rapid entire body assessment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ambang Rizki Aji Nugrahanto ◽  
Maria Puspita Sari

PT Surya Putra Mulia is a company that produces gray (greige) using the knitting process. This research is focused on the warehouse section on the loading process finished goods. In the warehouse section there are some excessive physical activities due to activities are carried out manually. Measurement of work posture is needed to determine whether the work posture carried out by the operator is good and ergonomic. Assessment of work posture is carried out using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. Based on an assessment using the REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) method, it shows that the withdrawal of finished goods includes a moderate level of risk, which means that improvements are needed. The activity of loading finished goods onto trucks (figure 3) includes a moderate risk level which means that repairs are needed, while in Figure 4 it is a high risk level which means that immediate corrective action is needed. For the preparation of finished goods on trucks, it is a moderate risk level, which means that repairs are needed. So that in the process of withdrawing finished goods, proposals are given to reduce the burden being transported. Then add a tool in the process of loading finished goods to the truck in the form of a hand stacker.

Dohyung Kee

This study aimed to systematically compare three representative observational methods for assessing musculoskeletal loadings and their association with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). The comparison was based on a literature review without time limitations and was conducted on various factors related to observational methods. The comparisons showed that although it has a significant limitation of comprising only two classifications for the leg postures, (1) the RULA is the most frequently used method among the three techniques; (2) many studies adopted the RULA even in evaluation of unstable lower limb postures; (3) the RULA assessed postural loads as higher risk levels in most studies reviewed in this research; (4) the intra- and inter-reliabilities for the RULA were not low; and (5) the risk levels assessed by the RULA were more significantly associated with postural load criteria such as discomfort, MHTs and % capable at the trunk, and MSDs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (T5) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Dewi Sartika ◽  
Elly Nurrachmah ◽  
Dewi Irawaty Sukirman ◽  
Muchtaruddin Mansyur ◽  
Basuki Supartono

BACKGROUND: Nurses have the risk of ergonomic hazards in providing nursing care, especially with increasingly dynamic health services such as during Coronavirus disease-19 pandemic like today. AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate activities prone to produce ergonomic risks during the implementation of nursing care in intensive care and emergency room (ER) of a hospital in Riau, Indonesia. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted by observing the routine activities conducted by the nurses and using similar task group techniques equipped with Rapid Entire Body Assessment instrument. Those observed activities were obtained from 17 intensive care room nurses and ten ER nurses. There were six activities observed in the intensive care room: Bathing, transferring the patient, wounds dressing, taking blood samples for the AGDA examinations, as well as inserting the intravenous needle and electrocardiograms. Meanwhile, there were two activities observed in the ER: Transferring the patient and inserting the intravenous needle. RESULTS: The highest ergonomic risks activity in the intensive care room was bathing the patient with a total score of 13. At the ER, the highest risk score was transferring the patient with a total score of 12. Both activities were at level 4, indicating a high-risk condition. Thus, examinations and changes should be immediately initiated. CONCLUSION: The results are significant to be paid attention by the related parties at the hospital to facilitate some improvements immediately. In addition, the ergonomic approaches that can be suggested to the nurses are regular stretching, physical exercises, and applying ergonomic principles while working.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Behshid Farahmand ◽  
Maryam Mohammadi ◽  
Babak Hassanbeygi ◽  
Morteza Mohammadi ◽  

Background and Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders and evaluate the body position in routine tasks among orthotists and prosthetists. Methods: Forty orthotists and prosthetists were included. The scores of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment were used to determine the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders and analyze the work position of orthotists and prosthetists, respectively. An examiner evaluated 10 working postures that were dominantly used every day, in each orthotist and prosthetist. Results: Among the orthotists, 55.6% of men and 47% of women suffered from pain in the trunk, neck, and lower limbs. Nearly similar results were seen in the upper limbs (74.1% men and 45.5% women). Such high prevalence rates were not seen in prosthetists. The analysis of the Rapid Entire Body Assessment scores based on the working task and gender of the orthotist and prosthetist showed that more than 60% of the workers achieved a score of 4 to 7 approximately in half of the tasks. It shows the medium risk of musculoskeletal disorders, thus, corrective action is necessary. Conclusion: Based on the findings, musculoskeletal disorders are highly prevalent among orthotists and prosthetists, especially in the orthotist workers. To reduce these disorders, it is recommended to add ergonomic topics and training courses for working with devices to increase the knowledge of specialists and apply and select practical tools based on the principles of ergonomics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Coral Oliver Hernández ◽  
Shimeng Li ◽  
María José Aguado Benedí ◽  
Inmaculada Mateo Rodríguez

