Opportunities and Features of the Palynological Analysis Application on Various Types of Archaeological Sites

Anna Aleshinskaya ◽  
Anna Babenko ◽  
Maria Kochanova ◽  
Alla Troshina ◽  

A wide variety of archaeological sites associated with various human activity has led to the emergence of a wide range of problems solved by archaeological palynology. On the example of the palynological materials accumulated in the Laboratory of Nature Sciences of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the opportunities and features of the palynological analysis application are considered both on classical objects for Russian archaeopalynology (cultural layer, buried soils, defensive ramparts, burial mounds, etc.) and on non-traditional ones (latrines, vessels, funerary objects, ceramics, etc.). It is shown that the reconstruction of the natural environment, generally accepted for palynology, is mainly possible for the materials from long timed sites of shepherds in caves and rock shelters and cultural layers of sites, settlements, hillforts. Materials obtained from other objects (ancient and medieval arable lands, storage pits, latrines, the contents of ritual objects, vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract of the buried) give an idea of very local and short-term environmental conditions or events usually associated with economic and/or daily activities of a person, with his food, funerary rites and traditions. In this regard, the possibilities of the palynological method and the purposes will be different for each specific research. Recommendations for the sampling for palynological analysis are given for each specific case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 22-35
Ernar A. Estemesov

Purpose. The article describes the history and analysis of the main issues in the study of archaeological sites of the Saka period in Semirechye. They are presented by three main types on this territory: burial and memorial complexes, settlements and hoards. The first type of monuments includes numerous burial mounds, where the elite burials of “royal” type and ordinary burials are located. Both social groups are combined by the unity of funeral rites, and the main differences are the complexity of architecture, memorial practices, and richness of burial equipment in the “royal” type burial mounds. The second category of monuments is presented by the settlements that are mostly small in size. The constructions like half dugouts were discovered on them, which gave a rich ceramic material. The third type of monuments of the Saka period in Semirechye includes numerous hoards of bronze items. Some of them are represented by the cult objects (sacrificial tables, lamps and cauldrons) that mark the places of worship. A significant percentage of the hoards contain items of weapons, horse equipment and household purposes and, apparently, serve as offerings to the spirits. However, despite the considerable progress in the study of the Saka monuments of the Semirechye Region, the main problem is their cultural attribution at this time. Some researchers suggest that the independent Saka archaeological culture was formed and developed on the territory of Semirechye in the Early Iron Age, while others believe that the Saka monuments of this region belong to the broader historical and cultural community that also covers the neighboring regions of Kyrgyzstan and Xinjiang. Results Another important issue in the study of the Saka sites of Semirechye is to clarify the chronology of burial and memorial complexes. Up to now, the significant database of radiocarbon dates has been accumulated, which allows us to consider the chronological positions of a wide range of monuments in a new way. It was of great importance to obtain such dates from several burials of Karatuma necropolis, which showed that it belonged to the Saka period, since burial monuments of this appearance are traditionally dated back to the Wusun period. Conclusion. The necessity of solution of these problems is an urgent task for further research of burial and settlement objects of the Saka period in this region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-66
A. V. Borysov

