Een eeuwenlange strijd tegen droogte en teloorgang

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-151

An age-long struggle against drought and downfall. Values and meanings of the Curaçao plantation landscape Even if it is not obvious at first, a closer look reveals that Curaçao is actually one large plantation landscape, with the exception of Willemstad’s inner city. This landscape can be read as a history book with the old plantation houses as its most recognizable elements. But there are many more elements like cactus hedges, palm copses, stone walls, wells and (dysfunctional) waterworks. This landscape is most recognizable in the western part of the island. The central area around Willemstad has suffered from uncontrolled urbanization and industrialization, while the eastern part has basically become an extensive leisure landscape. The owners of plantations used several strategies like a multitude of crops, the creation of saltpans where possible and trade in the city (just a few plantation owners focused exclusively on agricultural production). At the end of the 19th century, several plantations were explored for extractable minerals. Throughout the 20th century, almost all plantations were gradually sold and abandoned. The abolishment of slavery in 1863 gave the first impetus for this, but the final blow was the exodus towards the city when an oil refinery brought new perspectives for the island. Paid employment in the city was much more appealing than an uncertain existence in the countryside, where years of failed crops could eventually lead to starvation. An overall problem is the ongoing privatization of public space, which results in the transformation of old plantations into gated residential areas and resorts, creating an unrecognizable landscape and a growing inequality between rich and poor. A future nomination for the UNESCO World Heritage List will possibly create new perspectives for this cultural landscape (see next article).

2007 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 140-148
Jurgis Bučas

The Curonian Spit was inhabited six thousand years ago. During this period its survival was menaced by natural forces. The 17th–18th centuries faced unreasonable deforestation of the Curonian Spit and opened its dunes to wind erosion. In the 18th century 14 settlements were hid under moving sand. The Spit survival was in danger of being flown under the Curonian Lagoon waters. At the begining of the 19th century radical actions were taken to save the Curonian Spit damaged by wind erosion. Tremendous ecological awareness of some natural powers as wind and flora helped man to create a landscape which was described at UNESCO General Conference as a worldwide worth cultural heritage and enrolled in the World Heritage List as a cultural landscape of universal worth illustrating the history of dramatic coexistence of nature and man. The paper describes the Curonian Spit as a cultural landscape, its historical formation and present managment, discusses its creation and management traditions and evaluates them while preparing the Curonian Spit National Park managment plan as well as the Master Plan of Neringa city. Gamtosauginė direktyva ar kraštotvarkinės tradicijos ? Santrauka Kuršių nerijoje žmonės įsikūrė ketvirtajame tūkstantmetyje prieš Kristų. Visą istorinį laikotarpį pusiasaliui grėsmę kėlė gamtos jėgos. XVI-XVIII a. neapgalvotas nerijos miškų naikinimas atidengė pusiasalio smėlynus vėjo erozijai. XVIII a. smėliu užpustyta 14 gyvenviečių. Kilo grėsmė, kad ir pats pusiasalis bus nupustytas į Kuršių marias. Pasitinkant XIX a., imtasi radikalių priemonių gelbėti vėjo erozijos naikinamą Kuršių neriją. Su didžiule ekologine išmintimi panaudodamas pačios gamtos jėgą (vėją) ir medžiagą (augalus), per XIX a. supustyto jūros smėlio kopose žmogus sukūrė kraštovaizdį, kuris UNESCO Generalinės konferencijos buvo įvardytas pasaulio reikšmės nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo vertybe ir įrašytas į Pasaulio paveldo sąrašą kaip universalios reikšmės kultūrinis kraštovaizdis, iliustruojantis gamtos ir žmogaus dramatiško sambūvio istoriją. Nagrinėjama Kuršių nerijos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio istorinio formavimo ir dabartinio jo tvarkymo veikla, aptariamos jo kūrimo bei priežiūros tradicijos ir kaip jos vertinimos rengiant Kuršių nerijos nacionalinio parko tvarkymo planą bei Neringos miesto savivaldybės bendrąjį planą.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 131
Fábio Augusto Carvalho Pedrosa

