scholarly journals The cave crickets of the genus Dolichopoda from Evvia and Skyros islands: formal description of D. octhoniai and D. saraolacosi (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 133 ◽  
Sotiris Alexiou ◽  
Claudio Di Russo ◽  
Mauro Rampini

Two species, <em>D. octhoniai</em> from Evvia and<em> D. saraolacosi</em> from Skyros island (Greece) are morphologically described. These two species were collected for the first time at the end of the ‘70s but they were recorded only as nomina nuda without any formal taxonomic description<em>. D. octhoniai</em> is very similar to the other Evvian species <em>D. makrikapa</em> and to<em> D. vandeli</em> and D<em>. petrochilosi</em> from Viotia and Attiki respectively, differing from them only by a few morphological characters. On the other hand<em> D. saraolacos</em>i is very different from all the other species of Central Greece and West Aegean showing some affinity only with the Attiki species <em>D</em>. <em>insignis</em> and with the South Evvian species<em> D. cassagnaui.</em> Relationships among the species inhabiting caves of this area of Greece are discussed in relation to the complex geological history of the West Aegean area and the adjacent mainland.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 211 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The complexity of the evolutionary history of Senecio is reflected in its conflicted taxonomy. Within this genus, Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), a group of perennial herbs distributed in Europe, western and Central Asia, and northwestern Africa, was not fully revised. A worldwide revision of this section recognizing 28 species and eight subspecies is presented here. The main morphological characters revealed as useful for distinguishing between species are the number and shape of supplementary and involucral bracts, synflorescence architecture, indumentum, and the shape and size of leaves and achenes. In this new taxonomic treatment S. provincialis and S. lagascanus have been segregated from S. doronicum, within which three subspecies are recognized (S. doronicum subsp. orientalis is validly published herein). On the other hand, S. ruthenensis from France and S. lusitanicus from Portugal have been synonymized to S. lagascanus, as well as S. ovatifolius, S. pisidicus, and S. tmoleus from Anatolia to S. kolenatianus, S. olympicus, and S. castagneanus respectively, S. bertramii from Lebanon to S. cilicius, and S. delbesianus from Syria to S. racemosus subsp. racemosus. Sixty eight names are lectotypified, the names S. barrelieri, S. pyrenaicus, and S. scopolii are neotypified, and one epitype is designated for the name S. perralderianus. Descriptions and distribution maps are provided for all the species included, as well as an identification key. Nine species are illustrated for the first time.

Philosophy ◽  
1933 ◽  
Vol 8 (31) ◽  
pp. 301-317 ◽  
C. Delisle Burns

Not for the first time in the history of our tradition, we are conscious of the defects of our inheritance and look doubtfully forward to a future whose structure we can hardly surmise. There was a Decline of the West in the first years of our era and again at the close of the Middle Ages. Now once more the beliefs and customs are shaken, on which our tradition is based; and there is no certainty that we shall carry forward what that tradition has so far achieved into a new form of civilized life. But, on the other hand, there is no reason to suppose that Western Civilization will disappear.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3421 (1) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  

The male of Potiicoara brasiliensis is reported for the first time with evidence of sexual dimorphism. Male diagnosticcharacters are described and compared with the other three species of Spelaeogriphidae. Males present differential mor-phology on both distal podomere articles of the antennula and antenna, an elongate and curved bare endopod on pleopod2, a pair of short round penes on the sternum near the base of pereopod 7, and telson with dorsum almost smooth and apexstraight. Material is sampled for the first time from karstic areas north of the species type-locality, Gruta Ricardo Franconear Corumbá City, and Gruta do Curupira in the Araras Mountains. These new findings expand the distribution of thespecies over seven hundred kilometers. Comparisons between exemplars of both sexes are presented. A hypothesis on the distributional pattern of P. brasiliensis is introduced based on the geological history of Central-West Brazil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 190 (2) ◽  
pp. 709-736
Jae-Cheon Sohn ◽  
Shigeki Kobayashi ◽  
Yutaka Yoshiyasu