The Porossya archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (PorAE) is part of the research project about the Old Rus Porossay. The project is realizing in the Department of Old Rus and Medieval Archeology of the IA NAS of Ukraine. First Porossya archaeological expedition started on August 9, 1945. In 2011 it was renewed. Investigations are carried out on the territory of the South of Medieval Kyiv Region. Special attention in research activity is focused on surveys of archeological monuments and their documentation. The basis of the expedition is the annual work within the framework of the research topic of the Department of Old Rus and Medieval Archeology of the IA NAS of Ukraine. The head of the expedition is Artem Borysov, the junior research fellow of the department. The model for the expedition is the organizational structure of multi-year survey expeditions, in particular, the Ovruch / East-Volyn archaeological expedition of the IA NAS of Ukraine (leaded by A. Tomashevsky and S. Pavlenko) and Cherkassy Forest-steppe archaeological expedition (leaded by M. Syvolap). Field route planning and tasks are related to the program for collecting and analyzing the source base and for recording and mapping of the archaeological sites of Porossay. By 2017, the expedition surveyed 160 archeological monuments of different chronological periodss. The work of the expedition is aimed at a systematic, full-scale survey of Old Rus monuments in river Ros basin and adjacent territories. An important direction of the expedition is the multy-season study of certain micro-regions (the Nehvoroshch basin, the vicinity of chronicle Torchskye). Such areas are gradually approaching the level of continuous inspection of the territory. In total, during the 10 seasons, participents of the Porossya archaeological expedition surveyed 267 archaeological sites (including 22 settlements), 118 mounds in 20 burial groups and 9 separate burial mounds. The tradition of archeological exploration in Porossya is related to the names of V. Dovzhenko, M. Kuchera, L. Ivanchenko. The work of the expeditions on the study of the settlements of the Kyiv region and the Zmiyiv shaft (leaded by M. Kuchera) and the detachments of the Dnieper Ancient Expedition (leaded by O. Mitsev, L. Ivanchenko) allowed to create a basic map of monuments for this territory in the time of Old Rus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 295-297
Sergej A. Borisov

For more than twenty years, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrates the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture with a traditional scholarly conference.”. Since 2014, it has been held in the young scholars’ format. In 2019, participants from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Togliatti, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, and Rostov-on-Don, as well as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania continued this tradition. A wide range of problems related to the history of the Slavic peoples from the Middle Ages to the present time in the national, regional and international context were discussed again. Participants talked about the typology of Slavic languages and dialects, linguo-geography, socio- and ethnolinguistics, analyzed formation, development, current state, and prospects of Slavic literatures, etc.

Tishkin A. ◽  

This article continues the publication of information about the osteological remains of the Pazyryk horses, which are stored in the funds of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Among the available collections, materials from the burial mounds of such Altai sites as Katanda-II and Aragol were identified. The first archaeological complex in the 1920s was studied by S.I. Rudenko. It is located in a section of a valley near the confluence of the Katanda River with the Katun River. There, nearby in 1865 V. V. Radlov conducted his work. In 1925, two ancient burial mounds with the burials of ordinary nomads, who were accompanied by ritual burials ofhorses, were excavated. The second complex was discovered and studied in 1924-1925 on the territory of Eastern Altai, not far from the well-known group of “royal” burial mounds in the Pazyryk tract. In 1929, a detachment of V.S. Adrianov during the planned work researched three burial objects of the Scythian-Saka time with the skeletons of horses in two burials. In total, in these mounds, the osteological remains of seven horses were recorded. Incomplete skeletons of these animals were found in the storage. The recorded materials formed the basis for archaeozoological determinations. Keywords: altai, archaeological excavations, Pazyryk culture, horses, osteological collection, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, archaeozoology

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 04008
Nadezhda Kurepina ◽  
Irina Rybkina

Geoinformation systems (GIS) are actively used in modern scientific research, including the field of Urban Territories’ management. The lack of a universal methodology for their application requires an individual approach in the study of water management and water and environmental problems in the region. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate concrete examples of GIS successful use in solving some water supplying problems. One of the leading research methods is geoinformation-cartographic modeling, which has a wide range of possibilities and contributes to the effective solution of water-related and water-ecological regional problems. The developed algorithm for GIS using in solving regional water, a step-by-step procedure organizes for carrying out research work, the presented structure of the thematic database facilitates the systematizatin of thematic data large volume with the base a GIS project is created, where information is integrated, calculations, and a cartographic model is created that visualizes the regional water management and water-e logical situation. The research examples carried out in the Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch) on regional water management and water ecological problems by means of GIS and using the method of geoinformation-cartographic modeling considered in this paper prove the effectiveness and their use expediency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-163
S. M. Shapovalov

