scholarly journals Media Education as a Development Project: Connecting Emancipatory Interests and Governance in India

Comunicar ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (32) ◽  
pp. 51-64 ◽  
Biswajit Das

The recent explosion of communication tools and services within last two decades has posed new questions that are beyond the comprehension of existing pedagogy in Indian Comm unication Studies. Indian society has witnessed a widespread proliferation of media technologies to such an extent that they have become ubiquitous in society. Media education, in In dia, however, remains an almost unexplored area of studies. This contribution puts forward the need for Media education far from a non-elitist point of view and proposes this Media education as a new pedagogy although its efficiency has not been proved convincingly yet. La reciente explosión de las herramientas y servicios de comunicación, durante las últimas dos décadas, ha planteado nuevas preguntas más allá de la comprensión de la pedagogía actual en los estudios de comunicación en la India. La sociedad india ha sido testigo de una muy extensa proliferación de tecnologías mediáticas, a tal grado que se han vuelto ubicuas en el entorno social. Sin embargo, la educación en medios en India sigue siendo un área de estudios casi inexplo rada. Esta contribución plantea la necesidad de una educación mediática desde una perspectiva no elitista al mismo tiempo que propone su posicionamiento como una nueva pedagogía aun reconociendo que los resultados de la investigación sobre la efectividad de la educación mediática son prácticamente inexistentes.

2021 ◽  
Adil Mukanov ◽  
Asset Zhumadil

Abstract The 74th step of "100 Concrete Step of Nation Plan" initiated by the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) Nursultan Nazarbayev states that Kazakhstani reserves reporting system must be changed to the international standards. One of them actively proposed is the SPE-PRMS. Therefore, the main goal of the paper is to show challenges of the transition, discuss possible problems, their solution and, eventually, advantages for the companies. In the paper the main aspects of the current State Committee of Reserves (SCR) system or well-known as GKZ system inherited from the Soviet system and used in Kazakhstan are reported. Especially, we try to highlight the reserves categories of A, B, C1 and C2 and their impact on further field development in details. Also SPE-PRMS and SEC rules are shown in terms of differences and similarities with the current system. Importantly, authors demonstrate how the SPE-PRMS standards are wide-spread around the globe. Finally, details of planned shift, some recommendations and simplification of reporting process are exhibited. As the result of the study the following points are investigated. Firstly, what will be with reports just recently approved by the SCR. Especially, for the big fields whose preparation takes up to several years. Secondly, what the frequency is for the reporting. Thirdly, whether the reports will be handled through several approval stages or just submitted. Moreover, how close to SPE-PRMS the new system should be adopted taking into account Kazahstani realities and if the reports should be composed in English along with Russian, since the main purpose of the transition is to be clear and transparent for the foreign investors. Otherwise, unfamiliar language and big deviation from the well-known standards may ruin the efforts. Despite the complexity of these issues the benefits of the new system are obvious and there are several reasons. The main advantage is that the SPE-PRMS is all about economically recoverable reserves without any ties with fixed recovery factor. In addition, report is done in short time and less volume. Finally, if the norm of the report's submission without going to tedious approval process is accepted, that will ease work of the subsoil users’ because it accelerates further preparation of field development project. The study is done due to recent changes of the RoK subsoil usage regulations, where the requirement for reserves reporting system's transition to the new international standards is mentioned. However, the issue is not much highlighted in technical publications from the operating companies’ point of view. Thus, having experience with GKZ, SPE-PRMS and SEC systems the authors take this opportunity to show challenges and benefits of the decision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 329-351
Mariola Grzebyk ◽  
Agata Pierścieniak ◽  
Małgorzata Stec

The analysis of management efficiency is an important element in evaluating the functioning of public administration from an economic point of view. In order to achieve greater efficiency of the management process, and thus the quality in public administration, it is important to analyze and evaluate its elements. Modern research usually covers individual elements, parts of the management process. However, the current study proposes a comprehensive approach to this process. The objective of the article is the evaluate levels of management efficiency of local government offices using a single synthetic indicator and also to identify areas that hinder management efficiency. The study applies the institutional analysis methodology, adjusting it to the needs of the article. The article postulates that areas that call for immediate changes in Poland's local government offices should include such areas as strategic and financial management, invigorating economic development, project management and public service offers. Any changes thus introduced in these areas may enhance improvements in management processes, effectiveness and efficiency of activities, the quality of the office's functioning, organizational development, which togethr indirectly affects local development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Frank Kessler ◽  
Mirko Tobias Schäfer

This article proposes a consideration of today’s discourses on ‘big data’ from a media archaeological point of view, confronting such discourses with those surrounding projects for large- scale image archives in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Collections of photographs, stereographs and films were thought of as trustworthy and unbiased documents, that allowed for the production of new forms of knowledge. The expectations as to the impact of such new media that circulated at the time are not unlike those formulated today with respect to ‘big data’. It is only by scrutinizing those discourses, and specifically the role attributed to media technologies, that we can understand the processes that govern the production of each medium’s bias.

