2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny II (XXI) ◽  
pp. 401-415
Jarosław Witkowski

In the present article the author discusses government employers of public servants on the example of certain acts. The aim of the present article is indication of government employers of public servants of Border Guard, Prison Service, Agency for Internal Security, Intelligence Agency, Marshal Service, Customs Service and Secret Service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
pp. 183-218
Paweł Gacek

Initiation of criminal proceedings in the case of intent offence subject to a public accusation as a prerequisite of suspending an officer of the Internal Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency This paper is entirely devoted to the prerequisite of obligatory suspension of an officer of the Internal Security Agency or the Foreign Intelligence Agency. This regulation is included in the Article 58 sec. 1 of the Act on the Internal Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency. Suspension from official duties is obligatory in the event of an initiation of criminal proceedings in the case of an intent offence subjected to a public accusation. Therefore, attention was focused on the wording: “initiation of criminal proceedings in the case of intent offence prosecuted with public accusation against an officer of the International Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency” as a condition enabling the use of the legal construct included in Article 58 sec. 1 of the Act on the International Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency. This happens in a situation of changing the phase of preparatory proceedings in the criminal case prosecuted against an officer of the International Security Agency or the Foreign Intelligence Agency from in rem to ad personam, submitting subsidiary indictment to the court and reopening of the criminal proceedings. Artykuł został poświęcony problematyce związanej z przesłanką obligatoryjnego zawieszenia funkcjonariusza ABW albo AW w czynnościach służbowych. Ta regulacja jest zawarta w art. 58 ust. 1 Ustawy z dnia 24 maja 2002 r. o Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego oraz Agencji Wywiadu. Zawieszenie w czynnościach służbowych jest obowiązkowe w przypadku wszczęcia postępowania karnego w sprawie o przestępstwo umyślne ścigane z oskarżenia publicznego. Uwagę skoncentrowano na sformułowaniu „wszczęcie postępowania karnego o przestępstwo umyślne ścigane z oskarżenia publicznego przeciwko funkcjonariuszowi ABW albo AW” jako na przesłance warunkującej zastosowanie konstrukcji prawnej zawartej w art. 58 ust. 1 ustawy o ABW i AW. Następuje to w sytuacji zmiany stadium postępowania przygotowawczego prowadzonego wobec funkcjonariusza ABW albo AW z in rem w ad personam, wniesienia subsydiarnego aktu oskarżenia do sądu, a także wznowienia postępowania karnego.

2020 ◽  
Vol 196 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-307
Marian Kopczewski ◽  
Zbigniew Ciekanowski ◽  
Anna Piotrowska

The article presents the most important legal acts regulating the activities of special services in Poland in the years 1990-2018. As part of the political transformation, the Office of State Protection (Polish abbrev. UOP) was set up according to the Act of April 6, 1990. It replaced the previous civil intelligence and counterintelligence. In 2002, the Office was liquidated and replaced the Intelligence Agency (Polish abbrev. AW), and the Internal Security Agency (Polish abbrev. ABW) were established under the Act of May 24, 2002. The AW was created to protect the external security of the state, while the ABW was intended to protect the internal security of the state and its constitutional order. The mentioned Act divided the tasks between those services. Even though preventing and detecting crimes of corruption of public officers was one of the ABW’s tasks, the Act of June 9, 2006, established the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (Polish abbrev. CBA), giving it the status of a special service, although the CBA performs typical police tasks. On the other hand, the Act of June 9, 2006, on the Military Counterintelligence Service (Polish abbrev. SKW) and the Military Intelligence Service (Polish abbrev. SWW) constituted a legal basis for the operation of both services in place of the liquidated Military Information Services (Polish abbrev. WSI). The article focuses on the services currently operating. The legal regulations constituting the basis for their functioning were analyzed. These are mainly competence acts, to which many amendments were introduced. They resulted, among others, from the implementation of directives and regulations of European institutions, decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal, the introduction of new laws, concerning, e.g., the establishment of the State Protection Service (Polish abbrev. SOP) or changes in the Marshal’s Guard’s powers. Attention was drawn to numerous ordinances amending the statutes, particularly as regards the ABW, and thus reorganizing the structures of offices.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Alex Cavalcante Alves

