scholarly journals A city in liquid modernity: a sociological perspective

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Edyta Barańska

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Western culture grew out of conviction about the social nature of man. It is based on the assumption that man is a social being, that he is a resident of the city. The most unpleasant image for an ancient man was the prospect of living outside the city, being excluded from its borders. The city is like a way of being, an expression of our social way of existence. Aristotle spoke of human nature, that its embodiment is a polis. This community life builds human identity. Such an image of a human being, as a creature entangled in the city space, is still valid today. Until recently Hannah Arendt wrote that our human condition is to participate in public space, that human life is humanized in our community, it defines our being as human. Today, however, the concept of the city has changed and the concept of space has taken on a different meaning. The city is not something stable and unchanging, on the contrary &amp;ndash; today it is in constant motion, its feature is its liquidity. The feature of city residents is mobility and absolute freedom of movement. Our imaginations of space and boundaries, the understanding of what is local and global have changed. The world of borders has been replaced with our idea of the transparency of the city &amp;ndash; nowadays one can not hide anymore. Under the influence of many socio-economic changes, the emergence of new forms of communication, the city has changed not only its physical form, but &amp;ndash; above all &amp;ndash; our human condition. It ceased to provide us with a sense of security and the ability to identify, but threw into an area of boundless possibilities. This dynamics of changes also reflects the way of describing the city: a map that served premoderns to describe the geographical city, in the modern world it has to be a grid that imposes itself on the city plan. This physical distribution of the city is now to be subordinated and adapted to the spatial plan of the city &amp;ndash; this is the vision of a perfect, utopian and happy modern city. Modernity, says Zygmunt Bauman, does not just want to describe what is, but to map and impose space on the map. Today, we have got rid of this utopian idea of ordering according to our own plan. Under the influence of changes, we have become residents of space without borders. Bauman, this our way of being today, describes as liquidity. Does this mean, however, that we have lost the foundations of our human lives that have defined us as people? Is this shrinkaging of the city space and the lack of a city street an embodiment of our new contemporary condition? Perhaps today's city no longer belongs to the inhabitants of polis, but to the invaders? Perhaps the city's inhabitants will be permanently accompanied by the urban fear of lack of domicile. The aim of my speech is to show what changes accompany the city and us as residents of the city as well as to present the cultural consequences of these changes.</p>

Marcellus Rafi ◽  
Agustinus Sutanto

Social relation in human life fades subconsciously. Millennial which known for its tendency to always collaborate, is also not even try to synergize the compartmentalized way of life in a contrasted social-economic class. Even architects, most prefer to wrestle with fantastic designs rather than inovate the social interrelation. As a result, the city of Jakarta is filled with magnificent buildings with the principle of "Follow Finance Form". Responding to the issue, this project has a vision to see architecture from another perspective by putting forward the idea of "Sustainability in Society". Through research methods, 'Spatial Agency' and 'Everyday Urbanism', accompanied by a design method 'Hybridization of Architectural Programming'; The type of building is expected to be able to represent the sensitivity of an architect in seeing socio-spatiality with the depth of thinking. The content is correspondingly which consists of: public space, food market, community learning space, and living food farming. The four programs emerged from research results and methodologies, based on collaborative and synergy principles, become a  prototype of new city elements integrated with old elements around it. Able to contribute fully to the community to foster a balance between the natural environment that has been dominated and contaminated by manmade environment. The results of this project show that with the sharpness of thinking and sensitivity, architecture can contribute to the efforts of human welfare in different social and economic conditions while maintaining environmental sustainability for the better sustainability of the city in the future.AbstrakKeterhubungan sosial dalam kehidupan manusia semakin memudar dalam alam bawah sadar. Generasi Milenial yang dikenal dengan kecenderungan selalu berkolaborasi, pun tidak acuh untuk menyinergikan berbagai golongan ekonomi-sosial yang kontras. Begitpun arsitek, sebagian besar lebih memilih untuk menggeluti desain yang fantastis dengan bentukan yang melintir daripada interelasi terhadap sosial. Alhasil Kota Jakarta saat ini yang dipenuhi dengan bangunan pencakar langit dan mal megah dengan asas “Form Follow Finance”. Menanggapi isu tersebut, proyek ini memiliki visi untuk melihat arsitektur dengan mengedepankan ide “Sustainability in Society”. Melalui metode riset ‘agen keruangan’ dan ‘keseharian berurbanisme’, disertai metode desain ‘Hybridization of Architectural Programming’; Jenis bangunan yang dirancang diharap mampu merepresentasi kepekaan seorang arsitek dalam melihat socio-spatialitas dengan kedalaman berpikir yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Hingga doperoleh kontent ruang yang terdiri dari: Public space, food market, community learning space, dan living food farming. Keempat program tersebut muncul atas hasil penelitian dan metodologi yang didasari atas prinsip kolaboratif dan sinergi, menjadi sebuah ‘prototipe’ elemen kota baru yang terintegrasi dengan elemen lama disekelilingnya. Mampu berkontribusi bagi masyarakat untuk mengupayakan keseimbangan antara lingkungan alam yang sudah terdominasi dan terkontaminasi oleh lingkungan buatan. Hasil proyek ini menunjukan bahwa dengan ketajaman berpikir dan kepekaannya, arsitektur dapat turut serta berkontribusi dalam mengupayakan kesejahteraan manusia dalam sosial dan ekonomi yang berbeda sekaligus menjaga kelestarian lingkungan demi lebih baiknya keberlangsungan kota di masa mendatang. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-23 ◽  
Ana Júlia Pinto ◽  
Antoni Remesar

