2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-352

This study was carried out to determine the effect of different boron application methods on cotton yield, plant growth and fiber technological properties. The study was conducted at Siirt University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Field Crops experimental area as randomized complete block design with four replications in 2018. Stoneville 468 cotton variety and boron liquid foliar fertilizer were used as material. Seven different boron applications were performed as (Control, 1000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stage, 1000 cc ha-1 at flowering stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at flowering stage and 1000 cc ha-1 at boll formation stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at boll formation stage). The results of statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between applications methods in terms of plant height and number of monopodial branches. But there were non-significant differences in terms of number of sympodial branches, number of first node of sympodial branch, number of nodes, height/node ratio, number of bolls, boll weight, seed cotton weight of per boll, number of seeds per boll, first picking percentage, 100 seeds weight, ginning percentage, seed cotton yield and fiber technological characteristics. In conclusion different application methods of boron increased plant height and number of monopodial branches of cotton when applied as 1000 and 2000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-109
V. J. Zapadiya ◽  

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the 45 F1 hybrids derived from 10×10 half diallel fashion along with ten parents and one standard check GN.Cot.Hy-14 were sown in randomized block design with three replications during kharif -2017 at Cotton Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The genetic components of variation were determined for 12 characters viz., days to 50% flowering, days to 50% boll opening, plant height (cm), number of monopodia per plant, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight (g), seed cotton yield per plant (g), ginning percentage (%), seed index (g), lint index (g) and oil percentage (%).The estimate of the components of variation revealed significant results for both additive (D) as well as dominance effects (H1 and H2) for all the characters except plant height non-significant H2 component, but in majority of traits (except plant height, lint index) H1 was higher than D indicating dominance components were important in the inheritance of seed cotton yield and its components. The average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 was found to be more than unity for all the traits (except plant height, number of monopodia per plant and lint index indicating partial dominance) indicating over dominance. Asymmetrical distribution of positive and negative genes in the parents was observed for all the traits. High estimates of heritability in narrow sense was observed for days to 50% flowering, days to 50 % boll bursting, number of monopodia per plant, ginning percentage (%), lint index (g) and oil content (%) suggesting that selection based on these attribute would lead to rapid improvement. Due to preponderance of non-additive gene effects of seed cotton yield per plant and most of its component traits, heterosis breeding would also be practically feasible in cotton.

Z. A. Deho ◽  
S. Abro ◽  
M. Rizwan

Eight mutant lines developed through mutation breeding technique using chemical mutagen along with parent line (Sadori) were evaluated at NIA, experimental farm. Quantitative and qualitative traits were analyzed statistically. The chemical mutagen Ethyle Methane Sulphonate (EMS) was used at the rate of 0.03%. The mutant lines (viz. NIA-M5, NIA-M10, NIA-M16, NIA-M20, NIA-M23, NIA-M29, NIA-M33 and NIA-M35) with parent Sadori were included in this study. The results revealed that three mutants (NIA-M20, NIA-M35 and NIA-M5) took (7.2%, 8.1% and 8.1%) higher plant height than parent (111 cm), two mutants (NIA-M5 and NIA-M20) obtained (36.8% and 42.1%) more sympodial branches plant-1 than parent (19.0). Three mutants (NIA-M20, NIA-M5 and NIA-M10) produced (16.8%, 22.4.0% and 25.4%) more number of bolls plant-1 than parental line (67.0). Five mutants (NIA-M5, NIA-M35, NIA-M20, NIA-M23 and NIA-M29) had higher fiber length (mm) (10.2%, 8%, 5.7%, 5% and 4.0%) as compared parent Sadori (28.0 mm). Two mutants (NIA-M20 and NIA-M29) showed higher fiber strength (g/tex) (5.5% and 8.3%) than parent (34.4%). Two mutants (NIA-M5 and NIA-M20) produced higher seed-cotton yield kg ha-1 (24.0% and 25.4%) over parent Sadori (3563 kg ha-1). The selected mutant lines on the basis of higher seed-cotton yield (kg ha-1) and enhanced fiber length (mm) compared to parent (Sadori) will be promoted in preliminary yield trials. Heritability and genetic advance were noted for early days to maturity, higher plant height (cm), sympodial branches plant-1, lengthy fiber (mm), bolls plant-1 and seed-cotton yield (kg ha-1).

