Matiashuk R. ◽  
Tkachenko I.

The sensitivity of the reproductive structures of Forsythiasuspensato the complex influence of undifferentiated environmental factors has been studied.The monitoring sites are located in 15 different park ecosystems in 6 administrative districts of Kyiv. Data from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory (air pollution index (API) and meteorological conditions for 2018-2020) were used to assess the conditions of the growthenvironment. The influence of a complex of ecologically important factors during the flowering offorsythia on the quality of the formedpollen is noted. Thus, growing plantsfor a long time in conditions with a low level of air pollution (APIup to 5.0) in abnormal weather conditions in 2020,40-50% less fertile grainswere formed. And forplants, which grow in areas with increasedlevel (API5.0-7.0) and high level (API7.0-14.0) of air pollution, the share of fertile grains in the pollen population decreased by 60-80%. In the closed bud,the pollen has higher resistance to a complex of exogenous growth factors. Forsythia plants, which are located in large parklands, lose less pollen quality in adverse weather conditions and affected byurbotechnogenic factors. F. suspensa is an acceptable indicator of the level of environmental pollution by the deviation of pollen fertility from the control value. In areas with high aerogenic load, for example, areas with large highways (Bus Station «Darnytsia»), as well as with a significant recreational load (HolosiivskyiPark, Recreation Park on the Olena Teliha Street) much smaller pollen is formed. Itis noted that the conditions of forsythia growth affect the quantitative indicators of the formed pollen not only in the flower but also in the closed bud, which confirms the chronic effect of the complex of ingredients of aerotechnogenic emissions on plants of this species. The coefficient of sterility of pollen (CS) was used to objectively compare the data of 2019 and 2020 on the condition of the generative organs of F. suspensa in the studied areas. The calculation of the CS confirmed that in the closedbud pollen has a higher resistance to exogenous factors. In areas with high and increased levels of air pollution,during budding and flowering of plants (March-May,) there is a much higher CS of pollen of F. suspensа. Significant parkland territoriesof the city (for example, HolosiivskyiPark, Botanical Garden named after O. V. Fomin) provide less stressful conditions for growth and development of plants, even with the "very high" level of air pollution (ISA above 14.0) observed in April 2020 on this territory.The study of the susceptibility of F. suspensаpollen to growing conditions will be continued, as the prospects of using this species for bioindication of ecological status and zoning of park ecosystems of Kyiv according to the gradient of anthropogenic impact have been revealed.Key words:forsythia, fertility, coefficient of sterility of pollen, bioindication. Проведене дослідження чутливості репродуктивних структур Forsythiasuspensaдо комплексного впливу недиференційованих факторів навколишнього середовища. Моніторингові ділянки розташовані в 15 різних паркових екосистемах 6 адміністративних районівКиєва. Для оцінки умов середовища вирощування рослин використані дані Центральної геофізичної обсерваторії імені Бориса Срезневського (індекс забруднення атмосферного повітря (ІЗА) та метеорологічні умови за 2018-2020 рр.). Відмічено вплив комплексу екологічно важливих факторів (за показниками відхилення від норми середньої місячної температури повітря та місячної кількості опадів у Києві) уперіод квітування форзиції на якість сформованого пилку. Так, за тривалої експозиції рослин в умовах з низьким рівнем забруднення повітря (ІЗА до 5,0) в аномальних погодних умовах 2020 р. сформувалось на 40-50% менше фертильних зерен. А у форзиції, яка росте на територіях з підвищеним (ІЗА 5,0-7,0) та високим (ІЗА 7,0-14,0) рівнями забруднення частка фертильних зерен в популяції пилку зменшилась на 60-80%. У закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до комплексу екзогенних факторів середовища зростання. Рослини форзиції, які розташовані у значних за площею паркових насадженнях, менше втрачають якість пилку за несприятливих погодних умов та дії урботехногенних чинників. За відхиленням показника фертильності пилку від контрольного значення F. suspensaє допустимим індикатором рівня забруднення середовища. На територіях з підвищеним аерогенним навантаженням, наприклад, ділянки з автотранспортними магістралями (Автостанція «Дарниця»), а також зі значним рекреаційним навантаженням (Голосіївський парк імені М. Рильського, Парк відпочинку по вул. Олени Теліги)формується значно дрібніший пилок. Відмічено, що умови росту позначаються на кількісних показниках сформованого пилку не лише в квітці, але й в закритому бутоні, що підтверджує хронічний вплив комплексу інгредієнтів аеротехногенних викидів нарослини цього виду. Для об’єктивного співставлення даних 2019 і 2020 рр. щодо стану генеративних органів F. suspensaна досліджених ділянках був використаний коефіцієнт стерильності (КС) пилку. Розрахунок КС підтвердив, що в закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до впливу екзогенних чинників. Вищий КС був у F. suspense, з ділянок, на яких в період бутонізації і квітування рослин (березень-травень) відмічений високий і підвищений рівень забруднення атмосфери. Значні за площею паркові насадження міста (наприклад, Голосіївський парк, Ботанічний сад ім.акад. О.В. Фоміна) забезпечують менш напружені умови росту і розвитку рослин навіть при відміченому в квітні 2020 р. «дуже високому» рівні забруднення повітря (ІЗА вище 14,0) на цих територіях. Дослідження чутливості пилку F. suspenseдо умов вирощування буде продовжене,оскільки виявлена перспективність використання цього виду для біоіндикації екологічного стану та зонування паркових екосистем Києва за градієнтом антропогенного впливу.Ключові слова: форзиція, фертильність, індекс стерильності, біоіндикація.

