Analisa Postur Kerja Operator Mesin Pembuatan Adonan Mie Menggunakan Metode REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assesment)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Andi Haslindah ◽  
Andrie Andrie ◽  
Sri Yos Endayani Guntur ◽  
Rifqah Afrayana

PT Karunia Indah Abadi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur dalam memproduksi makanan instan yaitu Mie. Postur kerja yang sering dilakukan oleh operator dalam melakukan aktivitas area Mixing ialah mengangkat bahan baku. Risiko yang dapat ditimbulkan akibat postur kerja yang kurang baik adalah cedera tubuh seperti Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya menggunakan metode REBA untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko (risk level), level tindakan (action level), dan bagaimana perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko MSDs pada seluruh tubuh yang menjadi keluhan operator. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM) yang dilakukan terhadap 18 orang pekerja terdapat keluhan yang paling banyak yaitu keluhan leher bagian atas sebanyak 8 operator memperoleh persentase 44.44%. Hasil penilaian skor REBA menunjukkan postur kerja aktivitas mengangkat bahan baku tepung terigu dan tapioka masuk kategori berisiko tinggi yaitu skor 11. Usulan perbaikan untuk mengangkat tepung terigu yaitu dengan cara menyusun beberapa karung tepung terigu sampai setinggi perut operator agar memudahkan penuangan serta dilakukan oleh 2 orang operator dan untuk mengangkat tepung tapioka yaitu dengan cara dibuatkan alat bantu kerja yaitu meja setinggi mesin mixing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 168
Ade P. Tubagus ◽  
Diana V. D. Doda ◽  
Herlina I. S. Wungouw

Abstract: According to WHO, musculoskeletal disorders are categorized as the second rank of work-related disease. Various factors such as work, individual, and social factors can cause MSDs. These disorders play an important role in morbidity of workers such as healthcare workers. This study was aimed to analyze the correlation between the risk level of MSDs evaluated by using REBA and MSDs complaints among surgery residents. This was an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design. The instruments used in this study were the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) worksheet and the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire. Data were analyzed with the Spearman correlation test. There were 42 surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado participated in this study. The majority of them were males (81%) and young adults (88%). The prevalence of MSDs complaints were as follows: 60% of respondents had mild complaints, 33% had moderate complaints, and 7% had severe complaints. The bivariate analysis showed that the risk level of MSDs evaluated by REBA had a strong positive correlation with MSDs complaints (P=0.000; r=0.603). Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between risk level of MSDs evaluated by using REBA and the MSDs complaints. Based on the results, ergonomics interventions are recommended to surgery residents in order to prevent the occurence of MSDs.Keywords: musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), REBA, surgery residentsAbstrak: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) menurut WHO berada di urutan kedua terbanyak penyakit akibat kerja. Berbagai faktor seperti pekerjaan serta faktor individu dan sosial dapat menyebabkan terjadinya MSDs. Gangguan ini berperan dalam morbiditas di banyak bidang pekerjaan salah satunya di bidang kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat risiko MSDs menggunakan REBA dengan keluhan MSDs pada residen ilmu bedah. Jenis penelitan ialah analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Alat ukur yang digunakan ialah lembar kerja Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) dan kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM). Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 42 residen ilmu bedah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado menjadi responden penelitian. Mayoritas responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki (81%) dan berada dalam kategori dewasa muda (88%). Prevalensi keluhan MSDs ialah 60% keluhan MSDs ringan, 33% keluhan sedang, dan 7% keluhan berat. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman mendapatkan tingkat risiko MSDs menggunakan REBA memiliki hubungan positif kuat dengan keluhan MSDs (P=0,000, r=0,603). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat risiko MSDs menggunakan REBA dengan keluhan MSDs. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka direkomendasikan intervensi ergonomi pada residen bedah untuk mencegah terjadinya keluhan MSDs.Kata kunci: musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), REBA, residen bedah

