scholarly journals Pedagogical Competence of the High School Teacher

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 84 ◽  
Anastasiya Viktorovna Fakhrutdinova ◽  
Mayya Rashidovna Ziganshina ◽  
Veronika Alexandrovna Mendelson ◽  
Lyubov Grigorevna Chumarova

The need conditions the relevance of the article for the formation of higher education teachers’ pedagogical competence as the optimal system and purposeful work in this direction has not yet been formed. The goal of the article lies in the analysis of the study of the theoretical aspects of higher education teachers’ pedagogical competence and identifying the main types of professional competence. The leading approach to the study of this problem for the authors was their understanding of the concept of "competence", the distinction between the concepts of “qualification” and “competence”, as well as an understanding of the essence of higher school teacher’s pedagogical competence. The article presents a scheme of competencies of a higher school teacher, a distinction between key, subject and professional competencies. Taking into account the results of this study, it is possible to identify several scientific problems and promising areas that require further consideration: in particular, the development of new training programs for teachers of higher education institutions.

N. Kuzmenko ◽  
G. Varvaretska

The article points out that the modern tendencies of education are the modernization of it's content, forms and methods, development and testing of new educational and psychological technologies, the emergence of new types of educational institutions. These changes, in turn, depend on require the constant work of the head of the educational institution over the image of their institution, their own image and the reputation of research and teaching staff. The article deals with the most important components without which the formation of a positive image of a high school teacher is not possible. It was revealed that one of the factors for creating a positive image of the future specialist is the educational environment of the higher education institution and, in particular, the influence of the teaching staff. The role of the teacher's image in the formation of students' professional and personal qualities was analyzed. The essence of the concept of pedagogical image, its formation and development, functions of image, structure of personal image are determined. These include, in particular, professional competence, universal values, moral standards, managerial culture and technology of self-presentation. The article provides examples of the influence of the teacher's appearance on the level of information assimilation by students. The connection between the components of the image and the components of the teacher's pedagogical skill of the institution of higher education was established, the interdependence of teacher's positive image and his or her humanistic orientation was determined. The ways of formation teacher's positive image and development of pedagogical skill are outlined. The types of public image are defined, kinetic and speech image are characterized. The article substantiates that the teacher's positive pedagogical image is able to promote the rise of the efficiency of pedagogical activity and is able to shape the style of social behavior of the high school teacher. Research on this problem and recent publications of domestic and foreign scientists are analyzed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-117
Oktaviia Fizeshi ◽  

The prerequisite for ensuring the professional training of masters in the specialty "The Primary Education" in Ukraine is the formation of their professional competence to teach in the higher education institutions. After all, in addition to qualifying as a primary school teacher, they are also qualified as the teacher of pedagogy. Accordingly, the preparation of the modern primary school teacher requires the organization of the educational process in higher education on a scientific humanistic basis which provides purposeful systematic provision of psychological and pedagogical training of scientific and pedagogical staff for the higher education institutions of different levels of accreditation for their interaction with students. This article summarizes the author's experience of studying the teaching methods of the disciplines "Fundamentals of Pedagogy", "Didactics", "Theory and Methods of Education", "Socio-pedagogical Fundamentals of Educational Management" and "History of Pedagogy". In particular, theoretical and aspects of students' methodical activity are revealed: active listening, participation in dialogue and discussion during lectures, observation of pedagogical classes from different sections (basics of pedagogy, didactics, theory of education, history of pedagogy), development of the text of lectures on separate topics, micro-teaching and analysis of pedagogical situations, their modeling, execution of creative tasks, production of visual material. Preparation of the masters for teaching of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education facilitates their mastery of the basic concepts and categories of pedagogy, historical aspects of the formation of pedagogy as a science, current trends in education; the content of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education; features of the education process, its regularities and principles, the methods and organizational forms, etc. Also, in the process of studying the methodology of teaching pedagogical disciplines, the masters have the ability to prepare curricula for disciplines; to plan and conduct various types of training (lectures, seminars and practical classes); to control and diagnose students' educational achievements; to organize various types of cognitive work with students, etc.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 22-26
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Galina Meychik ◽  
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A. Karma

The article focuses on the problems associated with the design of additional professional educational programs in the context of the competency approach. These programs are designed for implementation in the system of additional professional education (APE) of teachers. Results of the analysis of the scientifi c literature on the issue of implementation of the competence-based approach are described in the article. Authors consider, that the professional pedagogical competence can be represented in the unity of its theoretical and practical component. The authors propose requirements for the design of additional professional educational programs implemented in the APE. Training programs in Moscow and the federal system of additional vocational training in �Teacher education� are analyzed in terms of their implementation in the context of competence approach. Recommendations for the design of additional professional educational programs from the perspective of competence-based approach are proposed for Moscow.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Auliah Safitri ◽  
Abdul Gafur

