The Decrease in the Concentration of Formaldehyde in the Environment of Aluminosilicate Sorbents

2019 ◽  
Vol 802 ◽  
pp. 57-68 ◽  
Alexandra Viktorovna Semenyutina ◽  
Viktoria Alekseevna Semenyutina ◽  
Aliya Shamilyevna Khuzhakhmetova ◽  
Igor Petrovich Svintsov

During the operation of thermal power plants, boilers, incinerators, vehicles, industrial enterprises for the production of synthetic fatty acids, building materials, paints, textiles, cardboard, paper, as well as resins and products based on them – plywood, chipboards, wood-fiber boards, plastics, etc. The environment is contaminated with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde acts climatically and toxically on local, regional and global processes in the environment and contributes to a high level of air pollution (air pollution index > 14) in almost all industrialized regions of Russia. Products containing formaldehyde, getting into residential and non-residential premises, create an environmental risk to public health. The article is devoted to determining the effect of formaldehyde on woody plants by biochemical and electrophysiological methods and developing a method of reducing the concentration of formaldehyde in the environment by introducing into industrial materials aluminosilicate sorbents of different crystal chemical structure, processed thermo-, in a pulsed magnetic field and under the combined effect of a pulsed magnetic field and temperature effects.

2013 ◽  
Vol 807-809 ◽  
pp. 1388-1396
Wen Yong Wang ◽  
Bo Jun Ke ◽  
Gao Ping Fu

Based on a detailed survey on the source and volume of SO2 emission over Chengdu economic circle, the third-generation air quality model CMAQ is adopted for simulating the concentration of SO2 in the air over Chengdu Economic Circle. The results show that the hourly average concentration, daily average concentration and annual average concentration of SO2 in air exceed the limit of national standard, and the affected areas respectively account for 0.12%, 0.18% and 0.03% of the total area of the economic circle. Meanwhile, according to the result of calculation, the SO2 emissions of thermal power plants, chemical industry, building materials plants and industrial area sources make the largest contribution to the SO2 concentration in the air, with ratios of 36.15%, 18.67%, 11.81% and 8.34% respectively. thus,main measures to reduce emissions of SO2 in Chengdu economic circle are proposed as follows: focusing on the control of the emissions of SO2 from industrial enterprises, especially in the thermal power plants, chemical industry, building materials plants as well as industrial boilers; joint prevention and control measures should be implemented between the cities, so as to reduce the interaction caused dy emissions of SO2. With the application of the above measures, the total SO2 emissions can be reduced by 50% and the concentration of SO2 in the air can meet with the Class II of national ambient air quality Standard.

1999 ◽  
Vol 09 (03n04) ◽  
pp. 417-422 ◽  

Fly ash is a major component of solid material generated by the coal-fired thermal power plants. In India the total amount of fly ash produced per annum is around 100 million tonnes. Fly ash has a great potential for utilization in making industrial products such as cement, bricks as well as building materials, besides being used as a soil conditioner and a provider of micro nutrients in agriculture. However, given the large amount of fly ash that accumulate at thermal power plants, their possible reuse and dispersion and mobilization into the environment of the various elements depend on climate, soils, indigenous vegetation and agriculture practices. Fly ash use in agriculture improved various physico-chemical properties of soil, particularly the water holding capacity, porosity and available plant nutrients. However it is generally apprehended that the application of large quantity of fly ash in fields may affect the plant growth and soil texture. Hence there is a need to characterize trace elements of fly ash. The results of trace element analysis of fly ash and pond ash samples collected from major thermal power plants of India by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) have been discussed.

Matiashuk R. ◽  
Tkachenko I.

