2016 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Rodrigue Tréton

RESUMO:Nos estados cristãos do Ocidente mediterrânico, o notariado apareceu no século XII quando o escrevente da Alta Idade Média se tornara um oficial instituído pela autoridade pública, possuindo a capacidade simbólica, pela invenção do signum, de conferir um caráter autêntico a suas escrituras, preliminares (notas e breves) ou elaboradas (mundum, instrumento). A conservação de livros de ata, propriedade do notário e de seus herdeiros, permitia a preservação do registro completo ou de seu extrato muito tempo após a primeira redação. Em matéria de direito privado, essa inovação, consecutiva à renovação do direito romano, devia substituir vantajosamente o antigo procedimento, complexo, aleatório e limitado a certo tempo, da autenticação pela prova testemunhal. O empreendimento de descrever os primeiros tempos do notariado público no condado de Roussillon não é uma tarefa cômoda, principalmente em razão das carências da documentação, que se mostram, deste ponto de vista, particularmente incapacitantes. Não subsiste, de fato, nos arquivos locais, qualquer texto legislativo ou administrativo se referindo, de algum modo, à regulamentação e às condições de exercício deste ofício antes da metade do século XIII. Para este período inicial, que consiste na data de aparição da instituição notarial, seguindo sua difusão e buscando conhecer as primeiras etapas de sua evolução, a história somente tem o recurso de se apoiar no estudo diplomático dos registros privados. Trata-se, por consequência, de um trabalho particularmente extenso, consistindo em examinar atentamente as fórmulas da autenticação dos documentos da prática, a fim de discernir modificações ou variações significativas, suscetíveis de nos informar sobre as primeiras etapas da organização do ofício público. Foi a partir do reinado de Jaime Ide Aragão que apareceram os primeiros regulamentos visando enquadrar a prática notarial. Iniciava-se, então, um segundo período, cobrindo a segunda metade do século XIII e a primeira metade do século XIV, para o qual dispomos de um corpus de textos normativos que testemunham a natureza das questões ligadas ao controle de um ofício essencial, cujos profissionais, notários e escreventes públicos, tinham por principal função garantir a legalidade das transações econômicas e sociais de uma população eminentemente contratual e de preservar fielmente a memória disso. ABSTRACT:In the christian states of the mediterranean West, the notary appeared on the 12th century when the scribe of the High Middle Age has turned into an official set by the public authority, possessing the symbolic capacity, through the invention of signum, to confer an authentic character to your scriptures, preliminaries (notes and briefings) or elaborate ones (mundum, instrument). The conservation of record books, property of the notary and of its inheritors, would allow the preservation of the complete registry or of your extract a long time after the first redaction. When it comes to private law, this inovation, consecutive to the renewal of the roman law, should replace advantageously the old procedure, which was complex, random and limited to a certain time, of the authentication through the w itness test. The enterprise of describing the first moments of the public notary at the county of Roussillon is not a comfortable task, mostly because of the shortage of documentation, which show, from this point of view, particularly crippling.In fact, it doesn't subsist, in the local archives, any legislative or administrative text referring itself, in some way, about the regularization and the exercising conditions of that office before half of the 13th century. For this initial period, which consists on the apparition date of the notary institution, following its difusion and seeking knowledge about the first steps of your evolution, the history only has the resource to support the diplomatic study of the private records. As a consequence, it's about a particularly extense work, consisting on examining closely the authentication formulas of the practice documents, intending to discern modifications or significative variations, susceptible to inform us about the f irst organization steps of the public office. It started with the reign of Jaime Ide Aragão, when the first regulations appeared, seeking to frame the notary practice. Therefore, it was starting a second period, covering the second half of the 13th century and the first half of the 14th century, to which we disposed of a corpus of normative texts which wtiness the nature of questions connected to the control of an essential office, which all of the professionals, notaries and public scribes, had the function to guarantee the legality of the social and economic transactions of a population that is eminently contractual and to preserve accurately all of its memory.

