scholarly journals La posible falta de diligencia de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores y/o Banco de España en relacióncon los instrumentos de capital híbridos (participaciones preferentes)

Rebeca González Morajudo

El presente ensayo no tiene otro objetivo que analizar la posible responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado, proclamada constitucionalmente en el artículo 106.2 de la Constitución y desarrollada en los arts. 139 y siguientes de la Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre y en el Real Decreto 429/1993, de 26 de marzo, en relación con el que se considera funcionamiento deficiente de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores y/o Banco de España en el ejercicio de sus funciones, concretamente, en lo concerniente a su obligada supervisión financiera de las entidades bancarias y en particular respecto de aquéllas que, en los últimos años, comercializaron participaciones preferentes y/o obligaciones subordinadas entre clientes minoristas. De tal modo se pretende la exposición del problema acaecido en relación con la venta indiscriminada de los productos bancarios aludidos y que desembocaron en evidentes pérdidas económicas al cerrarse el mercado secundario, así como la evidente presencia de un nexo causal entre la omisión y dejación de funciones de protección de los inversionistas o inversores que la ley señala a los órganos aludidos y los perjuicios aludidos.This essay has no other purpose than to analyze the possible liability of the State, artículo 106.2 constitutionally proclaimed in the Constitution and developed in the arts. 139 and following of the Law 30/1992, of November 26 and Royal Decree 429/1993, of March 26, in connection with which it is considered poor functioning of the National Stock Exchange and / or bank Spain in the exercise of its functions, specifically in regard to their required financial oversight of banks and in particular for those who, in recent years, traded preferred securities and / or subordinated debt from retail customers. Thus exposure is to the problem that occurred in relation to the indiscriminate sale of banking products alluded to and that led to obvious economic losses to close the secondary market, and the obvious presence of a causal link between the failure and dereliction of duties protection of investors or investors who draws law alluded organs and damages mentioned.

Ю. М. Оборотов

В современной методологии юриспруденции происходит переход от изучения состо­яний ее объекта, которыми выступают право и государство, к постижению этого объек­та в его изменениях и превращениях. Две подсистемы методологии юриспруденции, подсистема обращенная к состоянию права и государства; и подсистема обращенная к изменениям права и государства, — получают свое отображение в концептуальной форме, методологических подходах, методах, специфических понятиях. Показательны перемены в содержании методологии юриспруденции, где определяю­щее значение имеют методологические подходы, определяющие стратегию исследова­тельских поисков во взаимосвязи юриспруденции с правом и государством. Среди наи­более характерных подходов антропологический, аксиологический, цивилизационный, синергетический и герменевтический — определяют плюралистичность современной методологии и свидетельствуют о становлении новой парадигмы методологии юриспру­денции.   In modern methodology of jurisprudence there is a transition from the study the states of its object to its comprehension in changes and transformations. Hence the two subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence: subsystem facing the states of the law and the state as well as their components and aspects; and subsystem facing the changes of the law and the state in general and their constituents. These subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence receive its reflection in conceptual form, methodological approaches, methods, specific concepts. Methodology of jurisprudence should not be restricted to the methodology of legal theory. In this regard, it is an important methodological question about subject of jurisprudence. It is proposed to consider the subject of jurisprudence as complex, covering both the law and the state in their specificity, interaction and integrity. Indicative changes in the content methodology of jurisprudence are the usage of decisive importance methodological approaches that govern research strategy searches in conjunction with the law and the state. Among the most characteristic of modern development approaches: anthropological, axiological, civilization, synergistic and hermeneutic. Modern methodology of jurisprudence is pluralistic in nature alleging various approaches to the law and the state. Marked approaches allow the formation of a new paradigm methodology of jurisprudence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Indra Rahmatullah

Abstract:A draft law must be able to answer and solve the main problem of the society so that with the existence of the law the community gets legal protection from the state. However, the draft of Cipta Kerja Law makes an endless controversy. In fact, the draft was allegedly containing some problems since its appearance. Therefore, academic research (Assesment Report) is needed so that the rules in the draft have basic scientific arguments that can be justified. Unfortunately, the draft does not conduct an assesment report to know whether the society need the law and urgent.Keywords: Legal Protection, Controversy and Assesment Report Abstrak:Sebuah rancangan undang-undang harus dapat menjawab dan menyentuh pokok permasalahan masyarakat sehingga dengan adanya undang-undang tersebut masyarakat mendapatkan sebuah perlindungan hukum dari negara. Namun, dalam RUU Cipta Kerja ini justru berakibat pada kontroversi yang tiada hentinya. Bahkan, disinyalir RUU ini mengandung kecacatan sejak awal pembentukannya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penelitian akademis sehingga aturan-aturan yang ada dalam RUU ini mempunyai basis argumentasi ilmiah yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan yang salah satunya adalah dengan membuat Laporan Kelayakan. Sayangnya RUU ini belum melakukan laporan kelayakan apakah RUU ini dibutuhkan dan penting di masyarakat.Katakunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Kontroversi dan Laporan Kelayakan

