Intermedial Maps: The Street as Site of Cultural-Political Regulation in Modern Brazil

Justin Read

Since the late 19th century Rio de Janeiro has grown in relation to two primary spatial axes: the planned and regularized cidade (“city”) where most wealth and power are located; and the unregulated morro (“hill”) where most poverty has been concentrated. The history of social order in modern Brazil may not flow from the city per se, but rather from the streets that link cidade and morro the spaces that channel movement between regulated and unregulated areas of the city. One might argue that the modernization of Brazil since 1900 has followed the mapping of Rio de Janeiro’s streets over the same period. Such a claim would require a kind of “alternate” or “intermedial” cartography in which various media are employed to evoke a wide range of sensorial impressions of the city’s streets. This essay therefore attempts an intermedial mapping of Rio’s streets through readings of modernist poetry, modernist architecture, and post-modern television.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Mariza Da Gama Leite de Oliveira

O artigo destaca os maiores desafios da Instrução Pública Primária na cidade do Rio de Janeiro no início do século XX quando era capital federal. Nesse período emergiram debates envolvendo médicos e profissionais de diversas áreas da sociedade em torno de questões educacionais e sanitárias. As principais fontes utilizadas são a revista A Escola Primária e o relatório do médico Alvimar de Carvalho sobre o teste da vacina BCG, ambos do acervo da Biblioteca Nacional. Como aporte teórico, utilizam-se as possibilidades abertas pela nova história política (RÉMOND, 2003) e o auxílio da observação microscópica (GINZBURG, 1990), o que permite restaurar personagens e processos através dos indícios deixados pelos sujeitos históricos. As descobertas realizadas pelo estudo empreendido traduzem a importância do uso de fontes e de métodos variados no resgate da história das instituições escolares e sua intercessão com a história política e social.Tuberculosis in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the BCG vaccine test in public school students (1933-1935). The article highlights the major challenges of Primary Public Education in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th century, when it was the federal capital. In this period, debates involving physicians and professionals from various areas of society emerged around educational and health issues. The main sources used are: the magazine A Escola Primária and the report of the doctor Alvimar de Carvalho on the BCG vaccine test, both from the collection of the National Library. As a theoretical contribution, the possibilities opened by the new political history (RÉMOND, 2003) and the aid of microscopic observation (GINZBURG, 1990) are used to restore characters and processes through the clues left by historical subjects. The findings of the study show the importance of the use of varied sources and methods in the rescue of the history of school institutions and their intercession with political and social history.  Keywords: Tuberculosis, Primary Public Education of Rio de Janeiro, Alvimar de Carvalho, Instituto Ferreira Vianna, "The Primary School" Magazine.

Paulo Cruz Terra ◽  
Marcelo de Souza Magalhães

The city of Rio de Janeiro underwent profound changes between 1870 and the early 20th century. Its population grew dramatically, attracting migrants not only from abroad but also from other regions of Brazil. It also expanded significantly in size, as the construction of trolley and railway lines and the introduction of real estate capital powered the occupation of new areas. Meanwhile, urban reforms aimed at modernization transformed the social ways in which urban space was used. During this period, Rio de Janeiro went from being the capital of the Brazilian Empire to being the capital of the Brazilian Republic. It nevertheless maintained its position as the cultural, political-administrative, commercial, and financial center of the country. Against this backdrop of change, the city was an important arena for the political struggles that marked the period, including demonstrations in favor of abolition and the republic. Rio de Janeiro’s citizens were not inert during this period of transformation, and they found various ways to take action and fight for what they understood to be their rights. Protests, demands, petitions, and a vibrant life organized around social and political associations are examples of the broad repertoire used by the city’s inhabitants to gain a voice in municipal affairs. Citizens’ use of public demands and petitions as a channel to communicate with the authorities, and especially with city officials, shows that while they did not necessarily shun formal politics, they understood politics to be a sphere for dialogue and dispute. The sociocultural history of Rio de Janeiro during this period was therefore built precisely through confrontations and negotiations in which the common people played an active role.