Até determinado período do oitocentos, vivos e mortos conviviam no mesmo espaço, mantendo relações bastante diretas. Essa relação estava a séculos arraigada no cotidiano. Os discursos higienistas e as práticas de normatização do espaço público, com a construção de cemitérios públicos e a proibição do contato tradicional com os cadáveres, distanciaram cada vez mais esses dois. Dessa forma, pretende-se analisar como se deram as mudanças nas práticas funerárias na cidade de Manaus na segunda metade do século XIX, partindo das primeiras discussões presentes no Código de Posturas Municipais de 1848. Nesse período os discursos médicos penetraram na região, sendo reforçados pelas graves epidemias que atingiram a capital entre 1855 e 1856, que culminaram na construção do Cemitério de São José (1856-59), que marcou o início de uma nova forma da população manauara relacionar-se com a morte e os mortos.Palavras-chaves: Morte, Práticas Funerárias, Cemitério.Abstract Until a certain period of the eight hundred, living and dead lived in the same space, maintaining fairly direct relations. This relationship was rooted in the centuries. The hygienist discourses and practices of standardization of the public space, with the construction of public cemeteries and the prohibition of the traditional contact with the corpses, have distanced more and more these two. In this way, the aim is to analyze the changes in funeral practices in the city of Manaus in the second half of the 19th century, starting from the first discussions in the Code of Municipal Postures of 1848. During this period medical discourses penetrated the region and were reinforced by the serious epidemics that hit the capital between 1855 and 1856, culminating in the construction of the São José Cemetery (1856-59). Keywords: Death, Funeral Practices, Cemetery.

2015 ◽  
pp. 45-63
Maciej Falski

Continuity and Discontinuity in the Cultural Landscape of the Capital City: Paris and SkopjeThe object of my reflections in this article is the question of creating a vision of historical continuity, and thus making significant the narratives about the past, in the space of the city. I treat the city as a cultural landscape par excellence; it is precisely the city that creates the best opportunities of influencing interpretation by means of creating a specific set of symbolic references and of images awakening the play of interpretation. The city is inhabited by many individuals and varied groups, which forces it into negotiations of signification. The research present herein concerns the capital cities. The capital of a nation state is a specific city, normally defined by its very legal status as capital, recognized and regulated by special edict, it is also a symbolic space of particular weight, a place to demonstrate the power of the state and of the nation, to display and consolidate identity, to present one’s image to outsiders and mould a desired self-image for the benefit of the citizens – members of one’s group. Drawing on the example of Paris and Skopje, two cities whose historical contexts are considerably different, I would like to show the specific ways of drawing conclusions adapted to the urban landscape, because despite the obvious differences, both cities allow for the discernment of a historical period in which the city itself served as an important element of the public realm and as symbolic public property. The increased significance of cities in Europe is connected without a doubt to the process of democratization, thus the capitals of France and Macedonia are good examples of the transformation that converted a privatized (feudal) space or a space interpreted along sacred lines (as land belonging to God) into a public space and public property of citizens, and/or the dominant nation.It appears that the most important agent in the capital landscape is the state. It is the bureaucracy of the state, appearing in the role of executor of the national will, deciding on the shape of the image of the city, reinforcing those values that seem to be desirable from the perspective of the represented group. The lack of that factor leads, as in the case of Skopje, to the preservation of the local past and/or to a haphazardly implemented publicly sponsored construction. In both cases discussed above, the map and the landmarks mirror the most important categories of national narrative. The shape of this narrative depends largely upon the central authorities of the nation.Ciągłość i nieciągłość w przestrzeni miasta stołecznego: Paryż i SkopjePrzedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest zagadnienie tworzenia wizji ciągłości dziejowej, a więc usensowionej narracji o przeszłości, w przestrzeni miasta. Miasto bowiem jawi się jako przestrzeń kulturowa par excellence i ono właśnie stwarza najlepsze możliwości wpływu na interpretację poprzez tworzenie specyficznego układu odniesień symbolicznych i obrazów, pobudzających grę interpretacji. Miasto zamieszkiwane jest przez wiele jednostek i różnorakich grup, co zmusza je do negocjacji znaczeń. Przedmiotem przedstawionych tu badań są stolice. Stolica państwa to bowiem miasto szczególne, co zazwyczaj podkreśla sam status prawny ośrodka stołecznego regulowany przez specjalną ustawę, staje się niezwykle ważną przestrzenią symboliczną, miejscem pokazu państwowej i narodowej siły, eksponowania i utwierdzania tożsamości, prezentowania wizerunku obcym oraz kształtowania pożądanego wizerunku na użytek obywateli – członków swojej grupy. Na przykładzie Paryża i Skopja, miast o odmiennej kontekstowo historii, chciałbym pokazać specyficzne dla przestrzeni miejskiej sposoby indukowania interpretacji, albowiem mimo oczywistych różnic oba miasta pozwalają dostrzec historyczny okres, w którym samo miasto stało się istotnym składnikiem sfery publicznej i publicznej własności symbolicznej. Wzrost znaczenia miast w Europie wiąże się bez wątpienia z procesem demokratyzacji, zaś stolice Francji i Macedonii są dobrym przykładem tej przemiany, która przestrzeń sprywatyzowaną (feudalną) bądź interpretowaną w wymiarze sakralnym (jako ziemia należąca do Boga) przekształciła w przestrzeń publiczną, będącą dobrem wspólnym obywateli i/lub dominującego narodu.Najważniejszym agensem w przestrzeni stołecznej okazuje się państwo. To biurokracja państwowa, występująca w charakterze nosiciela woli narodu, decyduje o kształtowaniu wizerunku miasta, wzmacniając te wartości, które wydają się pożądane z perspektywy reprezentowanej grupy. Brak tego czynnika skutkuje, jak w przypadku Skopje, zachowaniem lokalności i/lub przypadkowością realizowanych inwestycji publicznych. W obu omawianych przypadkach mapa i punkty orientacyjne zdradzają najważniejsze kategorie narracji narodowej, a przecież za jej kształt w znacznym stopniu odpowiada właśnie władza centralna.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-154
Hikmet Eldek Güner