In the planning and design processes, the urban territories frequently face problems related to the lack of cohesion, not only regarding the morphological fragmentation but also fragilities of social and economic dynamics. The proposed concept of urban cohesion involves these two dimensions – the physical form of the city and the city's socio-economic and socio-cultural dynamics. In introducing this concept our aim is to focus on the idea that public spaces play a fundamental role in those processes, understanding that they are organised in a systematic way. This means that public space is structured in a cohesive system on different territorial scales within the city, forming a "network of networks". Intending to contribute to the strengthening of urban cohesion, the study proposes a method capable of assessing public space networks in terms of their cohesion, not only within the urban structure of the neighbourhood, but also their links to the surrounding networks. This method assumes that the city is formed by diverse territories due to several reasons. Firstly, due to their specific history and genesis, secondly, due to their morphologic characteristics, and thirdly, because of their socio-economic and socio-cultural features. This leads to the key principle that the city is the place of diversity par excellence, and that it is this diversity that gives the city its own character and distinguishes it from other territories. Two cases in the city of Barcelona are analysed. The neighbourhood of Barceloneta, a historic quarter outside the city walls that is now part of its consolidated urban fabric, and the Baró de Viver neighbourhood, an area that can still be considered peripheral to the city.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 301-311
Tatiana Martsinkovskaya ◽  

The article considers various aspects of urban everyday life, its role in the development of motivation and individualization of human life strategies. The concept of urban capital is introduced and its forms, which positively and negatively affect the formation of the features of urban everyday life, are revealed. The levels of urban capital, which allow to explore the individual style of urban socialization are highlighted. Furthermore, the relationship between urban identity and the internal form of the city chronotope is analyzed. It is shown that common to all variants of human positioning in the city space is the identification or attitude to various aspects of urban capital — localization, city status, social and ecological environment. It is proved that the main difference between these concepts is in the focusing of urban identity (as well as in a sharper form of urban capital) on the external parameters of the city environment, while the internal form of the urban chronotope emphasizes the inner feeling of a person, his own experience in certain places and time in a particular cityscape. This difference indicates the role of the personal chronotope, its internal form in the self-development and self-realization of a person and the connection with existence, intentionality of the personality. The similarity of the concepts of individual chronotope and small chronotope is shown; their influence on the development of the plot (in literature) and the structuring of the human world (in psychology) is analyzed. The relationship between individual parameters of the internal form of a personal chronotope as well as places and times in a small chronotope in their role in restructuring the large chronotope of a city into the human world is examined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Guruh Kristiadi Kurniawan ◽  
Andi Asrul Sani ◽  
Adelia Enjelina Matondang ◽  
Melati Rahmi Aziza

