scholarly journals The Role of So-Called English Medium Schools in Teaching of English in Karachi, Pakistan

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 105
Nadia Saeed ◽  
Muhammad Ali Shaikh ◽  
Stephen John ◽  
Mahboob Dehraj ◽  
Zahid Ali Sahito

The purpose of this research study was to investigate the role of so-called English Medium schools in the teaching of English. In Pakistan, English is considered a gateway to success, a person having command on the language is offered a job while the other one having command on the subject matter is rejected, therefore it is a common trend in Pakistan that people belonging to all walks of life prefer to send their children to privately managed English medium schools. To measure the role schools in teaching English, both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted, and by using a purposive random sampling procedure one hundred and twenty heads of so-called English medium schools were selected. A questionnaire having close-ended and open-ended items were used to getting the opinions of schools’ heads regarding the role of school in teaching English. The quantitative responses were analyzed using SPSS while qualitative responses were sorted, labeled, and quantified. The data analysis reveals that privately managed schools are so-called English medium schools. They have neither qualified staff nor facilities which are required for the teaching of English.

Iryna Rusnak

The author of the article analyses the problem of the female emancipation in the little-known feuilleton “Amazonia: A Very Inept Story” (1924) by Mykola Chirsky. The author determines the genre affiliation of the work and examines its compositional structure. Three parts are distinguished in the architectonics of associative feuilleton: associative conception; deployment of a “small” topic; conclusion. The author of the article clarifies the role of intertextual elements and the method of constantly switching the tone from serious to comic to reveal the thematic direction of the work. Mykola Chirsky’s interest in the problem of female emancipation is corresponded to the general mood of the era. The subject of ridicule in provocative feuilleton is the woman’s radical metamorphoses, since repulsive manifestations of emancipation becomes commonplace. At the same time, the writer shows respect for the woman, appreciates her femininity, internal and external beauty, personality. He associates the positive in women with the functions of a faithful wife, a caring mother, and a skilled housewife. In feuilleton, the writer does not bypass the problem of the modern man role in a family, but analyses the value and moral and ethical guidelines of his character. The husband’s bad habits receive a caricatured interpretation in the strange behaviour of relatives. On the one hand, the writer does not perceive the extremes brought by female emancipation, and on the other, he mercilessly criticises the male “virtues” of contemporaries far from the standard. The artistic heritage of Mykola Chirsky remains little studied. The urgent task of modern literary studies is the introduction of Mykola Chirsky’s unknown works into the scientific circulation and their thorough scientific understanding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 773
Lia Ardiana Safitri

This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the significant role of WhatsApp in teaching vocabulary, especially staff learning achievement which was limited to vocabulary achievement as measured by a vocabulary test at Umbul Ponggok Klaten. Participants in this study amounted to 30 people consisting of 15 men and 15 women. All participants will learn English as a foreign language using WhatsApp to learn new vocabulary items via their mobile, tablet or laptop. Participants' English level will be measured. Random sampling procedure was carried out. To carry out the research, a true experimental design was used. The participants were assigned to two experimental and control groups. The assessment instrument in this study used a pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the use of the WhatsApp application in teaching vocabulary to the Umbul Ponggok Klaten staff was able to improve the achievement of new English vocabulary mastery of the Umbul Ponggok Klaten staff which was getting better.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Rena Juliana ◽  
Reni Juliani

Abstract The increasing role of English in this era of globalization seems to force us to recognize that English has a great impact on all aspects of life, so learning the English language is a must. Previously, studying English at Indonesian universities was limited to General English or English General Purposes, which became general subjects. However, over time, learning English has been developed specifically for English for Specific Purposes. This study is intended to show how the use of English learning at universities, especially in vocational education, works. In this study, the literature study was chosen as the research method. The literature study shows that the use of General English and English for Specific Purposes in higher education is very different. Where there is no special learning material for teaching General English. The learning material usually contains general knowledge of English. Unlike English for Specific Purposes, where teaching English for Specific Purposes requires special materials that are tailored to the needs of students depending on the subject. Keywords: Use, General English, English for Specific Purposes, University, Vocational Education. __________________________ Abstrak Meningkatnya peran bahasa Inggris di era globalisasi ini seolah memaksa kita untuk mengakui bahwa bahasa Inggris mempunyai pengaruh besar di segala aspek kehidupan sehingga mempelajari bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang wajib. Sebelumnya di Indonesia, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi hanya sebatas General English atau English for General Purposes yang menjadi mata kuliah umum, namun seiring berjalannya waktu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dikembangkan lagi secara khusus dalam mata kuliah English for Specific Purposes. Studi ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan kedua pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tersebut di perguruan tinggi khususnya pada pendidikan vokasi. Studi pustaka dipilih sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Dari studi kepustakaan tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa penerapan General English dan English for Specific Purposes di perguruan tinggi sangatlah berbeda antara keduanya. Dimana tidak ada materi pembelajaran khusus terhadap pengajaran General English. Materi pembelajaran biasanya berisikan pengetahuan umum tentang bahasa Inggris. Beda halnya dengan English for Specific Purposes, dimana dalam pengajaran English for Specific Purpose, dibutuhkan materi khusus yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dari mahasiswa sesuai dengan bidang yang mereka ambil. Kata Kunci: Penerapan, General English, English for Specific Purposes, Perguruan Tinggi, Pendidikan Vokasi. __________________________

