The Effect of Popular Culture on TV Program Genres Within Globalization Process

Nimet Ersin

In the process of globalization, popular culture has spread all around the world far more easily via television. Following 1980s, commercial televisions increasing together with the dominance of liberal economy have operated in accordance with commercial logic, and therefore, television programs have been produced for upper ratings, accordingly for getting high advertisement profits. Together with globalization, television programs have rather focused on entertainment. Popular culture has influenced programme genres both in terms of making existing programs entertaining and emerging novel amusing program genres. In this chapter, following the discussions on popular culture, the increase in entertainment in television programs is generally discussed, and then, the increase in entertainment in television programs in Turkey in the process of globalization is analyzed.

Panggung ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Intan Rizkia Futri ◽  
Dade Mahzuni ◽  
Nandang Rahmat

ABSTRACT Music as cultural diplomacy has been a subject of scholarly attention around the world. This research explores the subject within the Asia region. The purpose of this research is to describe the efforts in strengthening international diplomacy of Indonesia through dangdut music, namely Dangdut Academy Asia 2 TV program, throughout Asia specifically. Dangdut music which is originated from Indonesia gains a strong base of enthusiasts. The music genre has also established a niche market in the world of music. Popular culture and cultural diplomacy theories used in the research to explain how dangdut music which is formatted into a television variety show can positively affect the life of the society, nation, and state within Indonesia and throughout Asia. From this research, I found that the TV program has contributed in a very positive way to cultural diplomacy for Indonesia. This cultural diplomacy has been done through various cultural forms, including costumes, songs, foods, tourist attraction information, etc.Keywords: dangdut show, pop culture, cultural diplomacy, Dangdut Acadaemy Asia 2, variety show   ABSTRAK Musik sebagai diplomasi budaya telah menjadi perhatian ilmiah di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi subjek di wilayah Asia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan upaya Indonesia dalam memperkuat diplomasi internasional melalui musik dangdut, yaitu program TV Dangdut Academy Asia 2, yang ditayangkan khusus di Asia. Musik dangdut berasal dari Indonesia yang memiliki penggemar fanatik. Jenis musik ini telah membentuk pasar khusus di dunia musik. Teori budaya populer dan diplomasi budaya digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan bagaimana musik dangdut yang dikemas menjadi program variety show  televisi dapat secara positif memengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara di Indonesia dan Asia.Dari penelitianini penulis menemukan bahwa program TV tersebut telah berkontribusi sebagai sarana diplomasi budaya Indonesia. Diplomasi budaya ini dilakukan melalui berbagai bentuk budaya yang tersaji dalam acara tersebut, seperti pakaian, lagu-lagu, makanan, informasi tempat wisata, dan lain-lain.Kata kunci: pertunjukandangdut, budaya pop, diplomasi budaya, Dangdut Academy Asia 2, variety show.

1991 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-302
Hamid Naficy

In this article, I will focus on the poetics and practice of nostalgia in exilic popular culture, drawing primarily on examples from some 10 years of Iranian television programs and music videos produced in Los Angeles. Nostalgia, a feature of exile, has in recent years become a “cultural practice” and a “mode of representation” (K. Stewart 227, 238) as postmodernity, neocolonialism, communism, totalitarianism, imperialism, and transnational capital have displaced peoples and cultures the world over. Fredric Jameson tells us that this fragmentation and deterritorialization forces us to experience time differently; that is, we experience the present as a loss or, as Baudrillard would have it, as a phenomenon that has no origin or reality, a “hyperreality” (2). For the exiles who have emigrated from Third World countries, life in the United States, especially in the quintessentially postmodern city of Los Angeles, is doubly unreal, and it is because of this double loss—of origin and of reality—that nostalgia becomes a major cultural and representational practice among the exiles. In addition, nostalgia for one’s homeland has a fundamentally interpsychic source expressed in the trope of an eternal desire for return—a return that is structurally unrealizable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 12
Kunal Debnath

High culture is a collection of ideologies, beliefs, thoughts, trends, practices and works-- intellectual or creative-- that is intended for refined, cultured and educated elite people. Low culture is the culture of the common people and the mass. Popular culture is something that is always, most importantly, related to everyday average people and their experiences of the world; it is urban, changing and consumeristic in nature. Folk culture is the culture of preindustrial (premarket, precommodity) communities.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 293
Tania Intan