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 106
Habib R. Lakho ◽  
Ayaz A. Soomro ◽  
Muhammad A. R. Rashid ◽  
Shabana Memon

<p>The present investigation was aimed to determine the general combining ability of the parental lines and specific combining ability of the hybrids respectively and also heterotic effect of F<sub>1</sub> hybrids for some agro-economical traits in upland cotton. Five parent genotypes viz. NIAB-78, Chandi-95, Haridost, CRIS-134 and Shahbaz were used to generate ten F<sub>1</sub> hybrids through diallel mating design. The seeds of F<sub>1</sub> hybrids along with their parents were sown in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in three replications during 2009-10. All the traits showed highly significant variation and GCA and SCA variances were also significant for all the parameters studied. Among the parents, NIAB-78, Haridost and CRIS-134 were best general combiners for plant height, sympodial branches per plant, bolls per plant, boll weight, seed cotton yield per plant, GOT% and seed index. Cross NIAB-78×Chandi-95 was best specific combiner for plant height and bolls per plant and CRIS-134×Haridost for sympodial branches per plant. However, the hybrid Chandi-95×CRIS-134 proved best specific combiner for seed cotton yield per plant and GOT%, while NIAB-78×CRIS-134 gave maximum SCA effects for seed index.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Adeela SAHAR ◽  
Muhammad Mubashar ZAFAR ◽  
Abdul RAZZAQ ◽  
Abdul MANAN ◽  
Muhammad HAROON ◽  

Abstract Background Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is grown for fiber and oil purposes in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Pakistan is the 4th largest producer of cotton. It has a significant contribution in the GDP of Pakistan. Therefore, the present study was performed to assess the genetic variations and genetic diversity of yield and fiber quality traits in cotton and to analyze the associations present among them. Results Analysis of variance exhibited significant variation for all studied traits except total number of nodes and the height to node ratio. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation for all studied traits. Plant height, monopodial branches, total number of bolls, lint index, seed index, and seed cotton yield displayed high heritabilities in a broad sense with maximum genetic advance. Correlation analysis revealed that seed cotton yield had a significant positive association with plant height, the number of monopodial branches, the number of sympodial branches, ginning outturn (GOT), the number of bolls, seed per boll, seed index, uniformity index, the number of sympodial branches, reflectance, and seed index at the genotypic level while a significant positive relationship was observed with plant height, the number of sympodial branches, boll number, and GOT. Plant height, monopodial branches, GOT, boll weight, seeds per boll, and short fiber index exerted direct positive effects on seed cotton yield. The first 6 principal component analysis (PCs) out of the total fourteen PCs displayed eigenvalues (> 1) and had maximum share to total variability (82.79%). The attributes that had maximum share to total divergence included plant height, uniformity index, the number of sympodial branches, seed per boll, GOT, seed cotton yield, and short fiber index. Conclusion The genotype AA-802, IUB-13, FH-159, FH-458, and CIM-595 were genetically diverse for most of the yield and fiber quality traits and could be utilized for the selection of better performing genotypes for further improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 87

