scholarly journals Desempenho ocupacional de pessoas hemiplégicas pós-avc a partir do uso de tecnologias assistivas/Post-CVA hemiplegic patients occupational performance fromthe use of assistive technologies

Andressa Ribas Mildner ◽  
Aline Sarturi Ponte ◽  
Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni ◽  
Jodeli Pommerehn ◽  
Kátine Estivalet ◽  

O objetivo do estudo foi identificar as atividades cotidianas comprometidas pela hemiplegia de pessoas acometidas por AVC e verificar a influência do uso de tecnologias assistivas no desempenho ocupacional das mesmas. Para tanto, trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, com delineamento transversal. Houve a participação de quatro pessoas acometidas por AVC com sequela de hemiplegia, sendo utilizados como instrumentos uma entrevista semiestruturada e a Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional. Os participantes foram avaliados e por doze semanas receberam intervenções terapêuticas ocupacionais -- prescrições, confecção e treinamentos dos dispositivos de tecnologias assistivas, sendo reavaliados posteriormente. Como resultados, pode-se observar que todos os participantes apresentavam restrições em atividades envolvendo as áreas do autocuidado, a produtividade e o lazer, principalmente nos cuidados pessoais, tarefas domésticas e na recreação tranquila. Após identificar as principais atividades-problemas, e com as intervenções terapêuticas ocupacionais e inclusão dos dispositivos de tecnologias assitivas nas atividades cotidianas, observou-se melhora no desempenho ocupacional, tanto na percepção do desempenho como da satisfação, tendo um aumento de 2,1 pontos em ambas. Assim, conclui-se que o uso da COPM possibilita identificar atividades-problema para se pensar em estratégias de intervenção como criação de dispositivos de TA. Assim, o uso de TA pode influenciar na melhora do desempenho ocupacional de pessoas com limitações e restrições na realização de atividade cotidianas, sendo coadjuvante da função para minimizar os comprometimentos e facilitar a realização das atividades importantes. AbstractThe objective ofth estudy was to identify daily activities which were compromised by hemiplegia in people who had suffered a stroke, as well as to verify thein fluence of the use of assistive technologie son their occupational performance. For this purpose, a quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out. The study was conducted with four people who had hemiplegia after having a stroke. A semi-structured interview and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) were used. Participant swere evaluated, and then received occupational therapeutic interventions for 12 weeks -- prescriptions, and making and training of assistive technology devices -- before be ingreassessed. As a result, it could be observed that all participants presented restriction son activities involving self-care, productivity and leisure, especially in personal care, domestic tasks and quietre creation. After identifying them ainim paired activities, and implementing occupational therapeutic interventions and assistive technology devices in daily activities, anim provement was observed in thepatients' occupational performance. The perception of performance as well as the satisfaction of these patients increased 2.1 points. Therefore, it could be seen that the use of COPM makes it possible to identify impaired activities so that intervention strategies and the creation of assistive Technologies devices could be considered. Thus, the use of assistive Technologies can influence and improve the occupational performance of patients with limitations and restrictions in performing daily activities, serving as a support for these functions, minimizing the difficulties and facilitating the execution of importante tasks.Keywords: Cerebral Vascular Accident; Occupational Therapy; Orthopedic Supplies. Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las actividades cotidianas comprometidas por la hemiplejía de personas acometidas por AVC y verificar la influencia del uso de tecnologías asistivas en el desempeño ocupacional de las mismas. Para ello, se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, con delineamiento transversal. La participación de cuatro personas acometidas por AVC con secuelas de hemiplejía, siendo utilizados como instrumentos una entrevista semiestructurada y la Medida Canadiense de Desempeño Ocupacional. Los participantes fueron evaluados y por doce semanas recibieron intervenciones terapéuticas ocupacionales - prescripciones, confección y entrenamientos de los dispositivos de tecnologías asistivas, siendo reevaluados posteriormente. Como resultados, se puede observar que todos los participantes presentaban restricciones en actividades que involucra las áreas del autocuidado, la productividad y el ocio, principalmente en los cuidados personales, tareas domésticas y en la recreación tranquila. Después de identificar las principales actividades-problemas, y con las intervenciones terapéuticas ocupacionales e inclusión de los dispositivos de tecnologías asitivas en las actividades cotidianas, se observó una mejora en el desempeño ocupacional, tanto en la percepción del desempeño y de la satisfacción, teniendo un aumento de 2,1 puntos En ambas. Así, se concluye que el uso de la COPM posibilita identificar actividades-problema para pensar en estrategias de intervención como creación de dispositivos de tecnologías asistivas. Así, el uso de tecnologías asistivas puede influenciar en la mejora del desempeño ocupacional de personas con limitaciones y restricciones en la realización de actividad cotidiana, siendo coadyuvante de la función para minimizar los compromisos y facilitar la realización de las actividades importantes.Palavras clave: Accidente Vascular Cerebral; Terapia Ocupacional; Aparatos Ortopédicos.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Naser Havaei ◽  
Mandana Rezaei ◽  
Hamid Reza Rostami ◽  
Ahmad Mohammadi ◽  
Babak Kashefimehr ◽  

