scholarly journals Internalizing Religious Values into Ethno-Mathematics as an Effort to Strengthen Character Building: An Ethno-Mathematics Integration Study

. Muniri ◽  
Galandaru Swalaganata
Emik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-102
Juwanita Sahid

Early childhood education (PAUD) is a social institution that serves to instill cultural, national, and religious values in children. While the existing literatures on PAUD are more focused on the role of social institutions and formal educational institutions in the formation of children (school environment, learning process and community supporting the process), this article focuses on the process of enculturation in applying "Islamic" values in the learning process at TK Wihdatul Ummah. This study was conducted at TK Wihdatul Ummah. Using ethnographic approach, data was collcted using in-depth interview ansd observation. The study involved ten informants who are varied on the basis of age (between 27 and 69 years), and status, consisting of a school principals, three teachers, five parents and a student’ guardian. The study shows that TK Wihdatul Ummah has succeeded in carrying out Wahdah Islamiyah's main mission in the field of education, mainly in developing young generation from an early age by fostering faith (aqidah), monotheism (tauhid), faith (iman) and good deeds (amal sholeh). Character building based on "Islamic" values is the main orientation that is encultured by TK Wihdatul Ummah to early childhood and still refers to the PAUD National Curriculum. TK Wihdatul Ummah has been able to transmit an "Islamic" curriculum that focuses on two core competencies, namely to love the Qur'an and the Hadith and practice Islamic values as the character of pious children. Achievement of competence to love the Qur'an and the Hadith is shown in basic competency activities, namely: memorizing the surahs in juz 30 and reciting the Hadiths of the Prophet, taddabur Al-Qur'an and Hadith, studying hijaiyyah letters, and knowing practical worship according to the guidance of the Prophet. While the attainment of the “Islamic” values as the character of pious children, is shown by Islamic behaviour in daily life, and Islamic independent behavior. Students’ learning achievements at TK Wihdatul Ummah include discipline, independence and self-confidence; trust and closeness to the teacher; able to socialize; able to appreciate and understand others; able to understand rewards and punishment; and able to practice Islamic values as sholeh children character. From the emic point of view based on emic perspective (teachers and parents), the achievement in terms of children character building at TK Wihdatul Ummah focuses on religious values (praying independently and according to guidance, worshiping and remembrancing) and morals values (getting used to behaving well, polite, honest, like to give/help and respect) and social emotional values (independence, self-confidence able to socialize, respect and understand others, control themselves naturally, understand the rules and discipline). By studying at TK Wihdatul Ummah, it is not only students, but also parents show significant changes in their everyday behaviour.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Riana Riana ◽  
Malik Ibrahim

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Matematika Integrasi dengan nilai-nilai agama islam, menghasilkan bahan ajar terbaru pada bidang matematika untuk lebih mudah mencapai fungsi pendidikan nasional, dan memudahkan peserta didik memahami definisi, operasi, dan sifat-sifat himpunan menggunakan pendekatan nilai-nilai agama islam. Pengambangan LKS integrasi ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D menurut Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel yang dimodifikasi yaitu (define, design, develop, and disseminate). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Islam Al-Ikhlasyiah Jonggat Lombok Tengah. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes hasil belajar berupa pilihan ganda dan angket kevalidan LKS. Hasil validasi ahli diperoleh kriteria sangat valid dengan nilai total 209, dan hasill uji kelayakan kriteria layak digunakan. Sedangkan uji kepraktisan LKS diperoleh dengan nilai total 277. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji coba lapangan yang diberikan pada siswa SMP Islam Al-Ikhlasyiah sebanyak 20 orang. Berdasarkan analisis uji coba lapangan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LKS matematika integrasi memberikan hasil positif terhadap kemampuan afektif siswa dan memahami materi himpunan. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop student worksheets (LKS) Mathematics integration with Islamic religious values, produce the latest teaching materials in the field of mathematics to more easily achieve the function of national education, and facilitate participants Students understand the definition, operation, and attributes of the association using the approach of Islamic religious values. The integration of LKS uses a 4-D development model according to Thiagarajan, Semmel & the Modified Semmel (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The subject of this research is the student of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlasyiah Jonggat Central Lombok. The research instruments use the test results in the form of double choice and the eligibility lks. The expert validation results are obtained very valid criteria with a total value of 209, and the eligibility test criteria are worth using. While LKS practicality test is obtained with a total value of 277. Furthermore, the field trials were given to the students of SMP Islam Al-Ikhlasyiah as much as 20 people. Based on the field trials analysis, the study showed that LKS mathematics integration gave positive results towards students ' affective ability and understood the set.

