                     The population of this study was all mothers who had infants aged 7-12 months, amounting to 328 mothers. The sampling technique used Simple Random Sampling technique which amounted to 77 mothers. Data collection in this study used primary and secondary data with statistical test Chi-Square (χ2) through SPSS  program. The results of this study were from 77 mothers of  infants aged               7-12 months, 51 mothers (66.2%) had good knowledge, 51 mothers (66.2%) had             a pre-prosperous social economy, 44  mothers (57.1%) did not work, 59  mothers (76.6%) gave complementary  food age 6 months. There was no significant relationship between mother's knowledge, mother's work status, and social economy  with  early  complementary feeding  practices  in  working area of  Basuki  Rahmat  Public  Health Center Bengkulu. It was expected that Basuki Rahmad  Public Health Center to do counseling about exclusive breastfeeding and  complementary   feeding  practices  to pregnant women and mothers who have children under five in  working  area of  Basuki Rahmat  Public  Health Center Bengkulu. Keywords : complementary  food, employment status, knowledge, social economic

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Yuyun Sarinengsih

ABSTRAKStunting yaitu keadaan gagal tumbuh akibat dari kekurangan gizi kronis. Prevalensi stunting di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya menempati urutan keempat, dimana kecamatan Sukahening menempati urutan pertama tertinggi dengan jumlah 155 balita mengalami stunting. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian stunting yaitu pengasuhan anak yang kurang baik dimana tidak diberikannya ASI secara Ekslusif. Pencegahan stunting yaitu pada 1000 hari kehidupan dimana salah satunya pemberian ASI secara Ekslusif.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemberian ASI Ekslusif dengan kejadian stunting pada balita 1-5 tahun di Puskesmas Sukahening Kecamatan Sukahening Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi total sampling sebanyak 95 responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil Penelitian diperoleh lebih dari setengah responden 51,6% tidak diberikan ASI secara Ekslusif, dan sebagian besar 65,3% balita mengalami stunting. Hasil perhitungan chi-square diperoleh ρ.value (0,000<0,05) maka H0 ditolak sehingga terdapat hubungan antara Pemberian ASI Ekslusif dengan kejadian stunting pada balita 1-5 tahun di Puskesmas Sukahening Kecamatan Sukahening Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi informasi yang bermanfaat dan perlu dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan ulang yang terjadwal terkait nutrisi yang terjangkau dan sehat sehingga dapat meningkatkan cakupan ASI Ekslusif dan dapat menurunkan angka stunting.Kata Kunci : ASI Ekslusif, StuntingDaftar Pustaka : 25 buku (2010-2018)9 jurnal (2013-2019)2 Website (2010-2017) ABSTRACTStunting is a condition of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition. The stunting prevalence in Tasikmalaya Regency was at the fourth place where Sukahening sub-district was at the highest with 155 stunting. Factor that can influence the occurrence of stunting is a poor parenting where exclusive breastfeeding is not given. The best prevention of stunting is on 1000 days of life where exclusive breastfeeding is given. The impact, if the baby is not given exclusive breastfeeding, they will lack of nutrition and also will have an impact on the growth or inappropriate height. This aims of the research is to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting on toddler under 5 years of at Sukahening Public Health Center, Sukahening Sub district, Tasikmalaya Regency. The type of research used is descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional approach. The total samplings were 95 respondents which used purposive sampling technique. The results of the research were obtained more than half of the respondents 51.6% were given exclusive breastfeeding, and most 65.3% of children under five had stunting. The chi-square calculation results obtained that ρ.value (0,000 <0,05) then H0 is rejected so that there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting on toddlers under 5 years in Sukahening Public Health Center, Sukahening Sub district, Tasikmalaya Regency. Performed the health education related to affordable and healthy nutrition so that it can increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding and can reduce stunting rates. Keywords : Exclusive breastfeeding, Stunting Bibliography : 25 books (2010-2018) 9 journals (2013-2019) 2 Websites (2010-2017) 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 1207-1212
Rasyika Nurul Fadjriah ◽  
Rusdianto Rusdianto ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Vidyanto Vidyanto

