Qualitative Approaches to the Study of the Media: Theory and Methods of Hermeneutic Empiricism

James Anderson
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-26
Antonio Somaini

"The article presents an in-depth analysis of Benjamin’s use of the German term Medium, in order to show how his entire media theory may be interpreted as centered on the interaction between the historically changing realm of the technical and material Apparate, and what he calls in the artwork essay the »Medium of perception«: the spatially extended environment, the atmosphere, the milieu, the Umwelt in which sensory experience occurs. This notion of »Medium of perception« is then located within the long, post-Aristotelian tradition of the media diaphana, whose traces can be found in the 1920s and 1930s in the writings of authors such as Béla Balázs, Fritz Heider, and László Moholy-Nagy. </br></br>Der Artikel präsentiert eine eingehende Analyse von Benjamins Gebrauch des deutschen Begriffs »Medium«, um zu zeigen, dass seine gesamte Medientheorie fokussiert ist auf die Interaktion zwischen dem historisch veränderlichen Bereich der technischen und materiellen Apparate einerseits und dem, was er in dem Kunstwerkaufsatz das »Medium der Wahrnehmung« nennt: die räumlich ausgedehnte Umgebung, die Atmosphäre, das Milieu, die Umwelt, in der sinnliche Wahrnehmung erfolgt. Dieser Begriff des »Mediums der Wahrnehmung« wird dann innerhalb der langen, nacharistotelischen Tradition der media diaphana verortet, deren Spuren in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren in den Schriften von Autoren wie Béla Balázs, Fritz Heider und László Moholy-Nagy zu finden sind."

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60
Putri Vidiarti

Media Relations merupakan salah satu kegiatan seorang Humas dalam menciptakan dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan media. Kegiatan ini sangat diperlukan untuk mempermudah dalam mempublikasikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas. Upaya yang ditempuh PEMDA Purwakarta yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan informal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses media relations dilihat dari konsep proses media relations yang terdiri dari perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi (Iriantara:2011). Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivime, Pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan media relations dilakukan dengan beberpa cara yaitu memetakan program dinas, membentuk hubungan personal, mengelola relasi, memberikan pelayanan kepada media, memberikan fasilitas kepada media, melakukan proses koordinasi berita, mengadakan pelatihan jurnalistik, dan melakukan kegiatan media relations. Implementasi dilakukan menggunakan komunikasi persuasif, koordinasi dengan pihak terkait, pengelolaan konten dan mengacu pada peraturan yang telah disepakati. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara briefing internal, meminta klarifikasi terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan media, bekerjasama membuat tim media monitoring, dan mengupdate database media. Proses media relations guna menunjang keberhasilan dalam pencapaian publikasi melalui pendekatan informal ini dirasa efektif karena hasil dari proses media relations sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan Pemda Purwakarta, namun kurang efisien karena memerlukan waktu yang tidak bisa ditentukan. Media Relations is one of the activities of a PR in creating and maintaining good relations with the media. This activity is very necessary to make it easier to publish information to the wider community. The efforts taken by the Purwakarta Regional Government are using an informal approach. This study aims to find out how the media relations process with the selection of the concept of media relations process consisting of planning, implementation and evaluation (Iriantara: 2011). This concept was chosen because it can construct reality in accordance with the interpretation of media relations activities carried out by the Purwakarta Regional Government. This study uses constructivism paradigm, qualitative approaches and case study methods. Data collection techniques used are passive participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that media relations planning was carried out through eight activities, namely, mapping service programs, forming personal relationships, managing relationships, providing services to the media, providing media facilities, conducting news coordination processes, conducting journalistic training, and conducting media relations activities such as personal contact or press calls, press releases, press conferences, press interviews, press gatherings, media facilitators, media visits, and entertainment media. Implementation is carried out using persuasive communication, coordination with related parties, content management and referring to agreed rules. Evaluation as the final stage of the media relations process was carried out based on four activities namely internal briefings, asking for clarification of errors made by the media, collaborating to make media teams monetize, and updating media databases. The media relations process to support success in achieving publications through this informal approach is felt to be effective because the results of the media relations process are in accordance with what the Purwakarta government hopes, but it is less efficient because it requires an indefinite amount of time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Nurdin Nurdin

Problems in today’s learning includes the low competence of teachers in the use of media for teaching and learning. Among the weaknesses of teachers is the lack of the ability in using the media in learning fiqih mawaris. Many teachers still use conventional media such as markers, board and paper. This affects on the low level of students’ ability on the subject of fiqih mawaris. This study aims to understand the competence of teachers in teaching and learning fiqih mawaris through the collaboration of conventional media and digital media (the application of At-Tashil) at the training center of Balai Diklat Keagamaan (BDK) Aceh. This study adopts qualitative approaches. Data were collected through interviews, the study of documents and observations, while collected data were analyzed through data reduction, presentation of data and the withdrawal of conclusion. The results show that teachers’ competence on subjects of the fiqih mawaris was improved through the process of collaboration between conventional media and modern media of At-Tashil application.

