Youth Audience Development in the Non-face-to-Face Era: An Action Research of National Theater Company’s

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 217-242
Yong Sung Jung ◽  
WoongJo Chang
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Samuel H. Peck ◽  
David R. Modler

This paper describes the conceptually democratic drawing project, ‘We Will Draw with Anyone about Anything’. This action research activity explores the communicative value of collaborative drawing while promoting the deskilling of preconceived institutional necessities for rendering expertise. Exploring the interdependency that is entailed in sitting down at a table and having a collaborative face-to-face conversation with another human being can be different from the modes of communication that comprise the digitized sphere. This project aspires to engage participants in collective visual knowing and simultaneously be a critique of the commodified capitalist approach to drawing practice.

Erman Uzun ◽  
M. Yaşar Özden ◽  
Ali Yildirim

In this chapter, the main purpose is to explain design, development, delivery, and evaluation process of a new distance web design course for the needs of students in a vocational higher education institution. It is important to highlight how wisely instructional technology was designed and used to mitigate problems to effectively support the course. Proactive action research was used as a framework of the study. This research focused on an analysis of the existing face-to-face course to mitigate its problems in the new design. Then, strengths and weaknesses of the new design in the new context were investigated. It is important to highlight that technology comes with its unique problems and opportunities. Thus, teaching in a technological environment confronts instructors with a wide range of pedagogical, technological, and physical challenges.

Fiki Fitriyah ◽  
Yeny Fitriyani ◽  
Milna Wafirah ◽  
Achmad Labib ◽  
Titis Rosowulan

Tatanan Hidup Baru (New Normal) dimasa pandemi COVID-19 memberikan pengalaman yang benar-benar baru bagi dunia pendidikan khususnya siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Indonesia. Kewajiban untuk taat protokoler kesehatan yang salah satu klausulnya adalah tidak berkerumun dan menjauhi krumunan menjadikan kegiatan belajar mengajar sangat tidak biasa. Tidak ada tatapmuka baik dengan guru ataupun teman, semua dilakukan secara daring (online). Hal tersebut membuat pelajar mempunyai waktu luang yang banyak dan cenderung tanpa pengawasan baik dari orang tua maupun guru. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan waktu luang siswa dengan manajemen waktu di masa normal baru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Tahapan penting dalam PAR adalah Research (pemetaan masalah), Action (rencana aksi dalam penyelesaian masalah) and Participatory (orang tua dan siswa SD di Desa Desekan). Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, survei, dokumen dan wawancara. Pendampingan diharapakan dapat membantu siswa memahami pentingnya manajemen waktu dengan membuat jadwal kegiatan harian sehingga siswa dapat memanage waktunya dengan efektif dan efisien. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian ini adalah para siswa belum memahami dengan baik mengenai manajemen waktu dan banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan dawai dan bermain yang tidak berhubungan dengan pendidikan. Kata kunci: Tatanan Hidup Baru, COVID-19, Manajemen Waktu, PAR ABSTRACT The New Living Order (New Normal) during the COVID-19 pandemic provided a completely new experience for the world of education, especially elementary school students in Indonesia. The obligation to comply with the Health protocol makes learning without face-to-face either with teachers or friends and everything is done online. This makes students have a lot of free time and tends to be without supervision from either parents or teachers. The aim of this service is to optimize students' free time with time management in the new normal. The method used in this study uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method. The important stages in PAR are Research (mapping problems), Action (action plans in solving problems) and Participatory (participation of parents and elementary students in Desekan village). The technique of collecting data was carried out by observation, surveys, documents and interviews. It is hoped that mentoring can help students understand the importance of time management by scheduling daily activities so that students can manage their time effectively and efficiently. The conclusion of this dedication is that the students do not understand well about time management and spend a lot of time with strings and games that are not related to education. Keywords: New Normal, COVID-19, Time Management, PAR

Craig A. Mertler ◽  
Danah Henriksen

This essay describes one institution’s struggle to grow its EdD program by adding an equivalent online version of a successful face-to-face program. One of the challenges faced was that of creating a comparable experience for online students to share their ongoing action research, an activity that had long been part of the face-to-face version of the program. An innovative, all-day, virtual doctoral research conference was developed and implemented. We describe our creative rethinking of the original event, towards a new, successful, and fully-online redesigned event. Although the event continues to be refined, the inaugural event proved to be a successful solution to the challenge of transferring all components of a face-to-face program over to its online equivalent. Feedback from students who participated in the conference is shared, and recommendations for other EdD programs is offered.