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Chuks Okpaluba

‘Accountability’ is one of the democratic values entrenched in the Constitution of South Africa, 1996. It is a value recognised throughout the Constitution and imposed upon the law-making organs of state, the Executive, the Judiciary and all public functionaries. This constitutional imperative is given pride of place among the other founding values: equality before the law, the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution. This study therefore sets out to investigate how the courts have grappled with the interpretation and application of the principle of accountability, the starting point being the relationship between accountability and judicial review. Therefore, in the exercise of its judicial review power, a court may enquire whether the failure of a public functionary to comply with a constitutional duty of accountability renders the decision made illegal, irrational or unreasonable. One of the many facets of the principle of accountability upon which this article dwells is to ascertain how the courts have deployed that expression in making the state and its agencies liable for the delictual wrongs committed against an individual in vindication of a breach of the individual’s constitutional right in the course of performing a public duty. Here, accountability and breach of public duty; the liability of the state for detaining illegal immigrants contrary to the prescripts of the law; the vicarious liability of the state for the criminal acts of the police and other law-enforcement officers (as in police rape cases and misuse of official firearms by police officers), and the liability of the state for delictual conduct in the context of public procurement are discussed. Having carefully analysed the available case law, this article concludes that no public functionary can brush aside the duty of accountability wherever it is imposed without being in breach of a vital constitutional mandate. Further, it is the constitutional duty of the courts, when called upon, to declare such act or conduct an infringement of the Constitution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Budi Suhariyanto

Diskresi sebagai wewenang bebas, keberadaannya rentan akan disalahgunakan. Penyalahgunaan diskresi yang berimplikasi merugikan keuangan negara dapat dituntutkan pertanggungjawabannya secara hukum administrasi maupun hukum pidana. Mengingat selama ini peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi tidak merumuskan secara rinci yang dimaksudkan unsur menyalahgunakan kewenangan maka para hakim menggunakan konsep penyalahgunaan wewenang dari hukum administrasi. Problema muncul saat diberlakukannya Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 dimana telah memicu persinggungan dalam hal kewenangan mengadili penyalahgunaan wewenang (termasuk diskresi) antara Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara dengan Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada perkembangannya, persinggungan kewenangan mengadili tersebut ditegaskan oleh Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2015 bahwa PTUN berwenang menerima, memeriksa, dan memutus permohonan penilaian ada atau tidak ada penyalahgunaan wewenang (termasuk diskresi) dalam Keputusan dan/atau Tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan sebelum adanya proses pidana. Sehubungan tidak dijelaskan tentang definisi dan batasan proses pidana yang dimaksud, maka timbul penafsiran yang berbeda. Perlu diadakan kesepakatan bersama dan dituangkan dalam regulasi tentang tapal batas persinggungan yang jelas tanpa meniadakan kewenangan pengujian penyalahgunaan wewenang diskresi pada Pengadilan TUN.Discretion as free authority is vulnerable to being misused. The abuse of discretion implicating the state finance may be prosecuted by both administrative and criminal law. In view of the fact that the law on corruption eradication does not formulate in detail the intended element of authority abuse, the judges use the concept of authority abuse from administrative law. Problems arise when the enactment of Law No. 30 of 2014 triggered an interception in terms of justice/ adjudicate authority on authority abuse (including discretion) between the Administrative Court and Corruption Court. In its development, the interception of justice authority is affirmed by Regulation of the Supreme Court Number 4 of 2015 that the Administrative Court has the authority to receive, examine and decide upon the appeal there is or there is no misuse of authority in the Decision and / or Action of Government Officials prior to the criminal process. That is, shortly before the commencement of the criminal process then that's when the authority of PTUN decides to judge the misuse of authority over the case. In this context, Perma No. 4 of 2015 has imposed restrictions on the authority of the TUN Court in prosecuting the abuse of discretionary authority.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 427
Dewi Kania Sugiharti ◽  
Muhammad Ziaurahman ◽  
Sechabudin Sechabudin