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Jussi Parikka

This article addresses cultural techniques of cognitive capitalism. The author argues that to understand the full implications of the notion of cognitive capitalism we need to address the media and cultural techniques which conditions its range and applications. The article offers an expanded understanding of the labour of code and programming through a case study of 'metaprogramming', a software related organisation practice that offered a way to think of software creativity and programming in organisations. The ideas from the 1970s that are discussed offer a different way to approach creativity and collaborative and post-Fordist capitalism. The author brings together different theoretical perspectives, including German media theory and Yann Moulier Boutang’s thesis about cognitive capitalism. The wider argument is that we should pay more attention to the media archaeological conditions of practices of labour and value appropriation of contemporary technological capitalism as well as the cultural techniques which include 'ontological and aesthetic operations' that produce cultural, material situations.

Thesis Eleven ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 107 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Niels Werber

This article follows the recurrent theme in Friedrich Kittler’s 40 years of prolific academic writing, which is of course the media-related production of discourse. Five heuristic principles are identified in his work: enabling, reduction, historization, the abolishment of the ‘two cultures', and post-hermeneutics. The paper closes with criticism of the intrinsic limits of Kittler’s point of view.

Chad Córdova

Abstract This article begins with an analysis of the semantic, tropological, and metaphysical associations of our modern concept of “experience,” which distinguish its form and contents from other opposing concepts. These not only include such general notions as Reason, Education, and Science, they also point to how “experience” has been thought, and lived, in opposition to the verbal and representational media of texts, printed books, and writing in general. Deconstruction (Derrida) and media theory (McLuhan) provide us with ways of understanding how the emergence of our concept of “experience” relied on, as much as it opposed, the media of writing and books, and their surrounding practices and institutions (like reading and schooling). “Experience” per se is perhaps unthinkable without such media and their institutionalized practices. More than modern theory, however, it is one of the major functions of modern literature to display this relation of conflict and dependence, and, even, to embody it in its very form in literary writing. Beyond the opposition of writing and “experience” is thus posed the question of the nature of the equivocal concept of “literary experience.” What would such a thing entail? This article explores this concept through two texts that attempt to bring “experience” into their very form: Montaigne’s Essays and Sartre’s Nausea.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 146-156
Anan Sutisna ◽  
Ahmad Tijari ◽  
Adi Irvansyah

Abstract Based on the analysis of the situation and conditions of the community in Sukamakmur Sub-District, Bogor District of West Java, especially in the field of education, it is necessary to have an Android-based learning media development training activity to support the improvement of Tutor and Manager Competencies so that the learning process in Community Learning Center is of higher quality. The specific objectives of community service activities integrated with real work lectures are as follows: (1) Improving the ability of tutors and managers in planning learning using Android-based learning media, (2) Improving the ability of tutors and managers in using Android-based learning media and (3) Guide tutors and managers in implementing learning using Android-based learning media. The results show learning in Community Learning Center by using Andoid-based learning media as an effort to strengthen students' understanding of the material presented, and students can access it wherever they are to overcome the problems of students whose homes are far from Community Learning Center. Teaching using Android-based media is also able to emphasize the practice of digital literacy directly which still refers to the concept of learning media theory for equality education. Learning using Android-based media can be used wherever students are located, and therefore the independence of students will increase because without the presence of educators, students are able to operate it. The presentation provided is able to attract students 'interest, because it contains a material that is presented via video, so that students do not feel bored and fed up, because the media can stimulate students' ability to see and hear. Abstrak Berdasarkan hasil analisis siatuasi dan kondisi masyarakat di Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kecamatan Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan, maka diperlukan adanya kegiatan pelatihan pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis Android untuk mendukung peningkatan Kompetensi Tutor dan Pengelola agar proses pembelajaran di PKBM lebih berkualitas. Adapun tujuan secara khusus kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang terintegrasi kuliah kerja nyata adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Meningkatan kemampuan tutor dan pengelola dalam merencanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Android, (2) Meningkatkan kemampuan tutor dan pengelola dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Android dan (3) Memandu tutor dan pengelola dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Android. Hasil menunjukkan pembelajaran di PKBM dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Andoid sebagai upaya menguatkan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang disajikan, dan peserta didikpun dapat mengaksesnya dimanapun ia berada untuk mengatasi persoalan peserta didik yang tempat tinggalnya jauh dari PKBM. Pengajaran menggunakan media berbasis android ini juga mampu menekankan pada praktik literasi digital secara langsung yang  tetap mengacu pada konsep teori media pembelajaran untuk pendidikan kesetaraan. Pembelajaran menggunakan media berbasis Android mampu digunakan dimana saja peserta didik itu berada, maka dari itu kemandirian peserta didik akan meningkat karena tanpa kehadiran pendidikpun, peserta didik mampu mengoperasikannya. Penyajian yang disediakanpun mampu menarik minat peserta didik, karena berisi sebuah materi yang disajikan melalui video, sehingga peserta didik tidak merasa bosan dan jenuh, karena media tersebut dapat merangsang kemampuan melihat dan mendengar peserta didik.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Gerard Goggin

In commemorating Stuart Hall, I wish to pay particular attention to the importance of his work for understanding one of the great topics of contemporary culture— media.There is a long discussion to be had of Stuart Hall’s making and use of media, in various forms, from his early days of political activism, to television and film productions, videos and interviews. But his contribution to how we think about the media, to media theory and cultural theory of media, remains especially rich. What Hall has to teach us, and provoke us with, concerning media, is centrally about power

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