The sensitivity of the reproductive structures of Forsythiasuspensato the complex influence of undifferentiated environmental factors has been studied.The monitoring sites are located in 15 different park ecosystems in 6 administrative districts of Kyiv. Data from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory (air pollution index (API) and meteorological conditions for 2018-2020) were used to assess the conditions of the growthenvironment. The influence of a complex of ecologically important factors during the flowering offorsythia on the quality of the formedpollen is noted. Thus, growing plantsfor a long time in conditions with a low level of air pollution (APIup to 5.0) in abnormal weather conditions in 2020,40-50% less fertile grainswere formed. And forplants, which grow in areas with increasedlevel (API5.0-7.0) and high level (API7.0-14.0) of air pollution, the share of fertile grains in the pollen population decreased by 60-80%. In the closed bud,the pollen has higher resistance to a complex of exogenous growth factors. Forsythia plants, which are located in large parklands, lose less pollen quality in adverse weather conditions and affected byurbotechnogenic factors. F. suspensa is an acceptable indicator of the level of environmental pollution by the deviation of pollen fertility from the control value. In areas with high aerogenic load, for example, areas with large highways (Bus Station «Darnytsia»), as well as with a significant recreational load (HolosiivskyiPark, Recreation Park on the Olena Teliha Street) much smaller pollen is formed. Itis noted that the conditions of forsythia growth affect the quantitative indicators of the formed pollen not only in the flower but also in the closed bud, which confirms the chronic effect of the complex of ingredients of aerotechnogenic emissions on plants of this species. The coefficient of sterility of pollen (CS) was used to objectively compare the data of 2019 and 2020 on the condition of the generative organs of F. suspensa in the studied areas. The calculation of the CS confirmed that in the closedbud pollen has a higher resistance to exogenous factors. In areas with high and increased levels of air pollution,during budding and flowering of plants (March-May,) there is a much higher CS of pollen of F. suspensа. Significant parkland territoriesof the city (for example, HolosiivskyiPark, Botanical Garden named after O. V. Fomin) provide less stressful conditions for growth and development of plants, even with the "very high" level of air pollution (ISA above 14.0) observed in April 2020 on this territory.The study of the susceptibility of F. suspensаpollen to growing conditions will be continued, as the prospects of using this species for bioindication of ecological status and zoning of park ecosystems of Kyiv according to the gradient of anthropogenic impact have been revealed.Key words:forsythia, fertility, coefficient of sterility of pollen, bioindication. Проведене дослідження чутливості репродуктивних структур Forsythiasuspensaдо комплексного впливу недиференційованих факторів навколишнього середовища. Моніторингові ділянки розташовані в 15 різних паркових екосистемах 6 адміністративних районівКиєва. Для оцінки умов середовища вирощування рослин використані дані Центральної геофізичної обсерваторії імені Бориса Срезневського (індекс забруднення атмосферного повітря (ІЗА) та метеорологічні умови за 2018-2020 рр.). Відмічено вплив комплексу екологічно важливих факторів (за показниками відхилення від норми середньої місячної температури повітря та місячної кількості опадів у Києві) уперіод квітування форзиції на якість сформованого пилку. Так, за тривалої експозиції рослин в умовах з низьким рівнем забруднення повітря (ІЗА до 5,0) в аномальних погодних умовах 2020 р. сформувалось на 40-50% менше фертильних зерен. А у форзиції, яка росте на територіях з підвищеним (ІЗА 5,0-7,0) та високим (ІЗА 7,0-14,0) рівнями забруднення частка фертильних зерен в популяції пилку зменшилась на 60-80%. У закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до комплексу екзогенних факторів середовища зростання. Рослини форзиції, які розташовані у значних за площею паркових насадженнях, менше втрачають якість пилку за несприятливих погодних умов та дії урботехногенних чинників. За відхиленням показника фертильності пилку від контрольного значення F. suspensaє допустимим індикатором рівня забруднення середовища. На територіях з підвищеним аерогенним навантаженням, наприклад, ділянки з автотранспортними магістралями (Автостанція «Дарниця»), а також зі значним рекреаційним навантаженням (Голосіївський парк імені М. Рильського, Парк відпочинку по вул. Олени Теліги)формується значно дрібніший пилок. Відмічено, що умови росту позначаються на кількісних показниках сформованого пилку не лише в квітці, але й в закритому бутоні, що підтверджує хронічний вплив комплексу інгредієнтів аеротехногенних викидів нарослини цього виду. Для об’єктивного співставлення даних 2019 і 2020 рр. щодо стану генеративних органів F. suspensaна досліджених ділянках був використаний коефіцієнт стерильності (КС) пилку. Розрахунок КС підтвердив, що в закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до впливу екзогенних чинників. Вищий КС був у F. suspense, з ділянок, на яких в період бутонізації і квітування рослин (березень-травень) відмічений високий і підвищений рівень забруднення атмосфери. Значні за площею паркові насадження міста (наприклад, Голосіївський парк, Ботанічний сад ім.акад. О.В. Фоміна) забезпечують менш напружені умови росту і розвитку рослин навіть при відміченому в квітні 2020 р. «дуже високому» рівні забруднення повітря (ІЗА вище 14,0) на цих територіях. Дослідження чутливості пилку F. suspenseдо умов вирощування буде продовжене,оскільки виявлена перспективність використання цього виду для біоіндикації екологічного стану та зонування паркових екосистем Києва за градієнтом антропогенного впливу.Ключові слова: форзиція, фертильність, індекс стерильності, біоіндикація.

