2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 542-565
Jules Rocque

This paper focuses on the results of a longitudinal study examining the English-language content of Francophone minority school boards’ websites throughout Canada, mindful of the changing profile of the boards’ parental population. A document analysis research approach was used to analyse how the content destined for a non-French-speaking audience has evolved, enabling the audience to have access to new and pertinent information. It was observed that the majority of boards in Western Canada and Ontario have increased the presence of English on their websites. Atlantic Canada (with the exception of New Brunswick) has followed this trend. It is worth noting that other languages and content areas have shown up on the web sites, confirming the changing demographics of Francophone minority communities in Canada.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 00013
Danny Susanto

<p class="Abstract">The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon known as&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1rem;">“anglicism”: a loan made to the English language by another language.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism arose either from the adoption of an English word as a&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">result of a translation defect despite the existence of an equivalent&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">term in the language of the speaker, or from a wrong translation, as a&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">word-by-word translation. Said phenomenon is very common&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">nowadays and most languages of the world including making use of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">some linguistic concepts such as anglicism, neologism, syntax,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">morphology etc, this article addresses various aspects related to&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicisms in French through a bibliographic study: the definition of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism, the origin of Anglicisms in French and the current situation,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">the areas most affected by Anglicism, the different categories of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism, the difference between French Anglicism in France and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">French-speaking Canada, the attitude of French-speaking society&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">towards to the Anglicisms and their efforts to stop this phenomenon.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">The study shows that the areas affected are, among others, trade,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">travel, parliamentary and judicial institutions, sports, rail, industrial&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">production and most recently film, industrial production, sport, oil industry, information technology,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">science and technology. Various initiatives have been implemented either by public institutions or by&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">individuals who share concerns about the increasingly felt threat of the omnipresence of Anglicism in&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">everyday life.</span></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-209 ◽  
Zachary W. Taylor

This study examines first-year undergraduate admissions materials from 325 bachelor-degree granting U.S. institutions, closely analyzing the English-language readability and Spanish-language readability and translation of these materials. Via Yosso’s linguistic capital, the results reveal 4.9% of first-year undergraduate admissions materials had been translated into Spanish, 4% of institutional admissions websites embed translation widgets, and the average readability of English-language content is above the 13th-grade reading level. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Jeong Mi Moon

Over the last three decades in the U.S., schools have endeavored to provide more equitable access to rigorous courses, especially for racially or socioeconomically marginalized students, and increased those students' participation in higher level courses. Despite such improvement, the gaps in high level courses enrollment among racially or socioeconomically different student groups still remain with those marginalized students underrepresented in the high level courses. The present study focused on another marginalized group of students, English language learners (ELLs) and sought to identify school practices that may improve ELLs' access to advanced math courses in high school. Using the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, the present study examined three key school practices in association with ELLs' taking advanced math: i) student choice-based math placement policies, ii) math encouraging programs for underrepresented studentudy found that only math PLCs had a statistically significant association with the probability of taking advanced math courses, net of prior achievement and other student- and school-level factors. The math PLCs examined here represented a collaboration among math teachers to learn effective teaching methods and discuss their teaching/learning belief for students including ELLs or under-performing students. It found no differential effects of school practices and ELLs' taking advanced math courses, the main focus of this study. However, the findings indicate that ELLs can also benefit from high quality math PLCs as much as other students. The key finding of the present study suggests the possible area that school leadership and educators should develop to improve students' access to advanced math courses net of their prior achievement. Particularly for ELLs, the finding suggests that training content area teachers may help ELLs more readily access academicarformance. Most importantly, considering taking advanced math in high school is a critical issue for ELLs in regard to their participation in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workforce in the future, there should be more research that explicitly investigates school policies and practices that may facilitate ELLs' access to higher level courses in high school. keywords: English language learners, High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, math professional learning communities, student choice, advanaced math

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 34333
Lívia Chaves Melo

Within the interdisciplinary field of Applied Linguistics, this research proposes analyzing how the Supervised Internship Reports that focus the use of didactic materials applied in the teaching and learning English language during the practicum activities help pre-serve teachers to reflect upon the teaching practice. Dialogical studies of language according to Bakhtin’s perspective is the theoretical apparatus that guided this research. Qualitative research approach and the methodology of documentation were applied to characterize supervised internship reports. The research results show that the use of didactic materials it is focused in the writing of the Supervised Internship reports, however, it is essential to invest in the adaptation and production of materials that attend the objectives and characteristics of the English language teaching contexts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Наталія Акімова

