Full-Scale Impact Test Study for the New Flexible Safety Fence

2012 ◽  
Vol 204-208 ◽  
pp. 1684-1688
Zheng Bao Lei ◽  
Rui Wang ◽  
Mu Xi Lei ◽  
Xiao Yuan Zhang

In order to test and verify the feasibility of the 5 roped new flexible safety fence posted with I-shaped cross section. So the full—scale impact test was studied. Four mainly aspects of the preparation for full—scale impact test study, testing and data collection, testing results and data analysis , conclusion were stated. The results show that the various elements of the new flexible safety fence meet the evaluation criteria, the maximum dynamic deformation is short, and it is no obvious stumbling resistance to the testing vehicles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-455
M. Rosi Siumaparri Djadjas ◽  
Kurniawati ◽  

The purpose of this research is to obtain information comprehensively about the implementation of curriculum 2013 subjects history in SMA Negeri Pandeglang. This research uses CIPPmodel. The components that become the focus of this research are 1). Context, consist of program background, program constraints, feasibility study, 2). Inputh, consists of student, teachers, curriculum, infrastructure, financing, academic calender, 3). Process, consists of teacher copetence ;earningactivities in class 4). Product, consisting of sumatif value and formative value of leraners.This research uses qualitative methode combined with quantitative approach. The steps of the research begins by making evaluation criteria, the next stage of making the instrument research, making the instrument grille, data collection, data analysis and conclusions. The instrument validition test uses expert validation, and reliability test. Data collection techniques, using observation technique, interviews, documentation studies, and questionnaires. The result of reseearch show that context competent is in very good criteria, with 100% evaluation, 100 % input component is very good, 75 % good process component, and 100 % excellent product component. Thus, it can be concluded that the 2013 Curriculum implementation of history subjects can run very well.   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi secara komprehensif tentang pelaksanaan program implementasi kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri Pandeglang.  Penelitian ini menggunakan model CIPP. Komponen- Komponen yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini yaitu (1) context, terdiri dari latar belakang program, kendala program, studi kelaikan; (2) input, terdiri dari peserta didik, guru, kurikulum, sarana prasarana, pembiayaan, kalender akademik; (3) process, terdiri dari kompetensi guru, kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas; (4) product, terdiri dari nilai sumatif dan nilai formatif peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dipadukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Langkah-langkah penelitian diawali dengan membuat kriteria evaluasi, tahap selanjutnya membuat kisi-kisi instrument, membuat instrument penelitian, pengumpulan data, analisis data dan kesimpulan. Uji  Validitas instrumen menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komponen Context berada pada kriteria sangat baik dengan angka evaluasi 100%, komponen input 100 % sangat baik, komponen process 75 % baik, dan komponen product 100 % sangat baik.Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa impelemntasi Kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran sejarah dapat berjalan dengan sangat baik dan efektif. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Program, CIPP, Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Sejarah

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Nurcholish Arifin Handoyono

This research aims to determine the development process and the feasibility of learning media for motorcycle chassis training kit at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro. The type of research used is R&D. The research subjects were 32 students of class X TBSM SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro. The data collection instruments used observation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used the evaluation criteria analysis to determine the feasibility of learning media. The results showed that: (1) The development process went through several stages, namely: (a) problem background; (b) problem identification; (c) development ideas; (d) pre-production stage (tools and materials); (e) production stage; (f) product development; (g) validation and revision; (h) feasibility test; and (i) wearable products; and; (2) Learning media for motorcycle chassis training kit are categorized as very suitable for use in learning with the results of validation of media experts by 90%, material experts by 95%, small group trial of 85.24%, and large group trial of 83.94%.

Priyastiwi Priyastiwi

This study aimed to examine the effect of demographic factors and organizational climate on the intention of internal whistleblowing. The sample was an accountant who had worked as an auditor. Data collection methods using questionnaires with financial statement fraud case scenarios. This research use ANOVA data analysis method to examine demographic factors include age, gender, and experience, as well as organizational climate on the intention of internal whistleblowing. The results showed only the experience of demographic factors that influence internal whistleblowing. Besides internal whistlelowing also influenced by organizational climate in the company.Keyword: Demographics, Organizational Climate, Whistleblowing