<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: 150%; text-indent: 0cm;"> </p><p class="PargrafoPablo">A recondução, que consiste no retorno do servidor público estável ao cargo anteriormente ocupado, em razão da reintegração do anterior ocupante ou de inabilitação em estágio probatório relativo a outro cargo, reveste-se de grande complexidade quando em sua aplicação prática nas repartições públicas. Por sua vez, a recondução de servidor federal após o exercício de cargo sob regime federal específico ou em outros entes federativos é, dentre os temas específicos no âmbito da recondução, um dos que mais controvérsia tem gerado ao longo do tempo, especialmente por trazer à tona o debate sobre a autonomia dos entes federativos sob a ótica da gestão de pessoas. O presente artigo pretende tratar tanto da evolução administrativa quanto da jurisprudencial que levaram à construção da interpretação atual sobre a recondução de servidor federal, quando esta se dá após o exercício de cargo sob regime federal específico ou cargo em outros entes federativos.</p><p class="PargrafoPablo"> </p><p class="PargrafoPablo">The reassignment, which consists in the return of the stable public servant to the position previously occupied, due to the reintegration of the previous occupant or disqualification probationary in relation to another position, is very complex when in its practical application in the public offices. Furthermore, the reassignment of a federal servant after the exercise of a position under a specific federal regime or in other federative units is, among the specific topics in the scope of reassignment, one of the most controversial ones, especially for bringing to the debate the autonomy of federative entities from the point of view of people management. The present article intends to deal with the administrative evolution and the jurisprudence that led to the construction of the current interpretation on the reassignment of federal servants, when this occurs after the exercise of a position under a specific federal regime or in other federative units.</p><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: 150%; text-indent: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: medium;"><br /></span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 110-131
Paweł Gacek

Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy zakazu członkostwa funkcjonariusza Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego i Agencji Wywiadu w partii politycznej oraz uczestnictwa w działalności tej partii lub na jej rzecz. Zakaz, o którym mowa, został ustanowiony w art. 81 ust. 1 ustawy z 24 maja 2002 r. o Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego oraz Agencji Wywiadu. Służba publiczna wymaga wprowadzenia pewnych ograniczeń praw funkcjonariuszy w stosunku do reszty członków społeczeństwa. Neutralność polityczna stanowi gwarancję właściwej realizacji zadań i celów wymienionych formacji. Wskazano, że przepis art. 81 ust. 1 ustawy o Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego oraz Agencji Wywiadu zawiera dwie niezależne od siebie normy prawne, tj. zakaz członkostwa w partii politycznej oraz zakaz uczestnictwa w działalności partii politycznej lub na jej rzecz. Uwagę skupiono na wskazaniu granic tych zakazów. W tym aspekcie wytyczono sferę dozwolonego zachowania funkcjonariusza. Podkreślono również, że ograniczenia, o których mowa, nie naruszają praw i wolności zagwarantowanych Konstytucją RP. The prohibition of political party membership and of participation in political party activities or on its behalf imposed on officers of the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency This paper was entirely devoted to the issues connected with the prohibition of membership in a political party of an officer of the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency and the participation in the activities of that party or on its behalf. This prohibition was established in Article 81 (1) of the Act of 24 May 2002 of the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency. Public service requires the introduction of certain restrictions on the rights of officers in relation to the rest of members of society. Political neutrality guarantees proper implementation of the tasks and aims of this formation. There was indicated that aforementioned provision of Article 81 (1) of the Act of 24 May 2002 of the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency contains two independent legal norms i.e. prohibition of membership in a political party and prohibition of participation in the activities of political party or on its behalf. Attention was therefore focused on indicating the limits of these prohibitions. In this aspect, the sphere of official behavior has been demarcated. There was also underlined that these limits in question do not violate the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Polish Constitution.

2017 ◽  
pp. 157-172
Itai Kohavi ◽  
Wojciech Nowiak

Since the 1967 war in the Middle East, The Israeli settlements in the West Bank have always been one of the most controversial topics in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This article deals with the question: What is the impact of the West Bank settlements on the national security of Israel? The approach used to explore these issues is face-to-face in-depth interviews, during 2016, with 27 high-ranking Israeli Generals from the Military Intelligence (Aman), the National Intelligence Agency (Mossad), the Internal Security Agency (Shabak), the National Security Council (Malal), the Planning Branch of the General Staff (Agat), and the Prime Minister’s close circle of advisors. The interviews revealed three perspectives on the importance of the settlements for the Israeli national security. The first, views the settlements as a contribution to the national security of Israel, the second, views the settlements as a heavy national security liability, and the third, views the question as an irrelevant one, explaining that no one asks if Tel Aviv is important for the national security of Israel. As securitization of political messages is arguably at least as common in Israel as in other countries, with immediate national security challenges, the detailed perspectives of the Israeli National Security Elite (INSE) helps to extract the professional security rationales from the misleading political clatter. The article can be of interest to policy makers and researchers who deal with national security in general and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular.