Mufidha Khoirul Umami

Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders occur due to various factors: main factors, such as extortion of the muscles, repetitive activities, non-ergonomic working postures; secondary factors (pressure, vibrant, microclimate), and individual factors (age, years of service, sex, nutritional status, physical endurance, smoking habits, physical strength and anthropometry). The workers in the Injection Department at PT. ARPS mostly work with non-ergonomic working postures. The aim of this study is to analyze the correlation between age, nutritional status, and working postures and the complaints on musculoskeletal disorders among the workers in the Injection department at PT. ARPS. Metods: This study applies analytic observational method with a cross-sectional design. The sample is chosen by implementing simple random sampling with a total of 52 respondents. The data collection to measure the ratio risk level of the working postures of the injection workers is completed by using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) measurement method, while Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire form is used to measure risk level of the disorder, and anthropometry measurement is applied to evaluate the nutritional status of the workers, such as their height and weight. The data are analyzed using Spearman Rho’s Correlation (significance level α = 5%). Results: The percentage of injection workers are <35 years old (76.9%), have normal nutritional status (59.6%), 27 workers (51.9%) have low musculoskeletal disorders and 19 others (36.5%) have low-risk postures. Concluded: That there is a correlation between age (ρ-value = 0.005), nutritional status (ρ-value = 0.003) and working postures (ρ-value = 0.036) and musculoskeletal disorders on the injection workers at PT. ARPS. Keywords: injection worker, musculoskeletal disorders, Nordic Body Map, Rapid Upper Limb Assessement, working postures

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Coral Oliver Hernández ◽  
Shimeng Li ◽  
María José Aguado Benedí ◽  
Inmaculada Mateo Rodríguez

Background: The automotive industry is heavily affected by sick leaves caused by the handling of loads and using postures that produce musculoskeletal disorders. Research is needed to analyse their causes and find possible solutions to eliminate or mitigate these risks. Objective: Our objective was to analyse the level of musculoskeletal risk in the different work tasks performed by truck and bus mechanics. Our intention is also to analyse whether postural training and feedback can help reduce risk. Methods: The rapid entire body assessment (REBA) was used to assess the postures performed by 35 mechanics from eight branches throughout Spain. The participants were subsequently divided randomly into two groups (experimental group and control group). The experimental group (EG) was given training and feedback on their postures and the control group (CG) was not offered any type of intervention. A few months after the initial assessment, their postural load in the usual tasks was re-evaluated. Results: An overall average REBA Score: 10.49 ± 1.33. The main risk was found in the trunk and arms with sustained above-the-head postures. EG’s second results are significantly improved compared to the first (p = 0.026 *). Conclusions: These jobs have a high-risk level of musculoskeletal disorders. The course of action presented with postural training and feedback has shown satisfactory results. Nevertheless, given the size of the sample, further research will be needed to delve deeper into this possibility as a future line of intervention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-7
Nihar Sultana ◽  
Md Anower Hussain Mian ◽  
Md Golam Rubby

Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most important occupational health problems particularly in dental professionals. Dentists are among the workers who are more often susceptible to this disorder, as because their work includes risk factors that may lead to this disorder. The study aims to determine the prevalence of MSDs among dental surgeons , also the risk and exposure of this disorder by assessing job postures and the correlation between them. Methods : This cross sectional study was conducted among purposively selected 86 dental surgeons working in eight different tertiary level public and private hospitals in Dhaka city. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection, where Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire(NMQ) used which records the prevalence of MSDs in terms of musculoskeletal symptoms and to assess the risk and exposure of MSDs, Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) score sheet, Quick Exposure Check (QEC) have been used respectively by 10- 15 minutes observing each study subject during different dental operating procedures. After data collection analysis of data was performed by using SPSS software (Version 22). Results : More than 63 % and 47 % of the participants reported pain and discomfort in at least one body region in the last 12 months and the last 7 days respectively. The major affected part was neck, followed by lower back, shoulders and hands / wrists. In different field of specialization among the study subjects musculoskeletal symptoms were highest in oral and maxillofacial surgeons followed by general practitioners, orthodontists, endodontists, prosthodontists. The exposure assessment (QEC) showed that a small percentage (22.1%) have acceptable exposure, where 30.2%, 47.7% had medium exposure and high exposure respectively. Whereas the risk assessment (REBA) showed that 59.3% of the participants were in medium risk group that necessitates further investigation and needs to implement change. Pearson’s correlation test indicated that there is a strong positive correlation between the current exposure and the risk (r = 0.832) and the relationship between exposure and risk of MSDs was found to be highly significant as p < 0.01. Highly significant association found between risk level according to REBA score and the exposure level according to QEC score with MSDs ( as p value < .01). Conclusion: This study concludes that high prevalence of MSDs and high risk levels as well as exposure levels according to REBA and QEC, suggest inappropriate and incorrect ergonomic postural habits existing among the dental surgeons which necessitates further investigation and attention on this issue to combat with this disorder among dental professionals. Update Dent. Coll. j: 2019; 9 (1): 3-7

