2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-138
Iryna Tsymbaliuk

The public governance decentralization requires the redistribution of financial resources for the powers imple-mentation delegated to local authorities. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of financial decen-tralization and the peculiarities of its implementation in Ukraine and some other countries. The article reveals the essence of financial decentralization and related concepts defining the financial autonomy of local authorities. The features of the revenue part of local budgets formation in different countries of the world in the conditions of financial decentralization are revealed. A comparison of the main elements of the intergovernmental tax distribu-tion in some unitary countries of Europe has been made. The dynamics of tax revenues to budgets of different lev-els in Ukraine is determined. The distribution of tax revenues between budgets of different levels is presented in the context of financial decentralization in Ukraine. The obtained results of the analysis made it possible to deter-mine that for a successful decentralization reform, local authorities should be given sufficient financial resources to fulfill their responsibilities for solving local problems and ensuring regional development.

2018 ◽  
pp. 19-27
Natalia TRUSOVA ◽  

Introduction. Increasing the profitability of local budgets is an important issue on the way to the plundering of territorial communities, because local budgets take the main place in the socio-economic development of the territories. Particular relevance of this issue comes in terms of decentralization reform, which gives new opportunities for increasing thefinancial base of local budgets. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify the peculiarities of the formation of revenues of local budgets of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization of financial resources. Results. The theoretical questions of formation of the revenue part of local budgets are considered. The structure of the distribution of tax and non-tax revenues between the levels of the budget system of Ukraine, the role of inter-governmental transfers in the system of budget revenues of the combined terri-torial communities are investigated. The influence of decentralization reform on formation of the revenue part of local budgets is determined. Conclusions. The changes that have been made to the budget legislation in the process of decentralization reform have affected the structure of distribu-tion and source of local budgets, and strengthened the financial base of local authorities. However, it is precisely from the efforts of local self-government, the adoption of quality management decisions depends on the rational and effi-cient use of budget funds and the successful development of the community.

B. S. Huzar ◽  
О. М. Trus

European and world experience testifies that the major element of reform of decentralization in Ukraine is reformation of local selfgovernment, creation of capable territorial communities, that must be able to satisfy the necessities related to the vital functions of habitants of settlements, and also properly to provide realization of their rights. The input of new mechanism of the budgetary adjusting changed the system of total balancing of all local budgets on the horizontal smoothing of taxability of territories depending on the level of receivabless on one habitant. The significant amount of budgetary facilities remains in the complete order of local authorities. Reform of interbudgetary relations stimulates territorial communities more effective to fill the estimates, become self-sufficient and carefully plan the charges. The local government independently decides on which needs spend budgetary funds, which is especially important for the development of united territorial communities. The article examines the essence of budget decentralization, its role and place in the development of united territorial communities. An assessment and analysis of budgetary decentralization in Ukraine has been carried out. The features of the introduction of budgetary decentralization in Ukraine are investigated, the main factors influencing the income and expenditures of local budgets are determined. Implementation of the decentralization reform, which has been ongoing in Ukraine for six years, includes a set of sectoral reforms, in particular, the reform of the administrative-territorial structure and the system of local self-government, and See also fiscal legislation. One of the key objectives of the reform is the voluntary unification of territorial communities and the formation of capable administrative-territorial units of the basic level. Thanks to the introduction of inter-municipal cooperation, the communities were able to consolidate their efforts and to implement common projects. In particular, 1354 territorial communities have signed 604 cooperation agreements. That is, the process of decentralization continues, they believed in it, and the resistance of opponents is being overcome. First, the reform of financial decentralization, local budget revenues show positive dynamics: in 2014 their volume was UAH 80.2 billion, then over six years, own revenues to the general fund of local budgets has increased by UAH 209.9 billion. and represented in 2020 UAH 290.1 billion. Total receipts from the general and special funds for this period increased by UAH 210.2 billion. This is a real instrument of influence on the achievement of results and responsibility for the trust of communities. The basis for the growth of revenues of local budgets was laid thanks to the changes adopted in 2015 to the Budget and Tax Codes of Ukraine regarding the transfer of additional budgetary powers to local governments and the consolidation of stable sources of income for their implementation. Financial decentralization in Ukraine has significantly accelerated the dynamics of investment activity. An important positive result of the reform of interbudgetary relations is the annual increase in investment resources of local budgets. After a sharp decline in investment activity in 2014, the volume of capital investments amounted to UAH 5.9 billion, while in 2020 their volume amounted to UAH 43.6 billion. On the average capital investments from local budgets in Ukraine for the years under study has increased by UAH 33.4 billion, the capital investment growth index was 7.39. Further implementation of the reform of budgetary decentralization and ensuring the effectiveness of the mechanism of budgetary regulation of socio-economic development requires expanding the rights of local authorities, strengthening their budgetary independence and determining their responsibility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-73
S. G. Chepik ◽  
O. V. Chepik