Background/Aims Caring for children with cerebral palsy may affect different domains in the caregiver's life. This study aimed to compare the occupational performance of mothers of a child who has cerebral palsy with mothers of a typically developing child. Methods A total of 41 mothers with a child who has cerebral palsy and 45 mothers with a typically developing child were recruited in this cross-sectional study. The age-matched mothers had only one child. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure was used to collect data on the occupational performance and satisfaction of mothers. Findings There was a statistically significant between-group difference in maternal occupational performance and occupational satisfaction (P<0.05), with mothers of children with cerebral palsy reporting lower scores for both. There were no relationships between demographic variables and the occupational performance and satisfaction of mothers with a child with cerebral palsy (P>0.05). The age of children with cerebral palsy had a direct positive relationship with the mothers' level of occupational satisfaction (P<0.05). Conclusion Mothers who take care of a child with cerebral palsy face significant reductions in occupational performance and satisfaction compared to mothers with a typically developing child, and therefore may need help and education in performing and organising their daily activities and roles.

Daniela Salgado Amaral ◽  
Danielle Sanguinetti ◽  
Juliana Cassiano Amancio Da Silva ◽  
Priscila Romão Caldas ◽  
José Ângelo Peixoto Da Costa ◽  

A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma síndrome neurodegenerativa que se caracteriza essencialmente por déficts motores, incluindo prejuízos nas habilidades manuais, o que interferem no desempenho das atividades cotidianas. Os terapeutas ocupacionais utilizam recursos de Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) para favorecer a autonomia e independência. O uso de TA impressa em 3D é um recurso inovador e possibilita a personalização com baixo custo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever o processo de avaliação e desenvolvimento de produtos de TA em 3D para pessoas com déficit de função manual por Doença de Parkinson. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo, de corte transversal, do tipo relato de caso. A paciente estudada tinha 61 anos, diagnosticada há 3 anos e era auxiliar administrativa. Apresentava déficit nas habilidades manuais de leve à moderado e as atividades com maior prejuízos funcionais foram: usar colher, varrer casa, usar escova de dentes e manusear a agulha de crochê. A pontuação média de desempenho foi 6,0 e de satisfação 4,5, de acordo com a Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional, para as atividades citadas. Após escaneamento do membro superior foi impressa em 3D uma adaptação universal para favorecer as atividades do uso da colher, da escova de dente e da agulha de crochê. O recurso proporcionou um melhor desempenho nas atividades e a paciente destacou satisfação com o uso do recurso e serviço utilizados. Dessa forma, A TA impressa em 3D pode ser um recurso eficaz e se faz necessário ampliar os estudos na área. AbstractParkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative syndrome that is essentially characterized by motor deficit, including impairments in manual skills, which may interfere with the performance of daily activities. Occupational therapists use Assistive Technology (AT) resources to promote autonomy and independence. The use of AT printed in 3D is a resourse innovative and possibility of customization and low cost. The objective of the research is to describe the process of evaluating and developing 3D AT products for people with Parkinson's disease manual function deficit. This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of the case report type. The patient studied was 61 years old, diagnosed 3 years ago and was an administrative assistant. There were deficits in the manual skills of mild to moderate and the activities with the greatest functional losses were: to use spoon, to sweep house, to use toothbrush, and to handle the crochet needle. The average performance score was 6.0 and satisfaction 4.5, According to the Canadia Measure of Occupational Performance, for the above