Gurdani Yogisutanti ◽  
Nuryanti Irawati ◽  
Neti Sitorus

Latar Belakang: Gangguan muskuloskeletal banyak dikeluhkan oleh penjahit yang bekerja di perusahaan dengan lama bekerja yang berkisar antara 6-8 jam per hari dan posisi statis. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan status gizi, masa kerja, dan sikap kerja dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal pada penjahit yang bekerja di suatu perusahaan di Kota Bandung. Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional, melibatkan 30 orang penjahit sebagai responden yang diambil secara total sampling. Pengukuran status gizi dengan bantuan timbangan berat badan dan microtoise, untuk sikap kerja diukur menggunakan Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) dan gangguan muskuloskeletal menggunakan Nordic Body Map (NBM). Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden mengeluhkan gangguan muskuloskeletal, sikap kerja yang berisiko dan status gizi dalam kategori gemuk. Responden yang mengalami keluhan muskuloskeletal dengan masa kerja kurang dari 5 tahun. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa keluhan  muskuloskeletal berhubungan dengan status gizi (p=0,001), masa kerja (p=0,000), dan sikap kerja (p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sebagian besar penjahit mengalami gangguan muskuloskeletal dan sikap kerja yang  berisiko, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan peregangan setiap 4 jam sekali pada saat bekerja dan perlu melakukan senam punggung setiap hari sebelum tidur.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Alfin Nur Bintang ◽  
Shanty Kusuma Dewi

Material handling activities of sugar in PG Tjoekir storage warehouse is done manually. Continuous material handling activity can cause musculoskeletal disorders to workers. The distribution of questionnaires Nordic Body Map known some complaints experienced by workers in the process of material handling sugar. The OWAS and RULA methods are methods for evaluating and analyzing worker attitudes that can cause musculoskeletal disorders. Some activities in the storage warehouse PG Tjoekir is ranging from lifting, moving and putting sugar. OWAS method calculation results obtained risk level score 3. Risk level risk of RULA method 4. The calculation results show some worker posture causing musculoskeletal risk so that need improvement. Proposed repair work posture is to design two-wheeled hand truck. Hand trucks help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Ranti Haryani ◽  
Azmi Azmi ◽  
Sirlyana Sirlyana

Penjahit Nur Tailor merupakan salah satu jasa penjahit yang ada di kota Dumai. Pekerjaan dengan posisi yang salah dan berulang-ulang dapat menyebabkan para penjahit sangat rentan untuk terkena gangguan MSDs, karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman akan cara kerja yang baik dan benar. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko cidera pada 2 orang penjahit pada saat menjahit atasan baju melayu laki-laki SMP 4 Dumai yang dilakukan oleh penjahit 1 dan menjahit atasan baju kotak-kotak laki-laki SMP 7 Purnama yang dilakukan oleh penjahit 2 dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM) untuk mengetahui cedera Musculoskeletal Disorders yang dialami pekerja, sedangkan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko cedera pekerja menggunakan metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Hasil NBM yang paling berisiko cidera pada pekerja yaitu sakit pada leher atas dan bawah, bahu kiri dan kanan, batang tubuh, lengan atas kanan dan kiri, pinggang, bawah pinggang, pantat, lengan bawah kanan, pergelangan tangan kanan, paha kanan, lutut kanan, betis kanan, dan sakit pada kaki kanan. Tingkat resiko yang dialami penjahit  Nur Tailor dengan menggunakan metode REBA pada saat menjahit baju melayu adalah sedang dengan level resiko 4-5 dan diperlukan tindakan dalam waktu dekat. Untuk  tingkat resiko postur kerja pada saat menjahit kantong baju kotak-kotak adalah rendah dengan level risiko 3 dan dibutuhkan perbaikan postur kerja. Sedangkan tingkat risiko untuk postur melapisi kerah, menjahit badan, menjahit tangan dan menjahit kerah baju kotak-kotak adalah sedang dengan level risiko 4-5 dan diperlukan tindakan dalam waktu dekat.