Leo Agung S

<p><em>Pancasila values as the noble values of the Indonesian nation have existed since our ancestors. The divine precepts are related to animism and dynamism, which continued to develop during the Hindu Buddhist and Islamic kingdoms until now. During the Majapahit Empire, the religious values of Pancasila were strengthened by the existence of two Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms that lived peacefully side by side. The value of unity and oneness is explicitly written by Mpu Tantular in the Sotosoma Book, namely Bhinneka Tungal Ika. Furthermore, when Bung Karno on June 1 issued five principles as the basis for the state he would form, which was named Pancasila, and finally on August 18, 1945, Pancasila was established as the State Foundation. After this state is formed, it is necessary to have a character building so that every citizen has a sense of love for the nation and homeland. That is why it is necessary to develop character that is rooted in the values of Pancasila, namely religious values, compassion, self-control, cooperation, mutual respect / respect, responsibility, and persistence in handling Covid-19. Thus the values of Pancasila reinforce character building.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-93
Vina Adriany

Abstract This paper aims to explore how kindergartens in Indonesia become a space to negotiate local and global discourses. Informed by postcolonial theories, it seeks to identify a hybrid space that goes beyond the binary between South and North. Based on fieldwork in three different kindergartens in Indonesia, this paper illuminate different forms of negotiation adopted by the kindergartens. Two most pervasive global discourses found are related with child-centredness and neoliberalism. The kindergartens negotiate these discourses through a social aspiration, character building, and religious values discourses. The finding suggests how juxtaposed ideas continue to intersect with one another ECE.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
I’anatut Thoifah

<p>This study aims to investigate the planning, implementation, and evaluation of religious value internalization through an Extracurricular program of Islamic religious division and its relevance to a character building at SMAN 1 Malang. The data collections of this study were observation, interview, and documentation. In analyzing the data, the researcher used qualitative descriptive analysis which means that she described and interpreted the data to figure out the phenomenon in a real condition. The result of this study showed that the member of students in Islamic religious division planned and implemented the programs and activities based on the religious value through materials, methods, and times they arranged. Besides, the internalization management of religious value through this extracurricular program has relevance to a character building. This extracurricular program also facilitates the students to implement their knowledge into a good character based on religious value. In other words, the students can apply their experience they have got in the classroom into the activities in the extracurricular program, to have a good character, in which it also becomes the purpose and the relevance of internalization management of religious value through an extracurricular program and character building.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Management of Internalization of Religious Values; Extracurricular Section of Islamic Spirituality; Character Education<em></em></p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-135
Mita Silfiyasari ◽  
Ashif Az Zhafi

This article describes the role of an Islamic boarding school in character education in the era of globalization. This article used a literature research approach. In this research, Islamic boarding school had been able to have a role in the students’ character building supported by the main figure who is a Kiai. It can not be separated from the role of a teacher/Kiai in producing students who have noble character. The role of Islamic boarding school in character education is Islamic boarding school as guardian and preserver of religious values; Islamic boarding school as the innovator of religious understanding; and as inspirer, motivator, and dynamist of development implementation at the local and regional levels.

Esih Esih

 The formation of a person's character is determined in the treatment at an early age. The cultivation of moral and religious values needs to be instilled early on to get a generation of character. The important thing that should get attention is the enhancement of moral and religious values in children. Qualitative description research is used in this study. To analyze the character of children obtained through observation, interviews, and communication with students, teachers, and parents. The results of the study show that children of early age (5-6 years) in Daarul Jannah Kindergarten show positive responses to the character of children in carrying out moral and religious values in the school and home environment and the future, it is expected that children have a strong personality and good characterKeywords: Early childhood, Character Building, Moral Values, Religion. AbstrakPembentukan karakter sesorang ditentukan pada perlakukan pada masa usia dini. Penanaman nilai-nilai moral dan agama perlu ditanamkan sejak dini untuk mendapatkan generasi berkarakter. Hal penting yang harus mendapatkan perhatian adalah penaman nilai moral dan agama pada anak. Penelitian diskriptik analitik kualitatif digunakan dalam studi ini. Untuk menganalisa karakter anak diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan komunikasi terhadap siswa , guru dan orang tua. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan anak usia Dini ( 5-6 tahun) di TK Daarul Jannah menunjukan respon positif terhadap karakter anak dalam menjalankan nilai-nilai moral dan agama di lingkungan sekolah maupun rumah dan dimasa mendatang diharapkan anak memiliki kepribadian yang kokoh dan berkarakter baik.Kata Kunci : Anak Usia Dini, Pembentukan Karakter, Nilai Moral, Agama.

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