AbstrakSecara alamiah, manusia membutuhkan sarana untuk mengisi waktu luangnyasetelah bekerja keras. Satu media yang murah, mudah dijangkau, dan digemari oleh semuakalangan di seluruh dunia adalah cerita bergambar atau komik yang merupakan bagiandari budaya populer. Pada umumnya, karya paraliteratur-visual ini memang bersifat fiktifdan hanya merupakan peniruan dari kenyataan yang digambarkan secara berlebihan(grotesque). Namun demikian, di dalam komik, sering ditemukan nilai-nilai kehidupanyang bersifat universal dan abadi sehingga dianggap layak sebagai bahan kajian budaya.Naruto, salah satu manga Jepang, dan Astérix, bande dessinée dari Prancis, akan ditelitisebagai representasi dunia Timur dan Barat. Latar sebagai unsur struktural dalam karyakaryafiksi ini ternyata juga menunjukkan kesamaan mendasar, yaitu keberadaan desasebagai tempat hidup para tokohnya. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dibahas pemaknaan lainterhadap lingkungan rural tersebut, yang memiliki andil dalam pembentukan karakterpara tokoh dari kedua komik. Metode kajian komparasi budaya akan digunakan denganpenerapan teori-teori yang relevan. Penelitian singkat ini bertujuan untuk melengkapistudi mengenai komik yang belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia.Kata kunci: Desa, komik, Naruto, Astérix, Komparasi BudayaAbstractNaturally, humans need a way to fill their spare time after working hard. Acheap, accessible and popular medium by all circles around the world is a picture or comicstory, which is part of popular culture. McCloud (1993:7) defines comics as drawings andembossed symbols in a particular order, aimed at providing information or achievingaesthetic responses from the reader. In general, this visual-paraliterature work isindeed fictitious and merely an imitation of grotesque reality. However, in the comics, itis often found that values of life that are universal and eternal so comics are consideredappropriate as a material of cultural studies. Naruto, one of the Japanese manga, andAstérix, the bande dessinée of France, are examined as a representation of the East andWest. The background as a structural element in these works of fiction also shows the basicsimilarity of the existence of the village as the place of life of the characters. According toKartohadikoesoemo (1984:16), the village is a legal entity, in which a ruling society livesits own government. In this paper, other meanings of the rural environment, which hascontributed in the character formation of the characters from both comics are discussed.The method of cultural comparative is used with the application of relevant theories. Thisbrief study aims to complete the study of comics which is still very limited in Indonesia.Keywords: Village, Comic, Naruto, Astérix, Cultural Comparison

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-17 ◽  
Hans C. Schmidt

While there is a longstanding connection between sports and politics, this past year has seen a surge of social activism in the world of sport, and numerous high-profile athletes have used their positions of prominence to raise awareness of social or political issues. Sport media, in turn, have faced questions regarding how best to cover such activism. Given the popularity of sport media, such decisions can have real implications on the views held by the public. This scholarly commentary discusses how sport media cover the social activism of athletes and presents the results of a content analysis of popular news and sports television programs, newspapers, and magazines. Overall, results indicate that sport media are giving significant and respectful coverage to athletes who advocate for social or political issues.

Adrien Ordonneau

Consequences of capitalism’s crises and their manifestations in arts have deeply modified the way we can approach mental health. As Mark Fisher pointed out in 2009 with his book Capitalist Realism, neoliberalism is using mental illness as a way to keep existing. The capacity to think a way out of alienation is deeply linked with arts and popular culture. The article proposes to study the uncanny dialogue between arts and politics in relationships to people, and mental health. The theoretical framework will show how arts are trying to build a way out of alienation, since 2009. The article will illustrate this research with the study of many artistic practices, including our own. The findings will show how the ambiguous and uncanny relationships with the world is used by artists as a way out of alienation, despite the difficulties occurring with mental health in time of crisis.

Kyle Hammonds

Superheroes are a global phenomenon. The superhero genre has been proliferated through modern industrial societies by way of movies, television, comics, and other forms of popular media. Although virtually every nation in the world has heroic myths, the modern superhero, as marked by the inception of recent American comics heroes in 1929, is a uniquely Western invention. Superheroes are “Western” insofar as they embody and exhibit Western civic values, such as democracy, humanism, and retributive justice. These characters have been communicatively incorporated into globalization processes by means of diffusion and thereby enact aspects of cultural imperialism. Even so, superhero figures have been in high demand across many populations for their entertainment value. As superheroes have diffused in non-Western cultures, they have not only been absorbed by new cultures but also refigured and adapted. These non-Western adaptations have had a recursive influence, such as the global popularity of Japanese manga. The recursive relationship between Western superheroes and their non-Western adaptations implies superheroes are an important aspect of cultural fusion in global popular culture.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 351
Dwi Sabrina ◽  
Lusia Savitri Retno Utami