The purpose of the article is to study the issues of development and rational use of local budgets of agro-industrial territories. The authors have analyzed specific indicators of the local budget typical for the Ryazan region for 2014– 2016 — the Kaninsky rural settlement of the Sapozhkovsky District. Due to the economic-statistical and SWOT-analysis, some problem aspects have been revealed. In particular, local authorities do not have an opportunity to independently draw up their own full budgets. As a rule, they are pumped up at the expense of financial sources not controlled by the rural administrations. This has a number of negative consequences: it does not contribute to revitalizing and rationalizing actions of the local authorities to replenish the tax potential of the territory; it reduces the administration’s responsibility for the budget execution and meeting commitments to the public; it causes dependency of local rural administrations while developing the revenue part of the budget; it does not contribute to the development of economic initiatives. The authors conclude that to improve the development and rational use of local budgets of rural settlements, it makes sense: to consolidate the results-oriented principles of medium-term planning and budgeting; to accept the requirement for further decentralization of the budget system and to provide real budget independence; to provide effective control over budgets of all levels and their real transparency.

Dastan Aseinov

The authority for taxation might be delegated to the local governments to expand their financial autonomy through increasing their revenue. This study aims to assess the financial autonomy of local governments in Kyrgyzstan in terms of tax revenues. The taxing power of local governments examined using local budget data for period of 2007-2017. We use variables as reflecting the level of taxing power. Variables measured as ratio of total local government tax revenue, different types of taxes revenue to the total revenue or to the total tax revenues. This study also looks at the legal framework for delegating taxation powers to local authorities. The results show that financial autonomy of local governments in terms of taxation is low. Local governments in Kyrgyzstan largely depends on transfers from the central government budget. According to the legal framework, the tax powers of local administrations is within narrow limits. Since increasing the financial autonomy through expanding the taxing power of local governments poses problems this needs to be solved, like a narrow tax base and inefficient tax administration in the regions. Thus, it can be argued that it is too early to transfer taxation power to local governments.

2018 ◽  
pp. 20-31

Introduction.The objective reason for the existence of an institution of local budgets is an increase in the efficiency of the provision of public services guaranteed by the state due to the proximity of such services to the immediate consumer. This process is based on the principle of subsidiarity, requires a sufficient level of financial security of local budgets and demonstrates the basic idea of the concept of fiscal decentralization. The decentralization reform is systematic and involves structural changes in various spheres of public life. The object of research of this article is the impact of changes in tax and budget laws aimed at decentralization on structure and dynamics of income and expenditures of local budgets. Purpose.The purpose of the article is to identify trends, priorities and unresolved issues in financing local budget expenditures, compare dynamics of expenditures with dynamics and structural changes in local budget revenues. Results. In the course of the research, the expenditures and revenues of local budgets of Ternopil region during 2004-2017 were analysed, comparison with trends in Ukraine was made. It has been established that due to slowed down economic growth and a systematic decrease in the share of own revenues in recent years, the amount of funding for institutions and activities in the social and cultural sphere has been reduced and the transfer of important functions to the local level was not accompanied by the transfer of sufficient amount of financial resources. Conclusions.The strategic goal of decentralization is to ensure the availability and proper quality of public services for all categories of the population. The decentralized budget system should function on the basis of a coordinated, unified national cooperation policy for many independent institutions, each of which has a legislatively defined sphere of autonomy. Since tax revenues form the main volume of own revenues of local budgets, the issue of improving the efficiency of tax administration comes to the forefront in the context of decentralization changes. Therefore, on the way to ensuring the increase of tax revenues, the strategic goal of local authorities should be to promote economic development of regions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Liubov PETYK ◽  
Andrii PETROVYCH ◽  