Fardela Najla Nisrina ◽  
Iwan Zulfikar

Complaint of musculoskeletal was being trend of disease which connected with occupation around the world in developing countries and industrial countries. One of occupation who has activities MSDs complaint is CV. Balikpapan Diesel with cleaning up fuel injection pump with bond of facilities and duration of cleaning up is more than 2 hours each days. Based on calculation work posture risk level respondens with REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) method, major responden on middle level as much as 70% who need check up and dangerous position change. And complaint level Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) with Nordic Body Map, dominant respondence on middle level as much as 70% which mean still need repair action at the other day, with result all respondence (100%)had complaint at upper neck, backbone, waist, hip and butt.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 226-230
Norliana Yusof ◽  
Rozimah Yusof ◽  
Firoz Mohd Firoz Ahmat Basri ◽  
Norhayati Soin

This paper presents a study in batik industry with the objective of determining any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among canting batik workers in Kuala Terengganu. The MSDs symptoms were identified through questionnaires modified from a Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ) and from observational techniques by using a postural analysis tool, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). The results of questionnaires revealed that MSDs occurred at a high rate which the highest rates of MSDs prevalence were reported in shoulders (64.5%). By assessing postural using the REBA software, the score 4 placed it in medium risk level. However, there are other factors contribute to the existence of MSD such as prolong standing, repetitive movement and poor workstation design. These parameters are not taken into account in the RULA and REBA analysis. Thus, designing an ergonomic workstation may prevent awkward postures to provide a maximum comfort to the batik workers and consequently enhance the productivity. Keywords : batik, posture, musculoskeletal disorders, RULA,REBA

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Brian Sri Prahastuti ◽  
Nur Asniati Djaali ◽  
Syarif Usman

Salah satu penyebab dari munculnya keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders yaitu dari faktor ergonomi. Untuk mengukur faktor ergonomi responden digunakan alat ukur kuesioner dan Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA), dimana alat ukur ini mengukur postur tubuh responden secara keseluruhan. Sedangkan untuk melihat gejala Muskoloskeletal Disorder menggunakan instrumen Nordic Body Map (NBM) untuk mengetahui bagian tubuh yang dikeluhkan/nyeri, jenis keluhan, dan tingkat keluhan yang dirasakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor risiko terjadinya gejala muskoloskeletal disorder bagi pekerja buruh pasar di pasar minggu. Rancangan penelitian adalah survey observasional analitik menggunakan pendekatan kroseksional, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 150 orang. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 74,7% pekerja buruh mengalami MSDs dan 25,3% yang tidak mengalami MSDs. Sebaran responden menunjukkan sebesar 51,3% pekerja memiliki risiko ergonomi yang tinggi. Responden didominasi oleh pekerja yang berusia 38 tahun (54,7%), tingkat pendidikan ≥ SMA (74,7%), 51,3% memiliki normal, 59,3% memiliki kebiasaan olahraga yang baik, dan 76,7% merokok. Hasil analisis menemukan terdapat hubungan antara faktor ergonomi dengan gejala MSDs. Seorang pekerja dengan risiko ergonomi tinggi akan berpeluang 3 kali lebih tinggi untuk mengalami gejala MSDs dibandingkan dengan pekerja yang memiliki risiko ergonomi sedang. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia dengan gejala MSDs. Pekerja yang berusia ≥ 38 tahun memiliki peluang untuk mengalami gejala MSDs sebesar 2,5 kali dibandingkan dengan pekerja berusia 38 tahun. Pekerja perlu untuk diberikan edukasi terkait tata cara mengangkat beban dalam bekerja agar posisi yang dilakukan tidak terlalu berisiko terhadap terjadinya MSDs. Selain itu pihak manajemen pasar perlu memperhatikan kesehatan pekerja terutama pada pekerja yang berusia diatas 38 tahun karena mereka berada pada kelompok yang berisiko untuk mengalami gejala MSDs.

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