2003 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-226 ◽  
Bart Duriez ◽  
Claudia Appel ◽  
Dirk Hutsebaut

Abstract: Recently, Duriez, Fontaine and Hutsebaut (2000) and Fontaine, Duriez, Luyten and Hutsebaut (2003) constructed the Post-Critical Belief Scale in order to measure the two religiosity dimensions along which Wulff (1991 , 1997 ) summarized the various possible approaches to religion: Exclusion vs. Inclusion of Transcendence and Literal vs. Symbolic. In the present article, the German version of this scale is presented. Results obtained in a heterogeneous German sample (N = 216) suggest that the internal structure of the German version fits the internal structure of the original Dutch version. Moreover, the observed relation between the Literal vs. Symbolic dimension and racism, which was in line with previous studies ( Duriez, in press ), supports the external validity of the German version.

Odile Husain

Le présent article tente d’effectuer un rapprochement entre un article européen de Rossel et Merceron et un livre américain de Reid Meloy, tous deux consacrés à l’analyse des organisations psychopathiques. Si tous les auteurs s’entendent sur l’économie narcissique du psychopathe, le choix de la population d’étude diffère quelque peu, en raison de l’approche structurale des premiers et de l’approche symptomatique du second. Tandis que l’étude suisse ne retient que des psychopathes du registre des états-limites, l’étude américaine inclut également des psychopathes de niveau psychotique. Par contre, la mésentente règne au niveau des outils d’analyse du discours psychopathique: analyse statistique et échelles validées chez Meloy; approche qualitative chez Rossel et Merceron. Aux premiers, l’on reprochera un certain réductionisme et appauvrissement du discours, prix à payer pour le respect de la standardisation et de la cotation. Aux seconds, l’on reprochera l’absence de toute quantification qui pose problème lorsque l’on aborde la question de la validité des données. Néanmoins, Européens et Américains s’entendent sur la notion d’un fonctionnement psychopathique. La relation d’objet est marquée par la pulsion agressive et ses dérivatifs, par la recherche de pouvoir et de contrôle. La lutte contre la dépendance est déduite chez Meloy de l’absence de réponse de texture et chez Rossel et Merceron de l’absence de contenus de dépendance. La qualité narcissique des représentations d’objet est mise en évidence, chez Meloy, par le biais de l’investissement du paraître, chez Rossel et Merceron par l’importance du processus d’externalisation. La dévalorisation des objets est aussi décrite. Ni les uns ni les autres ne font réellement référence à l’angoisse car cette angoisse qualifiable d’anaclitique s’exprime justement sous des manifestations tout à fait opposées. Le vide intérieur est déduit, chez Meloy, à partir de l’ennui que vit le psychopathe et, chez Rossel et Merceron, à partir de la survalorisation de la référence au réel. Une grande convergence existe entre les deux écrits au sujet des mécanismes de défense. Tous les auteurs s’accordent sur la prépondérance du clivage et du déni, un déni par le mot et l’acte chez Meloy, un déni hypomaniaque chez Rossel et Merceron. De part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, on s’accorde également pour attribuer une place importante à l’identification projective et à l’identification à l’agresseur. Par ailleurs, Rossel et Merceron démontrent comment à travers les caractéristiques de l’énonciation et les nuances de la verbalisation du psychopathe, il est possible d’inférer son non-investissement de la mentalisation et du savoir au profit d’un surinvestissement de l’agir. La complémentarité, voire la similarité, des commentaires dans les deux ouvrages devrait réconforter certains cliniciens, désarmés devant le fossé qui semble parfois régner entre la littérature des deux continents et confirmer, qu’indépendamment du type de méthodologie et de validation choisi, l’observation clinique du psychologue expérimenté demeure la pierre angulaire de toute recherche en psychopathologie.

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