Universities that apply the concept of Public Service Agency (BLU - PK PTN ) in performing functions as an organ which is engaged in the service infrastructure support through goods or services . As an institution under the auspices of the government and the state budget receives PTN PK - BLU implement mechanisms to acquire goods or services in accordance with the law. However, the procurement process in obtaining goods or services sometimes poses problems that arise as a consequence of the passage of the procurement of goods or services involving the organs in it as PA / KPA , KDP , ULP , and Committee / Receiver Procurement Officer. Rector of the KPA in PK - BLU PTN has the authority to control the organs that carry out the process of procurement of goods / services in the environment . Errors in the procurement process of goods / services performed by the CO and the ULP / Procurement Officer causing state losses due to these errors, either due to negligence or unlawful acts. As the KPA in the process of procurement of goods / services Rector can control the organs in accordance with the authority given. The consequences are acceptable if the authorities ultimately the procurement of goods / services did not heed the warning Rector officials related procurement process of goods / services will receive sanctions. Keywords: Authorized Budget, Financial State.

Mariya Zinovievivna Masik

The article is devoted to the clarification of the peculiarities of risk management during the implementation of PPP projects. The author identifies a set of risks for a private partner, business risks of PPP projects and the main risks associated with the protests of the public, as well as public and international organizations. The typical risks of PPP projects are presented, including force majeure, political risks, profitability risks, operational, construction, financial risks, and the risk of default. The world experience of sharing risks between the partners is presented. Also named are the main methods for assessing the risks of PPP projects. It has been determined that the conditions on which the parties should reach agreement in order for the contract to be concluded are essential. Risk management can be implemented within the framework of the essential conditions for the allocation of risks. However, the provisions of the law provide for the allocation of only those risks identified by the results of an analysis of the effectiveness of the PPP project. Legislation does not directly determine how risks can be allocated to the risks identified during the pre-contract negotiations (or even at a later stage), but not taken into account in the analysis of efficiency. For example, suggestions on the terms of the partnership agreement as part of the bidding proposal may include suggestions on risk management mechanisms. There are no definite and can not be fully defined possible ways of managing risks in view of their specificity for a particular project. For this purpose, it is advisable to provide for a period of familiarization with the draft tender documentation and the possibility of making changes to it based on the findings received from potential contestants. It is also advisable to foresee cases in which it is possible to review certain terms of the contract without a competition. It is substantiated that the law does not restrict the possibility of foreseeing specific terms of an agreement on the implementation of the PPP project or to conclude additional (auxiliary) contractual instruments (for example, an investment agreement). At the same time, when laying down conditions not provided for by law, it is necessary to take into account the scope of competence of the state partner. Also, in order to ensure the principle of equality of conditions, the state partner should provide such additional conditions in the tender documentation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-74
Maria Jeanne ◽  
Chermian Eforis

The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of underwriter reputation, company age, and the percentage of share’s offering to public toward underpricing. Underpricing is a phenomenon in which the current stock price initial public offering (IPO) was lower than the closing price of shares in the secondary market during the first day. Sample in this research was selected by using purposive sampling method and the secondary data used in this research was analyzed by using multiple regression method. The samples in this research were 72 companies conducting initial public offering (IPO) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period January 2010 - December 2014; perform initial offering of shares; suffered underpricing; has a complete data set forth in the company's prospectus, IDX monthly statistics, financial statement and stock price site (e-bursa); and use Rupiah currency. Results of this research were (1) underwriter reputation significantly effect on underpricing; (2) company age do not effect on underpricing; and (3) the percentage of share’s offering to public do not effect on undepricing. Keywords: company age, the percentage of share’s offering to public, underpricing, underwriter reputation.

Saefudin Saefudin ◽  
Tri Gunarsih

Underpricing is a phenomenon that still occurs in the Indonesian capital market, where the offering price of shares in the primary market is lower than the opening price or closing price on the first day on the secondary market. This study aims to examine the effect of Return On Assets (ROA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), company size, underwriter reputation, age, and interest rates on the underpricing of shares in companies’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2009 to 2017. The population in this study are companies that conduct IPOs on the BEI period 2009 to 2017. The sample selection in this study uses a purposive sampling method, based on certain criteria. The sample in this study were 183 underpricing companies from 205 companies conducting IPO in the period 2009 to 2017. The data used in this study used secondary data. The multiple regression analysis was implemented in this study. The results showed that DER, company size, and underwriter reputation did not significantly influence underpricing. While ROA, age and interest rates have a significant negative effect on underpricing. In this study, investors consider ROA, age, interest rates compared to DER, company size, and the reputation of the underwriter to invest in companies that make an IPO.Keywords: Underpricing, Initial Public Offering, and Indonesian Stock Exchange.

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