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2022 ◽  
pp. 29-32
Ш.Р. Арипова ◽  
С.И. Дусмуратова

Изучение кабачка (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) в природно-климатических условиях Узбекистана и совершенствование технологии выращивания семенных плодов – важное направление селекционной работы по обогащению сортимента овощных культур и организации семеноводства этой культуры. Цель исследований: установить оптимальные сроки высева семян и посадки рассады перспективной линии короткоплетистой формы кабачка LZ-2513 при весеннем сроке выращивания на семенные цели. Исследования проводили в 2016 и 2019 годах на экспериментальном участке Научно-исследовательского института овощебахчевых культур и картофеля Республики Узбекистан (Ташкентский район Ташкентской области). Климат региона схож с условиями большинства овощеводческих хозяйств, расположенных в равнинной центральной части Узбекистана. Почвы опытного участка – типичные суглинки, окультуренные, влагоемкие, глубина залегания грунтовых вод – более 6–7 м, количество гумуса в почве – 0,641–0,943%, азота – 0,072–0,121%, фосфора – 0,130–0,171% и калия – 1,627–2,206%. Погодные условия 2016 и 2019 годов были благоприятными для роста и развития кабачка, за исключением засушливого июля и августа, в течение которых недостаток влаги компенсировали поливами. Испытаны четыре весенних срока посева и посадки рассады (в 2016 году – 3 апреля, 12 апреля, 20 апреля и 1 мая; в 2019 году – 1 апреля, 10 апреля, 21 апреля и 30 апреля). Делянки двухрядковые, длиной 10 м, схема размещения (140+70)/2×50 см. Площадь учетной делянки 21,0 м2. На каждой делянке размещались по 40 растений, повторность опыта четырехкратная. Установлено, что в условиях Ташкентской области Узбекистана наибольший выход семян из плодов у линии LZ-2513 был при выращивании кабачка рассадным способом в первой декаде апреля (в начале I и II декады апреля), а при безрассадной культуре – при посеве семян в начале апреля, что связано с наиболее благоприятными температурными условиями для культуры кабачка. The study of squash (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) in the natural and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan and the improvement of the technology of growing seed fruits is an important direction of breeding work is to enrich the assortment of vegetable crops and the organization of seed production of this crop. The purpose of the research: to establish the optimal timing of sowing seeds and planting seedlings of a promising line of short-leafed squash LZ-2513 at the spring period of cultivation for seed purposes. The research was carried out in 2016 and 2019 at the experimental site of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable and melon crops and Potato of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent district of the Tashkent region). The climate of the region is similar to the conditions of most vegetable farms located in the flat central part of Uzbekistan. The soils of the experimental site are typical loams, cultivated, moisture-intensive, the depth of groundwater is more than 6–7 meters, the amount of humus in the soil is 0.641–0.943%, nitrogen – 0.072–0.121%, phosphorus – 0.130–0.171% and potassium – 1.627–2.206%. Weather conditions in 2016 and 2019 were favorable for the growth and development of squash, with the exception of dry July and August, during which the lack of moisture was compensated by watering. 4 spring sowing and planting dates have been tested (in 2016 – April 3, April 12, April 20 and May 1; in 2019 – April 1, April 10, April 21 and April 30). Two-row plots, 10 m long, layout (140+70)/2×50 cm. The area of the accounting plot is 21.0 m2. 40 plants were placed on each plot, the repetition of the experiment was fourfold. It was found that in the conditions of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, the highest yield of seeds from fruits of the LZ-2513 line was established when squash was grown by seedling method in the first decade of April (at the beginning of the first and second decade of April), and with seedless culture – when sowing seeds in early April, which is associated with the most favorable temperature conditions for squash culture.

A. Gerasenko

The article is devoted to the most important direction of improving the investment policy of the concern «Belgospischeprom» - the creation of the Corporation of the food industry on the basis of the concern, which will make it possible to carry out a comprehensive reform of the food industry in the Republic of Belarus, including by pooling resources and reducing costs; more prompt and focused solution of issues related to the financial recovery of a number of organizations; increasing the return on state assets, primarily by improving the management system; centralization of management; creating an integrated value chain, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 362-369
Igor Yu. Savin

The full exploitation of the resource potential of arable lands was analyzed in the research. The problem of completeness of the use in different farming systems was considered. It was found that at the current stage of development of farming systems, the diversity of soils and lands and, accordingly, their resource potential were most successfully incorporated in adaptive-landscape farming systems and precision farming systems. Undoubtedly, the cost of precision farming systems will decrease in the future due to the cheapening of technical means. But without introducing scientific and methodological justification for accounting of diversity of soils and land plots (as in adaptive-landscape farming systems) and heterogeneity of crops into precision farming systems, increasing the completeness of land resource potential cannot be achieved. Another important direction to improve the full use of the land resource potential is the development of a new scientific direction - Econics, and the development of technologies for leveling the heterogeneity of fields. But these directions are at the very beginning of their development.