activities. After scanning the upper limb was printed in 3D universal adaptation with main focus on favoring the activities of using the spoon, toothbrush and crochet needle. The resource favored a better performance in the activities and the patient reported satisfaction with the use of the resource and service used. Assistive technology printed in 3D can be an effective resource, it is necessary to expand the studies in the area.Keywords: Parkinson's disease; Self-Help Devices; Occupational Therapy. Resumen La enfermedad de Parkinson (DP) es un síndrome neurodegenerativo que se caracteriza esencialmente por déficits motores, incluyendo perjuicios en las habilidades manuales, lo que puede interferir en el desempeño de las actividades cotidianas. Los terapeutas ocupacionales utilizan recursos de Tecnología Asistiva (TA) para favorecer la autonomía e independencia. El uso de TA impresa en 3D es un recurso innovador por la posibilidad de la personalización y bajo costo. El objetivo de la investigación es describir el proceso de evaluación y desarrollo de productos de TA en 3D para personas con déficit de función manual por enfermedad de Parkinson. Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, del tipo relato de caso. La paciente estudiada tenía 61 años, diagnosticada hace 3 años y era auxiliar administrativo. Presentaba déficit en las habilidades manuales de leve a moderado y las actividades con mayor perjuicios funcionales fueron: usar cuchara, barrer casa, usar cepillo de dientes, y manipular la aguja de crochet. La puntuación media de rendimiento fue de 6,0 y de satisfacción 4,5, de acuerdo con la Medida Canadiense de Desempeño Ocupacional, para las actividades citadas. Después del escaneado del miembro superior se imprimió en 3D adaptación universal con principal foco en favorecer las actividades del uso de la cuchara, del cepillo de dientes y de la aguja de crochet. El recurso favoreció un mejor desempeño en las actividades y la paciente relató satisfacción con el uso del recurso y servicio utilizados. La tecnología asistiva impresa en 3D puede ser un recurso eficaz, se hace necesario ampliar los estudios en el área.Palavras clave: Enfermedad de Parkinson; Dispositivos de Autoayuda; Terapia Ocupacional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Anette Enemark Larsen ◽  
Sonja Wehberg ◽  
Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen

Purpose. To examine the content validity of the Danish version of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM-DK). Materials and Methods. This cross-sectional study was performed in a hospital and a community rehabilitation centre. The content validity of the COPM was assessed by relating the clients’ prioritized occupational performance issues (OPIs) to the conceptual model of the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) and the levels of the Taxonomic Code of Occupational Performance (TCOP). Six occupational therapy lecturers participated in classifying the OPIs using the TCOP. Results. A total of 112 clients from a regional and community-based rehabilitation participated. The 56% regional participants came from a hospital’s hand and knee surgery department. The remaining 44% participants came from a community-based rehabilitation centre with in- and outpatient departments. There were 44% males, with a mean age of 65.2 years. They prioritized 495 OPIs, of which 40% concerned self-care, 32% productivity, and 28% leisure. The prioritized OPIs were divided into a total of 224 different OPIs. There were significant differences in which areas were prioritized in the various population groups. Of the OPIs, 64.3% could be classified into the TCOP levels of occupation and activity, i.e., 1/3 of the OPIs were related to tasks and actions, and thus beyond the scope of the COPM. The interrater agreement of the OPI classification was only fair (kappa 0.3). Conclusion. The content validity of the COPM seems to depend on how and with which clients it is administered. Caution must be taken to secure OPIs on the higher levels of the TCOP, while maintaining the clients’ right to nominate OPI preferences. Therefore, an introductory course and on-going support are recommendable. Bearing this in mind, the COPM seems useful to identify individual clients’ prioritized OPIs in a Danish context.

