Educational Psychology in Polycultural Space
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Published By Bunin Yelets State University


2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-47
Svetlana N. Dvoryatkina ◽  
Arseny M. Lopukhin ◽  

The study actualized the complex and large-scale problem of adapting the theory of risk man-agement for the education system. A comprehensive analysis of domestic and international stud-ies revealed the lack of a theoretical framework, a general methodological vision of the problem of riskiness and risk-taking in the educational sphere. While effective management of education-al activities, ensuring the development of the competitiveness of the individual in the labor mar-ket and its potential for active participation in the life of society is possible on the basis of the modern paradigm of risk management, integrating achievements in pedagogical, economic, mathematical and computer sciences. A new methodology in the study is the fractal approach, which defines the idea of quantitative and qualitative analysis and assessment of the risk of non-formation of professional competencies, complex educational and cognitive constructs of subject activity. The fractal model of assessing the formation of knowledge and competencies, its risk landscape, taking into account the subject and cognitive divergence, will ensure the effective-ness of the structure of knowledge storage in the educational process, minimizing the time for building space and engineering knowledge bases, and the depth of solving the problem of pre-dicting educational risks. New methods of risk modeling based on machine learning algorithms and factor analysis, methods for constructing neural integrators, quantitative methods with and without taking into account the probability distribution will ensure the accuracy and speed of risk assessment and prediction, will allow one to identify new patterns of risk activity and further ways to develop the theory of risk. The presented effective strategies and innovative tools will solve the problem of minimizing unplanned chaos, the cascade of negative consequences of risky situations, including the COVID-19 epidemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Y.V. Maslova ◽  

The article considers teaching the Spanish language as a second foreign language to those students who already speak English as their first foreign language. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that at present new techniques of teaching students who speak two or more foreign languages should be reconsidered. It is also necessary to actively use the skills, knowledge and abilities that have already been developed while learning the first foreign language. The aim of the work is to identify the necessary techniques that can make teaching Spanish as a second foreign language to students studying English as their first foreign language more effective. The article compares English and Spanish in order to determine the factors contributing to a positive transference when learning Spanish as a second language, as well as those that complicate this process. Based on the analysis, a number of exercises are presented, which include those for initial perception, formation of speech skills and habits, development of the same and further training, which takes into account the factor of positive influence of the first foreign language and addresses the negative ones. The exercises presented include comparing and contrasting the two languages. The observation carried out while teaching two groups of students showed that taking into consideration the mutual influence of the two foreign languages, as well as including teaching materials for native English speakers in the learning process, increases students’ interest in the language and culture, and allows one to facilitate the process of learning Spanish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-129
Vera B. Tsarcova ◽  

The article is devoted to one of the problems of foreign language education – the definition of the role of interpretation in preparing students of special (language) directions to participate in the dialogue of cultures. Interpretation is considered as a phenomenon and as a way of comprehending reality, which allows the subjects of the dialogue of cultures to reach mutual understanding. The main characteristic of interpretation, which is necessary for the purposes of foreign language education, is its psychological character. It is determined by the psychology of the author, the psychology of the work, as well as the psychology of the reader-interpreter. It is proved that the interpretation of a work of art, which has universal, historical and personal plans, has huge epistemological and axiological possibilities. They activate the entire educational potential of interperetation (educational, developmental, cognitive, and educational). Russian Russian poet A. A. Fet (1820–1892) uses the poem “Wir saßen am Fischerhaus” by the famous German poet and publicist Heinrich Hein (1797–1856) and the translation of this poem into Russian to illustrate the interpretation technology. The poem is considered as a space of personal meanings of the author. They are the ones that are subject to interpretation and bring the reader-interpreter back from the poet's world to the modern real world. And the real world is full of unexpected cultural facts, closely related to the content of the work of G. Heine, with distant Lapland and the life of modern lapps. Thus, interpretation is presented as an educational strategy. Together with the strategies of contextualization, philologization and argumentation, it ensures the achievement of the main goal of foreign language education – the creation of an individual who can act as a genuine subject of the dialogue of cultures. The article also emphasizes the importance of the teacher as the organizer of the educational process and the subject of the dialogue of cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-99
N. A. Eremina ◽  