Background: Stunting often called stunted or short, is a condition of failure to thrive due to chronic malnutrition and psychosocial stimulation and exposure to repeated infections in the First 1000 Days of Life (from fetus to child aged 2 years). Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of stunting in the working area of the Tikson Raya Public Health Center, Banggai Laut District. The quantitative study with a case-control research design was applied. The number of samples used was 90 people with the Stratified Random Sampling technique. The data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. Results: An association between breastfeeding (p=0.009), the timing of complementary feeding (p=0.009), history of infectious disease (p=0.001), basic health practices (p=0.000), environmental sanitation hygiene (p=0.000), knowledge of maternal nutrition (p = 0.000) with the incidence of stunting in the working area of the Tikson Raya Public Health Center, Banggai Laut District. The environmental sanitation hygiene variable was identified as the most related to the value of OR = 17.367. Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding, complementary breastfeeding, infectious diseases, basic health practices, environmental sanitation, and knowledge of maternal nutrition are associated with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the working area of Tikson Raya Public Health Center, Banggai Laut District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Peny Ariani ◽  
Bella Agustria ◽  
Putri Ayu Yessy Ariescha ◽  
Tetty Junita Purba ◽  
Nur Mala Sari ◽  

A negative body image after childbirth tends to have a shorter duration of exclusive breastfeeding due to postpartum diet, embarrassment at having to breastfeed in public and concerns about the impact of breastfeeding on body shape. Government policies and regulations supporting exclusive breastfeeding in the workplace are not yet maximum because there are many workplaces that do not support the exclusive breastfeeding program, including time off for maternity leave, places for expressing breastmilk. This research is an observational non-experimental study using an analytical design that is case sectional. Sampling in this study used a purposive sampling technique with 70 respondents at the Meurah Mulia Public Health Center, Meurah Mulia District, North Aceh Regency in 2020. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire. The univariate data analysis technique used frequency distribution and bivariate analysis used the chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of body image with breastfeeding behavior supported body image with positive breastfeeding behavior as many as 56 respondents (80%). There is a relationship between body image and exclusive breastfeeding behavior for working mothers at Meurah Mulia Public Health Center, Meurah Mulia District, North Aceh Regency in 2020 with a value of p (0.002) <p value (0.05), it is hoped that respondents will continue to add information and knowledge, especially regarding behavior Exclusive breastfeeding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-103
Mestika Rija Helti ◽  
Suriani ◽  

Measles and rubella can have a negative impact on children's health in Indonesia, so the government has implemented an MR vaccination campaign (MMR VIS - Indonesia, 2012). The MR (Measles Rubella) vaccine provides benefits such as protecting children from disability and death due to complications of pneumonia, diarrhea , brain damage, deafness, blindness and congenital heart disease. There were 83 confirmed cases of CRS in 2015-2016 of which 77% suffered from heart defects, 67.5% suffered from cataracts and 47% suffered from deafness (Ditjen P2P, 2016). The research objective was the Effect of Promotion of Health Workers on the Improvement of Rubella Measles Immunization at the Bandar Khalipah Public Health Center in 2019. This type of research is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional approach with a sample size of 18, it is recommended to carry out promotions. The sampling technique is purposive sampling technique. The research instrument uses leaflet sheets. Univariate analysis using Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the total coverage of rubella measles immunization prior to promotion at the Bandar khalipah health center 2019 was 340 (7.8%) in the "decreased" category and after promotion the total coverage of rubella measles immunization at the Bandar khalipah puskesmas was 367 (8, 6%) are in the “increasing” category. So that there is an effect of promotion of health workers on increasing the provision of rubella measles immunization at the Bandar khalipah public health center in 2019. Conclusion in this study there is an effect of promotion of health workers on increasing rubella measles immunization, so that health workers can use promotion as an effort to support government programs, coverage of immunization rubella measles 95%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Nurul Maulidya ◽  
Dian Oktianti