1960 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 440-451
Hans Baron

An attempt at a synopsis of Mr. Becker's and Mr. Hicks' findings requires an enlargement of focus. They have much in common in their approaches: both are sympathetic to reactions in Italian scholarship against a school which had conceived the history of the Italian city-states chiefly in terms of social clashes caused by antagonistic economic class interests. About 1900 that had been the perspective shared by most students. During the late 13th century (it was then argued), the half-chivalric magnati, owners of landed property, were replaced by the capitalistic merchants and industrialists of the arti maggiori; these, in turn, by the middle of the 14th century were followed by the artisans of the arti minori who, for a short revolutionary period in 1378, opened the door for the laborers of the great textile industries, the Ciompi. After class struggle had thus sapped the public spirit, Florence and other cities were ripe for the heavy, but pacifying hand of despotism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Drance Elias da Silva

This Article may be situated within the rapport field between Philosophy and Social Sciences, at the search regarding to the concept concerning the Representation. Regarding to Philosophy, under a general view, the concept, concerning Representation, has been, since a long time, understood as a trail which one would get througl reaching to the real and true ones. Representation, as the thought contents expression form had not been known departing from Philosophy as a barrier against the objectivity concerning the knowledge. Representation, in its source, has been constituting itself a cognictive, inmanent reflection, related to the conscience inner subjectivity. But departing from the episthemological point of view, it has been not so easy for the campus concerning the Culture Sciences as a totality. In the theory regarding to knowledge, the Social Sciences campus and, more specifically, in the human life Symbolic dimension constitutive aspects, it has been, often, accepted negatively as an entry door for the histotical social reality. Nowadays, one may conclude that the contents concerning the Culture are deeply rooted within the histotical reality, which may present new dimension the reading regarding to the Symbolical side concerning the human life, under the view regarding to the unseen aspect, such as the intellectualistic Western dominant Culture allows understanding the way which could be in.

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-66 ◽  
Wim Dubbink

Abstract:Some critics raise moral objections against corporate social responsibility on account of its supposedly undemocratic nature. They argue that it is hard to reconcile democracy with the private discretion that always accompanies the discharge of responsibilities that are not judicially enforceable. There are two ways of constructing this argument: the “perfect-market argument” and the ‘social-power argument.” This paper demonstrates that the perfect-market argument is untenable and that the social-power argument is sometimes valid. It also asserts that the proponents of the perfect-market argument are mistaken in their assumption that perfect markets are conducive to democracy. There are strong reasons to hold that perfect markets are undesirable from a democratic point of view. A proper conceptualization and differentiation of the relation between “the private and the public” can make this clear. The proponents of the social-power argument sometimes maintain that the democratic deficit can be compensated for by consulting the stakeholders affected. Against this, I will argue that the social power argument has nothing to offer affected parties. Still, it will be shown that modern theory on corporate social responsibility is not well accommodated to the democratic deficit as revealed by the social power argument.

Dixi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Maxym Tkalych ◽  
Oksana Safonchyk ◽  
Yuliia Tolmachevska

Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private law as one of the two areas of law, is the concept of natural law. This concept presupposes that rights and freedoms are an inalienable good of every person, regardless of the will of any external institutions. The ideas of natural law have been expressed in the concept of private law (the fundamental principles of private law are such principles as justice, good faith, reasonableness, dispositiveness, legal certainty, inadmissibility of interference in private affairs, inviolability of property rights, and freedom of contract). Object: The subject of the study is the problems of reforming of private law in modern conditions. The object of research is the social relations that arise in the plane of «person-person» and «state-person» in modern transformation processes. Methodology: The research methodology is formed by methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling. Additionally, logical-legal, comparative-legal forecasting methods are used. The authors of the article tried to draw a parallel between the concepts of natural law, Roman law and private law. Results and discussion: An analysis of these concepts revealed that each of them is an integral part of the concept of modern Western civilization. At the same time, in modern conditions of pandemic, deglobalization, regionalization, collapse of human rights and the very concept of Western civilization, which is based on the ideas of humanism, liberalism, absolute human rights, inviolability of property rights and respect for privacy, are under threat.

