Study on the Pathogens Carrier Rate of “Red Globe” Table Grape at Different Temperatures

2014 ◽  
Vol 716-717 ◽  
pp. 146-149
Lu Zhang ◽  
Li Gao ◽  
Xi Hong Li ◽  
Peng Yu Zhao ◽  
Feng Li ◽  

“Red Globe” table grapes were packaged at four temperature conditions: -1C、-0.5C、0C and 4C. Pathogens carrier rate of grape flesh, grape pedicel, grape peduncle and disease incidence rate were measured at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days. The result revealed that-0.5C was the best storage condition of “Red Globe” table grape, from perspective of pathogens carrier rate of grape flesh, grape pedicel, grape peduncle and disease incidence rate. There was a positive correlation between disease incidence rate and pathogens carrier rate of grape parts. This study is to provide a theoretical basis for reducing the loss red grapes.

Plant Disease ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 100 (11) ◽  
pp. 2204-2210 ◽  
Cassandra L. Swett ◽  
Tyler Bourret ◽  
W. Douglas Gubler

Brown spot, caused by Cladosporium spp., is becoming a problematic postharvest disease of late season table grape (Vitis vinifera) in the California central valley, and management is hindered by knowledge gaps in disease etiology and epidemiology. Brown spot is herein described as a pre- and postharvest dry rot typified by an external brown to black spot or black mycelium which encases the placenta. Isolates in the Cladosporium herbarum and C. cladosporioides species complexes were recovered from 85 and 5% of brown-spot affected berries, respectively. Five isolates in the C. herbarum species complex, representing three phylogenetically distinct species (C. limoniforme, C. ramotenellum, and C. tenellum), and one C. cladosporioides isolate all caused brown spot symptoms under cold-storage conditions, with and without mechanical wounding. Isolate virulence was similar (P > 0.05) based on disease incidence and severity on intact berries but severity varied on wounded berries (P < 0.001). Surface disinfestation reduced severity of cluster rot development following 2 weeks in cold storage (P = 0.027) but incidence was not affected (P = 0.17). This work provides foundational information on brown spot pathosystem etiology and biology in late-harvest table grape, which can be used to improve management.

HortScience ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 48 (12) ◽  
pp. 1433-1439 ◽  
Atsushi Kono ◽  
Akihiko Sato ◽  
Yusuke Ban ◽  
Nobuhito Mitani

We evaluated the resistance of 133 grapevine cultivars or selections, including Vitis vinifera and American hybrids, on the basis of lesion number and length to identify sources of resistance to grapevine anthracnose. All germplasms tested in this study showed anthracnose symptoms to some extent, and the distribution of lesion number and diameter was continuous. Most table grape V. vinifera cultivars were highly susceptible, showing many large lesions. However, V. vinifera wine grapes were more resistant with smaller lesions. Some American hybrid grapes such as ‘Ontario’ showed very few and small lesions. There was a significant positive correlation between lesion number and size in American (r = 0.63, P = 0.0041) and Japanese hybrids (r = 0.56, P < 0.001), whereas there was no correlation between these characters in V. vinifera. Japanese tetraploid cultivars were neither highly susceptible nor resistant. High anthracnose susceptibility of most well-known table grape V. vinifera cultivars, including ‘Muscat of Alexandria’, ‘Italia’, ‘Rizamat’, ‘Kattakurgan’, and ‘Thompson Seedless’, indicates that resistance should be introgressed from other cultivars such as American hybrids or wine grapes when these susceptible table grapes or their descendants are used in breeding anthracnose-resistant table grapes.

