royal decree
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 170-177
Rim Zouaoui ◽  
Marwa Zouaoui ◽  

This paper investigated whether the royal decree of September 2017 allowing women to drive affects the relationship between market orientation and firm performance of official car dealerships in Saudi Arabia. In the empirical investigation, a quantitative method was used, focusing on car dealership managers and executives. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with data collected from 94 questioned. Market orientation dimensions that were investigated included customer orientation, competitor orientation, and inter-functional coordination. The results indicate a positive effect of market orientation on company performance in Saudi Arabia over two periods, before and after the application of the decree. Before the royal decree, only two of the three dimensions of market orientation affected company performance, customer orientation, and inter-functional coordination. After the decree, all three dimensions of market orientation affected company performance. This proves that political decision has intensified competition in this market. Our results underlined the non-necessity of equality and the strength of the three components belonging to the market orientation on performance. Yet, our investigation is unprecedented having sought to resolve this classic relationship in a specific context.


Este estudio pretende aportar algunas ideas para contribuir a un debate más sereno sobre el abuso en el nombramiento de personal funcionario interino y su sanción a través de los llamados procesos de estabilización. El análisis resulta muy oportuno en este momento, pues se está tramitando un proyecto de ley en las Cortes que proviene del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público. Algunos grupos parlamentarios han solicitado expresamente la conversión automática del personal funcionario interino afectado en personal funcionario de carrera o la creación de una nueva categoría de empleado público fijo ¿a extinguir¿. Otros han propuesto su directa estabilización mediante un concurso o mediante la realización de un concurso-oposición, sin que los ejercicios de la fase de oposición tengan carácter eliminatorio. En este análisis se parte de una visión centrada especialmente en lo público, que resalta la necesidad de que las soluciones que finalmente se adopten para proteger al funcionario interino ¿abusado¿ sean también respetuosas con la especial naturaleza pública del empleador, con los principios constitucionales rectores del acceso al empleo público y con las potestades organizatorias y de planificación de las Administraciones Públicas. Azterlan honek ideia batzuk eman nahi ditu, lasaiago eztabaidatu daitezen bitarteko funtzionarioen izendapenean izandako gehiegikeria eta hori saihesteko eta, hala badagokio, zehatzeko neurriak. Azterketa oso egokia da une honetan, enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretutik datorren lege-proiektu bat izapidetzen ari baitira Gorteetan. Legebiltzarreko talde batzuek berariaz eskatu dute tartean dauden bitarteko funtzionarioak karrerako funtzionario bihurtzea automatikoki, edo «iraungi» beharreko enplegatu publiko finkoaren kategoria berri bat sortzea. Beste batzuek lehiaketa baten bidez edo oposizio-lehiaketa baten bidez zuzenean egonkortzea proposatu dute, oposizio-faseko ariketak baztertzaileak izan gabe.Azterketa horretan, bereziki arlo publikoan oinarritutako ikuspegi batetik abiatzen da, eta azpimarratzen du beharrezkoa dela bitartekoa babesteko azkenean hartzen diren konponbideek enplegatzailearen izaera publiko berezia, enplegu publikoa lortzeko printzipio konstituzionalak eta administrazio publikoen antolaketa- eta plangintza-ahalak errespetatzea. This study aims to offer a number of ideas contributing to a more measured debate as to abuse in the appointment of interim civil servants, and measures to avoid and, where applicable, to penalise this practice. This is now a particularly timely analysis, as the Spanish Parliament is currently considering a bill derived from Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of 6 July 2021, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment. A number of parliamentary groupings have explicitly called for the interim staff affected to be automatically given permanent civil service contracts, or otherwise for the creation of a new category of permanent public employee "to be extinguished". Others have proposed their direct stabilization by means of a competition (exceptional system in which merits like job experience are assessed) or by means of a competition-examination (competitive tests and merit assessment), with non-eliminatory tests in the examination phase.This analysis is based on a perspective focused in particular on the public sector, highlighting the need that any solutions that might ultimately be adopted to protect interim staff, likewise respect the specific public nature of the employer, with the constitutional principles which govern access to public employment, and the organisational and planning powers of public administration bodies.

Pro Memorie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-205
Nade Henrioul

Abstract In order to contribute to the existing gap in the Belgian legal history, the divorce jurisprudence from 1919 to 1922 of the court of first instance in Leuven was studied. The challenges resulting from the Great War were clearly visible in the examined judgments. First, there were regular references to the war and more specifically to the German enemy and the behaviour of the women who remained on the home front. In addition, due to circumstances created by the war some Belgians were unable to go before the civil registrar to have their divorce pronounced. The suspension contained in the Royal Decree of 26 October 1914 could, contrary to its purpose and due to the uncertainty surrounding the date of the end of the war, not be applied. Finally, the judges showed a flexible attitude in the analysis of the divorce motive ‘gross insults’. In this analysis, the role soldiers played during the war clearly aroused sympathy among the judges.