Kayseri was an important commercial city throughout history, and with the declaration of the Republic, it continued its importance in different areas. The city has many original buildings from the Early Republican Period and was a model of modernisation set on a western ideology. Modernisation of the Republic was started with industrialisation. Consequently, Kayseri became an industrial city in the early 20th century. Investments (both economic and spatial) made by government were later continued by the private sector. Industrialisation was seen as the most important dynamic of development and key to modernisation. This situation resulted in the establishment of a new Kayseri around the industrial area and was viewed as an example for a modern Turkey. These industrial areas were constructed close to the boundary of the city centre. At the same time, the city centre was reconstructed according to modern city planning and the new style (modern style). The ceremonial ground (city square), an urban grid system, wide main transport routes, new public and municipal buildings, which were symbols of international style, were constructed by destroying the historic city centre in the Early Republic Period.The Republic was not only constructing new public buildings in a modern style; it was tried to build a new life with the modern residential areas. Instead of the traditional dwellings, modern houses were constructed to illustrate the new lifestyle together with new functional buildings such as modern education complexes, a community centre, stadium and train station were all constructed to show how to live the modern life.The city gained a new face with the changes starting from 1930. Today, many buildings, belonging to the Early Republican Period, are not being considered in the conservation of cultural heritage and are in danger. Industrial complexes, residential areas, public places are seen as a building stock destined to disappear and be replaced by new buildings. These earlier buildings hold important historical, social, economic and political values. Similarly, construction techniques and materials were also unique for that period.The aim of this study is to draw attention to the 20th century buildings in Kayseri constructed in the Early Republic Period, and classify these buildings under different headings (industry, housing, public space, educational space, open spaces) with the photographs, plans and history, thus defining their values and why they must be conserved. Republic was not only constructed new public buildings in modern style, it was tried to build a new life with the modern residential areas. Instead of the traditional dwellings, modern houses were constructed for point out of new life style and also new functioned buildings like as modern education complexes, community center, stadium, train station were constructed to show how to live in the modern life. The city has gained a new face with the changes starting from 1930. Today many buildings, belonging to the Early Republican Period, are not being considered in the conservation of cultural heritage and they are in danger. Industrial complexes, residential areas, public places are seen as a stock of a building and faced to disappear for constructed for the new buildings. They have very important values like as historical, social, economic and politic. Also construction techniques and materials were also unique for that period. The aim of this study is, to attract attention on 20th century buildings in Kayseri which are constructed in Early Republic Period, to classify these buildings in different headings (industry, housing, public space, educational space, open space …etc) with the photographs, plans and history. In general, meaning the main aim of this study is to define their values and explain why they must be conserved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Magdalena Szmytkowska ◽  
Karel Doliński