Background: The automotive industry is heavily affected by sick leaves caused by the handling of loads and using postures that produce musculoskeletal disorders. Research is needed to analyse their causes and find possible solutions to eliminate or mitigate these risks. Objective: Our objective was to analyse the level of musculoskeletal risk in the different work tasks performed by truck and bus mechanics. Our intention is also to analyse whether postural training and feedback can help reduce risk. Methods: The rapid entire body assessment (REBA) was used to assess the postures performed by 35 mechanics from eight branches throughout Spain. The participants were subsequently divided randomly into two groups (experimental group and control group). The experimental group (EG) was given training and feedback on their postures and the control group (CG) was not offered any type of intervention. A few months after the initial assessment, their postural load in the usual tasks was re-evaluated. Results: An overall average REBA Score: 10.49 ± 1.33. The main risk was found in the trunk and arms with sustained above-the-head postures. EG’s second results are significantly improved compared to the first (p = 0.026 *). Conclusions: These jobs have a high-risk level of musculoskeletal disorders. The course of action presented with postural training and feedback has shown satisfactory results. Nevertheless, given the size of the sample, further research will be needed to delve deeper into this possibility as a future line of intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Ranti Haryani ◽  
Azmi Azmi ◽  
Sirlyana Sirlyana

Penjahit Nur Tailor merupakan salah satu jasa penjahit yang ada di kota Dumai. Pekerjaan dengan posisi yang salah dan berulang-ulang dapat menyebabkan para penjahit sangat rentan untuk terkena gangguan MSDs, karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman akan cara kerja yang baik dan benar. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko cidera pada 2 orang penjahit pada saat menjahit atasan baju melayu laki-laki SMP 4 Dumai yang dilakukan oleh penjahit 1 dan menjahit atasan baju kotak-kotak laki-laki SMP 7 Purnama yang dilakukan oleh penjahit 2 dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM) untuk mengetahui cedera Musculoskeletal Disorders yang dialami pekerja, sedangkan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko cedera pekerja menggunakan metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Hasil NBM yang paling berisiko cidera pada pekerja yaitu sakit pada leher atas dan bawah, bahu kiri dan kanan, batang tubuh, lengan atas kanan dan kiri, pinggang, bawah pinggang, pantat, lengan bawah kanan, pergelangan tangan kanan, paha kanan, lutut kanan, betis kanan, dan sakit pada kaki kanan. Tingkat resiko yang dialami penjahit  Nur Tailor dengan menggunakan metode REBA pada saat menjahit baju melayu adalah sedang dengan level resiko 4-5 dan diperlukan tindakan dalam waktu dekat. Untuk  tingkat resiko postur kerja pada saat menjahit kantong baju kotak-kotak adalah rendah dengan level risiko 3 dan dibutuhkan perbaikan postur kerja. Sedangkan tingkat risiko untuk postur melapisi kerah, menjahit badan, menjahit tangan dan menjahit kerah baju kotak-kotak adalah sedang dengan level risiko 4-5 dan diperlukan tindakan dalam waktu dekat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-163
Muhammad Yoga Pratama ◽  
Trisna Mesra ◽  
Rudi Faisal