The modern sociocultural environment puts forward requirements for ensuring equal opportunities for vocational education for active members of the society. The established requirements for the organization of the educational process in mixed groups, including normo-typical students and students with disabilities, indicate the need to search for new methodological approaches to ensure the successful implementation of vocational education. The article highlights the problem of choosing didactic components of practice-oriented content for teaching students with disabilities. The aim of the work was to identify the principles of new didactics, which make it possible to adapt the structure of basic design education to the special educational needs of students and to optimally organize educational activities in a mixed group without losing the quality of professional development and an increase in general competencies. The article provides some of the fundamental meanings of design practice, which make it possible to find permits for the introduction of inclusive methods in the system of special-purpose training programs. The approaches to the formulation of combined tasks are disclosed that allow the variability of equivalent design solutions of different levels of complexity. New approaches to the choice of methodological and didactic techniques were determined in the course of a pedagogical experiment, using elements of a longitudinal study. The author gives examples from the experience of training students in secondary vocational education in mixed groups, points out aspects that have a particular impact on the achievement of equal positive results by students, names the methods of formulating practical tasks that minimize the difference in time spent by students with different abilities. The conclusion about a sufficient basis for the chosen direction of methodological and didactic support was made on the basis of signs of positive dynamics of mastering the techniques of project design activity by students with disabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Alexander R. Polyanin ◽  
Sergey N. Korotun ◽  
Dmitry A. Baranov ◽  

PowerPoint appeared over 35 years ago and has taken a firm place in education. The massive use of the program began in the mid-90s. The program has gone from an interesting technological novelty to an irreplaceable element of a modern lecture. Such a rapid introduction into ed-ucation took place without extensive empirical studies of a positive impact of this program, the initial scope of which was the marketing environment, on the education process. The article in-dicates that PowerPoint already in the late 1990s was subjected to certain criticism, the initial reasons for which were its technological imperfection, problems of its technical application. Over the decades, the program has undergone a number of modernizations, which, together with the development of demonstration technologies, has brought it today to a qualitatively new level. However, even today PowerPoint continues to raise questions from researchers. A sepa-rate problem was the question of the expediency of such massive use of the program, which today seeks to fill 100% of the classroom time. Most of the guides for using the program do not take into account the specifics of the use of slides and are aimed at the implementation of design rather than pedagogical tasks. The problem of stimulating audience activity at lectures using this program has not been solved yet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75
O. A. Belyaeva ◽  

The ideas of the article are based on the high social significance of discussing the practices of inclusive interaction in various spheres of life and ensuring the variability of approaches to the integration of children with special educational needs into the general education system. On the basis of the environmental approach in education, presented in the works of domestic and foreign authors, the basic principles are outlined and the general difficulties of the functioning of inclusive practice at the present stage are identified. The strategy of applying the vector approach to the examination and modeling of the environment of inclusive interaction and designing ways to improve it for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in school is justified. On the basis of the generalized results of the survey of teachers who organize the education of children with disabilities in non-specialized classes, the features and the type of relations that are currently developing in the joint education of schoolchildren with different educational needs during their integration into a single educational space are characterized. Using the methodology of psychological and pedagogical expertise of the school environment, the typification of the most characteristic influences exerted at modern schools on a child with a developmental disorder is carried out. The emerging dominant modality of the educational environment, its orientation to the development of relationships between teachers and peers, based on the priority of stimulating the activity of the individual with different degrees of manifestation of its freedom or dependence, is revealed. The article describes potential capabilities of each of the diagnosed types of environment in terms of its resources for ensuring freedom of choice of activities, stimulating activity, developing students' independence, and forming their personal characteristics. The diagnosed priority of creative and career-oriented orientation allowed us to draw conclusions about the currently established approaches to the inclusion of children with deviant development in the environment of normotypic peers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-114
A. V. Tolochko ◽  

The article focuses on the problems of teaching social studies at high school. The author tries to actualize the use of gaming technologies during lessons. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the game in teaching social studies to schoolchildren. During social studies lessons, it is necessary to use various teaching methods, one of which is the game. Thanks to the game, the theoretical knowledge gained during the lesson will be much better assimilated by students. Also, thanks to game technologies, it is possible to solve the problem of educational motivation of schoolchildren; it will be interesting for any student to participate in a game. Play activity today is of great importance in the development and education of the individual, as it gives each child an opportunity to feel themselves as a subject of a certain type of activity, to express themselves, to form thier own abilities. During the game, an intellectually passive student can perform such a volume of work that is completely inaccessible to them in a traditional educational situation. In scientific and other pedagogical studies related to play activities, one can find the concept of an "emotional accelerator" of learning. In addition to theoretical research, the article describes a pedagogical experiment, in which 20 students of 10th grades took part. The article says that using various play forms and methods it is possible to alternate between “serious” and “frivolous” work, and thereby ensure sustained attention to the studied material in the classroom, and the study of the course “Social Studies” at high school is a vital necessity. It is important to provide quality education using various active methods and techniques, in particular, using the form of business games.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-44
S.V. Bykova ◽  