2013 ◽  
Vol 448-453 ◽  
pp. 349-352
Jian Wang ◽  
Mei Xu ◽  
Xia Ye ◽  
Wei Liu

On the basis of the daily air pollution index (API), primary pollutant, air quality level and status in Cangzhou from January 2009 to December 2012, the variation characteristics of air quality were analyzed. The results showed that API presented obvious seasonal variations with the highest value in winter and the lowest value in summer. PM10was the principal pollutant and accounted for 63% of the whole period. The percentage of excellent and good air quality was 93% during the period. The relationship between API and meteorological factors indicated that API was negatively correlated with temperature and relative humidity, but was not obvious correlation with air pressure and wind speed. The cluster analysis of backward trajectories showed that different types of air masses contribution to the API level showed some differences in different seasons. The north air mass in fall and northwest air mass in summer had the lowest contribution to the API level; while the local source could lead to the highest API level in winter suggesting that the heating and adverse weather conditions in winter may be the main cause of high API.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-237
Yu. Вerezovsky ◽  
T. Kuzmina ◽  
M. Yedynovych ◽  
G. Boyko ◽  
N. Lyalina ◽  

The article contains theoretical and experimental researches in the field of the preservation of flax raw material of high moisture content. In the article, factors that are worsening the quality of flax raw material, resulting in non-observance of agrotechnical and technological requirements of preparing, collecting, harvesting the stem material, adverse weather conditions and other factors, are considered. The objective of this paper is to study the influence of preservation agents’ concentrations and of hollow structure device on the quality of flax raw material during long-time storage. In the article, the influence of aqueous preservatives’ concentration, humidity, storage length on the quality of fibrous products, obtained as a result of processing stem material, is analyzed. The influence of the device of hollow structures, as an alternative to preservatives, on the storage process of bast crops stem material was evaluated. The method of flax retted straw storage is described, actions of the main factors influence on the strength of fibers are analyzed. It is demonstrated, that prolongation of flax raw material preservation time can be made by using preservatives without considerable wastes of quality.

Olga Khrystoslavenko ◽  
Ingrida Chemerys

Nowadays there is a tendency towards increasing of anthropogenic pollution in the atmospheric air in the large cities. Therefore, important measures have to be taken for the improvement of the atmospheric environment. In order to optimize the quality of air in the city and reduce emissions from stationary and mobile sources, it is important to predict of the state of the atmospheric air of the city, which is based on the analysis of the characteristics of adverse weather conditions conducive to the accumulation of harmful impurity in a lower (ground) layer of air. The paper identifies and analyzes the conditions in the Cherkassy city (Ukraine) for the period of 2011–2015, provides correlation and regression analysis of air pollution index with adverse weather conditions (the multiple correlation coefficient R = 0.55–0.87). The current research shows that the maximum number of days with adverse weather conditions is in autumn (77.20±4,96) and the lowest number is in spring (58.60±4.40), the greatest number of days matching several adverse weather conditions were found in January and October (4.80±0.20 and 4.60±0.24, respectively). Recommendations to reduce the content of harmful impurities in the atmospheric air of the city are suggested.