Comunicar ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 13 (26) ◽  
pp. 131-135
Mariano Segura-Escobar

The author reflects about the relevance of media education for nowadays citizens. He thinks that Primary and Secondary school have to be the place for that relevant education, trying to make the youngters creative receivers of the media. From this point of view, the paper goes on making a revision of the instruments developed by the CNICE in order to make it possible. A través de este artículo el autor quiere dar a conocer algunas de las estrategias, actividades y programas que, desde en Centro Nacional de Información y Comunicación Educativa (CNICE) se están llevando acabo en nuestro país, con el objetivo de educar para obtener lo que denomina «espectadores responsables» y, ya en un contexto más amplio, ser capaces de formar a los usuarios para que sean críticos con los medios de comunicación de masas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yusnaidi Yusnaidi ◽  
Cut Devi Maulidasari ◽  
Fajri Hadi ◽  
Fatmayanti Fatmayanti ◽  
Muhammad Rahmat Hidayat

This research is designed to anylize the used of women sexuality at tv advertising. It is  a fact that tv ad is one of the effective marketing communication tools to promotes a product and builds corporate image. However there are a lot of misconduct in implementing tv ads to persuade consumers by showing conversations and scenes with a lot of sexual images. Sexual images in the ads are happened in many marketing events and programs. It has been considered as the effective approach to attract consumers attention and the message would be easy to be remembered and internalized in the memory. This phenomena also had happened in Indonesia where tv ads content sexual images which had caused controversy and rejection among the consumers and authorities. There were feminism issues about the women that should not be treated as the sexual object. The sample of tv ads which content sexual images in Indonesia was the ad of Condom Sutra performing four artist playing bilyard. This tv ads had appeared on the national tv channel in 2015 and had a lot of sexual languages, images and the moves that could be considered as pornographic actions. There were several researchs had been conduct on this particular issue but this research presents the analysis through different point of view. Therefore the semiotic analyzing methods introduced by Roland Barthes is applied in this research paper. The observations methods and qualitative research approach are part of the analyzing process to reach the objective and conclude the phenomena.Keywords : condom sutra, tv ads, sexual image.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 53-69
Thomas Olesen

Formålet med artiklen er at tilbyde en teoretisk og konceptuel ramme for forskning i uretfærdighedssymboler og sociale bevægelser. Uretfærdighedssymboler forstås som symboler, der for et kollektiv kondenserer og udstiller en generel uretfærdig tilstand i samfundet/verden. Studiet af uretfærdighedssymboler fremstår underbelyst i den politiske sociologi. Artiklen arbejder i to spor. På den ene side argumenteres det, at den nuværende samfundstype med globale kommunikationsstrømme og nye medieteknologier promoverer betydningen af uretfærdighedssymboler i de sociale bevægelsers aktiviteter. På den anden side pointeres det, at relationen mellem symboler og sociale bevægelser på ingen måde er historisk ny. Tværtimod er grundpåstanden, ikke mindst inspireret af den sene Durkheim, at symboler er et grundlæggende element i reproduktionen af menneskelige samfund. En udforskning af dynamikken mellem uretfærdighedssymboler og sociale bevægelser er sociologisk interessant af to grunde. For det første er uretfærdighedssymboler resultatet af politiske menings- og værdiprocesser, hvor kollektive aktører tillægger begivenheder, personer og andre objekter en universaliserende betydning. For det andet indgår uretfærdighedssymboler som en del af vores kollektive erindring og optræder derfor som idemæssige ressourcer, der kan mobiliseres uden for deres rumlige og tidslige forankring. Sociale bevægelser har med andre ord en social og politisk dobbeltrolle, hvor de både er skabere og ”forbrugere” af symboler. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Thomas Olesen: Injustice Symbols and Social Movements The purpose of the article is to offer a theoretical and conceptual framework for research on injustice symbols and social movements. Injustice symbols are understood as symbols that condense and expose an overall unjust situation in society/the world. The study of these symbols appears somewhat neglected in political sociology. The article pursues two tracks. On the one hand, it argues that the present type of society with global currents of communication and new media technologies is promoting the significance of injustice symbols in the activities of social movements. On the other hand, it stresses that the relation between these symbols and social movements is by no means historically new. On the contrary, not least inspired by Durkheim, the basic argument is that symbols constitute a fundamental element in the reproduction of human societies. An investigation into the dynamics between injustice symbols and social movements is interesting from a sociological point of view for two reasons. First, injustice symbols are the result of political opinion- and value processes whereby collective actors ascribe a universalizing meaning to events, individuals and other objects. Second, these symbols form part of our collective memory. Consequently, they act as ideational resources that can be mobilized outside their spatial and time-related framework. In sum, social movements have a social and political double role where they are both creators and users of symbols. Keywords: social movements, symbols, new media ecology, Durkheim, injustice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 5493-5498
Ms. Bharti, Dr. Shriya Goyal