Baiq Bunayati Sholihan

The condition of the covid-19 pandemic that requires applying physical distancing so that face-to-face learning cannot be done and learning is forced to be done online (online) and students' motivation to learn biology is still low. This classroom action research aims to increase students' motivation to learn biology in class XI IPS-1 at SMAN 1 Masbagik and describe the increase in motivation to learn biology at class XI IPS-1 at SMAN 1 Masbagik through Google Classroom-based E-Learning. The research method used is classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles of 30 students. Data collection techniques through observation and motivation questionnaires. The implementation of E-Learning based on Google Classroom is stated in the very good, good, quite good, poor, and not good categories, while the motivation to learn mathematics is stated in the very high, high, medium, low and very low categories. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded as follows: 1) the implementation of E-Learning based on Google Classroom in the first cycle in the fairly good category and in the second cycle in the good category. 2) Biology learning motivation of students in class XI IPS-1 SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik in the first cycle is low, the second cycle is moderate, namely in the first cycle the average motivation to learn biology is 66.3% while in the second cycle it increases to 72.4%. Keywords: E-Learning, Google Classroom, Motivation to Study Biology Abstrak Kondisi pandemic covid-19 yang mengharuskan menerapkan Pysical distencing sehingga pembelajaran tatap muka tidak bisa dilakukan dan terpaksa pembelajaran dilakukan secara online (daring) dan masih rendahnya motivasi siswa dalam belajar biologi. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar biologi siswa kelas XI IPS-1 SMAN 1 Masbagik dan mendeskripsikan peningkatan motivasi belajar biologi siswa kelas XI IPS-1 SMAN 1 Masbagik melalui E-Learning berbasis Google Classroom. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus terhadap 30 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan angket motivasi. Keterlaksanaan E-Learning berbasis Google Classroom dinyatakan dengan kategori sangat baik, baik, cukup baik, kurang baik, dan tidak baik, sedangkan motivasi belajar matematika dinyatakan dengan kategori sangat tinggi, tinggi, sedang, rendah dan sangat rendah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1) keterlaksanaan E-Learning bebasis Google Classroom pada siklus I pada kategori cukup baik dan pada siklus II pada kateori baik. 2) Motivasi belajar biologi siswa kelas XI IPS-1 SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik pada siklus I rendah, siklus dua sedang, yaitu pada siklus I rata-rata motivasi belajar biologi adalah 66,3% sedangkan pada siklus II naik menjadi 72,4%. Kata kunci: E-Learning, Google Classroom, MotivasiBelajarBiologi

2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Carol A. McQuiggan

This action research study explored the change in face-to-face teaching practices as a result of faculty professional development for online teaching. Faculty’s initial teaching model is typically born from that of their own teachers, and they teach as they were taught. However, few have any online experience as a student or a teacher. Learning to teach online may be a catalyst for faculty to reflect on and evaluate their current teaching practices. Data was collected through three rounds of action research that included individual interviews, participants’ reflective journalling activities, researcher’s journal and field notes, and classroom observations. The qualitative data analysis steps included data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study indicated that learning to teach online has the potential to transform faculty’s assumptions and beliefs about teaching, changing their face-to-face teaching practices. The identification of the aspects of professional development activities that were most effective in helping faculty to reflect on and question their previously held assumptions and beliefs about teaching will assist administrators and faculty development specialists move from one-size-fits-all programs to a redesign within an adult learning framework that supports opportunities for change.