Abstract A northward trans-Wallacean radiation is demonstrated for Chrysorthenches, a member of the Orthenches group. Here we review Chrysorthenches and allied genera resulting in a generic transfer of Diathryptica callibrya to Chrysorthenches and two new congeners: C. muraseaeSohn & Kobayashisp. nov. from Japan and C. smaragdinaSohnsp. nov. from Thailand. We review morphological characters of Chrysorthenches and allied genera, and find polyphyly of Diathryptica and the association of the Orthenches-group with Glyphipterigidae. These findings were supported in a maximum likelihood phylogeny of DNA barcodes from ten yponomeutoids. We analysed 30 morphological characters for 12 species of Chrysorthenches, plus one outgroup, via a cladistic approach. The resulting cladogram redefined two pre-existing Chrysorthenches species-groups and identified one novel lineage: the C. callibrya species-group. We review the host associations between Chrysorthenches and Podocarpaceae, based on mapping the working phylogenies. Our review suggests that ancestral Chrysorthenches colonized Podocarpus and later shifted to other podocarp genera. Biogeographical patterns of Chrysorthenches show that they evolved long after the Podocarpaceae radiation. Disjunctive trans-Wallacean distribution of the C. callibrya species-group is possibly related to the tracking of their host-plants and the complicated geological history of the island-arc system connecting Australia and East Asia.

Zootaxa ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 5091 (4) ◽  
pp. 501-545

The powder post beetles (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) (except Lyctinae) of Yunnan Province in Southwest China are reviewed for the first time. Keys to twenty-six genera and fifty-two species from the Yunnan region are provided. One new genus and seven new species are described: Dinoderus (Dinoderastes) hongheensis sp. nov., Dinoderus (Dinoderastes) nanxiheensis sp. nov., Gracilenta yingjiangensis gen. nov., sp. nov., Calonistes vittatus sp. nov., Calophagus colombiana sp. nov., Xylodrypta guochuanii sp. nov. and Xylodrypta zhenghei sp. nov.. Fourteen species are recorded in China for the first time. The bostrichid fauna of Yunnan is compared with those of the neighbouring bio-geographically related Southeast Asian and Himalayan regions. The fauna has a close affinity with that of tropical Southeast Asia and a much weaker relationship with the Palearctic region. The differences with the Himalayas may reflect the separate evolutionary and complex geological history of the two areas.

1897 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-549
M. Gaster

More marvellous and more remarkable than the real conquests of Alexander are the stories circulated about him, and the legends which have clustered round his name and his exploits. The history of Alexander has, from a very early period, been embellished with legends and tales. They spread from nation to nation during the whole of the ancient times, and all through the Middle Ages. Many scholars have followed up the course of this dissemination of the fabulous history of Alexander. It would, therefore, be idle repetition of work admirably done by men like Zacher, Wesselofsky, Budge, and others, should I attempt it here. All interested in the legend of Alexander are familiar with those works, where also the fullest bibliographical information is to be found. I am concerned here with what may have appeared to some of these students as the bye-paths of the legend, and which, to my mind, has not received that attention which is due to it, from more than one point of view. Hitherto the histories of Alexander were divided into two categories; the first were those writings which pretended to give a true historical description of his life and adventures, to the exclusion of fabulous matter; the other included all those fabulous histories in which the true elements were smothered under a great mass of legendary matter, the chief representative of this class being the work ascribed to a certain Callisthenes. The study of the legend centred in the study of the vicissitudes to which this work of (Pseudo-) Callisthenes had been exposed, in the course of its dissemination from the East, probably from its native country, Egypt, to the countries of the West.