From pre-Independence period to the contemporary times, women’s voice is gradually being heard and gaining momentum. It is hoped as well as expected that women would soon become a prominent voice making a mark in the society. Their point of view along with their decision making authority will have a definite and constructive impact on the society. This can be inferred from the literature by various Indian women writers such as Pandita Ramabai, Ismat Chughtai, Kamala Das and Shashi Deshpande. As we move from one decade to another entering the 21st century, we observe how women have been able to break the cocoon of domesticity, marking their presence in various socio-political spheres which have been usually dominated by men. Women have sought their space for expression and voicing opinion through literature. Depicting the oppression and discrimination faced in the patriarchal setup of Indian society, the women writers have pointed at the need for equality in practice as well as representation. The article will provide a discussion regarding Feminism in India, analysing each period or phase along with a women writer.

Stuart R. Poyntz ◽  
Jennesia Pedri

Media in the 21st century are changing when, where, what, and how young people learn. Some educators, youth researchers, and parents lament this reality; but youth, media culture, and learning nevertheless remain entangled in a rich set of relationships today. These relationships and the anxieties they produce are not new; they echo worries about the consequences of young people’s media attachments that have been around for decades. These anxieties first appeared in response to the fear that violence, vulgarity, and sexual desire in early popular culture was thought to pose to culture. Others, however, believed that media could be repurposed to have a broader educational impact. This sentiment crept into educational discourses throughout the 1960s in a way that would shift thinking about youth, media culture, and education. For example, it shaped the development of television shows such as Sesame Street as a kind of learning portal. In addition to the idea that youth can learn from the media, educators and activists have also turned to media education as a more direct intervention. Media education addresses how various media operate in and through particular institutions, technologies, texts, and audiences in an effort to affect how young people learn and engage with media culture. These developments have been enhanced by a growing interest in a broad project of literacy. By the 1990s and 2000s, media production became a common feature in media education practices because it was thought to enable young people to learn by doing, rather than just by analyzing or reading texts. This was enabled by the emergence of new digital media technologies that prioritize user participation. As we have come to read and write media differently in a digital era, however, a new set of problems have arisen that affect how media cultures are understood in relation to learning. Among these issues is how a participatory turn in media culture allows others, including corporations, governments, and predatory individuals, to monitor, survey, coordinate, and guide our activities as never before. Critical media literacy education addresses this context and continues to provide a framework to address the future of youth, media culture and learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Y.V. Artemova ◽  
A.A. Dyakina ◽  

The article deals with one of the priority directions of social development - media education of students. Modern society is in a phase of intensive digital development, experiencing the en-hanced influence of media technologies being introduced into various spheres of educational life. The effectiveness of a person's functioning in the information age will largely depend on their readiness for continuous self-development and professional improvement in the context of a rapidly changing media reality. The active processes of convergence and digitalization direct the system of higher voca-tional education towards the search for new forms of training and development, which are based on the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies. The model of media educational development of students described by the authors corresponds to these processes and takes into account the specifics of the media space in the region. At the same time, media education is considered as one of the factors of professional compliance of fu-ture specialists with the innovative economy of the region. The author's model of media educational development of students includes the following components: information and communication environment of the university, media technologies built into the subjects of the curriculum and an advanced training program that takes into ac-count the directions of training. It is clarified that future journalists are being prepared for the role of a media educator and conducting media educational activities on the basis of those re-gional media which they will work for. Students of other directions of training in the course of mastering a media education course acquire skills in the field of media, what stimulates in them, as future professionals, a steady need for self-improvement and self-development, creativity and critical thinking in the digital environment. It is assumed that graduates who have mastered all the components of the media educa-tion model not only improve their professional competencies defined by the relevant standard, but also acquire additional skills, expressed in the ability to systematically work to improve their own and surrounding media culture. This kind of focus of educational efforts increases their competitiveness in the regional labor market.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Núria Villaescusa ◽  
Oriol Amat

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how the different elements of the fraud triangle are present in a case of convicted accounting fraud in collusion. Design/methodology/approach This is a case study research. Findings The authors find that when a fraud is carried out in collaboration of several internal and external members of the company, the view of the fraud triangle as an explanation of the fraud from a heuristic point of view is a very limited perspective of the fraud as an opportunity has been designed ad hoc for the fraud commission. Originality/value Although there is a vast research on accounting fraud, collusion fraud is still an unexplored area. This study gives light on how a real case of fraud is perpetrated.

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