Adriane Sílvia Ribeiro Carvalho de Oliveira ◽  
Danielle Carneiro de Menezes Sanguinetti ◽  
Amanda Rodrigues de Paula ◽  
Stella Maízia Urbano dos Santos ◽  
Claúdia Diniz Lopes Marques ◽  

Introdução: A osteoartrite de mãos pode provocar prejuízos na função manual e limitar a participação em ocupações significativas. O conhecimento desse impacto é importante para direcionar a assistência às pessoas acometidas, através de abordagens que favoreçam seu desempenho ocupacional. Objetivo: Descrever a influência da osteoartrite de mãos no desempenho ocupacional de indivíduos com a doença. Métodos: Estudo transversal e descritivo, realizado no ambulatório de reumatologia de um hospital de referência, entre novembro de 2014 e maio de 2015. Foram utilizados para a coleta de dados: ficha de avaliação inicial e Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional (COPM). Para análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva, através de medidas de tendência central e distribuição de probabilidade. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 28 pacientes. As áreas de desempenho ocupacional com maior comprometimento foram a produtividade e o autocuidado, sendo identificadas com maior frequência tarefas domésticas e do vestuário. Os participantes apresentaram média de desempenho de 3,6 e satisfação de 2,9 nas atividades relatadas. Não houve relação entre o tempo de diagnóstico e o comprometimento no desempenho ocupacional. Conclusão: O impacto da osteoartrite de mãos no desempenho ocupacional reflete prejuízos nas atividades e ocupações nas áreas da produtividade, autocuidado e lazer. AbstractIntroduction: The hand osteoarthritis may cause impairments in hand function and limit the performance of several activities, restricting participation in meaningful occupations.  The knowledge of this impact is essential to direct assistance to affected people through approaches that benefit their occupational performance. Objective:  Describe the influence of hand osteoarthritis on occupational performance of individuals with the disease. Methods: Cross-sectional study and descriptive study, held at the rheumatology outpatient clinic of a reference hospital in the period between November 2014 and May 2015. The assessments used for data collection were an initial evaluation form, and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). For data analysis descriptive statistics were used, through central tendency measures and probability distribution.  Results: 28 outpatients were included in the study. The occupational performance areas with greater commitment were productivity and self-care, identified most frequently activities related to household tasks and dressing. Participants showed average of 3.6 of performance, and 2.9 of satisfaction in the reported activities. There was no relationship between the time of diagnosis and the commitment on the occupational performance. Conclusion: The impact of hand osteoarthritis on occupational performance reflects impairments in activities and occupations in the areas of productivity, self-care and leisure.Keywords: Activities of Daily Living. Hand. Osteoarthritis. Occupational Therapy. ResumenIntroducción: La osteoartritis de manos puede provocar daños en la función manual y limitar la realización de diversas actividades, restringiendo la participación en ocupaciones significativas. El conocimiento de este impacto es esencial para dirigir la asistencia a las personas acometidas, a través de enfoques que favorezcan su desempeño ocupacional. Objetivo: Describir la influencia de la osteoartritis de manos en el desempeño ocupacional de los individuos con la enfermedad. Métodos: Estudio transversal y descriptivo, realizado en el ambulatorio de reumatología de un hospital de referencia, en el período entre noviembre de 2014 y mayo de 2015. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos fueron una ficha de evaluación inicial, y la Medida Canadiense de Desempeño Ocupacional (COPM). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó estadística descriptiva, a través de medidas de tendencia central y distribución de probabilidad. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 28 pacientes del ambulatorio. Las áreas de desempeño ocupacional con mayor compromiso fueron la productividad y el autocuidado, siendo identificadas con mayor frecuencia actividades relacionadas a las tareas domésticas y al vestuario. Los participantes presentaron un promedio de rendimiento de 3,6, y satisfacción de 2,9 en las actividades relatadas. No hubo relación entre el tiempo de diagnóstico y el compromiso en el desempeño ocupacional. Conclusión:Palabras llave: Actividades cotidianas. Mano. Osteoartritis. Terapia ocupacional. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-34 ◽  
Richard Fleming ◽  
Shima Sum