I.A. Volchyn ◽  
O.M. Kolomiets ◽  
S.V. Mezin ◽  
A.O. Yasynetskyi

The need to reduce emissions of pollutants, in particular nitrogen oxides, as required by regulations in Ukraine, requires the use of modern technologies and methods for waste gas treatment at industrial enterprises. This is especially true of thermal power plants, which are powerful sources of nitrogen oxide emissions. The technological part of the wet or semi-dry method of purification is the area for the oxidation of nitrogen oxides to obtain easily soluble compounds. The paper presents the results of a study of the process of ozone oxidation of nitrogen oxides in a chemical reactor. Data for the analysis of the process were obtained by performing physical experiments on a laboratory installation and related calculations on a mathematical model. Studies of the oxidation process have shown that the required amount of ozone depends not only on the content of nitrogen monoxide, but also on the content of nitrogen dioxide. The process of conversion of nitrogen monoxide to a satisfactory level occurs at the initial value of the molar ratio of ozone to nitrogen monoxide in the range of 1.5…2. The conversion efficiency of nitrogen monoxide reaches 90% at a gas temperature less than 100 °C. To achieve high conversion efficiency at gas temperatures above 100 °C, it is necessary to increase the initial ozone content when the molar ratio exceeds 2. The analysis shows that the conversion efficiency of nitric oxide largely depends on the residence time of the gas mixture in the reaction zone. Due to lack of time under certain conditions, the efficiency decreases by approximately 46%. To increase it, it is necessary to accelerate the rate of oxidation reactions due to better mixing of gases by turbulence of the flow in the oxidizing reactor. Bibl. 6, Fig. 6, Tab. 3.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1011 ◽  
pp. 52-58
A. Kaklyugin ◽  
Nonna Stupen ◽  
Lubov Kastornykh ◽  
Viktor Kovalenko

The results of the studies aimed at increasing the water resistance of the pressed building materials based on gypsum and magnesia binders due to their modification with active dispersed fillers from secondary resources are presented. The gypsum binder modification was carried out by the joint introduction of carbonate-containing sludge from it into the chemical treatment of thermal power plants and monoammonium phosphate, and of magnesia cement - silica fume and finely ground burnt mines. Physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials’ control samples were determined according to the standards and generally accepted methods. The increase in water resistance of the pressed modified composites was evaluated by changing the softening coefficient. It is shown that when using gypsum binders, an increase in the water resistance of products based on them can be achieved by changing the structure formation of the pressed material and the formation on the elements’ surface of its fine-crystalline structure of the sparingly soluble calcium phosphates’ screening protective films. The increase in water resistance of pressed products made of modified magnesia binders is explained by the appearance of insoluble hydro silicates, hydro aluminates and hydro aluminosilicates of magnesium, in the structure of the hardened artificial stone as well as the formation of a complex combined structure containing coagulation, condensation and crystallization phases. The technical characteristics of the materials obtained are sufficient for their use, in particular, in the building envelope. The possibility of replacing a significant amount of binders with secondary resources has been identified. This allows not only to increase the water resistance of the pressed products on the basis of the proposed modified binders, but also to reduce their cost, as well as free up the land allocated for dumps.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1011 ◽  
pp. 109-115
Inna Maltseva ◽  
Svetlana Kurilova ◽  
Alexey Naumov

One of the effective ways to solve the environmental problems of the region at present is the waste disposal from Novocherkasskaya TPP, one of the largest sources of environmental pollution. The solution to this problem is associated with the integrated use of ash and slag mixtures components in the effective building materials’ production. On the TPP waste basis, the authors obtained structural and heat-insulating concrete with enhanced physical, mechanical and operational characteristics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.2) ◽  
pp. 692
Dmytro Storozhenko ◽  
Oleksandr Dryuchko ◽  
Teofil Jesionowski

The raw material mixture from the silicon-like technogenic component the ash-removal of thermal power plants and the preparation methods of  waterproof porous heat-insulated materials wide usage for raw mass hot foaming powdered two-stage technology are developed. The development uses the polyfunctional properties of liquid glass  as a) the binder component; c) breeder; c) the speed regulator of the clamping mass hardenin. Its optimized version begins to solidify at its usual temperature from the moment its "reproduction" is soluble glass and forms a paste-shaped cake with a set of properties necessary for the next fragmentation. The proposed formulation allows compositions processing in various ways, with the formation of granular heat-insulating fillers, materials for thermal insulation in complex structures, slab and shell-like types of thermal insulation materials. The task is set, depending on the goals and features of the tasks being solved; it is possible to conduct several different methods at the final stages of their obtaining. Two stages of the recycling process determine the character and behavior of the rare-glass composite systems constituent components during heat treatment, their strong adhesion to most structural materials and the need to solve billets easy removal problem from the molding unit. Study results can be used in the field of building materials production, in particular porous artificial products, in obtaining granular insulating material and light aggregate for concrete industrial and civil construction, in thermal engineering as thermal insulation, etc.   

R S Feduik ◽  
A K Smoliakov ◽  
R A Timokhin ◽  
V O Batarshin ◽  
Yu G Yevdokimova

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