ABSTRAK<br />Areal pertanaman kapas di Indonesia tersebar di enam propinsi yaitu<br />Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara<br />Timur, dan Sulawesi Selatan. Pengembangan kapas 70% berada di lahan<br />tadah hujan dan 30% di lahan sawah sesudah tanaman padi. Di lahan tadah<br />hujan biasanya kapas ditanam setelah jagung, kedelai atau kacang hijau<br />dan selalu mengalami kendala kekurangan air selama pertumbuhannya.<br />Karena kendala tersebut, produksi kapas berbiji ditingkat petani umumnya<br />hanya mencapai 200 – 500 kg per hektar. Penelitian uji multilokasi<br />dilaksanakan di Asembagus dan Wongsorejo (Jawa Timur), Bayan (Nusa<br />Tenggara Barat), dan Bantaeng serta Bulukumba (Sulawesi Selatan), di<br />lahan tadah hujan pada tahun 2004 – 2006. Sebanyak 9 galur dan varietas<br />Kanesia 8 disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok yang diulang 4 kali<br />(tiga ulangan tidak mendapatkan tambahan pengairan setelah tanaman<br />berumur 42 hari atau setelah pemupukan kedua), satu ulangan diberi<br />pengairan optimal sampai panen, yang digunakan untuk menghitung<br />Indeks Kepekaan Terhadap Kekeringan. Kapas ditanam secara monokultur<br />pada petak percobaan berukuran 50m 2 dengan jarak tanam 100 cm x 25<br />cm, satu tanaman per lubang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah : hasil<br />kapas berbiji pada kondisi keterbatasan air, hasil kapas berbiji pada<br />kondisi pengairan optimal, indeks kerentanan terhadap kekeringan, skor<br />kerusakan daun akibat serangan Amrasca biguttula, dan mutu serat. Pada<br />kondisi tidak mendapatkan tambahan pengairan, rata-rata potensi hasil<br />galur-galur yang diuji tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas Kanesia 8 serta<br />toleran terhadap A biguttula dan mutu seratnya memenuhi syarat untuk<br />industri tekstil di Indonesia. Galur-galur yang produktivitasnya mencapai<br />lebih dari 1.500 kg kapas berbiji/ha adalah (135x182)(351x268)9,<br />(135x182)(351x268)10, dan (135x182)10. Dilihat dari produktivitas, keta-<br />hanan terhadap A. biguttula, ketahanan terhadap kekeringan dan mutu<br />serat, terdapat dua galur harapan yang dapat dilepas sebagai varietas baru<br />yang sesuai untuk dikembangkan di lahan tadah hujan pada kondisi keter-<br />batasan air yaitu galur {(135x182)(351x268)}9 dan galur (339x448)2.<br />Keunggulan galur {(135x182)(351x268)}9 adalah lebih toleran terhadap<br />kondisi dengan ketersediaan air terbatas dibandingkan dengan Kanesia 8,<br />sedangkan produktivitas, ketahanannya terhadap A biguttula, serta mutu<br />seratnya tidak berbeda. Keunggulan galur (339x448)2 dibandingkan<br />dengan Kanesia 8 adalah mutu seratnya lebih tinggi, sedangkan produk-<br />tivitas serta ketahanannya terhadap keterbatasan air dan A. biguttula tidak<br />berbeda.<br />Kata kunci : Kapas, produktivitas, mutu serat, tahan terhadap kekeringan<br />ABSTRACT<br />New cotton lines adaptive to rain-fed<br />Cotton growing area in Indonesia extended in six provinces i.e.<br />East Java, Middle Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara<br />and South Sulawesi. Cotton area in Indonesia is mostly (70%) in rain-<br />fed, and the rest is on rice-field after paddy (30%). On rain-fed areas,<br />cotton is commonly grown after maize, soybean, or greenbean, that it<br />suffers from drought. This condition has resulted low yield ranging 200 –<br />500 kg seed cotton per hectare. As a result, farmers income and farmers<br />interest in cotton cultivation are low . Multilocations trial were conducted<br />in Asembagus and Wongsorejo (East Java), Bayan (West Nusa Tenggara),<br />and Bantaeng as well as Bulukumba (South Sulawesi), on rain-fed area in<br />2004 to 2006. 9 lines of cotton and Kanesia 8 were arranged in randomized<br />block design with four replications three replications without irrigation 42<br />days after planting and one replication with optimal irrigation for the<br />estimation of drought susceptibility index. Monoculture cotton was grown<br />in plots sized 50 m 2 with 100 cm x 25 cm plant spacing, one plant per<br />hole. Parameters observed were seed cotton yield on water limited<br />condition, seed cotton yield on full irrigation, drought susceptibility index,<br />score of leaf damage caused by Amrasca biguttula, and fibre quality.<br />Means of productivity level of the cotton lines on water limited condition<br />were not significantly different to Kanesia 8, all of them were tolerant to<br />A biguttula with fiber quality was suitable for textile industries in<br />Indonesia. There were three lines reached productivity more than 1,500<br />kg/ha i.e. (135x182)(351x268)9, (135x182) (351x268)10, and (135x<br />182)10. From the trials, there were two promising lines i.e. lines<br />(135x182) (351x268) 9 and (339x448) 2 which can be released as new<br />varieties tolerant to water limited condition. Lines (135x182)(351x268) 9<br />was more tolerant to water limited condition than Kanesia 8, and it was not<br />significantly different in productivity, tolerancy to A biguttula, and fibre<br />quality. Lines (339x448)2 was superior on its fiber quality than Kanesia 8<br />and its productivity as well as its tolerancy to water limited condition and<br />A biguttula were not significantly different.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-363
Mudhalvan S ◽  
S. Rajeswari ◽  
L. Mahalingam ◽  
P. Jeyakumar ◽  
M. Muthuswami ◽  

