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Published By STIE AAS Surakarta

2598-1153, 2598-1153

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 830
Nuning Setyowati

This research was conducted based on the phenomenon that exists in SMPN 1 Bataguh which shows that there are students who have low assertive behavior. Through the group guidance service, it is hoped that students' assertive behavior can be improved. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the field of personal guidance on Adolescent Psychology can improve assertive behavior in class IX students of SMPN 1 Bataguh. The type of research used in this research is Guidance and Counseling Action Research by carrying out three cycles. The subjects of this study were 18 students of class IX of SMPN 1 Bataguh who had low assertive behavior. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and questionnaires. While the data analysis technique used descriptive percentage and qualitative analysis. The results showed that prior to the application of the Adolescent Psychology material, the percentage of students who showed assertive behavior was 0%. After learning cycle 1, the percentage increased to 35%. And after giving learning in cycles II and III the increase in assertive behavior became 89%.This shows that group guidance services can improve assertive behavior in class IX students of SMPN 1 Bataguh. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that before applying the Adolescent Psychology material, the percentage of successful application of assertiveness was 0%. After the first cycle of learning, there was an increase in the percentage to 35%. And after the provision of learning cycles II and III increased to 89% of students who managed to improve their assertiveness. This means that assertiveness can be improved by providing group guidance with youth psychology material. Suggestions that can be given are that the supervising teacher should further develop group guidance services to help improve students' assertive behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 814
Khusnul KA. Nurcahyanti ◽  
Dyah Retno Kuswandani

Loyalty is a person’s attitude to maintain his job and do the job with maximum. Loyalty level’s can be seen from the turnover, some things that become loyalty factoris job satisfaction, compensation, work load, and career ladder perception. This study aims to determine statistically the influence of variable compensation, workload and perception with job satisfaction as a mediator of nurse loyalty in Type D Private Hospital in Banyumas Regency. The research sampling method using propotional random sampling amounted to 40 nurses. Data collection techniques by survey by distributing questionnaires. The method of analysis used is regression analysis. From the results of this study can be concluded that job satisfaction, compensation, and career ladder perception have an effect on nurse loyalty, work load does not have an effect on loyalty, compensation and perception of career ladder influence to job satisfaction and work load does not have an effect on to nurse job satisfaction. Keywords : compensation, workload, perception of career, satisfactio

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 824
Tutik Winarsih

This research abstract aims to design the integrity model of PBSC and OBSC in determining the priority of corrective action at ANZ Bank Indonesia Sales Comercial Banking Division. This study uses qualitative approach with case study method. The type of research used in this study is a type of 'description research'. Design research design of PBSC and OBSC integration model to determine the priority of corrective action at ANZ Bank Indonesia Sales Commercial Banking Division. The results showed that in the external perspective of improvement of ANZ Indonesia Bank organizationally with the same perspective becomes a priority is to develop programs for goal-oriented marketing. In the perspective of knowledge and learning organizationally with the same perspective the priority is to conduct planning interviews, training and assessments with employees based on individual performance plans and capability profiles. In a financial perspective the priority is to close an unprofitable business unit. Keywords: TPS, Organizational Balanced Scorecard, PBSC, Perspective Internal, External, Knowledge and Learning, Finance

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 781
Sugiyarmasto Sugiyarmasto ◽  
Erlina Setyaningrum

The research aims to determine and provide empirical evidence of , sales growth inventory turnover, receivables Turnover, and significant cash turnover on profitability in LQ 45 Company on Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2016-2018. The samples in this study used purposive sampling so obtained 21 company samples from 45 LQ 45 company population listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, with 63 observations of financial statements (21 companies x 3 years of financial statements warning). Dependent variables in this study, namely profitability. While independent variables in this study, sales growth namely inventory turnover, turnover receivables, , cash turnover. The data analysis method used is a type of multiple regression test to test the relationship of independent variables with the dependents The results of the research hypothesis testing proved that the turnover of receivables, and cash turnover significantly positively affect profitability. And sales growth has a negative and significant effect on profitability. While inventory turnover has a negative and insignificant effect on profitability in LQ 45 company in the Indonesia Keywords: sales growth,inventory turnover, turnover receivable, cash turnover,profitability

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 804
Renaldi Yayang Gustara ◽  
Mei Retno Adiwati

This research aims to find out the Influence of Leadership and Loyalty on Employee Performance at PT PLN UID East Java. Data collection methods include check lists, questionnaires, interview guidelines, to cameras for photos or to record images. In this case the method of collecting data through questionnaires by spreading questionnaires to employees of PT PLN UID JATIM. Modeling in the analysis of this study is to use PLS. The results showed that leadership styles that give a very good influence in improving employee performance, as well as employee loyalty have an influence in improving performance. The conclusion of this study is that employees will easily excel and easily improve their performance if the leadership or manager has a good nature, firm and not arbitrary towards employees. Meanwhile, employees who have high loyalty to the company will automatically improve performance directly. Keywords: Influence of Leadership, Loyalty, Employee Performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 791
Raynaldy Rizky Rahmawan ◽  
Mei Retno Adiwati

This research aims to find out the Effect of Training, Motivation, And Employee Satisfaction on Employee Performance. This study used questionnaires that used scoring techniques on likert scale techniques. The sample in this study is that all members of the population are sampled, namely Workers who work in UD. RAHMAN numbered 32 people. Analytical Techniques and Hypothesis Testing Techniques Analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of this study showed that training does not have a significant influence on employee performance, motivation has a significant effect on employee performance, satisfaction does not have a significant influence on employee performance. Keywords: Effect of Training, Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 773
Lia Ardiana Safitri