2012 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-238 ◽  
A. Dobryninas ◽  
M. Dobrynina ◽  
I. Česnienė ◽  
V. Giedraitis ◽  
R. Merkevičius

Santrauka. Kriminalinė justicija suprantama kaip socialinės kontrolės sistema, kuri per atitinkamą įstatymų leidybą, praktikas bei institucijas užtikrina nusikaltimų kontrolę ir prevenciją bei taiko poveikio priemones teisės pažeidėjams. Kriminalinės justicijos paskirtis demokratinėje visuomenėje atitinka jos narius vienijantį bendrą socialinį interesą – gyventi saugioje ir solidarioje visuomenėje, kurioje kiekvienam jos piliečiui yra užtikrinamas tinkamas saugumo lygis, paisoma jų teisių, o teisingumas vykdomas visiems vienodai ir teisingai. Nors Vakarų civilizacijos kriminalinės justicijos principams yra daugiau kaip du šimtai metų, jų įgyvendinimas visuomenėje nėra mechaninis ir priklauso nuo įvairių istorinių, kultūrinių, geografinių bei globalaus vystymosi aplinkybių. Straipsnyje, remiantis fenomenologinės sociologinės požiūriu, analizuojamos kriminalinės justicijos recepcijos konstravimo aspektai profesiniame lauke, jo sąsajos su makro (ekonomikos) bei mikro (psichologijos) socialiniais veiksniais, masinių medijų įtaka kriminalinės justicijos suvokimui visuomenėje. Atsižvelgiama ne tik į relevantiškas šiai problemai teorinius šaltinius, bet ir atliktos fokusuotų grupinių diskusijų rezultatus. Pirmame poskyryje analizuojami profesiniai teisiniai kriminalinės justicijos apibrėžimo aspektai, antrame – demonstruojami, kaip ekonominiai procesai gali keisti politinius kriminalinės justicijos tikslus. Trečias poskyris nagrinėja psichologinius veiksnius, kurie gali įtakoti paprastų žmonių sampratą apie kriminalinę justiciją. Ketvirtas poskyris pristato komunikacinius kriminalinės justicijos recepcijos visuomenėje aspektus.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: kriminalinė justicija, diskursai, ekonominiai ciklai, psichologinė recepcija, masinės medijos. Keywords: criminal justice, discourses, economic circles, psychological reception, mass media.ABSTRACT  On Perceptions of Criminal Justice in SocietyThe perception of criminal justice in society is a controversial social problem. Traditionally, criminal justice issues have been treated as a matter of professional interest for criminologists, criminal justice experts and other professionals from related fields. But is expert knowledge the only valid kind when it comes to criminal justice topics? This question, though rhetorical, is aimed at stimulating discussion about the co-existence of different types of social knowledge on criminal justice, and their impact on various discourses concerning crime and punishment in society. In this article a group of researchers from Vilnius University makes use of phenomenological methods to analyse three different types of discourse on criminal justice: professional, political and public. The professional discourse on criminal justice is scrutinised from the perspective of penal law, the political discourse from the point of view of macroeconomics, while the public discourse is analysed using ideas drawn from psychology and media studies. The analysis of these discourses seeks to examine the social construction of criminal justice, and the particularities of its reception among professionals, politicians and a wider public.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (142) ◽  
pp. 307
Rogério Miranda de Almeida ◽  
Irineu Letenski