Cotton is a very important crop that consists of traits with different associationship due to genetic and environmental factors. In order to determine the degree of association between seed cotton yield and important traits, a study was done using an RBD experiment with 30 hybrids. Seed cotton yield, plant height, GOT, number of sympodial braches, boll weight, bolls per plant, span length, fineness and strength data were collected and analysed. The experiment was done with 30 F1 hybrids have delivered through Line x Tester mating configuration utilizing six lines and five testers were planted in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two replications at the Department of Cotton, TNAU, Coimbatore. Seed cotton yield per plant was found to have significant positive genotypic connection with boll weight (0.5810), number of bolls per plant (0.3867), plant height (0.422) and ginning percent (0.2182) however altogether and contrarily related with consistency proportion at genotypic level. The phenotypic relationship esteems likewise uncovered that seed cotton yield per plant had highly huge and positive phenotypic connection with number of bolls per plant (0.3470) and boll weight (0.4763). Path coefficients were processed to assess the commitment of individual characters to yield in cotton. The way investigation demonstrated high certain immediate impact of number of bolls per plant (0.4743) and fiber strength (0.6880) on seed cotton yield. Micronaire value displayed high sure circuitous impact on seed cotton yield through range length (0.3393), the outcome showed that number of bolls per plant had a high sure relationship with seed cotton yield and sympodial per plant recorded low certain connection with seed cotton yield. It was therefore concluded that selection of high yielding cotton hybrids could emphasize more on lint yield, boll weights, plant height and bolls per plant for better-performing lines. Gin outturn and fibre strength could be used indirectly to improve seed cotton yield through other traits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-117
Rahmat Fitra Yandi Nasution ◽  
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin ◽  
Syafruddin Syafruddin

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis mikoriza, varietas dan interaksi jenis mikoriza dan varietas terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai pada tanah Incepticol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Iesuum Krueng Raya Aceh Besar, Rumah Kaca dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh dari bulan Mei sampai September 2018. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 3 x 2 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis mikoriza dan varietas. Jenis mikoriza yang digunakan adalah Glomus mosseae, Gigaspora sp dan Campuran serta varietas yang digunakan adalah varietas Lado F1 dan Perintis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jenis mikoriza berpengaruh nyata pada tinggi tanaman 30 dan 45 HSTdan jumlah cabang produktif. Jenis mikoriza terbaik terdapat pada jenis mikoriza campuran (Glomus mosseae dan Gigaspora sp). Pada varietas berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 15,30 dan 45 HST, diameter batang 30 dan 40 HST dan jumlah cabang produktif serta berpengaruh nyata pada diameter batang 45 HST. Jenis varietas terbaik terdapat pada varietas Lado. Interaksi antara jenis mikoriza dan jenis varietas berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 30 HST dan jumlah cabang produktif serta berpengaruh nyata pada diameter batang 30 HST.Interaksi antara jenis mikoriza dan varietas terbaik tedapat pada jenis mikoriza campuran (Glomus mosseae dan Gigaspora sp) dengan varietas Lado F1.The Effect of Mycorrhizal Types on the Growth of Some Chili Varieties in Incepticol Soil Krueng Raya Aceh BesarAbstract. This research aims to determine the effect of type of mycorrhiza, varieties, and interactions of mycorrhiza and varieties types on the growth and yield of chili plants on the Inceptisol land. This research was carried out at the Krueng Raya Iesuum Experimental Garden in Aceh Besar, greenhouse and laboratory of plant physiology, Faculty of Agriculture of Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh from Mei to September 2018. The analysis of data used in this study was Randomized Block Design -Factorial 3x2 with 3 replications. The factors observed in this research were the type of mycorrhiza and varieties. Types of mycorrhiza used are Glomus mosseae, Gigaspora, and the combination. Varieties used are Lado F1 and Perintis. The result of this research showed that types of mycorrhiza take effect significantly on plant height 30 dan 45 DAP and productive branch numbers. The mixed of mycorrhiza gives the best result on growth and yield of chili plant. The varieties of chili plants highly significant take effect on plant height 15, 30 and 45 DAP, stem diameter 30 and 40 HST and productive branch numbers and significantly affect on stem diameter 45 DAP. Lado F1 gives the best result on growth and yield. The interactions of mycorrhiza and varieties type highly significant take effect on plant height 30 HST and productive branch number and significantly take effect on stem diameter 30 HST. The combination of mixed mycorrhiza and Lado F1 treatment gives the best result on growth and yield of chili plants. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (6) ◽  
Alubaidi & et al.