Salah satu penambangan pasir yang ada dikota Dumai adalah milik Bapak Sukatno yang berada di jalan Pasir kecamatan Bukit Kapur. Pekerja penambangan pasir ini ada 3 bagian, yaitu pekerja yang mengarahkan pipa pada saat menghisap pasir ke bak penampungan pasir, pekerja yang menyaring pasir ke bak penampungan pasir dan pekerja penyekop pasir ke bak mobil. Pekerja penyekop pasir merupakan yang paling rentan terkena cidera otot karena pekerjaannya lebih berat dari ketiga pekerjaan tersebut. Kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM) digunakan untuk mengetahui cedera Musculoskeletal Disorders yang dialami pekerja. Ssedangkan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko cedera pekerja menggunakan metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Hasil NBM yang paling berisiko cidera pada pekerja adalah leher bawah, bahu kanan, lengan atas kiri, punggung, lengan atas kanan, pinggang, lengan bawah kanan, pergelangan tangan kiri, tangan kiri, tangan kanan. Tingkat risiko untuk postur memijak sekop, mengangkat sekop dan mengayunkan sekop pada saat penampungan pasir penuh adalah sedang dengan level risiko 4-6 dan saat penampungan pasir setengah adalah sedang dengan level risiko 4-7. Sedangkan tingkat risiko untuk postur melempar pasir ke bak mobil pada saat penampungan pasir penuh  tingkat risiko rendah dengan level risiko 3 dan saat penampungan pasir setengah adalah rendah dengan level risiko 2 dan 4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Derdya Maharsayani ◽  
Elty Sarvia

Kebutuhan jasa antar air galon di masa pandemi diperlukan agar konsumen tidak keluar rumah untuk membeli galon. PT Z adalah distributor yang dapat mengantar galon hingga 200 air galon/hari. Petugas pengantar galon sering merasakan sakit badan, terlebih di tangan karena mengangkat galon secara manual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keluhan sakit badan petugas, menganalisis tingkat risiko postur, dan merancang AMH untuk mengurangi tingkat risiko cedera postur tubuh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner Nordic Body Map, mengambil foto postur, serta mengukur dimensi bak truk. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis risiko postur berdasarkan persentase waktu kerja dengan metode OWAS (Ovako Work Analysis System), menganalisis tingkat risiko postur menggunakan sudut segmen tubuh dengan REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment), dan analisis LI  (Lifting Index)-NIOSH untuk menghitung batas rekomendasi pengangkatan yang aman. Hasil OWAS ada 5 kegiatan dengan risiko tinggi, REBA ada 6 kegiatan dengan risiko sangat tinggi, dan LI-NIOSH 4 kegiatan seluruhnya berisiko cedera. Perlu ada tindakan perbaikan yaitu dengan merancang Alat Material Handling  lift galon dan hand trolley, setelah dirancang Alat Material Handling dihitung kembali risiko postur tubuh dengan metode OWAS dan REBA agar dapat mengetahui penurunan tingkat risikonya. Didapatkan penurunan tingkat risiko hingga 38% untuk metode OWAS dan 52% untuk metode REBA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Afrianto Nugroho ◽  
Suwaryo Nugroho ◽  
Kristanto Mulyono

CV Tirta Mineral merupakan perusahaan distributor air mineral cara memindahkan galon masih menggunakan tenaga manual atau biasa disebut manual material handling (MMH). Postur tubuh pada saat bekerja yang kurang tepat berpotensi mengakibatkan terjadinya cedera otot atau cedera sistem muskuloskeletal yang disebut Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gangguan postur tubuh yang terjadi pada pekerja maka dipergunakan metode REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment). Metode ini digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas pekerjaan yang bersifat manual. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap pekerja yang melakukan proses pengangkatan galon air mineral di salah satu perusahaan UMKM di daerah Cileungsi.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa postur kerja yang analisis mempunyai level resiko yang tinggi, yaitu skor 8 sampai 10, nilai tersebut sangat beresiko menyebabkan cedera yang berarti perlu adanya perbaikan segera. Perbaikan yang dilakukan berupa usulan alat bantu bagi pekerja berupa troli, diharapkan dengan troli tersebut mampu menghindari resiko terjadinya cedera serta memperbaiki postur kerja.

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