Abstract: Public space as part of city space cannot be separated from a city. According to Sunaryo (2004), the city system is a fulfillment of the necessities of life for the community which includes living, working and recreation. Public space has an important meaning for urban areas or regions, because the main role of public space is to harmonize the patterns of life of a city (Kustianingrum, 2013). every type of public facility must be able to accommodate the interests of all community groups starting from the conditions that are categorized as normal, small children, disabled and elderly. One strategy to be able to provide facilities that are able to meet all these needs, namely by considering the application of the seven principles of universal design. In this study the data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research aims at research that ultimately produces design solutions. In this study will reveal how the implementation of 7 (seven) Universal Design Principles in public spaces in Bandar Lampung City. It is hoped that this study can be used as a recommendation in policy making for the design of a friendly public space for all people including people with disabilities and children in the city of Bandar Lampung.Keyword: Public Space, Universal Design, DisabilitiesAbstrak: Ruang publik sebagai bagian dari ruang kota tidak dapat dipisahkan keberadaannya dari suatu kota. Menurut Sunaryo (2004), sistem kota merupakan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup bagi masyarakat yang meliputi tempat tinggal, bekerja, dan rekreasi. Ruang publik memiliki arti penting untuk wilayah atau kawasan perkotaan, sebab peranan utama ruang publik adalah menyelaraskan pola kehidupan masyarakat suatu kota (Kustianingrum, 2013). setiap fasilitas jenis publik harus dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan semua kelompok masyarakat mulai dari yang kondisinya dikategorikan normal, anak kecil, penyandang cacat dan lansia. Salah satu srategi untuk dapat menyediakan fasilitas yang mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan tersebut, yaitu dengan mempertimbangkan penerapan tujuh prinsip universal desain. Pada penelitian ini metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk penelitian yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan solusi desain. Pada studi ini akan mengungkapkan bagaimana implementasi 7 (tujuh) Prinsip Universal Design pada ruang publik di Kota Bandar Lampung. Diharapkan studi ini dapat digunakan sebagai rekomendasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan untuk perancangan ruang publik yang ramah untuk semua orang termasuk difabel dan anak-anak di Kota Bandar Lampung.Kata Kunci: Ruang Publik, Desain Universal, Difabel

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 153-165
Quintarina Uniaty

The city of Jakarta shows special characteristics in social, economic and cultural structures, a characteristic of urban life that gives much influence to its physical form. Development of the city is faced with problem of environmental degradation caused by unbalanced provision of urban infrastructure and facilities against the heterogeneity of urban needs and activities. The services provided by municipal government are more often unable to keep up with increasing demands of society's needs. Urban spatial and specific facilities built to expect community activities in accordance with the facilities built.This paper aims to put forward the results of studies that have been done about public perception use of pedestrian and public space area at object  study, the characteristics of  user's activities area region object of research and empirical data about the problem of pedestrian path as part of a public space that is related to behavior of community activity. The research method is Descriptive Analysis as a research that suggests the phenomenon that occurs and see and seek interrelations. It is a combination of descriptive survey method with analytical survey method of a phenomenon. Case studies presented as an object of analysis at a later stage, to be able to better explain the facts found and influence between variables. Built environment as product and work in form of space, volume, structure, ornament; needed as a message representing the norms and values of society, perceptions and aspirations, including developing their motivations and expectations explicitly or implicitly. City life activities require pedestrian space adapted to the aspirations of its people, as an effort to humanize pedestrians into the pedestrian area planning as a spatial dimension in  urban area physical development.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-4

In the increasing cosmopolitan condition of our cities inclusionary urban commons are becoming more and more relevant as civic institutions for encounter, dialogue and collaboration. Their non-commodifiable asset experiences increasing issues of social inclusion, participation, privatisation and universal access. The papers included in this issue of The Journal of Public Space are focused on the development of the commons’ capacity firstly to contingently relate and articulate heterogeneous values and paradigms, personalities, spheres of thought and material and intangible elements; secondly to sustain equity, diversity, belonging by transforming conflicts in productive associations that counter conditions of antagonism to set up critically engaged agonistic ones (Connolly, 1995; Mouffe, 1999, 2008). They include analytical studies, critical appraisals and creative propositions—part of which documenting the City Space Architecture’s event at Freespace, the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale—which address the power of the inclusionary urban commons to support the constitution of free, open and participatory networks that enhance social, cultural and material production of urban communities by reclaiming, defending, maintaining, and taking care of the “coming together of strangers who work collaboratively […] despite their differences” (Williams, 2018: 17).

Derek Pardue ◽  
Lucas Amaral de Oliveira

Abstract The article analyzes saraus movement - poetry readings in São Paulo’s periphery - as a cultural phenomenon that over recent years has transformed the city space into a vibrant socio-political project. The movement offers important insights for an anthropology of cities by highlighting the materiality of mobility and spatiality, understood here as a set of social and cultural practices that involve the existential knowledge, social networking, and local community empowerment gained from mobility between predominantly peripheral neighborhoods and urban labor centers. We examine how saraus contribute to the construction of a new imaginary of the city and public space occupied by the socially excluded and racialized peripheries. We provide an analytical and empirical contribution to city production and urban theory, and demonstrate that mobility and the encounter are not simply temporary extraneous interactions, but rather experiences constitutive of social knowledge.