The paper examines the essence of the concept of “tax (fiscal) decentralization” according to different views of domestic and foreign scholars. The theoretical concept of tax (fiscal) decentralization is analyzed and defined. The stages of the legislative basis for tax decentralization reform in Ukraine are studied, in particular, the norms of the Law “On Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine on Reform of Intergovernmental Relations” and “The Concept of Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power” are considered and analyzed. It is determined what types and amounts of tax revenues go to local budgets according to the introduced legislative changes. The dynamics of own revenues of local budgets during 2014–2019 is studied and the diagram is constructed. The dynamics and structure of tax revenues to local budgets by types of taxes during the period of decentralization reform in Ukraine are considered. Revenues for such types of taxes as income tax, state duty, environmental tax, domestic taxes, local taxes, personal income tax and the general dynamics of tax revenues were studied. The dynamics of revenues to the consolidated budget of Ukraine is studied. The dynamics of the share of local budget revenues in the consolidated budget revenues of Ukraine is calculated and analyzed. A comparison of local budget revenues and intergovernmental transfers during the period of decentralization reform was made. As a result, the lack of orientation of the country's budget policy to the policy of fiscal decentralization was confirmed. The problems of tax decentralization have been identified, among which the main problem is the lack of orientation of the country's budget policy to the policy of fiscal decentralization. Measures to improve the process of tax decentralization in Ukraine have also been proposed, among which the development of such measures that would allow local budgets to receive both additional tax opportunities and optimize expenditures is a priority.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 480-498
Geoffrey Dudley ◽  
David Banister ◽  
Tim Schwanen

The pressures on urban local authorities to deliver mobility strategies highlight both their need and ability to connect problems and solutions, and then successfully implement the schemes. These difficulties are compounded by other distinctive pressures, from both above and below. From above there can be pressures from national government to deliver strategies, but at the same time not necessarily be provided with the necessary financial and political resources. From below, there can be an attraction towards innovators who can provide strategies at apparently little or no cost to the public sector. These relationships can be unpredictable and unstable, while the technologies themselves can display weaknesses, and be subject to change. The dynamics of the delivery of micromobility can therefore offer strong challenges to urban local authorities in constructing stable networks, mobilizing public support for their actions, and in linking in with other transport services. The two case studies selected here cover the development of bicycle hire in the UK, with particular reference to dockless bicycle hire. Even when the local authorities have active intentions to oversee successful innovations, they are unlikely to succeed without the stronger involvement of central government, including the necessary statutory powers, together with adequate financial resources and associated expertise.