2013 ◽  
pp. 40-47
Rodrigues Juciano Martins

In the next few years Brazil will receive the largest sum of investment in urban transport in the history of the country for the coming mega sports events. Theoretically, these investments should address the transport crisis that Brazilian cities are experiencing. The paper shows that the issue of transportation is present on the public agenda and in planning connected with mega events in strictly engineering terms. The ‘question of urban transportation' is introduced and a discussion is given of its connection with the preparation of cities for the mega sports events starting with Rio de Janeiro. Here the huge resources involved will probably have deep impacts on urban dynamics and on the socio-spatial configuration of the city without, however, providing solutions to the long standing transportation problems of the more vulnerable population groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 252-279
Maria Cristina Tortti ◽  

This paper aims at outlining the main processes that, in Argentina’s recent past, may enable us to understand the emergence, development and eventual defeat of the social protest movement and the political radicalization of the period 1960-70s.Here, as in previous papers, we resort to the concept of new left toname the movement that, though heterogeneous and lacking a unified direction, became a major unit in deeds, for multiple actors coming the most diverse angles coincided in opposing the vicious political regime and the social order it supported. Consequently, we shall try to reinstate the presence of such wide range of actors: their projects, objectives and speeches. Some critical circumstances shall be detailed and processes through which protests gradually amalgamated will be shown. Such extended politicization provided the frame for quite radical moves ranging from contracultural initiatives and the classism in the workers’ movement to the actual action of guerrilla groups. Through the dynamics of the events themselves we shall locate the peak moments as well as those which paved the way for their closure and eventual defeat in 1976.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 98-111 ◽  

O artigo trata sobre aspectos que definem a importá¢ncia do sá­tio histórico e arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para a história da escravização de africanos e seus descendentes nas Américas e, em especial, no Brasil. Além de ressaltar a relevá¢ncia desse bem, reconhecido em 2017 como Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO, também aborda o seu significado como sá­tio histórico de memória sensá­vel e lugar de memória do tráfico atlá¢ntico de africanos escravizados. Ao longo do texto, são abordadas ideias-chave, tais como passados sensá­veis, violência, dor e sofrimento em perspectiva histórica, indicando possibilidades de comparação com outros espaços no mundo, considerando tragédias humanas e conceitos utilizados nos estudos sobre esses processos. Finalmente, o texto analisa elementos em torno da história da região do Cais do Valongo como espaço de resistência e de afirmação das populações negras.Palavras-chave: Cais do Valongo. História da Escravidão. Passados Sensá­veis. Patrimônio Mundial. História dos africanos no Brasil.HISTORY, PATRIMONY AND SENSITIVE MEMORY:  the Pier of Valongo in Rio de JaneiroAbstract: The article deals with aspects that define the importance of the historical and archaelogical site of Valongo Wharf, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for the history of enslavement of Africans and their descendants in the Americas and especially in Brazil. In addition to highlighting the relevance of this property, recognized in 2017 as a Worl Heritage Site by UNESCO, it also addresses its significance as a historical site of sensitive memory and a place of memory for the Atlantic traffic of enslaved Africans. Throughout the text, key ideas such as sensitive past, violence, pain and suffering are discussed in historical perspective, which indicates possibilities of comparison with other spaces in the world, considering human tragedies and concepts used in the studies on these processes. Finally, the text analyzes other elements around the history of the Valongo Wharf region as space of resistance and affirmation of the black populations.Keywords: Valongo Wharf. History of Slavery. Sensitive Pasts. World Heritage. History of Africans in Brazil.HISTORIA, PATRIMONIO Y MEMORIA SENSIBLE:  el Cais do Valongo en Rá­o de JaneiroResumen: El artá­culo trata sobre aspectos que definen la importancia del sitio histórico y arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado en la ciudad de Rá­o de Janeiro, para la historia de la esclavización de africanos y sus descendientes en las Américas y, en especial, en Brasil. Además de resaltar la relevancia de ese bien, reconocido en 2017 como Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO, también aborda su significado como sitio histórico de memoria sensible y lugar de memoria de la trata atlántica de africanos esclavizados. A lo largo del texto, se abordan ideas clave, tales como pasados sensibles, violencia, dolor y sufrimiento en perspectiva histórica, indicando posibilidades de comparación con otros espacios en el mundo y considerando tragedias humanas y conceptos utilizados en los estudios sobre esos procesos. Finalmente, el texto analiza elementos en torno a la historia de la región del Cais do Valongo como espacio de resistencia y de afirmación de las poblaciones negras.Palabras clave:  Muelle de Valongo. Historia de la Esclavitud. Pasados Sensibles. Patrimonio Mundial. Historia de los africanos en Brasil.