2019 ◽  
Vol 180 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-18
K. G. Tkachenko ◽  
G. A. Firsov ◽  
L. F. Yandovka ◽  
A. V. Volchanskaya ◽  
N. E. Staroverov ◽  

Pyrus zangezura Maleev (Rosaceae) is a rare species representing the native vegetation of Armenia (Southern Transcaucasus). It was first described in 1936. P. zangezura has been cultivated at the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of the Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) since 1949, where it has reached the height of 8,0 m. For many years, it was in its vegetative state. The first flowering was observed in 2016 (the plant entered the reproductive state). The first progeny from seed was obtained in April 2019. Fruit size was assessed for P. zangezura plants in the dynamics of their development. The studied plants of P. zangezura in the environments of St. Petersburg have demonstrated a high fruiting potential – on average, 109 flowers per 1 m of a shoot. Observations have shown that not all ovules in the opened flowers of P. zangezura are fertilized and produce fruits and seeds. A significant part of the opened flowers, a few days after the onset of flowering, dry up and fall off. On average, 7 fruits are set on 1 m of the shoot in P. zangezura. The reasons for the low flower setting may be variable: impaired pollination processes and insufficient fertility of pollen, underdevelopment of the flower morphological structures, or lack of pollinating insects due to adverse weather conditions. An X-ray analysis of the seeds from the harvests of 2016, 2017 and 2018 showed that the number of plump and fully developed seeds (grades IV and V) in fruits has been growing year by year. As an ornamental plant, P. zangezura may adorn any botanical garden, but it is also promising for urban landscaping, for example, in St. Petersburg. Even in the vegetative state, its elongated lanceolate glossy leaves make it appreciably different from the common P. communis L., and it is especially ornamental during flowering and fruiting. It is as winter-hardy as the common pear-tree, demonstrates resistance to diseases and pests, and may be of importance for breeding programs aimed at the development of resistant cultivars for the Northwest of Russia.  

Ekaterina V. Pikalova ◽  
Yulia F. Kukhlevskaya ◽  

The data on the study of morphometric parameters of one of the most valuable medicinal plants – Leonurus cardiaca L., growing in the collection site of medicinal plants of the Botanical garden of the OSU are presented. The parameters of samples, obtained from the cities of Samara and Kazan were compared . All the studied plants have passed the full cycle of their development with the formation of viable seeds. It is established, that the studied species adapts well to new growing conditions, while the morphometric parameters vary within the middle – very high levels of variability. Analysis of seed morphometry showed that the maximum values of the length and width of the seed are typical for samples from Kazan, the weight of 1000 seeds varies from 7.3 g to 9.2 g, depending on the weather conditions of a particular year of research. The assessment of introduction resistance made it possible to classify the species as stable and promising for cultivation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-62
E. N. Grishchenko

Relevance. Introduction and variety study of flower and ornamental crops is one of the main tasks of botanical gardens, which aims to expand the promising assortment for domestic floriculture.Results. In the period from 2018 to 2020 varieties of hybrid iris (Iris x hybrida hort.) from the garden group “tall bearded” were studied in the Stavropol Botanical Garden. The presented 13 varieties belong to foreign selection. Basically, the varieties are characterized by medium or early flowering periods with an average duration of 11-15 days. In the course of the study, biometric characteristics, the economic and biological properties of the varieties were analyzed. The varieties with the longest duration and productivity of flowering were identified. The ability to bear fruit, which is important for further breeding work, was noted in three varieties: Autumn Circus, Pallida Variegata, Immortality. The main disease that harms the studied culture is heterosporiosis. The most resistant to diseases are the varieties Afternoon In Rio, Bye Bye Blues, Pallida Variegata (up to 10% damage). The detected pests (flea beetle, aphid, mole cricket, etc.) generally cause minor damage to the studied plants. In the assessment of decorativeness, 11 parameters were analyzed using a 100-point scale and taking into account the conversion factor. The color, size, shape of the flower, aroma, inflorescence, duration and abundance of flowering, resistance to adverse weather conditions, decorative vegetative part of plants, originality, condition of plants were taken into account. As a result of the variety study, 9 highly decorative varieties were identified: Bye Bye Blues, Stardock, Autumn Circus, Lotus Land, Power Point, Good Day Oregon, Lorilee, Conjuration, Afternoon In Rio.

