Influence of vitamin E, macro and micro minerals on reproductive performance of cattle and buffalo-A review

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
H.M. Khan ◽  
M. Bhakat ◽  
T.K. Mohanty ◽  
T.K. Pathbanda
2009 ◽  
Vol 114 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 183-192 ◽  
Mustafa Sönmez ◽  
Tanzer Bozkurt ◽  
Gaffari Türk ◽  
Seyfettin Gür ◽  
Meltem Kızıl ◽  

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 743-754 ◽  
Ammar Bin Talib Ali ◽  
Giovanni Bomboi ◽  
Basilio Floris

2008 ◽  
Vol 24 (9) ◽  
pp. 595-601 ◽  
JP Xu ◽  
YP Yin ◽  
XQ Zhou

The study was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E on reproductive performance in mice treated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The 75 female and 40 male mice were randomly assigned into five groups. The levels of both TCDD and vitamin E given by gavage were 0 and 0 (Control group), 100 and 0 (experimental group I), 100 and 20 (experimental group II), 100 and 100 (experimental group III), and 100 ng/kg/day and 500 mg/kg/day (experimental group IV), respectively. Males and females were mixed to mate at the ratio of 1:2 after 4-week experiment. The gavage treatments were continued until the end of gestation in female mice after mating. The results showed that the litter number, survival rate, and body weight at birth of offspring in experimental group I had significantly decreased, and the females’ pregnancy rate and pup sex ratio in experimental group I had the decreasing tendencies when compared with the control group. The litter number in experimental group III, survival rate in experimental group II and III, body weight at birth in experimental group III and IV exhibited significant increase compared with experimental group I. The female pregnancy rate in both experimental group III and IV recovered to 100%, but there were no significant differences when compared with experimental group I. The pups’ sex ratio had a gradually increasing tendency with increase of vitamin E level, but there was no significant difference among experimental group I–IV. The results suggest that TCDD could induce reproductive toxicity in mice, whereas vitamin E alleviated adverse effects on reproductive performance in mice caused by TCDD.

2002 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-184 ◽  

The objective of the study was to compare the influence of the organic Se (Se-Yeast) + vitamin E and inorganic Se (Na2SeO3) + vitamin E on reproductive performance of young boars. The studies were carried on the 80 young boars. A feeding test was started on day 70 of their life. Inorganic Se group males received 0.2 mg inorganic Se + 30 mg vitamin E, those of organic Se group 0.2 mg organic Se + 60 mg vitamin E in 1 kg of the diet ration. The experiment was performed in two seasons: I - June-September, II - January-April. On day 180 of life (close of the test), the boars were subjected to live evaluation: testes volume, libido level, semen characteristics as well as Se content and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in seminal plasma and blood serum. The boars of group inorganic Se obtained higher (P = 0.01) selection index of live evaluation than those of the group organic Se. The boars of group organic Se were characterized by better libido level, higher (P = 0.05) concentration and total number of spermatozoa in an ejaculation, lower (P = 0.01) percentage of semen with morphological changes and higher (P = 0.01) value of osmotic resistance test of acrosome membranes in spite of the fact that GSH-Px activity in seminal plasma was lower when compared with those of the group inorganic Se. The findings show that organic Se + vitamin E has been of a more favourable influence on reproductive performance of young boars than that of inorganic Se + vitamin E. More favourable influence of organic Se + vitamin E was observed in winter-spring season than in summer.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
N.B.P Utomo ◽  
M. Zairin Junior ◽  
T.L. Yusuf ◽  
I. Mokoginta ◽  
M. Bintang