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess the empirical support for the use of assistive technology in the care of people with dementia as an intervention to improve independence, safety, communication, wellbeing and carer support. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 232 papers were identified as potentially relevant. Inclusion criteria were: studies published between 1995 and 2011, incorporated a control group, pre-test-post-test, cross sectional or survey design, type of interventions and types of participants. The 41 papers that met criteria were subjected to an assessment of their validity using the model provided by Forbes. Following the assessment seven papers were considered as strong, ten moderate and 24 weak. The review is presented around the following topics: independence, prompts and reminders; safety and security; leisure and lifestyle, communication and telehealth; and therapeutic interventions. Findings – The literature exploring the use of assistive technologies for increasing independence and compensating for memory problems illustrate the problems of moving from the laboratory to real life. The studies are usually limited by very small samples, high drop-out rates, very basic statistical analyses and lack of adjustment for multiple comparisons and poor performance of the technology itself. Originality/value – Research to date has been unable to establish a positive difference to the lives of people with dementia by the general use of the assistive technology reviewed here.

Camilla Oleiro da Costa ◽  
Jeronimo Costa Branco ◽  
Ricardo Azevedo da Silva

Desempenho ocupacional (DO) é a habilidade que os indivíduos têm de realizar atividades rotineiras e de desempenhar papeis e tarefas. Na infância, as crianças estão adquirindo habilidades para a realização de suas ocupações. Fatores clínicos, atrasos no desenvolvimento e o próprio ambiente são alguns dos fatores que interferem no DO, além da percepção dos cuidadores dessas crianças. Verificar os fatores associados ao baixo DO de crianças escolares de oito anos numa amostra na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Estudo transversal com 88 pares de crianças escolares de oito anos e seus cuidadores principais. Foram utilizados dois questionários sociodemográficos e a Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados por média, desvio padrão e frequência absoluta e relativa. A associação das variáveis foi verificada pelo Qui-quadrado de Pearson e valores de p0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. A média de DO foi de 6,03 (+2,21) e a de satisfação de 5,99 (+2,89). Cerca de 60,2% das crianças apresentaram baixas médias de desempenho e satisfação. Morar com a mãe (p = 0,041) foi associado ao baixo DO, havendo também tendência de associação para a satisfação com o desempenho ocupacional. As médias de desempenho e satisfação encontradas foram consideradas baixas por tratarem-se de crianças saudáveis. Atividades problemáticas foram percebidas pelos cuidadores em todos os domínios avaliados. A percepção da mãe com relação ao desempenho da criança pode estar associada a expectativa e exigências exacerbadas e ao desconhecimento das capacidades dos filhos. AbstractOccupational Performance (OP) is the ability of individuals to perform routine activities and play roles and tasks. At childhood, the children are acquiring skills to perform their occupations. Clinical factors, development delays and even the environment are some factors that interfere in the OP, besides the perception of the caregivers of these children. To verify the factors associated with OP below the average of eight years old schoolchildren in a sample in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Cross-sectional study with 88 pairs of schoolchildren of eight years old and their main caregivers. Two sociodemographic questionnaires and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) were used. The quantitative data were analyzed by average, standard deviation and absolute and relative frequency. The association of variables was verified by Chi-square of Pearson and values of p 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The average OP was 6.03 (+2.21) and the satisfaction score was 5.99 (+2.89). About 60.2% of the children presented low averages of performance and satisfaction. Live with the mother (p = 0.041) was associated with low OP, there is also a tendency of association for the satisfaction with occupational performance. The averages of performance and satisfaction found were considered low because they were healthy children. Problematic activities were perceived by caregivers in all domains evaluated. The perception of the mother with relation to child's performance may be associated to the expectation and the exacerbated requirements and the unfamiliarity capabilities' sons.Keywords: COPM; Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; Occupational Performance; Occupational Therapy.