2001 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-37 ◽  
Peter Reason ◽  
William Torbert

We offer an epistemological basis for action research, in order to increase the validity, the practical significance, and the transformational potential of social science. We start by outlining some of the paradigmatic issues which underlie action research, arguing for a “turn to action” which will complement the linguistic turn in the social sciences. Four key dimensions of an action science are discussed: the primacy of the practical, the centrality of participation, the requirement for experiential grounding, and the importance of normative, analogical theory. Three broad strategies for action research are suggested: first-person research/practice addresses the ability of a person to foster an inquiring approach to his or her own life; second-person research/practice engages a face-to-face group in collaborative inquiry; third-person research/practice asks how we can establish inquiring communities which reach beyond the immediate group to engage with whole organizations, communities and countries. The article argues that a transformational science needs to integrate first- second- and third-person voices in ways that increase the validity of the knowledge we use in our moment-to-moment living, that increase the effectiveness of our actions in real-time, and that remain open to unexpected transformation when our taken-for-granted assumptions, strategies, and habits are appropriately challenged. Illustrative references to studies that begin to speak to these questions are offered.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-294 ◽  
Peter Reason

While welcoming Gustavsen’s exploration of issues of scale and wider influence in action research, which argues that we need to extend the relatively small scale of individual action research ‘cases’ and see action research as creating social movements and social capital, this article takes issue with the implication that this implies that less attention must be paid to the personal and interpersonal dimensions of action research. Issues of scale must be approached not only through distributive action research as Gustavsen advocates, but also by expanding the emancipatory inquiry space of face-to-face inquiry practices. The integration of the personal with the political is seen as absolutely central to this type of work; a range of examples is offered. The possibility that action research can never be part of mainstream science but rather runs fundamentally counter to mainstream Western culture is explored. It is argued that action research must be seen not as a form of social science producing knowledge or cases, but as a form of day to day inquiry integrated in the lives of individuals, small groups, organizations and society as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Ening Yuni Soleh Astuti

The research aims to determine the quality of teachers of Bantul Regency in implementing learning after gaining supervision through the activities of up grading learning. The study uses action research methods, conducted in two cycles covering the planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The expected impact in the action of this study was the improvement of teacher quality in teaching. The results concluded that the implementation of supervision coaching implemented in six phases is to convey objectives and motivate, present information, organize into study groups, guide groups of work and study, evaluate, and reward. Learning through grading learning models can improve teachers ' ability to teach and improve teacher knowledge of concepts in teaching. The provision of supervision coaching using a learning up grading learning model with 6 phases of longer face-to-face meetings and complete teaching materials will further improve the quality and ability of the teachers to carry out their learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Paolo Matteucci

ABSTRACT: Questo saggio si propone il fine di misurare l’impatto della transizione dalla didattica in aula a quella a distanza nel contesto dei corsi di italiano per principianti offerti, nel semestre autunnale 2020, dal Programma di Italiano dell’università canadese Dalhousie. Prendendo simultaneamente in considerazione i risultati del feedback formale e informale fornito dagli allievi, i dati raccolti tramite la ricerca-azione e l’osservazione dei corsi da parte di specialisti esterni, e una molteplicità di parametri valutativi, il presente intervento mira a delineare alcuni vantaggi e svantaggi dell’insegnamento a distanza dell’italiano come lingua straniera.Parole-chiave: Didattica dell’italiano. Glottotecnologie. Ricerca-azione. RESUMO: Este artigo analisa o impacto da transição das aulas presenciais ao formato virtual, especificamente no contexto das três seções do curso “Italiano para Iniciantes” oferecido no segundo semestre de 2020 pelo Programa de Italiano da Universidade de Dalhousie, Canadá. Justapondo os feedbacks formais e informais dos alunos, os dados recebidos da observação de terceiros através de pesquisa-ação e as avaliações de diversos indicadores de sucesso, este artigo visa delinear algumas vantagens, bem como os principais desafios, do ensino a distância do italiano enquanto idioma estrangeiro.Palavras-chave: Didática do italiano. Glototecnologias. Pesquisa-ação. ABSTRACT: This paper scrutinizes the impact of the transition from face-to-face teaching to online instruction, in the context of the Italian for Beginners courses offered in the fall semester 2020 by the Italian Program at Dalhousie University, Canada. By juxtaposing the student’s formal and informal feedback, the input received from third-party observation via action-research, and the assessment of a variety of indicators of success, this paper aims at outlining some advantages, as well as the main challenges, inscribed into at-distance teaching of Italian as a foreign language.Key words: Teaching Italian as a foreign language. At-distance instruction. Action-research.

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