This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the significant role of WhatsApp in teaching vocabulary, especially staff learning achievement which was limited to vocabulary achievement as measured by a vocabulary test at Umbul Ponggok Klaten. Participants in this study amounted to 30 people consisting of 15 men and 15 women. All participants will learn English as a foreign language using WhatsApp to learn new vocabulary items via their mobile, tablet or laptop. Participants' English level will be measured. Random sampling procedure was carried out. To carry out the research, a true experimental design was used. The participants were assigned to two experimental and control groups. The assessment instrument in this study used a pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the use of the WhatsApp application in teaching vocabulary to the Umbul Ponggok Klaten staff was able to improve the achievement of new English vocabulary mastery of the Umbul Ponggok Klaten staff which was getting better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 761
Mardiyanto Mardiyanto

The background of this research is that there are still many students who have not been able to do the basic techniques of playing table tennis, besides that many students have not yet completed the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) with a score of 70.The formulation of the problem based on the background is as follows: Is the application of wall media can improve the results of learning table tennis in class VII.4 SMPN 3 Selat. The purpose of this study was to determine: the improvement of learning outcomes in table tennis for VII.4 grade students of SMPN 3 Selat through the application of modified learning tools. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has 4 steps, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data source of this research was students of Class VII.4 SMPN 3 Selat, totaling 30 people consisting of 13 male students and 17 female students. Data collection techniques using observation, ability tests and learning outcomes to play table tennis. Data collection techniques using observation, ability tests and learning outcomes to play table tennis. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the study, learning through the application of modified learning tools can improve learning outcomes of table tennis in class VII.4 students of SMPN 3 Selat. From the results of the analysis obtained a very significant increase from cycle I and cycle II. The learning outcomes in the first cycle in the complete category were 41.94% and in the second cycle there was an increase in student learning outcomes in the complete category by 87.10%. So it can be concluded that learning table tennis through wall media can improve student learning outcomes at SMPN 3 Selat. From the analysis results obtained a significant increase from cycle I and cycle II. Some suggestions, especially for SMPN 3 Selat teachers are as follows: teachers should be more innovative in delivering learning material. Teachers should provide learning to students with simple games but contain material elements, so that students are not bored in following the lesson. The teacher should provide a simple, efficient, effective, and cost-effective modification of learning tools to make it visible or held directly by students, because it can motivate students to always try and repeat it continuously

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 755
Faris Budiman ◽  
Retno Sunu Astuti

The problem raised in this study is how the innovation of "New Sakpole" as an e-government-based public service strategy for motor vehicle tax payments in Central Java. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to describe the "New Sakpole" innovation as an e-government-based public service strategy for the payment of motor vehicle taxes by the Central Java Government. The theory used in this research is the theory of public policy and innovation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis (data reduction, presentation and conclusion). The results of the study indicate that "New Sakpole" is an innovation of the Central Java government's public policy in terms of encouraging people to be obedient and disciplined in paying motor vehicle taxes. This policy is very effective because it can cut people's time and energy, and does not cause crowds of people. The public policy of "New Sakpole" as one of the innovations of the Central Java government is a breakthrough that has never been done by other governments. This policy can be imitated by other governments in order to boost the income of the tax sector, especially the motor vehicle tax sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 746
Yulia Budiwati ◽  
Dika Yudanto

Penelitian tentang kriminologi terhadap Kenakalan Remaja ini dilakukan karena merupakan sebuah perilaku yang menyimpang yang terjadi pada kalangan remaja. Kenakalan remaja menunjuk perilaku remaja yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang hidup di dalam masyarakatnya. Dari segi hukum kenakalan remaja digolongkan dalam dua kelompok yang berkaitan dengan norma-norma hukum yaitu: (1) kenakalan yang bersifat amoral dan sosial serta tidak diatur dalam undang-undang sehingga tidak dapat atau sulit digolongkan sebagai pelanggaran hukum; (2) kenakalan yang bersifat melanggar hukum dengan penyelesaian sesuai dengan undang-undang dan hukum yang berlaku sama dengan perbuatan melanggar hukum bila dilakukan orang dewasa. Selanjutnya budaya atau kebudayaan berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yaitu buddhayah, yang merupakan bentuk jamak dari buddhi (budi atau akal) diartikan sebagai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan budi dan akal manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, aparat penegak hukum benar-benar dapat memahami faktor-faktor penyebab hal tersebut, sehingga dapat merumuskan langkah-langkah yang efektif untuk mencegah agar kasus-kasus kejahatan yang dilakukan remaja tidak bertambah. Berdasarkan dari kasus yang ada di polresta Surakarta pada tahun ini terutama pada peran keluarga dalam mendidik anak pada usia remaja, tingkat kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh remaja masih tergolong rendah, hal ini dikarena peran pemerintah melalui dinas terkait dalam melakukan preventif pembinaan dan penyuluh berjalan dengan lancar dan terjadwal. Polresta Surakarta dalam menanggulangi remaja adalah: (1) Upaya preventif, berupa: (a) Penjagaan di tempat-tempat yang rawan terjadinya tindakan kenakalan remaja, (b) Patroli ke tempat-tempat yang rawan terjadinya kenakalan remaja, (c) Penyuluhan ke sekolah-sekolah, masyarakat, dan karangtaruna, (d) Penyampaian pesan-pesan Kamtibmas (keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat) kepada para warga, (e) Pengaturan lalu lintas, (f) Latihan Safety Riding. (2) Upaya Represif, berupa: (a) Upaya (b) Penggiringan ke Dinas Sosial bagi para pekerja seks komersial untuk dibina, (c) Penilangan bagi pelanggar lalu lintas, (d) Upaya rehabilitasi bagi para penyalahguna narkoba, (e) Penangkapan para pelaku kenakalan remaja untuk selanjutnya diproses secara hukum Kata kunci : Kriminologi, Kenakalan Remaja, Surakarta

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