2020 ◽  
pp. 030802262095098
Berkan Torpil ◽  
Esra Ünsal ◽  
Ebru Yıldız ◽  
Serkan Pekçetin

Introduction Nomophobia is a contemporary phobia that emerged in the digital age and is becoming increasingly common. University students are at higher risk for nomophobia. This study aims to develop an understanding of nomophobic university students’ problem areas in their daily occupations. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted with 181 university students between January and March 2020. The Nomophobia Questionnaire was used to determine the students’ level of nomophobia and they were separated into groups based on nomophobia severity. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure was used to determine the students’ occupational performance and satisfaction in the occupations they identified as being most problematic for them. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure scores were compared between nomophobia severity groups. Results All students in the study had some degree of nomophobia (mild = 56, moderate = 95, severe = 30). Canadian Occupational Performance Measure performance and satisfaction scores were significantly lower in students with severe nomophobia compared to the mild/moderately nomophobic students ( p<.05). The occupations of greatest concern were in the areas of productivity (studying, 20.89%), self-care (sleeping, 9.87%), and leisure (doing sport, 8.23%). Conclusion This study demonstrated a relationship between nomophobia and occupational performance difficulties in university students. Occupational therapists should consider nomophobia when evaluating occupational performance difficulties in university students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 (8) ◽  
pp. 538-544 ◽  
Tatsunori Sawada ◽  
Kounosuke Tomori ◽  
Yumi Kimori ◽  
Moe Kato ◽  
Minori Wakabayashi ◽  

Introduction The aim of this retrospective cross-sectional study is to examine the routine use proportion and factors determining the use of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in the real-world subacute rehabilitation setting. Methods This study retrospectively collected data from all inpatients and occupational therapists at a single Japanese subacute rehabilitation ward during 2017, including Functional Independence Measure motor/cognitive scores, years of experience, and rate of Canadian Occupational Performance Measure administration (that is, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure proportion). Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify the determining factors of daily routine Canadian Occupational Performance Measure use/non-use, after which cut-off values were calculated. Results Of the 619 included clients, the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure was applied in 232 cases (37%). A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed two significant determining factors of its use: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure proportion (odds ratio, 1.06) and Functional Independence Measure cognitive item (odds ratio, 1.22). The cut-off value, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively, were 35.4%, 0.73, and 0.36 ( p < 0.0001) for the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure proportion and 25.5, 0.84, and 0.45 ( p < 0.0001) for the Functional Independence Measure cognitive score. Conclusion The client’s high-level cognitive skill and occupational therapist’s attitude may determine the use of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure.

2012 ◽  
pp. 83-87
Thi Minh Xuan Doan ◽  
Xuan Chuong Tran

Children with mental retardation have low intelligence, slow thinking, low learning ability in comparison with the same age children. Objectives: 1. To determine the prevalence of children with mental retardation in Hue City. 2. To study some characteristics of children with mental retardation. Materials and methodes: All children with mental retardation in Hue city. Cross sectional study. Results: The prevalence of children with mental retardation (CMR) among children under 15 yrs is 0.23%, among disable children 38.16%. The highest prevalences ware in Phu Binh, Xuan Phu quarters (0.79 and 0.66%), lowest in Thuan Loc, Thuan Thanh quarters (0.03 and 0.06%). Children over 5 yrs old were 75.95%. Most of children have slow development in movement and daily activities. More than 78% have late walking, 84% have late speaking. Conclusions: The prevalence of children with mental retardation among children under 15 yrs is 0.23%, among disable children 38.16%. Most of children have slow development in movement and daily activities.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 357
Rafael López Cordero ◽  
Francisca Ruiz Garzón ◽  
Lourdes Medina Martínez ◽  
María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez

The current trend of secularization seems to be leading to a gradual withdrawal of religion from public spaces. However, in an increasingly internationalized world, it is becoming more and more important to study the roles of religion and religiosity and their potential in relation to dialogue and social conflicts and tensions. Education is a vital field within which to address this religious issue and create an educational dialogue in order to promote coexistence. By following a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, based on a quasi-experimental methodology with a social–analytical character, our aim is to assess the existing connections between religion, interrelation and opinion in Spanish children and adolescents. Special attention is paid to the interaction between age and beliefs. We carried out our study with the use of a questionnaire distributed to eleven secondary schools, with students aged between 11 and 16 years old, in three regions of southern Spain (Andalusia, Ceuta, and Melilla) characterized by high religious diversity and multiculturalism. The multivariate analysis carried out in this study identifies the effects of variance on the influence of age and religion, highlighting the interaction between the two. It is observed that the youngest students are those who express their opinions about religion the least, while those belonging to younger age groups and majority religions are those who express a greater religious coexistence, with Muslims externalizing their religious condition the most.

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