This work presents and analyzes the pedagogical conditions that have developed on the basis of the studied theoretical, scientific and pedagogical sources (M. K. Apetyan, N. M. Borytko, D. V. Grigoriev, N. V. Ippolitova, A. G. Ligostaev, Yu. A. Ryzhikova, N. S. Sterkhova, A. Fernham, P. Haven, etc.) of the analyzed author's work experience and contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the claimed research process. The pedagogical conditions that we have formulated are: taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of primary school students; the combination of various types of teacher's activities, which actualizes the extracurricular ac-tivities of schoolchildren; the use of a complex of forms, methods and techniques aimed at form-ing the social experience of younger schoolchildren and, of course, positively influencing the development of students ' ideas and knowledge about the world around them, necessary for its development and active communication (including in language) of the skills of pupils. This, in turn, helps to form their social experience in extracurricular activities. Thus, the current ap-proaches to the development of pedagogical conditions and the solution of scientific psycholog-ical and pedagogical problems are characterized. The author describes the program of extracurricular activities “Polyglot” (linguistic ori-entation), which is substantively tested by the author. The program is focused primarily on the formation of the social experience of younger students (grades 2–4) in extracurricular activities. The positions on the preferences of students when mastering the Program have been analyzed and the results achieved during the implementation of the Program have been determined: the necessary and sufficient conditions have been created for the formation of social experience; the level of motivation for learning English and the level of formation of the linguistic competence of students were increased, thanks to extracurricular activities. Significant research results are ranked.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-136
Marina V. Klimova ◽  
Viktoria A. Maltseva ◽  

The annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of Personality Creativity in a Modern Multicultural Space” was held at Bunin Yelets State University on April 15, 2021. The situation in the country and the world determined the online format of the event, more than two hundred researchers, teachers, cultural workers, young researchers from Russia, Bulgaria, Italy, Saudi Arabia discussed issues of international scientific cooperation in a constantly changing world; prospects for the development of science in accordance with the requirement of personalization of education; systematization of the fundamental problems of the development of creativity as a segment of the digital competence profile and the basis of efficiency in a situation of uncertainty. Speeches dedicated to the development of creativity in the educational process of schools and universities have become traditional, making it possible to understand the modern picture of the world, its internationality in informational and artistic aspects. The problem of personality creativity development in the modern multicultural digital space is relevant and promising.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Y.V. Artemova ◽  
A.A. Dyakina ◽  

The article deals with one of the priority directions of social development - media education of students. Modern society is in a phase of intensive digital development, experiencing the en-hanced influence of media technologies being introduced into various spheres of educational life. The effectiveness of a person's functioning in the information age will largely depend on their readiness for continuous self-development and professional improvement in the context of a rapidly changing media reality. The active processes of convergence and digitalization direct the system of higher voca-tional education towards the search for new forms of training and development, which are based on the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies. The model of media educational development of students described by the authors corresponds to these processes and takes into account the specifics of the media space in the region. At the same time, media education is considered as one of the factors of professional compliance of fu-ture specialists with the innovative economy of the region. The author's model of media educational development of students includes the following components: information and communication environment of the university, media technologies built into the subjects of the curriculum and an advanced training program that takes into ac-count the directions of training. It is clarified that future journalists are being prepared for the role of a media educator and conducting media educational activities on the basis of those re-gional media which they will work for. Students of other directions of training in the course of mastering a media education course acquire skills in the field of media, what stimulates in them, as future professionals, a steady need for self-improvement and self-development, creativity and critical thinking in the digital environment. It is assumed that graduates who have mastered all the components of the media educa-tion model not only improve their professional competencies defined by the relevant standard, but also acquire additional skills, expressed in the ability to systematically work to improve their own and surrounding media culture. This kind of focus of educational efforts increases their competitiveness in the regional labor market.

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