Ю.Ю. Чеботарева ◽  
В.Г. Овсянников ◽  
М.А. Родина ◽  
И.В. Подгорный ◽  
М.Я. Хутиева

Введение. Изучение механизмов развития репродуктивных нарушений в условиях эксперимента на крысах является одним из важных направлений современной патофизиологии. Крыса имеет функционирующий эстральный цикл, трехнедельную гестацию и гемохориальный тип плацентации. На циклических изменениях в яичниках и эпителии влагалища крысы базируется биологическое моделирование эндокринной гинекологической патологии. В настоящее время интерес представляет разработка экспериментальной модели нарушения полового созревания в периоде детства. Нарушение полового созревания может приводить к различным патологическим изменениям в сфере репродуктивного здоровья в будущем, актуальность данной проблемы очевидна. Цель работы - изучение современных аспектов моделирования преждевременного полового созревания у девочек. Методика. Анализ современных отечественных и зарубежных работ, касающихся механизмов преждевременного полового созревания и исследований в области моделирования данной патологии в экспериментах на крысах. Результаты. Преждевременное половое созревание у девочек - нарушение, проявляющееся развитием одного или комплекса признаков половой зрелости до 7 летнего возраста. Детерминация полового развития связана с особенностью генетических и эпигенетических факторов. К последним традиционно относят характер питания, стресс как адаптационную реакцию, интегрированную с активацией гормонопоэза. Фактор питания связан с функционированием гормонов жировой ткани, включая лептин, грелин, эффектами инсулиноподобного фактора роста. В ряде экспериментальных исследований, связанных с воздействием факторов питания, стресса и световой дезадаптации на репродуктивную систему животного, доказано значимое влияние последней на нейромедиаторные системы мозга. Наименее изученными в механизме преждевременного полового созревания остаются вопросы нейроэндокринной регуляции гонадной оси системой KISS/KISS1R. Продолжение изучения ассоциации изменения профиля нейромедиаторов моноаминового ряда и динамики кисспептина в эксперименте на крысах способно расширить представление о механизмах половой дифференцировки мозга и транслировать полученные данные в клиническую практику, связанную с обследованием девочек с преждевременным половым созреванием. Заключение. В связи с малой распространенностью и ограниченностью представлений о патогенезе преждевременного полового созревания, данная проблема требует детального изучения. Необходимо дальнейшее изучение патогенетических основ данной патологии в условиях биологического моделирования на самках крыс раннего возраста. Introduction. Studying pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for development of reproductive disorders in rat models is an important direction of modern pathophysiology. The rat has a functioning estrous cycle, a three-week gestation, and a hemochorial placentation. Biological modeling of endocrine gynecological pathology is based on cyclic changes in the ovaries and in the epithelium of the rat vagina. Currently, the development of an experimental model of puberty disorders in childhood is of interest. Premature puberty can lead to various pathological changes in future reproductive health. The relevance of this problem is obvious. The aim of this work was to study modern aspects of modeling premature puberty in girls. Method. Modern domestic and foreign reviews on the mechanism of premature puberty and studies of modeling this pathology in experiments on rats were analyzed. Results. Premature puberty in girls is a disorder manifested by the development of one or all signs of puberty as early as before the age of 7 yrs. Sexual development is associated with characteristic roles of genetic and epigenetic factors. The latter traditionally include nutrition and stress as an adaptive reaction integrated with the activation of hormone synthesis. The nutrition factor is related with the functioning of adipose tissue hormones, including leptin, ghrelin, and the effects of insulin-like growth factor. A number of experimental studies on rats addressing effects of nutrition, stress, and light maladaptation on the reproductive system have demonstrated its significant effect on brain neurotransmitter systems. Regarding the mechanism of premature puberty, the least studied issue is the neuroendocrine regulation of the gonadal axis by the KISS/KISS1R system. Continuing study of the association between changes in the profile of monoamine neurotransmitters and the dynamics of kisspeptin in experiments on rats can expand understanding of sexual differentiation mechanisms in the brain. The obtained data can be translated into clinical practice for the management of premature puberty in girls. Conclusion. Due to the rare prevalence of premature puberty and insufficient data on its pathogenesis, this problem requires detailed study. It is necessary to further study the mechanism of this pathology by biological modeling on female rats at an early age.

