The Career Development Compass

Joel B. Thornton

Due to constant change and intense competition within the information environment, developing a diversified portfolio of professional capabilities ensures employability and career mobility for future Information Professionals (IPs). Capability development begins with career development planning. However, without the proper navigation device to guide future IPs, career plans can go awry and career opportunities may vanish. Because the IP’s role is constantly changing, unforeseen opportunities exist for those who address career development planning beginning the first day of graduate school. This chapter provides future IPs with a navigation tool and roadmap to develop career plans in an unpredictable environment and discusses implications for the future viability of the profession.

1984 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-55
Hubert Fondin

This paper discusses the mutations occurring within the information profession as a result of the rapid and complex transformation of existing information systems. The author feels it is essential for professionals, users and the information profession as a whole to recognize and understand these changes as well as their socio-economic consequences. Particular atten tion should be given to the following: the advent of microcom puters, electronic publishing, the end-user's reappropriation of information systems, the emergence of new types of informa tion, and the concept of information utility.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (21) ◽  
pp. 3700-3703
Yvonne Klaue

In the past, the majority of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers were focused on careers in academia. Times have changed, and many are now considering careers outside of academia and are aware of numerous exciting career opportunities in industry and nonprofit and government organizations. However, although it is easy to find resources about academic careers, the same cannot be said for positions outside the ivory tower. Here, on the basis of my experience as a scientist and as someone who works with graduate students and postdocs to help them enter nonacademic career paths, I provide a perspective on career development and how to find a job.

Katalin Koncz

A szerző tanulmányában a női karrierpálya és a szervezeti karriergondozás sajátosságait mutatja be. A női munkaerő sajátos munkaerő. Sajátosságait a társadalmi munkamegosztásban elfoglalt helye, szerepe, az ebből is táplálkozó férfiakétól eltérő személyisége, motivációja, habitusa, munkahellyel és munkakörrel kapcsolatos elvárásai alkotják. A hatékony emberierőforrás-menedzsment célja, hogy a rendelkezésre álló munkaerő-potenciált, kompetenciatárat minél jobban kihasználja. Ezért hasznosítja a sokszínűségből fakadó szinergiahatást, és számol a különböző alkalmazotti rétegek eltérő adottságaival. _____________________ The career needs of women demands special requirements towards organizational career development which covers the whole process of the human resource management. It is necessary to take attention to the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the organization, to develop an objective selection process based on competences, to eliminate barriers of advancement, to contact and inform women during the paid child-care period, to provide new ways to balance career and family, to extend the mentor system, to aid the preparation of individual career plans, to extend the different forms of flexible employment, to eliminate the wage and income differences. In Hungary the lack of women-friendly social environment and organizational culture prevent the development of diversity management, the fulfilling of the special mission and tasks of female career development. These circumstances waste the human resources in social and organizational level, too. It results the insufficient utilization of the competences of skilled workforce, especially that of women.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-198
Dominik Mirosław Piotrowski

The purpose of the paper is to show the need for literacy education from a variety of services available in the cloud computing as a specialist information field of activity. Teaching at university in the field of cloud computing related to the management of information could provide tangible benefits in the form of useful learning outcomes. This allows students and future information professionals to begin enjoying the benefits of cloud computing SaaS model at work, thereby freeing up of buying expensive licenses and installing on your PC commercial software. Paper brings wider issues of cloud computing. The aim of the presentation is to show the ability to use a variety of services and applications available in the cloud as a workshop. These include: office and communication, tools, graphics editors, presentation software, dropbox, applications allowing the managed time and many others. The term “cloud computing” is related to the concept of virtualization. Moreover, paper also addresses the issue of data security in the cloud.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 146-154
N. Yu. Shaposhnikova

The aim of the article is to show the ways of the UK students’ personal development as one of the higher school answers to the challenges of the complex world of today, whose only certainty is constant change. The programme of personal development is aimed at preparing students for their future life and profession, ensuring their adaptation to the constantly changing conditions. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of the experience of three different British universities, three main implementation models of students’ personal development plans are defined. They are characterized by the type of the dominant orientation: professional, employment or academic. The professional model type was strongly influenced by the requirements of professional bodies such as health care professional bodies, and statutory bodies. The second model type, which is focused on employment, included a general orientation to graduate employment as well as specific work placement during the process of study. This model was associated with such areas as: management and business, sport and leisure, as well as those areas of applied science and engineering where the course focus was mainly towards employment rather than the discipline itself. The third – academic – model was focused on the student’s academic development. Its realization facilitated the development of metacognitive skills and the skills related to the specific subject discipline. The models presented in the article may serve as an instrument for the analysis of higher education individualization practices, and for the designing of flexible learning programmes, which take into account students’ individual abilities and learning needs.

Khrystyna Vasylivna Pletsan

The article analyzes the state and problems of the development of the synergy of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere. The main aspects of career development formation are highlighted, attention is paid to the definition of “career specialist’s success” as a process of development, implementation and decision making on the basis of human-centeredness, motivation, self-development and self-realization, a system of professional knowledge, skills and skills that provides professional development, achievement of goals and satisfaction with professional activity.The synergy of career success of a specialist as a targeted activity of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere in relation to the achievement of the goals and objectives of professional activity was characterized. The preconditions for the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere have been argued and outlined. In particular, the presence of special features of the cognitive and intellectual spheres, providing a reflection of the activity; developed intellect; high ability to goal-setting; wide horizons; morality; personal maturity, supporting the desire for constant self-development, self-improvement; ability to self-control, self-control and self-realization. Factors, factors, indicators, criteria, components are analyzed. Functions of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. The relevance of the management of the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural environment has been substantiated through the implementation of the relevant cycles: professional definition → professional education → selection for the position → professional adaptation → career development planning → professional development → professional development → evaluation of the results of professional activity. It is proved that the success of the career of specialists of the socio-cultural sphere is formed, in accordance with the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth. The corresponding subsystems of career success of the specialist of socio-cultural activity, namely: personnel, organizational, personal, and cultural-ethical subsystems, are determined. It is noted that due to the functions of the involved subsystems and associated career orientations, the specialist of the socio-cultural environment, given their interaction and interrelationship taking over the nature of the mutual perception of the activities of these elements, you can get the programmed result — the success of a career. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the success of a career, a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere must possess the appropriate complex of competencies. Namely: the definition of the direction of activity and vision; effective communication; decency and justice; delegation of authority; strategic thinking; making managerial decisions; analytical thinking; skills of working with information; innovation; leadership; professional experience; improvement of activity; change management; demanding possession of knowledge and skills of self-management; ability to make the most of their own abilities; stress management; self-confidence, decisions taken; ability to work in a team; creativity (the ability to creatively approach the decision of managerial tasks, the tendency to improvisation); responsibility; self improvement; organizational skills; trust; conflict management; rational resource management; criticality; orientation to the result. The conclusion is made that the synergy of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere can be presented in the form of such a structural process: a successful specialist → self-improvement and self-realization of a specialist → creative and innovative principles of professional development of a specialist → human centered dimension of the socio-cultural sphere → achievement of the determined goals and goals of the specialist → measure of goals and goals → synergy of success and career specialist socio-cultural environment.

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