The article addresses an issue of the modern Polish diaspora in Curitiba, which is an important and symbolic city in the context of the Polish migration to Brazil since the second half of the 19th century. Moreover, the article presents an overview of the history of Polish migratory flows to Curitiba as well as significance of the city itself as a unique space for social activeness of the Poles living in Brazil. The main objectives of the article are as follows: identification of “Polish” places and areas in social space of Curitiba, determining a profile of a Polish migrant and assessing relations between the modern Polish diaspora and the mother country in the context of particular migration generations. The city of Curitiba has been perceived a significant and symbolic place for Polish migrants since the very beginning of the Polish migration history. Social activities taken up by the Polish diaspora in Brazil results from the necessity to sustain the national identity and they are aimed at promoting Polish traditions. The public space of Curitiba is marked by Polish monuments, plaques and street names commemorating famous and appreciated Poles as well as by Polish national institutions. There is only one Department of Polish Language in Latin America and it is at the Federal University of Parana in Curitiba. For the purpose of this article, a survey among a significantly differentiated group of respondents has been done. The group comprised representatives of the Polish diaspora having Polish ancestors in the fourth generation as well as modern Polish migrants. As the survey shows, although the descendants of Polish settlers are not fluent Polish speakers and they do not visit their mother country very often, the Polishness is demonstrated by the Polish diaspora in Curitiba. It is clearly visible in public space of the city as there are numerous objects representing Polish historical and cultural heritage as well as cultural events.Since the day when the first Poles settled in Brazil and Curitiba, they have been systematically integrating and assimilating with Brazilians.

Claudia Carbone

The Danish net of highways forms an ‘H’ connecting the country north-south and east-west. This is the starting point for a discussion of contemporary urbanism. The article points out that the increasing physical and virtual communication blurs well-known distinctions between centre/ periphery and urban/rural. The majority of planning tendencies aims at recreating and emphasising these distinctions by enhancing the public space of historical city centres and keeping the landscape clear of permanent human activities. The article argues against these tendencies. It refers to the Danish ‘golden age’ painters who successfully tried to construct a national identity in the first half of the 19th century. They did so by sampling parts of the existing cultural landscape and combine them to a slightly enhanced reality in their paintings. The article tries to do the same by combining already existing elements and tendencies to a polemical image of a partly existing reality based on hybrids between the urban and rural.  