Resumo: O objetivo principal destas reflexões é o de se perguntar não somente pelo estatuto científico da teologia nos séculos XII e XIII, mas também pela pos­sibilidade mesma de uma intelecção dos dados da fé, ou da revelação. Se, com Pedro Abelardo, a teologia adquire no século XII o status de ciência e, enquanto ciência, ela se consolidará no século XIII com a fundação das universidades e a entrada completa de Aristóteles no Ocidente latino, a relação fé e ciência não se desenrolará de maneira tão harmoniosa como se poderia imaginar. Pelo contrário, ela se intensificará e se tornará ainda mais aguda à medida que se aprofundará e se explicitará, no século XIV, o abismo que separa estes dois domínios do saber. Com efeito, esta problemática, que remonta aos primeiros séculos da era cristã, se coloca agora sobre um novo nível epistêmico mais urgente e mais desafiador ainda: como falar racionalmente, ou cientificamente, de Deus?Abstract: These reflections aim not only at investigating the scientific statute of theology in the 12th and 13th centuries, but also the very possibility of the intellection of faith, or revelation. If, with Peter Abelard in the 12th century theology receives the status of science and, as a science, consolidates itself throughout the 13th century with the creation of universities and the complete reception of Aristotle in the Latin world, the relation between faith and science will not develop in a so harmonious way as one can imagine. On the contrary, it will intensify and become even more acute as, in the 13th century, the abyss separating these two domains of knowledge will become deeper and more explicit. In fact, this issue, which goes as far back as the first centuries of the Christian era, now appears in a more urgent and challenging epistemological way: how can one speak rationally, or scientifically, about God?

2020 ◽  
Anastasiya Bulatova ◽  
Svetlana Melnikova

The aim of the article is to delimitate the art zone for our current era. The problematic relationship between the general public and contemporary art is well known and often discussed. The viewers often find it difficult to relate to contemporary artworks or even to understand why they are considered art. We are searching for the appropriate forms to support the viewers in the quest to improve perception of contemporary art by the public. Among the new approaches, we highlight the conception of contemporary art as based not only the category of beauty, but also the communicative act which can translate important social sense(s). This point of view we have found in conceptions of J. Dickey, A. Danto and E. Oryol. To help an ordinary art consumer discover the social sense, we suggest using facilitative discussion technique designed by American teachers A. Hausen and F. Yenawain, and the mediation technique practiced by the UIBSI (Yekaterinburg). Keywords: contemporary art, communication, message, mediation, excursion, facilitative discussion

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 421-427

In the article, a problem is set regarding urgent transformation of the public administration of the social and economic policy of Ukraine under the healthcare reformation. The problem seems to be urgent because the Ukrainian national healthcare management system differs from similar systems in most developed countries due to a unique characteristic. The point is that at the highest legislative level, the state guarantees its citizens free medical care, although in practice, this provision remains partially declarative. And this should be a target of reformation. Today, the Ukrainian healthcare system, based on the centrally controlled principles, is facing a deep crisis, therefore the public administration model should be changed, and the healthcare system be radically reformed. Basing on modeling methods, expert survey, mathematical statistics, the following results have been obtained: a formulated list of problems, an offered model for the healthcare system management in Ukraine considering that the process should be transformed. These results can lay the groundwork for the development of a real strategic plan, when the task of "clearing the problematic area" to be solved in stages, according to the actual urgency of certain problems from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of the healthcare system reformation in Ukraine.

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-290
Ropingi El Ishaq

Normatively, media functions as a means of conveying information, education, andentertainment as well as controlling and relating the society. On the basis of its function,media has a chance to build a direct communication with the society so that it has a strategicposition that may give benefits not only to the social aspect, but also to economic and politicalaspects.One way to develop communication with the public is through soap opera program.This TV program is chosen since it can highly attract public interest. In the point of view ofmedia industry, public or audience are considered as customers who have to be served by theproducer. The more the customers are satisfied, the more the producer gets benefit. One themeof soap operas that can highly attract public interest is religion-related theme.It reflects the normative society understanding of religion. As a result, the religiousmessage contained in the soap operas is very formal. Moreover, since it can highly attractpublic attention, it can be utilized by media industry to get as much profit as they can and itdoes not function to give education and wholesome entertainment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-130
Rafael Böcker Zavaro

This article sets out the results of research which aims to determine the characteristics of fishing development in the province of Tarragona, from the social, territorial and economic point of view, as well as the perspective of the public policies implemented for this sector. It considers the role played by the various social, economic and institutional agents, and the importance of sustainable and responsible management of fishing. The research method we have chosen is the case study. The comparative analysis of the seven fishing ports in the south of Catalonia is even more significant in that each one has different sales volumes. The techniques used for gathering information were: the semi-structured interview, non-participant observation and the use of secondary statistical and documentary sources.

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