March 15, 2021 Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrological Processes of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc, ex-president of the International Association for Physical Ocean Sciences (IAPSO) Evgeny Morozov is 75 years old. E.G. Morozov is a prominent scientist and organizer of world-class science in the field of studying the temporal and spatial variability of hydrological processes and internal waves in a wide range of scales. He was the first to build a map of the amplitudes of tidal internal waves of the World Ocean. His monograph “Oceanic Internal Waves” published in 1985 in Russian, as well as his article “Semidiurnal internal wave global field”, published in the Deep Sea Research in 1995, are among the most cited on the problem of internal tidal waves. Unique results were obtained by E.G. Morozov in the study of internal waves in the Arctic, including under the ice and near the front of glaciers sliding into the ocean on Spitsbergen. He made a significant contribution to the study of various currents: the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio and their rings, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the California Current, the Falkland Current, the Lomonosov and Tareev subsurface equatorial currents. Since 1999 he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO) and since 2011 he has been elected President of the IAPSO, represented the IAPSO in this capacity on the Executive Committee of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union (IUGG) and on the Executive Committee of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic research (SCOR). E.G. Morozov is the chairman of the Ocean Physical Sciences Section of the National Geophysical Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Varvara O. Bakumenko ◽  
Ekaterina G. Ershova ◽  

In this work we present the results of spore and pollen analysis of forest soils from the Zvenigorod biological station of Moscow State University (Moscow Region, Russia). A comparative analysis of forest soils formed on the site of historical fields of the XVIII–XIX centuries and beyond showed that a specific complex of pollen and spores remains in the residual arable horizons, characteristic only of soils that have passed through the stages of plowing and fallow. It includes pollen from cultivated cereals and arable weeds (buckwheat, cornflower blue), spores of the mace-shaped plaunus (Lycopodium clavatum), as well as spores of the mosses Riccia glauca and Anthoceros spp. The latter are exclusive indicators of fallows, since they are practically not found in other habitats. The identified pollen indicators can be used in landscape and archaeological research to interpret the data of spore-pollen analysis of cultural layers, buried soils, gully-ravine sediments. They can also be used to define the boundaries of ancient fields under modern vegetation.

А.А. Кудрявцев ◽  
С.А. Володин

В 1943–1944 гг. сотрудники Института истории материальной культуры принимали участие в работе Чрезвычайной государственной комиссии (ЧГК). Это выражалось в составлении инструкций по установлению стоимости различных археологических памятников для определения нанесенного им ущерба в период оккупации, составлении их списков и анкетировании. В 1944 г. ИИМК по заданию ЧГК организовал восемь экспедиций в освобожденные районы РСФСР и УССР с целью обследования ряда поселений и курганных могильников, а также музеев с археологическими коллекциями, пострадавших в военные годы. Участие в деятельности ЧГК позволило Московскому отделению ИИМК сохранить основные функции научного учреждения в тяжелый период войны. In 1943–1944 the staff of the Institute for the History of Material Culture was involved in the work performed by the Extraordinary State Commission. The Institute staff prepared guidelines to be used in assessing the value of various archaeological sites to determine the damage caused to the sites during the occupation period, prepared relevant lists and conducted questionnaire-based interviews. In 1944 by order of the Extraordinary State Commission, the Institute organized eight expeditions to the liberated regions of the Russian SFR and the Ukrainian SSR in order to survey a number of settlements and kurgan burial grounds as well as museums with archaeological collections damaged during the war. Involvement in the activities of the Extraordinary State Commission enabled the Moscow Branch of the Institute to continue performing its main functions as a research institution during the hard time of the war.