Rangifer ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
Kenneth R. Whitten

Researchers have described general patterns of population regulation that fit most caribou (Rangifer tarandus) herds. Nevertheless, specific factors operating on particular populations vary greatly, and efforts to categorize herds according to the general patterns often lead to confusion. It is difficult for biologists to attempt to describe population dynamics in terms of density relationships for wide-ranging arctic caribou such as the Porcupine Herd. In these herds density varies as a function of dispersal and erratic movement patterns and is not simply the number of caribou divided by a fixed range area. Density is also a poor surrogate for resource availability per individual caribou because climatic factors affect forage and/or access to forage independendy of caribou numbers. Thus classic signs of nutritional stress such as delayed puberty, reduced productivity, and winter starvation can occur when a population is small as well as large and do not necessarily denote food competition brought on by high density, per se. Nutritional stress and exacerbated predation due to adverse weather conditions occasionally cause the Porcupine Herd to decline, and limiting factors such as poor nutrition, predation, harvest, accidents, and disease act in combination to keep herd growth rates low during periods of good weather. Adverse weather setbacks occur frequently, and the herd remains within a fairly restricted range of densities over long time periods. There is no true density dependent regulation and no equilibrium in this system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 131-149
I.N. Kuznetsova ◽  
Yu.V. Tkacheva ◽  
I.Yu. Shalygina ◽  
M.I. Nakhaev ◽  

An improved algorithm for calculating a meteorological indicator of pollution dispersion in surface air (MIPD) using the COSMO-Ru7 configuration forecast data with a discreteness of 1 hour is presented. Using the MIPD as a function of the transport rate and thermal stratification in the atmospheric boundary layer, precipitation and advective temperature changes, the entire range of atmospheric conditions affecting the dispersion of pollutants is divided into three types: weak (the first type), moderate (the second type), and strong (the third type) dispersion. The worst conditions for the pollutant dispersion are provided by the MIPD of the first type; the set of meteorological parameters that determines it corresponds to adverse weather conditions (AWC) that contribute to the accumulation of pollutants in surface air. The proposed detailing within each type of MIPD in the form of subtypes can be useful for predicting AWC for single sources. Illustrations of the MIPD connection with fluctuations in the level of air pollution during the AWC episodes are given using automated measurements of pollutant concentration and fixed network measurements. An algorithm for the probabilistic forecasting of the MIPD, that allows taking into account the uncertainty of the forecast when issuing AWC warnings, is proposed and implemented. Keywords: meteorological conditions of air pollution, adverse weather conditions, numerical prediction

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
E. A. Zakarin ◽  
A. A. Baklanov ◽  
L. A. Balakay ◽  
T. V. Dedova ◽  
K. A. Bostanbekov

Ekosistemy ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 90-96
N.V. Polyakova

Fruiting is an important characteristic of plant adaptation to new growing conditions. This is especially actual for ornamental plants, which, after successful introduction, can be used in landscaping of settlements. The genus Syringa L. has about 30 species, many of which can replenish the range of ornamental plants in the region. The collection of lilacs of the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the UFIC RAS (Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences) currently contains 11 species that have reached a generative state. The aim of this research is to identify the features of fruiting species of the genus Syringa during introduction in the conditions of the Bashkir Cis-Urals. The fruiting level of lilac species in the collection of the Botanical Garden was studied by determining the total number of fruits of the mother bushes. It is revealed that the fruiting level of introduced species of lilac is determined by the biological (hereditary) characteristics of the species and seasonal changes of weather conditions. S. velutina is characterized by the highest fruiting level, S. vulgaris and S. wolfii – by the lowest ones. It is assumed that there might be a tendency for dependence of the degree of fruiting on the quality of the formed pollen. Two taxa among all studied ones demonstrate fruiting level instability: S. reticulata ssp. reticulata blooms and bears fruit irregularly, while S. reticulata ssp. amurensis has regular abundant flowering, but there is a lack of fruiting in some years.

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