El 2 de abril de 2021 es, sin duda, una fecha clave para el funcionamiento del sector público, ya que en coherencia con la disposición final séptima de la Ley 39/2015, entra en vigor el Real Decreto 203/2021, de 30 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de actuación y funcionamiento del sector público por medios electrónicos, que desarrolla tanto la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas como la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público. El presente artículo analiza la incorporación de la vigente normativa al régimen jurídico administrativo y los principales puntos del Real Decreto 203/2021 a tener en cuenta en el procedimiento administrativo. Sin duda, traerá consigo un cambio definitivo del modelo administrativo de los próximos años. 2021eko apirilaren 2a, zalantzarik gabe, funtsezko data da sektore publikoaren funtzionamendurako; izan ere, 39/2015 Legearen azken xedapenaren zazpigarrenarekin bat etorriz, martxoaren 30eko 203/2021 Errege Dekretua indarrean sartu zen; horren bidez onartu zen Sektore publikoa bitarteko elektronikoen bidez jarduteko eta funtzionatzeko Erregelamendua, bai Herri Administrazioen Administrazio Prozedura Erkidearen urriaren 1eko 39/2015 Legea, bai Sektore Publikoaren Araubide Juridikoaren urriaren 1eko 40/2015 Legea garatzen dituena. Artikulu honek aztertzen du indarreko araudia administrazio-araubide juridikoan nola txertatu den eta zein diren administrazio-prozeduran kontuan hartu beharreko 203/2021 Errege Dekretuaren puntu nagusiak. Zalantzarik gabe, datozen urteetako administrazio ereduaren behin betiko aldaketa ekarriko du horrek. April 2, 2021 is unquestionably a key date in the functioning of the public sector since, in accordance with the seventh final provision of Law 39/2015, it marks the entry into force of Royal Decree 203/2021, of 30 March 2021, approving the Regulation on action and operation in the public sector by electronic means, which develops on both Law 39/2015, of 1 October 2015, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and Law 40/2015, of 1 October 2015, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector. This article analyzes the incorporation of the current regulations into the administrative legal regime, and the main points of Royal Decree 203/2021 to be taken into account in administrative procedure. This will unquestionably bring about a definitive change in the administrative model in the coming years.


El art. 2 del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público, prevé nuevos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal para atajar la excesiva temporalidad en las Administraciones Públicas y cumplir con las indicaciones de la Unión Europea a nuestro país en este sentido. En el presente artículo se estudia el régimen jurídico aplicable a estos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal y muy en particular la compensación económica que se reconoce en favor del personal funcionario interino o el personal laboral temporal afectado por los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal que, estando en activo como tal y habiendo participado en el proceso selectivo de estabilización, viera finalizada su relación con la Administración por la no superación del proceso selectivo, el carácter potestativo u obligatorio de los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal, los sistemas selectivos, la valoración de los méritos, las pruebas y las notas de corte. Enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretuak, 2. artikuluan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu berriak aurreikusten ditu, administrazio publikoetan dagoen gehiegizko behin-behinekotasunari aurre egiteko eta Europar Batasunak gure herrialdeari ildo horretan emandako jarraibideak betetzeko. Artikulu honetan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu horiei aplikatu beharreko araubide juridikoa aztertzen da, eta, bereziki, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuetan sartuta dauden bitarteko funtzionarioen edo aldi baterako lan-kontratuko langileen alde aitortzen den konpentsazio ekonomikoa, baldin eta, halakotzat jardunean egonik eta egonkortzeko hautaketa-prozesuan parte hartu ondoren, Administrazioarekin zuen harremana amaituta ikusten badu hautaketa-prozesua ez gainditzeagatik, hautapen-probak aukerakoak edo nahitaezkoak izateagatik, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuengatik, balorazio-notengatik eta balorazio-sistemengatik. Art. 2 of Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of July 6, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment, provides for new stabilization processes for temporary employment to tackle the excessive use of temporary contracts at public administration bodies and comply with the indications of the European Union in Spain in this regard. This article studies the legal regime applicable to these temporary employment stabilization processes, and in particular, the economic compensation provided for temporary civil servants or temporary employees affected by temporary employment stabilization processes who, while in active employment as such and having participated in the selective stabilization process, find their relationship with the administration terminated due to their failure to pass the selection process, the optional or mandatory nature of the temporary employment stabilization processes, the selective systems, the assessment of merits, tests and the cut-off grades.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-274
Saud Muhammad Al-Azri ◽  
Abidah Abdul Ghafar