Tetyana Nazarova ◽  
Alina Havryk

The article considers the concept of financial stability of the company in modern conditions, reveals the real situation on this issue, indicates ways to improve the situation. An important direction is to ensure an adequate level of financial stability, which guarantees the rational use of resource potential and stable development in the future. Based on the issues and purpose of the study, an analysis of scientific papers was conducted to determine the concept of financial stability. Differences among scientists in understanding the concept and the problem of lack of clear directions and programs to improve the financial stability of the enterprise are identified. Taking into account the opinions of numerous authors, the determining internal and external factors influencing the financial stability of the enterprise are highlighted. It is determined that today economic and financial factors have the greatest impact on financial stability. The concept of internal and external financial stability is considered. To assess financial stability, it is proposed to use a system of indicators, as one specific group is not enough to characterize the level of stability. The negative consequences of financial instability with unsatisfactory indicators of financial stability are considered. Ways to increase financial stability are proposed. The importance of choosing a financial strategy as a lever in the development of the company is determined. The analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise is considered as a consistent, step-by-step consideration of all parameters related to the conduct of economic activity. Forecasting and analyzing measures to improve financial stability, it is noted that in the modern economy an important component of the process of developing and implementing the financial strategy of the enterprise is financial controlling. The importance of planning and control to ensure financial stability is revealed. Recommendations for stabilizing the company's financial activities have been developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-8
M. A. Shkolnikova

Проблема сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний на протяжении последних трех десятилетий в мире остается одной из наиболее актуальных для здравоохранения.

Serhii Maksymenko

In modern social development conditions, the competitive is the creative personality of a child, who carries out creative activity and self-develops. The possible ways of a child’s development in the light of genetic psychology, mainly genetic and creative approach, are revealed. The main mechanisms of creativity are presented. One important direction in digitalisation is researching the psychology of a personality as a real (not just imaginary) subject of study, as unique, unrepeatable and integral system, unity. Modern science lacks the main — the adequate method for the mentioned subject. The method acts as a central link of all the problems of the psychology of a personality; since it is not only a tool for obtaining the evidence-based facts but also a tool for embodying the scientific knowledge, and the way of its existence and storage. The human’s genetic phycology aims to study the conditions, in which the process of transforming the content and forms of personal mental phenomena, states of consciousness, and ways of action will be able to achieve the level of excellence of activities’ mental mechanisms, at the mentioned level the ability to make discoveries and inventions, create artistic images arises.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-125
Elina Krasilnikova ◽  
Inna Zhuravleva ◽  
Inna Zaika

The creation of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes in the structure of landscaping of hospitals and clinics is an important direction in the formation of the landscape and urban planning framework of cities to avoid the consequences of the pandemic. The landscape code of therapeutic gardens and therapeutic landscapes is scientifically grounded practical guidelines for the architectural and landscape design of the territories of healthcare facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (73) ◽  
pp. 26-33
S. Chesnokova

Indonesia is located on the archipelago, which consists of more than 17800 islands. This fact largely determined a structure of the transport system of the country. The Indonesian Central government's spending on transport has increased significantly in recent years (before 2020). This allowed the country to expand its transport network and improve access to remote areas of the archipelago. Maritime navigation provides a link between different parts of the country. On some islands, where there are no good roads, the main transport connection is via large rivers. The most important direction of the country's transport policy is the development of high-speed cargo and passenger sea connections with the most remote and inaccessible regions of the country, primarily with the Eastern part of Indonesia. A variety of vehicles are used on the roads of Indonesia. Bus routes are laid in all areas that have access to the road network. Since 2004, the TransJakarta rapid bus system has been operating in the country. Most of Indonesia's Railways are located in Java and are used for both passenger and freight transport. In March 2019, the Jakarta metro started operating. Indonesia's air transport is the most important means of communication between thousands of Islands throughout the archipelago and other countries. Many residents of the country have switched from land and sea transport to faster and more comfortable air transportation. Indonesia like other countries was severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. Further development of transport depends on how quickly the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and how effectively the authorities deal with its consequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2094 (5) ◽  
pp. 052006
A V Morev

Abstract Currently, there are quite serious problems in the methodology of conducting petrophysical studies. These problems have a significant impact on the process profitability of obtaining analysis results. Improving the efficiency of laboratory analyses is an important direction towards enhancement of the methodological approaches used in the laboratory practice. Automation of the process of recording the volume of water displaced from the chamber of a group capillarimeter while determining the water saturation of standard and full-size core samples is analyzed.

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