2019 ◽  
pp. 22-29
Н. В. Фрадкіна

The purpose and tasks of the work are to analyze the contemporary Ukrainian mass culture in terms of its value and humanistic components, as well as the importance of cultural studies and Ukrainian studies in educational disciplines for the formation of a holistic worldview of modern youth.Analysis of research and publications. Scientists repeatedly turned to the problems of the role of spirituality in the formation of society and its culture. This problem is highlighted in the publications by O. Losev, V. Lytvyn, D. Likhachev, S. Avierintsev, M. Zakovych, I. Stepanenko and E. Kostyshyn.Experts see the main negative impact of mass culture on the quality approach, which determines mass culture through the market, because mass culture, from our point of view, is everything that is sold and used in mass demand.One of the most interesting studies on this issue was the work by the representatives of Frankfurt School M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno «Dialectics of Enlightenment» (1947), devoted to a detailed analysis of mass culture. Propaganda at all socio-cultural levels in the form is similar in both totalitarian and democratic countries. It is connected, according to the authors, with the direction of European enlightenment. The tendency to unify people is a manifestation of the influence of mass culture, from cinema to pop. Mass culture is a phenomenon whose existence is associated with commerce (accumulation in any form – this is the main feature of education), in general, the fact that it exists in this form is related to the direction of the history of civilization.Modern mass culture, with its externally attractive and easily assimilated ideas and symbols, appealing to the trends of modern fashion, becomes a standard of prestigious consumption, does not require intense reflection, allows you to relax, distract, not teach, but entertains, preaches hedonism as the main spiritual value. And as a consequence, there are socio-cultural risks: an active rejection of other people, which leads to the formation of indifference; cruelty as a character trait; increase of violent and mercenary crime; increase in the number of alcohol and drug addicts; anti-patriotism; indifference to the values of the family and as a result of social orphanhood and prostitution.Conclusions, perspectives of research. Thus, we can conclude that modern Ukrainian education is predominantly formed by the values of mass culture. Namely, according to the «Dialectic» by Horkheimer and Adorno, «semi-enlightenment becomes an objective spirit» of our modern society.It is concluded that only high-quality education can create the opposite of the onset of mass culture and the destruction of spirituality in our society. It is proved that only by realizing the importance of cultivating disciplines in the educational process and the spiritual upbringing of the nation, through educational reforms, humanitarian knowledge will gradually return to student audiences.Formation of youth occurs under the influence of social environment, culture, education and self-education. The optimal combination of these factors determines both the process of socialization itself and how successful it will be. In this context, one can see the leading role of education and upbringing. It turns out that the main task of modern education is to spread its influence on the development of spiritual culture of the individual, which eventually becomes a solid foundation for the formation of the individual. Such a subject requires both philosophical and humanitarian approaches in further integrated interdisciplinary research, since the availability of such research will provide the theoretical foundation for truly modern educational and personal development.

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-65
Dmitrii Horin

The article deals with the phenomena of lifestyle and educational environment of confessional educational organizations. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific methodological approaches (system, comparative, historical, ontological) and special scientific methodological approaches: a system-activity approach, which assumes a motivated solution of problems in the educational process determined by problem situations; a cultural approach that allows us to correlate general, individual and special cultural phenomena, in particular religion and education; an anthropological approach that allowed the interpretation of knowledge from various spheres of life from the point of view of pedagogy. The article contains definitions of the following concepts: «Lifestyle of a confessional educational organization» and «Educational environment of a confessional educational organization». The role of religious worship in the development and functioning of the confessional educational environment is noted. The main factors of the external environment that have a determining influence on the confessional educational environment are highlighted. The author emphasizes the open nature of the modern confessional educational process, which unfolds in the context of a dialogue between all its parties: the religious denomination, the state and the individual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Dmitrii Horin

The article deals with the phenomena of lifestyle and educational environment of confessional educational organizations. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific methodological approaches (system, comparative, historical, ontological) and special scientific methodological approaches: a system-activity approach, which assumes a motivated solution of problems in the educational process determined by problem situations; a cultural approach that allows us to correlate general, individual and special cultural phenomena, in particular religion and education; an anthropological approach that allowed the interpretation of knowledge from various spheres of life from the point of view of pedagogy. The article contains definitions of the following concepts: «Lifestyle of a confessional educational organization» and «Educational environment of a confessional educational organization». The role of religious worship in the development and functioning of the confessional educational environment is noted. The main factors of the external environment that have a determining influence on the confessional educational environment are highlighted. The author emphasizes the open nature of the modern confessional educational process, which unfolds in the context of a dialogue between all its parties: the religious denomination, the state and the individual.