HortScience ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 848D-849
William J. Sciarappa* ◽  
Qing-Li Wu ◽  
Ming-Fu Wang ◽  
James Simon

Medical benefits derived from grape extracts and red wine have been recently documented. In these regards, fresh grapes were collected from six Italian table grape varieties grown at the Rutgers Fruit Research and Extension Center in Cream Ridge, N.J. These samples were analyzed for proanthocynidins (PACs) which are the nutraceutical compounds considered to be bioactive in grapes. Seeded red grapes, seedless red grapes, seeded purple grapes and seedless green table grapes were also purchased from a New Jersey supermarket and analyzed for PACs. An LC/ESI-MS analytical method under low CID level of 20% was used to quantitate the PACs. Separated proanthocynidins (PACs) were individually analyzed and determined by their molecular ion peaks under positive ion mode, and led to the identification of dozens of proanthocynidins (PAC). Using HPLC/ESI-MSD, the proanthocyanidin monomers, (+)-catechin (C), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-catechin gallate (CG), and (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) in these fresh grape samples were quantified under MRM mode. These identified catechins are the same phytochemicals that exist in green tea which is renowned for these same healthful components. This research revealed that the total concentration of PAC monomers in the six fresh table grape samples from New Jersey grown grapes ranged from 0.009% to 0.04%, which is much higher than that found in the four fresh table grape samples purchased from supermarket that contained concentrations from trace level to 0.005%. While the New Jersey grown grapes could not be directly compared to the supermarket grapes, this study provides a base-line data of expected PAC levels from standard supermarket grapes, and shows that these Italian grape varieties grown in New Jersey were rich in PACs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2177
Edson Kogachi ◽  
Adonias Ferreira ◽  
Carlos Cavalcante ◽  
Marcelo Embiruçu

In order to improve the process management of table grape packaging, its performance should be evaluated. However, the literature on performance evaluation indicators is scarce. To address this research gap, we propose a method for the development of performance evaluation indicators for table grape packaging units, which are characterized by labor-intensive and highly seasonal production processes in the agro-economic sector. The stages include the following: contextualizing table grape packaging units, selecting the performance objectives, selecting techniques to be used in the development of the indicators, and applying the method to the packaging units of table grapes. The techniques adopted in the development of the indicators aimed at the cost, quality, flexibility, reliability, and speed performance objectives were data envelopment analysis, principal component analysis, quantification of the batch, compliance with the program within the established deadline, and measurement of the execution time of the batch, respectively. The results obtained in the case study demonstrate that the correlations between the performance indicators do not indicate the need to disregard any of them. Furthermore, the standard deviation values for each indicator are similar. Thus, both results of correlations and standard deviation confirm the importance of the indicators chosen for the performance evaluation of table grape packaging.

2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (9) ◽  
pp. 1035-1044 ◽  
Patrícia Coelho de Souza Leão ◽  
Sérgio Yoshimitsu Motoike

The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity of 47 table grape accessions, from the grapevine germplasm bank of Embrapa Semiárido, using 20 RAPD and seven microsatellite markers. Genetic distances between pairs of accessions were obtained based on Jaccard's similarity index for RAPD data and on the arithmetic complement of the weighted index for microsatellite data. The groups were formed according to the Tocher's cluster analysis and to the unweighted pair‑group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The microsatellite markers were more efficient than the RAPD ones in the identification of genetic relationships. Information on the genetic distance, based on molecular characteristics and coupled with the cultivar agronomic performance, allowed for the recommendation of parents for crossings, in order to obtain superior hybrids in segregating populations for the table grape breeding program of Embrapa Semiárido.

1986 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 505 ◽  
CR McColl

In the hot subtropical desert of Central Australia, a 25 mg/ml cyanamide solution was applied to Sultana H4 and Cardinal grape vines immediately after pruning on 2 May, 30 May, 27 June or 25 July, 16, 12, 8 and 4 weeks prior to the usual time of budburst, about 22 August. Both cultivars responded to cyanamide, the vines bursting bud 2-4 weeks after application. Vines treated on 2 May and 30 May suffered frost damage and produced negligible crops; those treated on 27 June and 25 July flowered significantly earlier than untreated vines, despite slow growth in July and August. Fruit ripening in Sultana H4 was advanced by 4, 3 and 2 weeks by cyanamide applications on 30 May, 27 June and 25 July, respectively. Ripening in Cardinal was advanced by 3.5 and 2.5 weeks by cyanamide applications on 27 June and 25 July, respectively. The ability to advance maturity has significant implications for commercial table-grape production in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 232 ◽  
pp. 03023
Sofia Cherviak ◽  
Svetlana Levchenko ◽  
Vladimir Boyko ◽  
Dmitriy Belash