The study discusses the legal problem of immunities that affected the criminal responsibility of individuals in the Omani judiciary. Undoubtedly, this is due to a legislative shortcoming on the one hand and a misunderstanding on the other hand of the provisions of immunity, which contributed to its exploitation, abuse and invocation as a vehicle for the commission of personal crimes, as well as On the problems arising originally from deciding the immunity of certain categories of state employees, which led to their conflicting interests with the interests of the victim, and their impunity. Therefore, the researcher will explain the aspects of the Omani legislator’s treatment of immunity and the texts it decided starting from the basic system of the state issued by decree Royal Decree No. (101/96) and repealed with the issuance of the statute in force under Royal Decree No. (6/2021), then other laws, regulations and decisions implementing them, dealing with the concept of immunity, its types, legal nature and basis, and the problems arising from it. By extrapolating the provisions of immunity in Omani legislation and its applications, it became clear to the researcher that there are some shortcomings in its organization, which contributed to its misunderstanding and exploitation and sharpened the idea of ​​immunity for what it was decided for, as well as the existence of practical problems of immunity that affected criminal responsibility, on a shift that calls for reconsideration and the categories that decided Despite the legislator’s intervention by Royal Decree No. (3/2014) regarding defining the concept of immunity and the scope of its application, the need is still urgent to find a more accurate regulation and more precise provisions clarifying the issue of immunity, in addition to the necessity of restricting its use without the current uses.


LABURPENA: Lan honek xedetzat dut martxoaren 16ko 128/2018 Errege Dekretuaren 61. eta 62. artikuluen zilegitasun juridikoa aztertzea (Estaturako gaikuntza duten toki-administrazioko funtzionarioen araubide juridikoa arautzen du Errege Dekretu horrek). Artikulu horiek administrazio publiko ezberdinei ematen die Estatuko gaikuntza duten toki-administrazioko funtzionarioen gaineko diziplina-ahala, azken horiek karrerako edo bitarteko funtzionarioak diren. Defendatzen duen ondorioa da bereizketa hori bitarteko funtzionarioen aurkako diskriminaziozko tratu bidegabe bat dela. ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the legal legitimacy of articles 61 and 62 of the Royal Decree 128/2018, of March 16, regulating the legal regime of Local Administrations’ civil servants with a national habilitation. Articles 61 and 62 attribute disciplinary power over the aforementioned officials to different Public Administrations depending on whether they are permanent or temporary civil servants. The analysis leads to the conclusion that such a distinction constitutes a discriminatory treatment towards temporary civil servants. RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de la legitimidad jurídica de los arts. 61 y 62 del Real Decreto 128/2018, de 16 de marzo, por el que se regula el régimen jurídico de los funcionarios de Administración Local con habilitación de carácter nacional, los cuales atribuyen la potestad disciplinaria sobre los funcionarios de administración local con habilitación de carácter nacional a administraciones públicas distintas según se trate de funcionarios de carrera o interinos. La conclusión que se sostiene es que dicha diferenciación constituye un injustificado trato discriminatorio a los funcionarios interinos.

Esther Martínez-Pastor ◽  
Ricardo Vizcaíno-Laorga

The aim of this article is to describe the new formats and advertising content used in videos related to gambling on the Internet and minors, and whether these formats are currently regulated or may pose an additional risk to minors. For this study, content analysis of 50 YouTube videos (a total of 574 minutes) was carried out, based on a previous screening of 500 units. We worked with a convenience sample obtained through a systematic search (keywords) followed by the snowball method. Among the most relevant results, it is worth mentioning that the currently approved regulation, the Spanish Royal decree on commercial communications in gaming activity, does not consider advertising content such as tutorials or sports bets, nor various formats or social networks. Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es conocer los nuevos formatos y contenidos publicitarios empleados en vídeos sobre juegos de azar en internet, y si estos formatos se encuentran regulados en la normativa actual o pueden suponer un riesgo para los menores. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido de 50 vídeos de YouTube (un total de 574 minutos) a partir del cribado previo de 500 unidades, así como una observación participante de otros canales y plataformas de internet. Se ha trabajado con una muestra de conveniencia obtenida mediante búsqueda sistemática (palabras clave) y su consecuente bola de nieve. Entre los resultados más relevantes se destaca que la actual normativa aprobada, el Real decreto 958/2020, de 3 de noviembre, de comunicaciones comerciales de las actividades de juego, no tiene en cuenta contenidos publicitarios como tutoriales o apuestas deportivas, ni formatos ni plataformas diferentes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-135
Virtudes Peláez-Flor ◽  
Alejandro Prieto-Ayuso