Siti Mariana Ulfa

AbstractHumans on earth need social interaction with others. Humans can use more than one language in communication. Thus, the impact that arises when the use of one or more languages is the contact between languages. One obvious form of contact between languages is interference. Interference can occur at all levels of life. As in this study, namely Indonesian Language Interference in Learning PPL Basic Thailand Unhasy Students. This study contains the form of interference that occurs in Thai students who are conducting teaching practices in the classroom. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research that seeks to describe any interference that occurs in the speech of Thai students when teaching practice. Data collection methods in this study are (1) observation techniques, (2) audio-visual recording techniques using CCTV and (3) recording techniques, by recording all data that has been obtained. Whereas the data wetness uses, (1) data triangulation, (2) improvement in perseverance and (3) peer review through discussion. Data analysis techniques in this study are (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation and (4) conclusions. It can be seen that the interference that occurs includes (1) interference in phonological systems, (2) interference in morphological systems and (3) interference in syntactic systems. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-38
Syamsuddin RS ◽  
Dadan Anugrah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode Program Fajar Indah yang ada di Radio Citra Progo dalam meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat, mengetahui klasifikasi da’i pengisi program Fajar Indah, serta pesan dakwah dari program Fajar Indah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data digunakan penafsiran logika yang dihubungkan dengan konteks Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Radio Citra Progo dalam program Fajar Indah menggunakan metode ceramah dengan pembawaan da’i yang santai ketika siaran. Adapun klasifikasi da’i dalam siaran dakwah ini, dapat dilihat dari wawasan keilmuan penyiar dalam menguasai Al Quran dan Hadist sebagai sumber hukum Islam dan kedisiplinan untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai da’i penyiar radio. Dalam siaran Program Fajar Indah terdapat pesan dakwah berupa materi Aqidah untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada Allah, mengimani rukun Iman dan rukun Islam, serta materi Akhlak yang diperintahkan oleh Allah dan dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, materi Ibadah yang menyampaikan tatacara beribadah kepada Allah meliputi hukum pernikahan, hukum bertetangga, shodaqoh, sholat, puasa dan menyampaikan materi tentang hari-hari besar umat Islam. This study aims to determine the methods of the Beautiful Fajar Program on Radio Citra Progo in improving people's religious understanding, knowing the classification of preachers for the Fajar Indah program, and preaching messages from the Fajar Indah program. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection in this study uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis used the interpretation of logic connected with the context of Islamic Broadcast Communication. The results showed that Citra Progo Radio in the Fajar Indah program used a lecture method with a relaxed nature when broadcasting. The da'i classification in this da'wah broadcast, can be seen from the broadcaster's scientific insights in mastering the Qur'an and Hadith as a source of Islamic law and discipline to carry out their duties as radio broadcast preachers. In the broadcast of the Fajar Indah Program there is a da'wah message in the form of Aqeedah material to increase public trust in God, faith in the pillars of faith and pillars of Islam, as well as moral material ordered by God and exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, the material of worship which conveys the procedure of worship to God including marriage law , neighborly law, shodaqoh, prayer, fasting and delivering material about the Muslim holidays.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 17
Dr. Onyeka Awa

The aim of this study is to investigate how the African novelists have domesticated the English language to suit their environments, experience and purpose. Specifically, the literary pieces – The Last of the Strong Ones (Strong Ones), House of Symbols (symbols), Children of the Eagle (Children) and the Trafficked of Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo were x-rayed. This exploration adopted the Hallidian Systemic Functional Linguistics, which highlights how language is used. The textual method of data analysis, the primary and secondary data collection methods were employed and the results showed that the African literary artists in general and the Igbo Nigerian novelists in particular have taken on a unique style of writing in the African vernacular style. For that reason, the speeches of the characters are laced with dignified local appositives, high profile Igbo songs and tales, studded local proverbs, lexical transfers, ritzy transliterations and so on; and these have given African rhythm to the English language. This notwithstanding, the aura, glamour and credibility of the English language as the medium of communication are retained.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Enceng - Yana ◽  
Acep - Komara ◽  
Aan - Anisah