This study aims to determine the relationship of teacher involvement in the Subject Teachers Association (MGMP), pedagogical and professional competencies of civic teachers with the learning outcomes of high school students in Malang. Data were analyzed descriptively using a correlational design. Hypothesis testing was done by analyzing the parametric correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable partially. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between involvement in MGMP, pedagogical competence, and professional competence of civic teachers and the learning outcomes of high school students in Malang. All hypotheses show a significant relationship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sofyan Syamratulangi ◽  
Endang Poerwanti

Abstract: Teachers' pedagogical and professional competencies are important to develop. In the 21st century teachers are required to build effective relationships with students and the school community by using technology to improve the quality of education. This study aims to 1) analyze the level of achievement of pedagogical and professional competence of teachers in Junior High School 1 Hu'u. 2) Describe the obstacles in increasing the level of achievement of the pedagogical and professional competence of teachers in Junior High School1 Hu'u. 3) Efforts made in overcoming obstacles to increasing the achievement of pedagogical and professional competence of teachers in Junior High School 1 Hu'u. This research used a mix method approach (a combination of qualitative methods with quantitative methods) with the type of case study research. The research location is Junior High School 1 Hu'u, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Questionnaire data collection techniques, interviews, documentation, and observation. The information is the principal and thirty teachers who are used as primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques for data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and validity of the data. The results showed that 1) the level of pedagogical competence and professional competence of teachers at Junior High School 1 Hu'u was sufficient and sufficient to be called a professional teacher. 2) The obstacle faced by teachers in developing pedagogical and professional competencies is that there is diversity in the ability of teachers in the learning process and mastery of knowledge and many GTT teachers who have long taught at Junior High School 1 Hu'u have not received NUPTK. 3) Efforts are made to improve the pedagogical and professional competence of teachers, namely through teacher development training conducted every weekend such as KKG, MGMP activities.Keywords: Pedagogical Competence, Professional Competence, Achievement Abstrak: Kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional guru saat ini penting untuk dikembangkan.Pada abad 21 guru dituntut membangun hubungan yang efektif dengan siswa dan komunitas sekolah dengan menggunakan teknologi untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) melakukan analisis tingkat ketercapaian kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional guru yang ada di SMPN 1 Hu’u.2) Mendeskripsikan hambatan dalam meningkatkan tingkat ketercapaian kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional guru yang ada di SMPN 1 Hu’u. 3) Upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi hambatan peningkatan ketercapaian kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional guru yang ada di SMPN 1 Hu’u.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix method (gabungan metode kualitatif dengan metode kuantitatif) dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus.Lokasi penelitian di SMPN 1 Hu’u Kabupaten Dompu Nusa Tenggara Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data angket, wawancara, dokumentasi dan Observasi. Informannya kepala sekolah dan tigapuluh guru yang dijadikan sebagai data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data reduksi data, penyajian data,penarikan kesimpulan serta keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketercapain kompetensi pedagogi dan kompetensi profesional guru SMPN 1 Hu’u sudah memadai dan cukup syarat dikatakan sebagai guru profesional. Hambatan yang dihadapi guru dalam mengembangkan kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional yaitu adanya keberagaman kemampuan guru dalam proses pembelajaran dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan danbanyak guru GTT yang sudah lama mengajar di SMPN 1 Hu’u belum mendapatkan NUPTK. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogi dan profesional guru yaitu dengan pelatihan pengembangan guru yang dilakukan setiap akhir pekan seperti kegiatan KKG, MGMP.Kata kunci: Kompetensi Pedagogi, Kompetensi Profesional, Ketercapaian

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (44) ◽  
O. Karabin ◽  
M. Gromyak

The modernization of education emphasizes the importance of training highly professional specialists in the field of computer science. In this regard, the formation of professional competencies of future game project engineers in higher education institutions at the bachelor's level acquires special knowledge. The article considers the theoretical foundations of the formation of professional competencies of future engineers of game projects, conducted a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the research problem. Some aspects of the formation of professional competence of future professionals, which requires extensive use in the educational process of higher education technologies that help attract future engineers of game projects to acquire and manage knowledge, gain experience in solving professional problems, implementation of game projects. The use of active methods of pedagogical influence, the use of digital technologies, the introduction of appropriate tools to test the level of professional competence, the intensification of reproduction and application of knowledge and skills to solve professional problems and implement game projects.Key words: educational process, professional competence, project activity, digital technologies, gamification, game projects.


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