M.V. Rosen (Udovenko)

This theoretical and bibliographic work aims to discuss the Psychology of personality development in the System of Developing Education of D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov. This system outlines the problem of the perception of the concept of development in society, the lack of a common understanding of what a person is, its functions, essential characteristics and stages of personality development in different areas of psychology. The reasons for the emergence of a tendency aimed at the early development of a child in society are analysed. A brief description of the personality theory of A.K. Dusavitsky and G.K. Seredais also provided. A brief analysis of the history of the concept of developing learning is also given. The article describes the vision of the role and place of a developmental psychologist in education, based on the author's 20 years of experience as a practical psychologist in education. This vision is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, the provisions of the activity approach in psychology. This vision is reduced to the following points: 1. The psychology of personality development arises when social and\or educational environment demand for the child's personality development. The System of Developing Education of D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydovis initially aimed at forming the subject's position of the student and perceives the child as an integral personality. 2. The main task of a psychologist of personality development is psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. The support is carried out in various forms and advice. The advice is related to participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents and school administration. The methods are chosen depending on the tasks: reflection regarding the educational process, monitoring of the development of the personality at different age stages, examination of the educational process from the point of view of personal development, joint design of the developing environment, seminars and training aimed at solving various development problems and so on. 3. Requirements for the professionalism of the developmental psychologist in the first place is the ability to perceive the child holistically. The developmental psychologist helps all participants of the educational process to reformulate emerging problems into development tasks at each age stage. 4. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is carried out according to the plan, and each form of work is tied to the stage of the educational process. 5. The psychologist concludes that the development of the child in the presence of their problems is age-appropriate. The main task of the developmental psychologist is to correctly and regularly monitor training activities and personal development according to a certain algorithm. 6. The psychologist of personality development, along with the functions described above, performs the function of organizing a dialogue or moderating a discussion between all participants in the learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Taniya Borisova

The article examines the problems of literacy and language learning by students for whom it is not a mother. Attention is paid to bilingualism and its manifestations, seeking opportunities for mastering the national language in the educational process. Special attention is paid to the variety of methods and techniques for motivating bilingual students to communicate and group activities. The role of language learning in the context of integration and socialization of the individual is taken into account.

L.A. Mukhamedzhanova ◽  

The article raises the problem of moral and spiritual education of a person. Formation of the individual as a personality, is directly linked to the process of education, the main task of which the author sees as the improvement of a person. The article identifies the challenges of moral education. It is shown that the development of moral values has historically changed and is associated with the development of social relations in general. Both the religious values of Islam and the national values are of particular importance for the education of the youth of Uzbekistan. On the example of the collections of hadiths of the hadith scholar and Islamic jurist Abu Isa at-Tirmizi, the books of Imam al-Bukhari, the muhadiss scholar and mufassir, it is proved that the hadiths contain valuable ideas for human spirituality. They are of great importance for understanding the correct relations between a person and society. It is also emphasized that they call people to do good in this world. The article deals with the topic of means and tools of moral education. It is emphasized that in the process of moral education it is necessary to combine traditional and modern means and the special role of the teacher. Moral education is one of the main tasks of Uzbekistan. Progress in society and the state is achieved through upbringing and education, and Uzbek youth take their place in the world, combining their personal interests with interests of their people. The article discusses the importance of morality in ensuring harmony between traditional and modern values and reveals the role of moral and Islamic values in the upbringing of young people.

Leonid Tutov

The emergence of new opportunities and limitations for personal development is one of the most important problems in the digital economy, where the place and role of a person is changing dramatically. At the same time, the importance of the problem of the individual is seriously questioned. From the postmodern point of view, a person who is lost in various streams of communication does not have a certain system of values, ideas about rights, duties and responsibility for actions, and therefore loses all meaning. The article shows that this problem remains important, and the opportunities for personal development are significantly expanded. This statement of the problem determined the purpose of the study - to show the possibilities for creative self-realization in the digital economy.

Irina V. Popova ◽  
Evgeniya A. Serova

The article analyses the role of empathy in motivating prosocial behaviour. The influence of the level of empathy development on the features of prosocial behaviour in personal development is analysed. A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of empathy and its impact on prosocial behaviour is carried out from the point of view of an interdisciplinary approach. Studies of the prosocial behaviour phenomenon in the framework of modern psychological doctrines are considered. The article presents the results of a study aimed at studying the influence of the level of empathy on the formation of prosocial (helping) behaviour. The study was conducted using a personal interview method. The survey was conducted on a zoned quota sample, represented in accordance with sex, age, and educational structure of the population of Yaroslavl. (n=500 people). The main conclusions of the study include the conclusion about a low level of behavioural empathy, characterised by a willingness to sympathise and help, guided by emotional participation. We can talk about the correlation of the empathic potential of the individual and its altruistic orientation. Empathic potential makes it possible to predict the behavioural reactions of a person in a real situation and is a determinant of the formation of prosocial behaviour. An individual's belonging to a society is determined by its emotional connections and influences the formation of prosocial behaviour.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Galina A. Berulava ◽  
Mikhail N. Berulava

The article discusses the main factors of personal development and the dynamics of their role in the modern world. It is shown that an organized system of education, a teacher, is no longer a priority source of personal development: such a source is the electronic media that are today having a mostly negative impact on personal development. The paper considers the prognosis of the new trends in personality development: decentralization of the universities functioning; identification as the main source of personal development via electronic information sources; development, active use of educational films and video courses, the formation of positive stereotypes of mental activity in the individual. It is substantiated that the answer to the question of what and how to teach in a higher education institution autonomously is impossible, without analyzing the role of various sources of personality development and, in particular, a detailed philosophical, sociological, and psychological analysis of the role of modern electronic means for the formation of personality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Chernysh O.O.