<p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran akuntansi berbantuan <em>game</em> edukatif berbasis <em>android</em>, sehingga dihasilkan media pembelajaran akuntansi berupa <em>game</em> edukatif  yang  valid, praktis dan efektif. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian  pengembangan ini adalah ADDIE<em>.</em> Teknik Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dalam hal ini berupa lembar validasi, angket respons mahasiswa, test dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan media pembelajaran <em>game </em>eduktif yang dikembangkan valid, praktis dan efektif sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian serta mampu meningkatkan kemampuan <em>analysis ability </em>mahasiswa khususnya pada pokok materi rekonsiliasi bank.</p><p><em><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></em></p><p><em>This research aims to develop accounting learning media assisted with android-based educational games, therefore, valid, practical and effective accounting learning media produced. The model used in this research development is ADDIE, while the techniques of data collection used are questionnaires in the form validation sheets, students' response sheets, tests, and documentation study. The technique of data analysis used is a descriptive percentage by changing the quantitative data to become percentage form. The results of this study indicate that the development of educational learning media is valid, practical, and effective, it is in accordance of the study and can improve students' skill in analyzing the ability especially on bank reconciliation subject.</em></p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Efi Yulistyowati ◽  
Endah Pujiastuti

<p align="center">ABSTRAK</p><p>Artikel hasil penelitian tentang kajian normatif keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang akan mengkaji mengenai keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang apakah sudah  memenuhi ketentuan dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007. Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis, metode pengumpulan datanya : studi dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan, sedangkan metode analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah analisis kualitatif.</p><p>Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang sudah memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang ada dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007, yang belum terpenuhi adalah : ketentuan Pasal 13  &amp; Pasal 15 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007.</p><p><em>Articles of research on the normative study of the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang will examine the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang whether they have fulfilled the provisions in Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2007. To discuss these problems, the approach method used is normative juridical, with the specifications of analytical descriptive research, data collection methods: documentation and literature study, while the data analysis method used is qualitative analysis.</em></p><p><em>            </em><em>The results of the study show that the existence of a modern shop in Semarang City has fulfilled several provisions in the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007, which has not been fulfilled are:</em></p><p><em>p</em><em>rovisions in Article 13 </em><em>and p</em><em>rovisions Article 15</em><em> </em><em>of the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007</em><em>.</em><em></em></p><p><em>Keywords: Study, Normative, Modern Shop, Semarang City.</em><em></em></p><p> </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23

This study aimed to describe the value of cohesion and coherence contained in the translation of the Qur'an surah Al Zalzalah. This study was a qualitative descriptive research, research data collection techniques using three techniques namely, inventory, rading and understanding, and record keeping. The data analysis used the coding of data, classification data, and the determination of the data. The results showed that the cohesion markers used in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: 1) reference, 2) pronouns, ie pronouns second person, and third, the relative pronoun, the pronoun pointer, pen pronouns and pronouns owner, 3 ) conjunctions, namely temporal conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctions koorelatif, and 4) a causal ellipsis. It mean that there was a coherence in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: the addition or addition, pronouns, repetition or repetition, match words or synonyms, in whole or in part, a comparison or ratio of conclusions or results. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, sura Al Zalzalah AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kohesi dan koherensi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan Al-Qur’an surah Al Zalzalah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tiga teknik yakni, inventarisasi, baca simak, dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengodean data, pengklasifikasian data, dan penentuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemarkah kohesi yang digunakan dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: 1) referensi, 2) pronomina, yaitu kata ganti orang kedua, dan ketiga, kata ganti penghubung, kata ganti penunjuk, kata ganti penanya dan kata ganti empunya, 3) konjungsi, yaitu konjungsi temporal, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, dan konjungsi koorelatif, dan 4) elipsis kausal. Sarana koherensi yang terdapat di dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: penambahan atau adisi, pronomina, pengulangan atau repetisi, padan kata atau sinonim, keseluruhan atau bagian, komparasi atau perbandingan simpulan atau hasil.Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Koherensi, surah Al Zalzalah

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Faiz Mutiara Alfiya ◽  
Ferina Agustini ◽  
Fine Reffiane

This study aims to develop learning comic media that valid good environment and bad environment toward natural sciences learning in environment theme for class III elementary school.. Data collection instrument consicts of interview sheet, questionnaire on teacher needs, quesionnaire on student needs,  quesionnaire on professional media valid, quesionnaire on material expert, quesionnaire teacher responses and quesionnaire students responses. Result from this study showed that data analysis, professional media valid and learning material expert indicate assessment of comic media with average of value professional media I is 91,67% and professional media II is 85%  while result material expert I is 91,67% and maerial expert II is 85%. From that average result indicate that media is reasonable and valid for used to be learning media.

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