El ámbito educativo es uno de los pilares fundamentales a través del cual el sedentarismo puede ser combatido. En este sentido, la asignatura de Educación Física es considerada como pieza clave para aumentar los niveles de actividad física en los alumnos. Sin embargo, debido a que las propias clases de Educación Física resultan insuficientes para aumentar los niveles de actividad física recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, surgen los descansos activos, cuyo objetivo principal es reducir las conductas sedentarias y la obesidad en los alumnos, por medio de AF estructurada en las aulas. Así pues, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es presentar un programa de descansos activos para Educación Primaria, titulado Aprendo Moviéndome. Con este programa, se pretende ofrecer un nuevo recurso al profesorado de Educación Primaria a través del cual poder aplicar breves sesiones de actividad física con los alumnos para poder lograr beneficios como la mejora de salud, la atención, el comportamiento o el rendimiento académico, entre otros. El programa Aprendo Moviéndome está compuesto por ocho sesiones de descansos activos de una duración de entre 10 y 12 minutos, diseñados para trabajar en clase o en el patio del colegio durante el horario lectivo por el maestro. Las sesiones han sido diseñadas para trabajar contenidos curriculares pertenecientes al Real Decreto 126/2014 de Educación Primaria. Cada descanso activo está dividido en tres partes: calentamiento, desarrollo y vuelta a la calma. Como prospectiva de investigación se recomienda la aplicación del programa a un contexto real, con el propósito de conocer fortalezas y debilidades del mismo. The educational context is one of the fundamental pillars through which sedentary lifestyle can be reduced. In that sense, Physical Education is considered a key element to increase physical activity levels in children. However, due to the fact that only the PE subject is insufficient to increase the PA levels recommended by the World Health Organization, active breaks emerged. The main objective of active breaks is to reduce sedentary behaviors and obesity in students, through structured physical activity in classrooms. Thus, the main objective of this work is to present an active break program for Primary Education, entitled Aprendo Moviéndome. With this program, it is intended to offer a new resource to primary teachers through which they can apply short physical activity sessions with students, with the purpose to achieve benefits related to health, attention, behavior or academic performance, among others. The Aprendo Moviéndome program is made up of eight sessions between ten and 12 minutes. It has been designed to be conducted in class or in the schoolyard during school hours by the teacher. The sessions have been designed to work on curricular content belonging to Royal Decree 126/2014 of Primary Education. Each session is divided into three parts: warm-up, development, and cool down. As prospective investigation, the application of the program to a real context is recommended, with the purpose of knowing its strengths and weaknesses.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. e050204
Renee Y Hsia ◽  
Diana Gil-González

ObjectivesIn 2018, Spain adopted a national law that significantly expanded healthcare access to all residents, including undocumented migrants. This was a substantial shift from a more restrictive system of coverage in previous years. However, irregular migrants continue to experience challenges accessing healthcare in Spain. This study aimed to describe the legislative and administrative barriers to implementation of this law from the perspective of providers and administrators of the healthcare system.DesignWe interviewed 12 individuals using a semistructured format.SettingSpain.Participants12 participants were interviewed; 7 males, 5 females. Participants included Spanish healthcare workers, government officials, hospital administrators, individuals working with non-governmental organisations focused on the provision of healthcare, and experts studying healthcare for underserved populations.Primary and secondary outcome measuresInterviews delved into personal experiences and knowledge of the entitlements and barriers of providing or trying to access care for undocumented migrants.ResultsThe interviews yielded eight key themes: (1) context of universal healthcare in Spain pre-2012; (2) erosion of trust as rationale for more restrictive policies of 2012; (3) challenges of the 3-month residency requirement; (4) areas of ambiguity: exceptions in the 2012 Royal Decree Law not discussed in the 2018 Royal Decree Law; (5) jurisdictional authority and conflicts between national and AC government; (6) near impossibility of obtaining documentation for exportation of healthcare; (7) difficulties obtaining necessary paperwork to register residency; and (8) rise of NGOs to provide support to irregular migrants.ConclusionWhile there has been a general political movement to expand healthcare access for undocumented migrants in Spain, there remains a fundamental need to clarify the legal entitlements for undocumented migrants nationally and create administrative consistency across autonomous communities for providing health cards for undocumented migrants. Other countries may be able to draw lessons from the Spanish experience about the legislative frameworks surrounding access to healthcare for undocumented migrants.

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