1886 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 359-367
J. H. Collins

My argument that at Porthalla there is a “passage” from hornblende-schist to serpentine; or rather that some beds of a common series have been changed into serpentine, others into hornblende-schist, and others again into a substance of intermediate character, is, I think, much strengthened by the fact that many such “apparent passages” are admitted to exist by all those who have examined the Lizard Coast with any degree of detail. De la Beche's description of that seen near the Lizard Town is as follows, and it would apply equally well to the others. “The hornblende slate,” he says, “supports the great mass of the Lizard serpentine with an apparent passage of the one into the other in many places—an apparent passage somewhat embarrassing,” that is, from his point of view; from mine it is perfectly natural. He goes on to say: “Whatever the cause of this apparent passage may have been, it is very readily seen at Mullion Cove, at Pradanack Point, at the coast west of Lizard Town, and at several places on the east coast between Landewednack and Kennick Cove, more especially under the Balk … and at the remarkable cavern and open cavity named the Frying-Pan, near Cadgwith.” At Kynance some of the laminse of serpentine are not more than one-tenth of an inch in thickness for considerable distances.

1904 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-272
H. Beveridge

There is a mountain-ridge on the old route to Kamīr viâ Bhimbar and Bahrāmgala which bears the name of Hastīvanj. It is near the ‘Alīābād Serai, but is on the other, or right, bank of the Pīr Pantsāl stream, and is marked on Dr. Stein's map of Kamīr. See also his Rājataranginī, book i, pp. 44–5, and vol. ii, pp. 394–5. Dr. Stein visited the spot and identified it as the place where King Mihrakul, who lived in the first part of the sixth century, is said to have had a hundred elephants thrown over the cliffs. The circumstance is mentioned in the Āīn Akbarī, Jarrett, ii, 382, but both there and at p. 347 id. the place is called in the Persian text Hastī Watar or Vatar. The name Hastīvanj occurs apparently for the first time in Ḥaidar Malik's history of Kamīr, which was written during Jahāngīr's reign and about 1621. After that it occurs in a note to the oldest MS. of the Rājataranginī, written apparently about 1680, and in Narayan Kūl's history, which was written about 1710. Ḥaidar Malik mentions the place in his account of Mihrakul near the beginning of his book. He there describes the incident, and says that the place has since been called Hastīvanj , because hastī means elephant (fīl) in the Hindī (qu. Sanskrit) tongue, and vanj in the same language means ‘going’ (raftan). Narayan Kūl's explanation is similar, and is probably copied from Ḥaidar.

1875 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 31-31

The Author showed by a historical review of the fortunes of Greece, through the Middle Ages, and under the successive influences of Turkish conquest and Turkish oppression, how the Greek language had escaped corruption to the degree that would have caused the birth of a new language in the way that Italian and the other Roman languages grew out of Latin. He then analysed the modern language, as it existed in current popular literature before the time of Coraes, that is, from the time of Theodore Ptochoprodromus to nearly the end of the last century, and showed that the losses and curtailments which it had unquestionably suffered in the course of so many centuries, were not such as materially to impair the strength and beauty of the language, which in its present state was partly to be regarded as a living bridge betwixt the present and the past, and as an altogether unique phenomenon in the history of human speech.

Zdeněk Laštůvka ◽  
Aleš Laštůvka

Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) has been found in the Czech Republic and in Spain for the first time. The species was found in the south-easternmost part of the Czech Republic, near the town of Břeclav (faunistic quadrat 7267) in May 2008. The holes and pupae were found only in one, solitary growing group of trees about 20 years old. This finding place lies at a distance of more than 250 km from the localities in SW Hungary and about 550 km from the localities in eastern Poland. In June 2008, the species was found also in alders growing in the flat river alluvium on gravel sands between La Jonquera and Figueres in northern Catalonia. This locality is in a close contact with the fin­ding places near Perpignan and Beziers in southern France. The diagnostic morphological characters and bionomics of this species are briefly summarized and figured. The history of its distribution research is recapitulated and the causes of its disjunct range are discussed as follows. The present disjunct range represents a residual of the former distribution over the warmer and moister postglacial period; landscape modifications and elimination of solitary alder trees as „weeds“ from the 18th up to the mid-20th century in large areas of Europe; narrow and partly unknown habitat requirements and specific population ethology; an insufficient level of faunistic investigations in several parts of sou­thern and eastern Europe.

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