The urgency of the researched problem is connected with the growing role of mass media in modern conditions leads to change of values and transformation of identity of the person. The active growth of the role of the media, their influence on the formation and development of personality leads to the concept of “media socialization” and immutation in the media. The aim of the study is to outline the possibilities of the process of media socialization in the context of immutation in the media. The methods of our research are: analysis of pedagogical, psychological, literature, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The article analyzes the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of immutation in the media and the transformation of the information space. In the context of the mass nature of the immutation of society, the concept of “media socialization” becomes relevant, which is the basis for reducing the negative impact of the media on the individual.The author identifies the lack of a thorough study of the concept of “media socialization” in modern scientific thought. Thus, media socialization is associated with the transformation of traditional means of socialization, and is to assimilate and reproduce the social experience of mankind with the help of new media.The article analyzes the essence of the concepts “media space”, “mass media” and “immutation”. The influence of mass media on the formation and development of the modern personality is described in detail.The study concluded that it is necessary to form a media culture of the individual, to establish safe and effective interaction of young people with the modern media system, the formation of media awareness, media literacy and media competence in accordance with age and individual characteristics for successful media socialization. The role of state bodies in solving the problem of media socialization of the individual was also determined. It is determined that the process of formation of media culture in youth should take place at the level of traditional institutions of socialization of the individual.The author sees the prospect of further research in a detailed analysis and study of the potential of educational institutions as an institution and a means of counteracting the mass nature of the immutation of society.Key words: immutation, media socialization, mass media, media space, information.

А.А. Костригин

Изучалась биография и творчество выдающегося отечественного психолога, философа и представителя российского психологического зарубежья В.В. Зеньковского (1881-1962 гг.). Рассмотрены его ранний период эмиграции и работа в г. Белграде (Королевство сербов, хорватов и словенцев) и г. Праге (Чехословакия) (1920-1926 гг.). Проанализированы фундаментальные психологические идеи В.В. Зеньковского в общей, детской и педагогической психологии, сформулированные им в его монографии «Психология детства» (1924 г.) и курсах лекций «Педагогическая психология» (1924 г.) и «Курс общей психологии» (1925 г.) (на основе архивных материалов). Рассмотрены также его научные концепции в области теории и методологии психологии (структура психологической науки, строение душевной жизни, о ведущей роли эмоциональной сферы в психике человека), детской психологии (педологические основы психологии ребенка, задачи и методы детской психологии, проблемы понимания и самостоятельности феномена детства, роль игры в биологическом, психическом и социальном развитии ребенка) и педагогической психологии (социально-психологические основы педагогической психологии, социально-психологические феномены педагогического процесса, классификация социальных ролей ученика и учителя, психология поведения класса). В.В. Зеньковский представляется как оригинальный теоретик и методолог психологии, разработчик основ изучения психики ребенка, создатель социально-психологического подхода в педагогической психологии. Его концепции этого периода могут быть востребованы в настоящее время при решении методологических вопросов психологии, социально-психологических проблем педагогики, проблем социального воспитания личности, при изучении развития психических процессов и личности ребенка. The author refers to the biography and work of the outstanding Russian psychologist, philosopher and representative of the Russian psychological abroad community V.V. Zenkovsky (1881-1962 y.). The early emigration period of his life and work in Belgrade (the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) and Prague (Czechoslovakia) (1920-1926 y.) is considered. The author discusses the fundamental psychological ideas of V.V. Zenkovsky regarding general psychology, child psychology and pedagogical psychology, which he formulated at that time in his monograph “Psychology of Childhood” (1924) and lecture courses “Pedagogical Psychology” (1924) and “The Course of General Psychology” (1925) (based on archival materials). There are significant scientific concepts of V.V. Zenkovsky in the field of theory and methodology of psychology (the structure of psychological science, the structure of mental life, the leading role of the emotional sphere in the human psyche), child psychology (pedological foundations of child psychology, tasks and methods of child psychology, the problem of understanding and independence of the childhood phenomenon, the role of the game in biological, mental and social development of the child) and pedagogical psychology (social-psychological foundations of pedagogical psychology, social-psychological phenomena of educational process, the classification of social roles of student and teacher, the psychology of class behavior). V.V. Zenkovsky is presented as an original theoretician and methodologist of psychology, pedologist, developer of the basics of studying the child’s psyche and creator of the social-psychological approach in pedagogical psychology. Nowadays the analyzed concepts of the Russian psychologist can be demanded when solving methodological issues of psychology, social-psychological problems of pedagogics, problems of social education of a person, when studying and designing the development of child’s mental processes and personality.

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