2021 ◽  
pp. 140-155

Настоящая статья предлагает публикацию очерка подготовленного известным осетиноведом Евгенией Георгиевной Пчелиной (1895–1972) и до сегодняшнего дня остававшегося не опубликованным. Рукопись не завершена полностью и хранится в архивном фонде Е.Г. Пчелиной в Санкт-Петербургском филиале Архива РАН (фонд № 1017). Рукопись состоит из 11 листов, ее научный аппарат составлен на отдельных карточках. Изучение архивного материала позволило сформировать относительно завершенный очерк и частично восстановить научный аппарат к нему. Текст посвящен вопросу рабства и продажи в плен в традиционном осетинском обществе и был написан для докторской диссертации, которую Пчелина готовила в течение ряда лет, но защита которой так и не состоялась. Удалось восстановить круг научных работ и источниковую базу, на основе которых был написан этот очерк Пчелиной. В статье предложена датировка этой работы – не позднее 1953 г. В публикуемом очерке Пчелиной изложены вопросы осетинской терминологии по изучаемой проблеме, описаны категории рабов, отношение в обществе к разным категориям рабов, способы пленения и доставки в дома пленных, невольничьи рынки на территории Осетии и соседних земель, стоимость рабов и др. Это исследование содержит все те черты, которые являются характерными для научного творчества Пчелиной: прекрасное знание научных работ и использование широкого круга источников, с обязательным обращением к фольклорному материалу и сведениям, полученным от информантов. This article proposes the publication of an essay written by the famous scholar of Ossetian studies Evgenia Georgievna Pchelina (1895–1972); this work has remained unpublished until today. The manuscript is not fully completed and is kept in the archive fund of E.G. Pchelina in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (fond No. 1017). The manuscript consists of 11 sheets, its scientific apparatus is compiled on separate cards. The study of archival material made it possible to form a relatively complete text of the essay and partially restore the scientific apparatus to it. The text is devoted to the issue of slavery and captivity in the traditional Ossetian society and was written for a doctoral dissertation, which Pchelina had been preparing for a number of years, but the defense of which has never taken place. It was possible to restore the range of scientific works and the source base used by Pchelina for this essay. The article suggests the dating of this work – no later than 1953. In the essay by Pchelina under consideration, the issues of Ossetian terminology on the studied problem is presented, the categories of slaves, the attitude in society to different categories of slaves, methods of captivity and delivery to the homes of prisoners, slave markets on the territory of Ossetia and neighboring lands, the cost of slaves, etc. are described. This work of Pchelina contains all the features that are characteristic of her scientific creativity: excellent knowledge of scientific works and the use of a wide range of sources, with mandatory reference to folklore material and data received from informants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 313-321
Z. H. Popandopulo

In 1977 on the site of famous burial mound Chmyrеva Mohyla located on the northern outskirts of Velyka Bilozerka village of Zaporizhzhia region three bronze pole-tops with images of gryphons were found by local people on the plowed field. There is no evidence whether other artifacts have been found. Luckily nearby in Gunovka village the expedition of Institute of Archaeology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was working under the leadership of Yu. V. Boltryk who got the founded artifacts and then sent them to Zaporizhzhia regional museum of local lore, history and economy. The history of excavations of Chmyrеva Mohyla numbers more than a century. They were started by F. A. Braun in 1898, M. I. Veselovskiy (1909—1910) continued the excavations and Yu. V. Boltryk in 1994 completed them. The burial mound has not been excavated in full because of various reasons. The destiny of finds from this barrow was tragic. A lot of artifacts among them silver vessels from the hiding-place which was revealed by M. I. Veselovskiy were lost during the World War II when the collections of Kharkiv historic museum were evacuated. Scythian bronze pole-tops as one of the most interesting categories of artifacts for a long time attracted attention of scholar world. They were classified by types and date, their significance in funeral ceremony and everyday life was searched for. The questions still remain. In this article we tried to put into scholar circulation a scanty type of pole-tops with the image of pacing gryphon on the pear-shaped little bell which is characteristic only for Steppe Dnieper river region. For today only eight of them are known and most of them are originated from of the burial mounds of high Scythian aristocracy: Tovsta Mohyla, Haimanova Mohyla, Chmyrova Mohyla. Chronologically they are slightly differed from other pole-tops both with the image of deer on pear-shaped little bells from Tovsta Mohyla, and with the image of deer on flat cone bushes from Haimanova Mohyla. The question about the place of production of such pole-tops is still opened. Probably just these types of pole-tops could be produced in one workshop but not all known variety of objects as V. A. Ilinska thought. One of the problems to be solved by researchers is searching for such workshops. But if these objects have been moulded by wax models the task becomes more complicated.

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