This experiment was conducted at the farm of field crop department, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad during two summer seasons (2010 and 2011) in order to know the response of cotton var. Lashata to nitrogen levels and spacing between holes. A randomized complete block design under arrangement of split plot with four replications was used. The plant spacing; 10, 20 and 30 cm between holes and 75 cm between rows considered as main plots, while three nitrogen levels (150, 200 and 250 Kg N.ha-1) are considered as sub plots. The results showed that using 10 cm between hills were significantly superior in boll weight (3.69 and 4.26) gm.boll-1, seed cotton yield (3.03 and 3.6) t.ha-1 and lint yield (1.13 and 1.30) t.ha-1 in both seasons 2010 and 2011 respectively. While, 30 cm spacing significantly superior in number of open bolls (12.10 and 13.6) bolls.plant-1 and ginning percentage (39.05 and 37.44)% in both seasons respectively. The nitrogen fertilizer 250 kg N ha-1 was significantly superior in dehiscence bolls number, seed cotton yield, lint yield and ginning percentage in both seasons 2010 and 2011 respectively. It can be concluded that 'using 10 cm spacing between holes with 250 kg N ha-1 to achieve highest seed cotton yield.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10456
Muhammad Majid ◽  
Muqarrab Ali ◽  
Khurram Shahzad ◽  
Fiaz Ahmad ◽  
Rao Muhammad Ikram ◽  

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the major fiber crops. Its production is under threat due to scarcity of water resources under a changing climatic scenario. Limited water availability also decreases the uptake of phosphorus, and less uptake of phosphorus can deteriorate the quality attributes of cotton fiber. There is a need to introduce bio-organic amendments which can mitigate osmotic stress on a sustainable basis. Inoculation of rhizobacteria can play an imperative role in this regard. Rhizobacteria can not only improve the growth of roots but also enhance the availability of immobile phosphorus in soil. That is why the current experiment was conducted to explore and compare the efficacy of sole application of diammonium phosphate (DAP) over plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) coated DAP on growth and quality attributes of cotton under artificially induced osmotic stress at flowering stage. The impact of phosphorus levels was found to be significant on the plant height, leaf area, average boll weight, stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, and seed cotton yield, while the irrigation effect was significant on all the parameters. The PGPR coated phosphorus performed better as compared to other treatments under normal irrigation and osmotic stress. Results showed that PGPR coated phosphorus increased by 29.47%, 21.01%, 41.11%, 32.73%, 15.63% and 22.89% plant height, average boll weight, stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, fiber length, and seed cotton yield respectively. In conclusion, PGPR coated DAP can be helpful to get higher cotton productivity as compared to control and sole application of DAP under normal irrigation and osmotic stress.

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