RevistAleph ◽  
2018 ◽  
Fábio Souza Lima

Inserido no campo de história da educação este artigo tem por objetivo analisar como foi constituído o famoso uniforme das normalistas da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse sentido, abordamos questões relacionadas a história do Curso Normal e de seus distintivos sociais. Tendo os anos 1900 a 1910 como recorte temporal, buscamos contribuir para o campo no sentido conhecer melhor as bases da formação de professores primários na capital do Brasil. Nossa metodologia foi pautada no trabalho com fontes documentais, com ênfase na legislação escolar e na pesquisa empírica realizada nos acervos do Instituto de Educação Carmela Dutra e do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro.Inserted in the field of history of education this article has as objective to analyze how the famous uniform of the normalists of the City of Rio de Janeiro was constituted. In this sense, we address issues related to the history of the Normal Course and its social distinctives. Since the years 1900 to 1910 as a temporal cut, we seek to contribute to the field in order to better understand the bases of the formation of primary teachers in the Brazilian capital. Our methodology was based on work with documentary sources, with emphasis on school legislation and empirical research carried out in the collections of the Carmela Dutra Institute of Education and the Higher Institute of Education of Rio de Janeiro.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
Palloma Menezes ◽  
Diogo Corrêa

Abstract Inspired by the reflections on the concept of critique proposed by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, this article presents some elements for a sociology of critique of the Pacification Police Unit (Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora - UPPs) program. It offers a brief history of the project, typified in phases. We conduct a mapping and a temporal analysis of critiques made about the UPPs throughout the entire period of their existence from 2008 until today. This analysis is based on ethnographic research and interviews conducted by the authors between 2009 and 2015 in the first two "pacified" favelas in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Santa Marta and the Cidade de Deus), and on the analysis of news reports from the major and alternative media and of social networks.

2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 143-160 ◽  
Thomas Hunter Smith III

Soon after the Portuguese made landfall in 1500, Europeans and, later, African slaves introduced leprosy, and Saint Lazarus, the patron saint of its victims, into Brazil. Social and political pressure mounted by the middle of the eighteenth century in the city of Rio de Janeiro to remove those unfortunates from the city's streets even before the move of Brazil's capital in 1763. Frei Antônio, the bishop of Rio, founded the venerable hospital that year in the neighborhood of São Cristóvão. He requested that the Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento da Candelária provide oversight and administration. The brotherhood continues to honor its covenant of 239 years ago. The history of this hospital provides insight into the complex relationships that existed between the citizenry and church and state. Rio's leprosy hospital, now the Hospital Frei Antônio, had an important role in the evolution of the health care professions, progress in medical science, and the genesis of the hygienic movement in Brazil. This study also contributes to the history of a disease that persists in 2002 Brazil as a public health issue.

Transfers ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-120 ◽  
Edward J.M. Rhoads

Introduced into China in the late nineteenth century, the bicycle had to compete with a variety of alternative modes of personal transportation that for a number of years limited its appeal and utility. Thus, during the 1920s and 1930s it took a back seat to the hand-pulled rickshaw and during the 1940s to the pedicab (cycle rickshaw). It was only in the 1950s that the bicycle became the primary means of transportation for most urban Chinese. For the next four decades, as its use spread from the city to the countryside, China was the iconic “bicycle kingdom.“ Since the 1990s, however, the pedal-powered bicycle has been overtaken by the automobile (and motorcycle). Nevertheless, with the recent appearance and growing popularity of the e-bike, the bicycle may yet play an important role in China's transport modal mix. This overview history of the bicycle in China is based on a wide range of textual sources in English and Chinese as well as pictorial images.

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