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a long-term or chronic disease which continues to increase every year. Indonesia itself is ranked 7th for the most DM sufferers in the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the use of antidiabetic drugs in DM patients at the Grabag Public Health Center. The method used in this research is descriptive method, with retrospective data collection. The population of DM sufferers at the Grabag Public Health Center was 50 patients, with the sampling technique using the total sampling method. The inclusion criteria were medical record data for outpatient type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the exclusion criteria incomplete medical record data. The results of this study were the use of oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD) with single therapy, metformin 32% and acarbose 2%, and with combination therapy are metformin + glimepirid 58%, acarbose + glimepiride 2%, and metformin + glimepiride+acarbose 6%. Based on the duration of suffering from diabetes, for 1 year the most people used metformin by 26%, for 2 and 3 years the most used metformin + glimepiride by 38% and 8%, while for 4 years using a combination of metformin + glimepiride + acarbose by 2%. Most of the patients are accompanied by hypertension complications. The most widely used single therapy oral OAD is metformin and the combination therapy is metformin + glimepiride. Patients suffering from diabetes for 1 year of treatment used metformin single therapy, for 2 and 3 years the most treatment used 2 combination therapy, glimepiride + metformin, while for 4 years of treatment using 3 combination therapy metformin + glimepiride + acarbose. Abstrak Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit jangka panjang atau kronis yang pada setiap tahunnya terus mengalami peningkatan. Indonesia sendiri menduduki peringkat ke-7 untuk penderita DM terbanyak didiunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil penggunaan obat antidiabetes pada pasien DM di Puskesmas Grabag. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Populasi penderita DM di puskesmas Grabag sebanyak 50 pasien dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Kriteria inklusi berupa data rekam medik pasien DM tipe 2 rawat jalan, dan kriteria eksklusi berupa data rekam medik yang tidak lengkap. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan obat antidiabetes (OAD) oral dengan terapi tunggal yaitu metformin 32% dan acarbose 2%, dan dengan terapi kombinasi adalah metformin + glimepirid 58%, acarbose + glimepiride 2%, dan metformin+glimepiride + acarbose 6%. Berdasarkan lamanya menderita DM, selama 1 tahun terbanyak menggunakan metformin sebesar 26%, selama 2 dan 3 tahun terbanyak menggunakan metformin + glimepiride sebesar 38% dan 8%, sedangkan selama 4 tahun menggunakan kombinasi metformin + glimepiride + acarbose sebesar 2%. Sebagian besar pasien disertai dengan komplikasi hipertensi. Penggunaan OAD oral terapi tunggal terbanyak adalah metformin dan terapi kombinasi adalah metformin+glimepiride. Pasien yang menderita DM selama 1 tahun pengobatan terbanyak menggunakan terapi tunggal metformin, selama 2 dan 3 tahun pengobatan terbanyak menggunakan terapi 2 kombinasi yaitu glimepiride + metformin, sedangkan selama 4 tahun pengobatannya menggunakan terapi 3 kombinasi yaitu metformin + glimepiride + acarbose.

Ari Nofitasari ◽  
Nawawi Nawawi ◽  
Mimi Yati ◽  
Sarah Sarizan Yunam

Background: Health education can improve an adherence and reduce treatment delays in Tuberculosis (TB) patients. Based on results of interviews with TB patients at Nambo Public Health Center in December 2019, the results of interviews that has conducted on 4 patients, it found that the patients was undergoing treatment at the public health center , there were family members who were undergoing same treatment, there had been no routine preventive measures. The 4 patients interviewed said that they did not know clearlyto preventiontransmission  because the health worker only gave a sheet of paper which was recommended to be read at home. The General objective of this study was to determine the effect of health education patients in prevention of transmission at the Nambo Public Health Center Area. Methods: The type of study was quasyi experimental method with a pre test and post test design. The population of this study was 75 people, by using proportional random sampling technique with 26 respondents. The method of analysis  used paired t test of the statistical analysis. Result: The results of this study, showed that the above table analysis obtained the value of t=10,111>1,706, where t count was greater than the value of t table. It shows that there was asignificant effect of Health Prevention behavior at Nambo Public Health Center. Conclusion: It is hoped that the Nambo Community Health Center will always educationorconselingwhichwillincreasecommunityknowledge on TB prevention in the working area.

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