Sanja Janković ◽  
Danica Stanković

Most certainly, architectural objectives are the basis of the physical structure of a city, yet they are distinct morphological and typological units, they are free spaces with exceptional values and characteristics. Buildings that form the spaces of cities often change, build and disintegrate, but the permanent motive of the city space remains - an empty, unfinished part, as a constant sign of history. On the hierarchical scale of the urban environment, important elements are ephemeral structures, permanent or temporary. A possibility for empty space to be revived is the installation of artistic or ephemeral utilitarian structures. This paper presents the role of such micro-urban interventions that enrich the public space and contribute to its revitalization. Ephemeral architecture is especially suitable as a space for the presentation of artistic ideas and for incorporating new technological contents. The aim of the paper is to highlight a view about the importance of ephemeral structures by analyzing and studying the case studies. Special emphasis is placed on examples of completed projects of the pavilions of unique forms and the use of ship containers as a space for introducing artistic ideas. The main contribution of this paper should be a proposal of using ephemeral structures in urban space revival by promoting art and establishing a social contact.

Clifton C. Ellis ◽  
David J. Isern ◽  

Historically, the great cities of the world have built public spaces that have often been used as venues for spectacle, and displays of power and status. These public venues are part of the identity of these cities and have an importance and influence far beyond their physical dimensions or geometric shapes. They are all platforms that accommodate, both physically and metaphorically, the various expressions of a society. This paper will address historical events and their transcendency within the context of the city and their historical importance and effect in a larger global context. In addition, it will apply theoretical concepts about city space and the public sphere through an application of post-structuralist theory, critical theory, and social capital theory.1

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (314) ◽  
pp. 571
Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira ◽  
Víctor Gama

Nota-se a partir do século XIX e início do século XX uma crescente tendência à secularização política no Ocidente, isto é, uma substituição dos fundamentos metafísicos que orientavam a sociedade por valores surgidos no mundo moderno, imanentes e desvinculados das realidades religiosas. Esse fenômeno se acentua de maneira mais clara ao longo do século XX, após o surgimento das teorias legitimadoras deste modelo de Estado desvinculado de uma orientação moral religiosa, o que, em termos políticos, se traduzia também em acentuar a proposta da laicidade. A postura secular reafirma o caráter privado da experiência religiosa, suas manifestações e pensamento, restringindo a aplicação dos princípios de cada tradição religiosa à aderência particular dos indivíduos. Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre as articulações de um movimento católico integrista, agente político que reclama deste mesmo Estado secularizado e rompido com o projeto de sociedade católica, a garantia e proteção de seus princípios morais. Focaremos nossa análise no Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira – IPCO, uma associação formada por leigos católicos, que se engajam em campanhas públicas contra pautas emergentes, relacionadas sobretudo às políticas de identidade, reforma agrária e aborto. Esse movimento, fundado em 2008 valores cristãos ainda enraizados na sociedade, o que significa obstruir o passo do avanço da mentalidade moderna de secularização. Para isso, lançam mão de métodos como campanhas de divulgação de livros, participação em votações públicas nas Câmaras Municipais pelo Brasil e promoção de abaixo-assinados entregues a órgãos públicos e autoridades. Abstract: From the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there is a growing tendency towards political secularization in the West, that is, a replacement of the metaphysical foundations that guided society with values that emerged in the modern world, immanent and detached from religious realities. This phenomenon is most clearly accentuated throughout the twentieth century, after the emergence of the legitimating theories of this model of state detached from a moral orientation, which in political terms also translated into accentuating the proposal of secularism. The secular stance reaffirms the private character of religious experience, its manifestations and thought, restricting the application of the principles of each religious tradition to the particular adherence of individuals. This article aims to reflect on the articulations of an integrist Catholic movement, a political agent that complains about this same secularized state and broken with the project of Catholic society, the guarantee and protection of its moral principles. We will focus our analysis on the Instituto Plinio Correa de Oliveira - IPCO, an association made up essentially of committed Catholic laity, who are active in public campaigns against emerging agendas, mainly related to identity, land reform and abortion policies. This movement, founded in 2008 by elements from the former Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property - TFP, aims to preserve Christian values still rooted in society, which means obstructing the advance of the modern secularization mentality. To this end, they use methods such as book dissemination campaigns, participation in public voting in the City Councils and promotion of petitions delivered to public agencies and authorities.Keywords: Public space; Religion and public space; IPCO.

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