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-18
Justyna Olesiak

W wielu obszarach miejskich widoczna jest skrajna segregacja przestrzeni publicznej oraz fakt, że wiele dzielnic mieszkaniowych jest przestrzennie odizolowanych od miasta jako całości. Ponieważ tradycyjne metody analiz urbanistycznych dają słabe wytyczne w tym kontekście, podjęta zostanie próba ujęcia problemu i odmiennego podejścia do segregacji w projektowaniu urbanistycznym. Niniejszy artykuł bada, w jaki sposób teorie i metody analizy Space Syntax mogą przyczynić się do stworzenia bardziej dopracowanych opisów relacji przestrzennych w różnych dzielnicach i całym mieście. Przyjęto metodę badawczą: analizę literatury fachowej (krajowej i zagranicznej) oraz dostępnych publikacji. Analiza urbanistyczna oparta na teorii Space Syntax umożliwia wykazanie zasadniczych różnic strukturalnych między dzielnicami i określenie wpływu form urbanistycznych na zalety przestrzenne różnych obszarów miasta. Otwiera to nowe możliwości rozwiązania problemu segregacji w zakresie projektowania urbanistycznego oraz sformułowanie bardziej skutecznych interwencji antysegregacyjnych. Space Syntax analysis in the Face of the Phenomenon of Social Segregation and Spatial Isolation of Residential Areas In many urban areas there is an observable extreme segregation of public space, in addition to the fact that many housing districts are spatially isolated from the city as a whole. As traditional methods of urban analysis provide poor guidelines in this context, an attempt to investigate this problem and present a different approach to segregation in urban design was made. This paper presents an investigation about how Space Syntax theories and methods can contribute to creating more detailed descriptions of spatial relationships in different districts and in the entire city. The research method employed was an analysis of the literature (both domestic and trade). Space-Syntax-based urban analysis enables demonstrating significant structural differences between districts and to determine the impact of urban forms on the spatial advantages of different areas of the city. It provides new opportunities to address segregation in urban design and formulate more effective anti-segregation interventions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
M Weber

Abstract Public health policy, spatial and environmental policies are within the Dutch municipalities’ competencies. In 2021 a new act will be implemented, in which todays’ more sectoral acts and decrees will be integrated into the so-called (Healthy) Living environment act. This will require more integrated, inter-sectoral and multi-level governance approaches. And new topics and societal challenges, such as health, sustainability and resilience, are introduced within the physical planning domains. Dutch reviews learn that public health and social domains are collaborating quite well at the local level. The cooperation and integration of health, environmental and spatial planning, on the other hand, often is less or even absent. In Utrecht, though, the latter inter-sectoral approach is strong; health in all policies has been the ‘mantra’ since several years. Supported and institutionalized through strong political leadership, and inter-disciplinary teams at neighbourhood and city level, for policy development and implementation in line with the city’s ambitions of Healthy Urban Living for Everybody. Utrecht is the healthiest and fastest growing city in the Netherlands, and aims to use its growth (in population, jobs, houses, etc.) to address health inequalities. The city is linking spatial challenges with social challenges, building and improving houses and residential areas for all citizens. A new initiative, called social renovations, will be explored and reviewed within the JAHEE process. This initiative addresses many of the relevant topics, such as healthy living environment planning, stakeholder involvement and specifically reaching ‘hard to reach groups’, and improving housing and public space conditions and subsequently health and well-being of vulnerable groups.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-73
Hira Ovais

Communities play a vital role in the development of any society, both in terms of political and commercial ambiance and culture and social character which contributes in the city formation. Karachi is an excellent example of it. Over the years the city has evolved from wilderness to being the most populous city of the world. It houses many imported traditions, which have mixed with local values over the years. Karachi, in 1900s was dominated by many ethnic communities, which resulted in the rise of a class system, which in turn lead to the emergence of communal enclaves to create a sense of communal values. Until independence of the sub-continent in 1947, these communities worked together and flourish Karachi. Saddar Bazaar, the city centre of Karachi was mainly occupied by these communities. Saddar was laid as a camp by the British in the late nineteenth century and was later used not only as a marketplace, but also consisted supporting functions like storage facilities, religious places, schools, coffee houses, cinemas, bars, billiard rooms, restaurants and residential areas. The merchants who came from India started their commercial activities here. During the Colonial rule, Saddar flousrished not only in terms of trade and commerce, but also in terms of architecture. By the 19th century the British had already established a design language for the architecture of the public buildings of the sub-continent. But after the involvement of the localcommunities, this language was transformed and either hybrid forms were created (i.e. blending of European features with balconies and chajjas of different proportions) or purely local architectural forms based on the requirement of the locals were constructed. The transformation of European architectural language and its ornamentation into local buildings were observed in many structures. Some of them were built by British architects and engineers and others by the local firms under the British influence. This paper documents and analyses two such hybrid design buildings, which reflect the lifestyles of the communities through the built form characteristics, details and formal and spatial characteristics.

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