<p>This experiment was conducted to determine the dietary Vitamin E requirement for reproduction of broodstock zebrafish Danio rerio.  Four isonitrogenous (39% crude protein) and isocaloric (3,260 kcal digestible energy/kg diet) practical diets, namely diets A, B, C, and D with different levels of Vitamin E were fed to zebrafish broodstock.  The broodstock were cultivated in aquaria.  Diet A contained low dosage of Vitamin E (5 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), while diets B (62 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), C (125 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), and diet D (187 mg Vitamin E /kg diet), combined respectively with 1% n-3 fatty acids and 2% n-6 fatty acids.  Fish were fed ad satiation for 60 days using these diets.  During feeding period, gonad maturation stages were examined.  The dietary with different level of Vitamin E affected egg size, chemical content, total number of larvae, normal larvae, and survival rate of larvae produced, fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate.  On the other hand, fish fed on experimental diets did not show any significance differences in the gonad somatic index, fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate.  Fish fed on diet D produced the highest fecundity (633.65 ± 71.86 eggs/grams of fish), fertilization rate (92.3 ± 7.7%), and hatching rate (80.31 ± 9.8%).  The total lipid content of eggs were significant, ranging from D (39.7%), C (33.5%), B (32.1%), and A (29.5%).  At a dosage of 1% of dietary n-3 fatty acids and 2% n-6 fatty acids, zebrafish require 187 mg Vitamin E/kg feed in the diet for reproduction.  .</p> <p>Keywords:  vitamin E, reproductive performance, Danio rerio</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan Vitamin E pada pakan induk ikan zebra (Danio rerio) untuk reproduksi.  Empat pakan perlakuan yang iso-protein (39%) dan iso-kalori (3.260 kcal digestible energy/kg pakan), dinamakan pakan A, B, C, dan pakan D dengan kandungan Vitamin E yang berbeda diberikan kepada induk ikan zebra.  Induk ikan dipelihara pada akuarium.  Pakan A mengandung Vitamin E terendah (5 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan), sedangkan pakan B mengandung Vitamin E 62 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan, pakan C asam mengandung Vitamin E 125 mg /kg pakan, dan pakan D mengandung Vitamin E 187 mg /kg pakan.  Semua pakan perlakuan mempunyai kombinasi asam lemak n-3 berbanding n-6 sebesar 1:2.  Ikan diberi pakan secara ad satiation selama 60 hari pemeliharaan.  Selama masa pemberian pakan, tingkat kematangan gonad diperiksa secara teratur.  Perbedaan kandungan vitamin E dalam pakan mempengaruhi fekunditas, derajat pembuahan telur, serta derajat penetasan telur.  Pakan perlakuan tidak mempengaruhi nilai gonad somatik indeks dan kelangsungan hidup larva umur 3 hari.  Pemberian pakan D menghasilkan fekunditas (633.65 ± 71.86  telur/gram induk), derajat pembuahan telur (92.3 ± 7.7%), serta derajat penetasan telur (80.31 ± 9,8%) terbaik.  Total kandungan lemak pada telur berbeda nyata, yaitu pada pakan D (39.7%), C(33.5%), B(32.1%), dan pakan A(29.5%).  Pada kandungan 1% asam lemak n-3 dan 2% asam lemak n-6, ikan zebra membutuhkan 187 mg Vitamin E/kg pakan untuk reproduksi yang normal. </p> <p>Kata kunci:  Vitamin E, penampilan reproduksi, Danio rerio</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 243
Evi Tahapari ◽  
Jadmiko Darmawan ◽  
Adam Robisalmi ◽  
Priadi Setyawan

Penambahan vitamin E sintetis pada pakan induk sangat penting, karena vitamin E tidak dapat disintesis oleh ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penambahan vitamin E dalam pakan terhadap kualitas reproduksi induk ikan nila. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Riset Pemuliaan Ikan (BRPI) Sukamandi selama tiga bulan. Pakan uji adalah pakan formulasi berkadar protein kasar 35,83%-36,13%; lemak kasar 8,17%-9,79%; BETN 43,10%-45,72%; dan serat kasar 1,98%-2,58% dengan penambahan vitamin E berbeda, yaitu: A) 0 (kontrol), B) 150, C) 225, dan D) 300 mg/kg pakan. Ikan uji berumur 6,5 bulan sebanyak 80 ekor betina dan 40 ekor jantan, dan setiap induk ikan betina diberi tanda (tagging). Wadah ikan uji adalah jaring hapa berukuran 3 m x 2 m x 1,25 m sebanyak empat buah yang ditempatkan di kolam tanah seluas 6.000 m2 dengan ketinggian air ± 1 m. Setiap jaring diisi 20 ekor induk betina dan 10 ekor induk jantan. Parameter yang diamati adalah: gonad somatik indeks, frekuensi pemijahan, fekunditas, diameter telur, derajat tetas telur, produksi larva, abnormalitas larva, dan gonad pada akhir percobaan. Sampling dilakukan setiap satu minggu sekali selama tiga bulan pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan vitamin E 225 mg/kg pakan memberikan hasil terbaik, dapat meningkatkan produksi larva sebesar 78,55% dibanding dengan tanpa penambahan vitamin E (kontrol). Jumlah induk memijah sebesar 85% dengan jumlah frekuensi pemijahan terbanyak yaitu 28 kali dan total produksi larva tertinggi yaitu 37.927 ekor (produktivitas induk 2.231 larva/ekor) dan rataan fekunditas individu sebesar 1.886 ± 513 butir.The addition of synthetic vitamin E in broodstock feed is a necessity due to fish inability to synthesized vitamin E. Currently, there is limited information on vitamin E requirement to boost the reproductive performance of tilapia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of vitamin E in feed on the reproductive performance of tilapia broodstock. The study was conducted for three months at the Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Center. The test feeds were formulated feeds with crude protein content of 35.83%-36.13%, crude fat 8.17%-9.79%, NFE 43.10%-45.72%, and crude fiber of 1.98%-2.58% with the addition of different vitamin E, namely: A) 0 (control), B) 150, C) 225, and D) 300 mg/kg of feed. The test fish were aged 6.5 months consisted of 80 females and 40 males, where each female was given a unique tagging code. The fish were reared in four hapa nets sized 3 m x 2 m x 1.25 m which were constructed in a pond of 6,000 m2 with a water level of ± 1 m. Each hapa net contained 20 female and ten male broodstocks. The parameters observed were: gonadal somatic index, spawning frequency, fecundity, egg diameter, hatching rate, larval production, larval abnormalities, and gonadal development at the end of the experiment. Sampling was done once a week during the three months of the experiment. The results showed that the addition of vitamin E 225 mg/kg of feed gave the best results. Larval production increased by 78.55% compared to without the addition of vitamin E (control). The percentage of spawning broodstock was 85% with the highest number of spawning frequencies of 28 times, the highest total larvae production of 37,927 larvae (broodstock productivity 2,231 larvae/fish), and the average individual fecundity of 1,886 ± 513 eggs.

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