2018 ◽  
pp. 70-81 ◽  

Introduction. Government grants are a very specific instrument in the functioning of local budgets. On the one hand, the high degree of liberalization of their use makes it possible for local authorities to channel financial resources to programmes and measures that, subjectively, are most needed for the economic and social development of territories. On the other hand, such liberalization poses a potential threat to the self-sufficiency of local budgets in Ukraine. Even with the formation of an open and civil society, such phenomena as corruption in the authorities, political lobbyism, inefficient planning and management of financial resources are still deeply engrained into the system of intergovernmental transfers. Purpose. Analysis of domestic experience of government grants in local budget revenues and justification of proposals to ensure their effectiveness. Methods. In the course of writing the article, several methods were used. Among them were the method of scientific abstraction and analogues, analysis, formal logic and dialectics. Results. It has been established that government grants, as an integral element of intergovernmental transfers in democratically-developed countries, are a fairly effective method of budget regulation. They allow you to remove a fixed amount of funds from a higher-level budget to balance the lower-level budget in case of excessive expenditure over income. It is substantiated that government grants exhausted themselves in Ukraine, as evidenced by a decrease of their share in the structure of local budget revenues by more than ten times. This is due to corruption in the authorities, political lobbying, inefficient planning and management of financial resources. While until 2014 government grants were used almost equally to subventions, today their fiscal role has much lessened. Conclusion. The decrease in government grants in the revenues of local budgets of Ukraine does not in any way suggest a reduction of the transfer dependence of local authorities. In addition, their cancellation is not considered as part of further reform of inter-budgetary relations. The general increase in the amount of financial assistance from the centre indicates a lacking motivation of local authorities to increase their own revenue base, and that paternalism has transformed into a budget “dependency”.

M. Knir ◽  
V. Delas ◽  
N. Budnyk

The article generates the main results of the first stage of decentralization reform in Ukraine during the period from 2014 to 2018. The aim of the article is to analyze the process of decentralization in Ukraine, highlight the revenues and expenditures of local budgets and justify the need to create a development strategy for Amalgamated Territorial Communities (ATC). Considering the given indicators it is proved that the goal of ensuring financial autonomy and transparency of local authorities can be considered to be achieved. The interrelation of expansion of powers for local authorities and obtaining budgetary independence and increase of motivation to increase profitability is analysed. The development strategy for the Amalgamated Territorial Communities (ATC) is assessed. Proposals for increasing the capacity of the second stage of the reform are provided. The findings are useful for practitioners and researchers to gain knowledge on the practical issues and challenges of decentralization reform in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
I. Tsymbaliuk ◽  
V. Smaliukh ◽  
O. Kolisnychenko

It is determined that local budgets are the main financial institution in the financial system of local governments, occupying the central place in the economic system of each state. The objective of the paper is to analyze the structure of local budget revenues and determine the areas for its optimization. The paper provides the analytical evaluation of the local budget revenues structure. The results of the analysis of the local budget revenues structure showed the strengthening of the tax revenues role in the consolidated budget revenues of Ukraine. The role of inter-budget transfers in the formation of local budget revenues is determined. Indicators of the volume and dynamics of tax revenues in the structure of the revenue side of local budgets are considered. The general structure of tax revenues is analyzed. The share of basic taxes in the total amount of local budget revenues is determined. The general structure of tax revenues is analyzed. The share of basic taxes in the total amount of local budget revenues is determined. Special attention is paid to the system of local taxes and fees and its transformation in the context of financial decentralization reform. Disclosure of the of local budget revenues structure and the role of taxes in their formational make it possible to establish that budget revenues are tax, non-tax and other revenues that are carried out on the non-refundable basis and the solution provided by the legislation of Ukraine. It is established that the share of own revenues of local budgets is gradually increasing, at the same time, there is a significant dependence of local budgets on inter-budget transfers, which contradicts the principles of financial decentralization and does not ensure the effective development of the regions. Analysis of the local budget revenues structure shows the strengthening of the tax revenues role, which is the consequence of the decentralization reform. It is defined that the significant changes took place in 2015, and as a result the share of local taxes and fees in local budget revenues reached 22.4%. The largest specific share in the structure of local taxes and fees are the revenues from land fees and the single tax. At the same time, the largest source of pumping up the budgets is personal income tax (PIT). On the basis of the above mentioned it is proved the reform of the system of taxation by local taxes and fees should be aimed at strengthening the revenue share of local budgets and increase their financial independence.

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