The main problems of grape storage are berry dehydration and rot. One of the solutions to reduce rot and preserve the quality of grapes during storage is the use of aerosol treatment with calcium content before storing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of physiologically active substances based on calcium in various concentrations on the quality and organoleptic characteristics of table grape cvs. ‘Italia’ during long-term storage. The effectiveness of the studied systems of treatment was evaluated according to the content of sugars and titratable acids, the activity of the redox enzymes of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, weight loss of bunch and organoleptic properties. The greatest effectiveness established by using preparation of Master Green Ca, Brentax KCa, and Brentax Ca (in concentration 150g / 20l). Experimental treatments significantly decreased the weight loss of bunch (less than 4%), and preserved organoleptic properties of berry at a high level (8.2-8.9 points). Decrease in the activity of oxidative enzymes had a positive effect on the quality of table grapes and contributed to its better preservation. The data obtained make it possible to rationalize the system of long-term storage of grapes by using of aerosol treatment with calcium-based preparation.

2019 ◽  
Kenta Shirasawa ◽  
Akifumi Azuma ◽  
Fumiya Taniguchi ◽  
Toshiya Yamamoto ◽  
Akihiko Sato ◽  

AbstractThis study presents the first genome sequence of an interspecific grape hybrid, ‘Shine Muscat’ (Vitis labruscana × V. vinifera), an elite table grape cultivar bred in Japan. The complexity of the genome structure, arising from the interspecific hybridization, necessitated the use of a sophisticated genome assembly pipeline with short-read genome sequence data. The resultant genome assemblies consisted of two types of sequences: a haplotype-phased sequence of the highly heterozygous genomes and an unphased sequence representing a “haploid” genome. The unphased sequences spanned 490.1 Mb in length, 99.4% of the estimated genome size, with 8,696 scaffold sequences with an N50 length of 13.2 Mb. The phased sequences had 15,650 scaffolds spanning 1.0 Gb with N50 of 4.2 Mb. The two sequences comprised 94.7% and 96.3% of the core eukaryotic genes, indicating that the entire genome of ‘Shine Muscat’ was represented. Examination of genome structures revealed possible genome rearrangements between the genomes of ‘Shine Muscat’ and a V. vinifera line. Furthermore, full-length transcriptome sequencing analysis revealed 13,947 gene loci on the ‘Shine Muscat’ genome, from which 26,199 transcript isoforms were transcribed. These genome resources provide new insights that could help cultivation and breeding strategies produce more high-quality table grapes such as ‘Shine Muscat’.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-279 ◽  
Danuza Kelly Strioto ◽  
Betty Cristiane Kuhn ◽  
William Seiji Lemes Nagata ◽  
Giovana Marinelli ◽  
Sandra Aparecida Oliveira-Collet ◽  

AbstractFor more than four decades after the introduction of cv. Italia (Vitis vinifera L.) in Brazil, several somatic mutations in the genome of cv. Italia and its somatic mutants gave rise to phenotypes which generated at least five new cultivars of fine table grapes. Since no molecular marker proved to be effective in discriminating cv. Italia (V. vinifera L.) and its coloured mutants (Rubi, Benitaka, Brasil, Black Star), primers for the long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences were developed to analyse Inter Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) and Retrotransposon-Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphism (REMAP), and investigate how the coloured cultivars derived from clonal propagations of somatic mutations are genetically structured. Primers for LTR sequences of IRAP and REMAP markers were edited from grape sequence databases available at a GenBank. Twenty-four primers, denominated DKS001–DKS024, were edited. Three hundred and forty-nine DNA segments were amplified by individual DKS primers and DKS/ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) primer combinations, at an average of 13.96 amplicons per primer pair. High genetic divergence between the five cultivars was inferred from polymorphism in retrotransposons IRAP and REMAP. The analysis of polymorphism of IRAP and REMAP retrotransposons was crucial to show that clonal propagation of somatic mutations may lead towards the formation of genetically divergent cultivars by the formation of genetically structured vineyards and show the mixture of genomes within each cultivar.

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