No doubt the development of popular culture is very fast in the world, especially the K-Pop industry. Due to rapid development of K-Pop and more fans, innovations have begun to emerge in showing the love of fans towards K-Pop. One of them is K-Pop cover dance activities. This study discusses "The Formation of the Identity of K-Pop Cover Dance Performers in Jakarta" and uses observation and interview data collection methods to find out more about how the formation of K-Pop cover actors' self-identity formation. The theory used is their dramatism on the front stage and also the backstage. In this study the authors can see that each individual communicates themselves in different ways and not all cover dance performers perform their front stage roles up to their backstage life. The formation of the identity of the cover dance actors can change to follow the environment where they are and with whom they communicate. However, not a few also feel that his life as a cover dance on stage imitates and becomes someone else's figure carried to their   daily from various aspects such as family, experience and also the community.Tidak dipungkiri perkembangan budaya populer sangat pesat di dunia terutama K-Pop. Akibat perkembangan K-Pop yang pesat dan penggemarnya yang semakin banyak, mulai bermunculan inovasi dalam menunjukkan kecintaan dari penggemar terhadap K-Pop. Salah satunya adalah kegiatan cover dance K-Pop. Penelitian ini membahas tentang “Pembentukan Identitas Diri Para Pelaku Cover Dance K-Pop di Jakarta” dengan menggunakan teori dramatisme mereka pada front stage dan juga back stage. Dalam penelitian ini penulis dapat melihat bahwa setiap individu mengkomunikasikan diri mereka dengan cara yang berbeda-beda dan tidak semua pelaku cover dance melakukan peran front stage mereka hingga ke kehidupan backstage mereka. Peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai bagaimana pembentukan identitas diri para pelaku cover dance K-Pop. Pembentukan identitas diri para pelaku cover dance dapat berubah mengikuti lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dengan siapa mereka berkomunikasi. Namun, tidak sedikit juga yang merasa bahwa kehidupannya sebagai seorang cover dance di atas panggung yang meniru dan menjadi sosok orang lain terbawa hingga ke kehidupan sehari-hari mereka dari berbagai macam aspek seperti keluarga, pengalaman dan juga komunitas. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Akhmad Rizqon Khamami

This paper discusses the contributions of Nurcu movement in strengthening Islam in contemporary Turkey. In consonance with the rising of Turkey as a strong country in political and economical sphere on global level, this country is said to be a symbol of Islamic renaisance of the Muslim world. The four consecutive victories of Erdoğan’s party in Turkey general election is seen as a solely factor for the Islamic renaisance of Turkey. But this writer argues that there is yet another Islamic movement which worked on Islamic <em>da’wah</em> far before AKP grabbed the power. Nurcu is that of this very Islamic movement. It has a large number of members ranged from businessmen, intellectuals, students, and housewives. The businessmen of Nurcu are known as “Anatolian Tigers” who contribute in developing economy of Turkey since Turgut Özal opening up liberal economy and integrating its economy into greater lap of the world economy in 1980s. This development of the Turkey economy walks hand in hand with spirit of Islamic way of life within Turkish people. This writer assumes that the movement has paved the way for AKP’s victories; and is currently for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to receive the tittle of newly-found Islamic hero of the contemporary Islam in the Indonesian political Islamists’ view.

Jarosław Macała

A large portion of geopolitical research of the last decades, especially geopolitical criticism, undertakes the concept of the importance of culture, value and identity in explaining the relation between the space and politics, which was an aspect underappreciated by classical and neoclassical geopolitics. It might be assumed that the currently growing role of popculture and mass-media in our lives lead to the establishment of a kind of a “cultural order”, a particular filter that decides on the perception of the world and, consequently, geopolitics. This article relates to this issue as it deals with the meaning of popular culture in contemporary geopolitical research, mostly accentuated by popular geopolitics. This review briefly analyses what popular geopolitics is, how to sketch its research area, stages of development, applied definitions and research methods. The starting point is the assumption that the hegemonic structure of geographical/geopolitical thinking that the elites are trying to impose on the society by using popcultural artifacts may, in fact, be reconstructed thanks to popular geopolitics studies. It shows the scale and reach of resistance towards such imaginations as displayed by the non-elites, who also reach for symbols, texts and images from popular culture. Such circumstances allow to observe either legitimizing or debunking a particular view of the world and geopolitics.

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