2020 ◽  
Adnan Kabaalioglu ◽  
Nesrin Gunduz ◽  
Ayse Keven ◽  
Emel Durmaz ◽  
Mine Aslan ◽  

Kidney cysts are quite common in adults. Though small simple renal cysts in an adult over 30-40 years of age are not too unusual, however, if the same cysts are seen in a child, and especially if there are additional findings, then several diagnostic possibilities may come to mind. The role of ultrasound, together with the help of intravenous contrast agents and Doppler mode, are very critical in describing the morphologic features and follow-up of the complex or multiple and bilateral renal cysts. These sonographic signs are occasionally specific for diagnosis, but in many cases sonographic clues should be evaluated together with the other genetic and clinical data to reach diagnosis.The first part of this pictorial essay included the introduction into the subject and the classification of non-genetic cystic renal diseases. The key features for the non-genetic cystic renal diseases are illustrated. In the second part, eye-catching features of genetic cystic renal diseases are demonstrated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Agustin Hanafi ◽  
Mohamad Hedhayatullah Bin Mohamad

Nafkah merupakan salah satu daripada hak isteri yang perlu ditunaikan. Hukum ini telah termaktub di dalam Al-Quran dan sebagaimana yang diketahui oleh semua muslim, salah satu kewajiban seorang suami itu adalah menyediakan nafkah buat isterinya baik dalam  tempoh  perkawinan  maupun  pasca perceraian.  Namun,  mutakhir  ini,  banyak kasus yang melibatkan perilaku suami yang mengabaikan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK) merupakan pihak berwenang yang mampu mengatasi dengan sebaik mungkin segala permasalahan berkaitan dengan pemberian nafkah. BSK memberi peluang kepada mantan isteri untuk membuat tuntutan nafkah jika suami gagal atau enggan membayar nafkah sekaligus mengembalikan hak isteri. Pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam permasalahan ini adalah bagaimana peran BSK dalam menjamin terpenuhinya  nafkah isteri pasca perceraian dan bagaimana efektifitasnya (BSK) terhadap masalah penegakan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang peran (BSK) dalam masalah pemenuhan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis empiris yaitu kajian lapangan (field research) dan yuridis normatif yaitu kajian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan telaah dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, bahwa peran BSK dalam masalah pemenuhan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian berjalan secara efektif karena BSK memantau dan menangani masalah ketidakpatuhan mantan suami terhadap perintah nafkah Mahkamah Syariah melalui pembentukan Unit Khidmat Nasehat dan Perundangan, Unit Penguatkuasaan dan Pelaksanaan Perintah dan Unit Pengurusan Dana. Keberadaan BSK telah menjadi tempat rujukan dan   memberikan bantuan kepada mantan isteri. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat difahami bahwa pokok permasalahan dalam penyelesaian masalah pengabaian nafkah apabila mantan suami memahami  hal  berkaitan  agama  Islam  serta  mengetahui  hak  dan  tanggung  jawab terhadap isteri pasca perceraian.Kata Kunci: Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK) dan Nafkah Isteri Pasca Penceraian Living in one of the rights of wives that need to be shown. This law has been contained in the Koran and as it is known by all Muslims, one of the obligations of a husband is to provide a living for his wife both in the period of marriage or post-divorce. However, these cutting-edge, many cases involve the behavior of husbands who neglect the living wives post-divorce. The Family Support Division (BSK) is the authority who can cope with the best possible problems relating to the provision of the living. BSK allows the former wife to make a living claim if the husband fails or refuses to pay the living while returning the right of the wife. The question posed in this issue was the role of BSK in guaranteeing the fulfillment of the postpartum wife and how effectiveness (BSK) has been to the problem of establishing a divorce post. The study aims to find out about the role (BSK) in the issue of fulfilling wives after divorce. The research in this thesis was empirical, i.e. field research and normative juridical (library research) study. The methods of data collection used by the authors in this thesis are observations, interviews and documentation study. The results of the research obtained, that the role of BSK in the problem of fulfillment of wives post-divorce runs effectively because BSK monitors and addresses the problem of non-compliance of ex-husband against the order of Sharia court The establishment of the Advisory and Legal Unit, enforcement Unit and the execution of the Order and fund Management unit. The existence of BSK has been a referral place and provides relief to the former wife. Based on this, it can be understood that the subject matter in solving the issue of living if the former husband understands the matter related to Islam and knows the rights and responsibilities of the post-divorce wife.

Elena Kravtsova

L. S. Vygotsky’s principal idea, lying in the base of cultural-historical theory, is the primacy of sense over meaning. There are serious reasons to believe that this part of cultural-historical theory was not completely understood both by his disciples and his opponents. That’s why many Vygotsky’s conclusions and discoveries remained untapped. while others were implemented in science and practice quite di˙erently from what he suggested. Vygotsky once wrote that features of the particular science deeply related to its method. That’s why he introduced the experimental-genetic method (projective method in modern psychology), which allows modeling the processes of development. One of the basic concepts of cultural-historical theory is the concept of “cultural de-velopment”. A Cultural person, for Vygotsky, is the person, who can control not only their own behavior and actions but also their own psychic processes. On the one hand, modern psychology doesn’t deny the role of volition in child’s development. But on the other hand, the volition itself is typically understood as one’s ability to submit to laws and rules. More than that – it’s rather easy to create conditions where a person will submit to laws and rules, but it doesn’t develop his ability to control himself. In Vygotsky’s opinion, there are natural psychic functions, which in the process of learning transform into cultural ones. In this context, the main goal of learning is to create conditions for developing person’s ability to be the subject of his own behavior, activity and psychic.

M. Nur Erdem

Violence has been a part of daily life in both traditional and digital media. Consequently, neither the existence of violence in the media nor the debates on this subject are new. On the other hand, the presentation of violence in fictional content should be viewed from a different point of view, especially in the context of aesthetization. Within this context, in this chapter, the serial of Penny Dreadful is analyzed. As analyzing method, Tahsin Yücel's model of the “space/time coordinates of narrative” is used. And the subject of “aestheticization of violence” is analyzed through a serial with the elements of person, space, and time. Thus, the role of not only physical beauty but also different components in the aestheticization of violence is examined.

Joseph Conrad ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 51-70
Yael Levin

The chapter focuses on Conrad’s scenes of suspension as sites for an investigation of language and its role in the creation of the modernist subject. Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, and Victory are read as the serial restaging of an unsolicited encounter with the language of the other. These unwarranted interruptions contribute to an exploration of a particularly passive and fragmented subjectivity that relinquishes the agency and cohesion afforded the Cartesian cogito. The insistence on the oral tradition is thus read not as an attempt to resurrect speech within an essentially silent medium but as a dramatization of the role of language in the evolution of the modernist subject and the narrative that houses him. Those same experimental narrative techniques that are often associated with Conrad’s commitment to an inherently epistemological philosophical inquiry are attributed here to the author’s effort to chart the ontological coordinates of character and narration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 286 ◽  
pp. 119-132 ◽  
Eirini Chrysanthi Tsardaka ◽  
Eleni Pavlidou ◽  
Maria Stefanidou

The present research study is an effort to evaluate the effect of different nanoparticles in lime-pozzolan system, in time. nanosilica, nanoalumina and nanocalcium oxide were used in different combinations in this traditional binding system. The paper aims to record the durability of the traditional binding system in time, up to 365 days. For that purpose, the samples were subjected to ageing tests, such as wetting-drying cycles, sea water cycles and salt cycles. Up to 90 days, nanosilica benefits the most of the physic-mechanical properties, as well as the microstructure. Though, by studying the systems in time, the behavior of the other nanoparticles seems to favor certain properties more than nanosilica, especially at later ages. The addition of nanocalcium oxide combined with nanoalumina aids the improvement of the microstructure and the system presented great compressive after 40 cycles in ageing tests.

1993 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
S. Kruger

Business ethics in business training: Oratory or the actuality. This article is the culmination of an in-depth literature study. On the one hand an attempt is made to incorporate the views of different authors, while on the other hand an attempt is made to take part in the debate which is initiated by the current renewal of interest in the subject Business Ethics. Within this framework attention is paid to the question of whether business ethics can be taught and if so, to what extent it's influence will be felt. Secondly, an insight into the teaching of business ethics in the future is provided. Within this context the approach to the teaching, the content, the role of the student and the responsibility of the educator in particular are addressed. Opsomming Hierdie artikel is die resultaat van 'n indringende literatuurstudie. Daar word gepoog om enersyds verskillende skrywers se standpunte saam te vat, maar andersyds ook kritiese kommentaar te lower en deel te neem aan die debat wat deur die huidige opiewing in die belangstelling in Bestuursetiek bestaan. Binne die raamwerk sal aandag aan die volgende geskenk word: Die beantwoording van die vraag of Bestuursetiek onderrig kan word en indien wel die trefwydte daarvan. Tweedens 'n toekomsblik op die onderrig van Bestuursetiek. Binne die konteks word die benadering tot die onderrig/ die inhoud en die rol van die student en die verantwoordelikheid van die dosent bekvk.

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