У статті аналізуються особливості розуміння інтернет-новин. Для цього використані методи аналізу та синтезу; описового, лінгвокультурного та концептуальнного аналізу тексту, дескриптивної інтроспекції та моделювання, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контекстне спостереження. Автор акцентує, що у процесі дослідження розуміння новин у інтернеті варто враховувати їх специфічні характеристики. Виокремлено, що на відміну від друкованих новин інтернет-новинам властиві такі риси: відсутність цензури, жорсткої залежності від формату видання, гіпертекстовість, інтерактивність, електронна форма, що дозволяє спростити процес друку, зекономити час, колективне авторство, можливість архівування та електронного пошуку, можливість постійного доступу з будьякої точки світу, мультимедійність, необмежений тираж та низька собівартість, уривчастість (не можна відкрити декілька сторінок в одному вікні). Ці нові переважно технічні можливості створюють потенціал реалізації низки комунікативних феноменів, зокрема персоналізації, нехтування мовними нормами, спрощення, широкого використання жаргону, термінів, що призводить до формування специфічного мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин. Для мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин типовим є використання дієслів у третій формі множини, часто не називаючи суб’єкта дії або називаючи лише формально: через метонімію (наприклад: «влада») або за допомогою онімів без референтів. Такий мовленнєвий етикет інтернетновин значно ускладнює розуміння їх змісту, крім того за допомогою незрозумілих формулювань читачам нав’язують певні цінності, установки та орієнтири. Психологічні особливості впливу мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин на процес розуміння репрезентовані у моделі розуміння такого тексту, що запропонована у цій статті (на прикладі новинного анонсу з сайту «РосБизнесКонсалтинг»). Література References  Akіmova, N. (2014). Internet-kommunikatsiya: psikholingvisticheskiy analiz: Monografiya [Internet-communication: Psycholinguistic Analysis]. Saarbryúkken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Akіmova, N. Movlennevі devіacіyi u movі ukraїns'kih іnternet-ZMІ: tendencіja movy epokhy chy zasіb manіpuliuvannia [Speech deviation in the language of Ukrainian online media: the tendency of epoch’s language or means of manipulation]. Retrieved from Akіmova, N. (2016). Frahmentarnist’ novynnoyi internet-komunikatsiyi yak faktor, shcho uskladnyuye yiyi rozuminnya [Fragmentation of the Internet news communication as a factor that complicates its understanding]. Psykholinhvistyka, 20(2), 12-20. Batmanova, S. (2004). Setevyye SMI: faktory efektivnosti [Network mass media: factors of effectiveness]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Voronezh. BTSRYA – Kuznetsov, S.A. (Eds.). (2009) Bol'shoj tolkovyi slovar' russkogo jazyka [Big Dictionary of Russian]. S.-Petersburg: Norint. Dvoynina Ye. (2010). Rechevaya manipulyatsiya v internet-diskurse (na materiale russko- i angloyazychnykh novostnykh saytov) [Speech manipulation in Internet discourse (on the basis of Russian and English-language news sites)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saratov. Il'ina I. Problemy izucheniya i vospriyatiya giperteksta v mul'timediynoy srede internet [Problems of studying and perception of hypertext in the multimedia environment of the Internet]. Retrieved from Karamysheva R. (2009). Rehistrovo-zhanrovi kharakterystyky povidomlen’ pro stykhiyni lykha na ukrayinomovnykh ta anhlomovnykh internet-saytakh [The register and genre characteristics of reports of natural disasters in Ukrainian and English web sites]. Linhvistychni Studiyi, 18, 167–173. Koval'chukova M. (2009). Novostnoy anons v seti internet kak rechevoy zhanr diskursa SMI [News announcement in the Internet as a speech genre of the discourse of the media]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Izhevsk. Kolomiyets’ S., Kulyezniova S. (2012). Zhanrovo-styliova dominanta v perekladi tekstiv internet-dyskursu [Genre-style dominant in the translation of texts of Internet discourse]. Funktsyonalnaya Lyngvistika, 3, 176-284. Kulakova V. (2007). Internet v sisteme sredstv massovoy informatsii Tadzhikistana [Internet in the system of mass media of Tajikistan]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Dushanbe. Filatova, O. G. (2004) Internet kak mass-media [Internet as a mass media]. Aktual'nye Problemy Teorii Kommunikatsii, 232-240. Sources RBK – RosBiznesKonsalting – novosti, akcii, kursy valjut, pogoda, dollar, evro [RosBusinessConsulting – News, Stocks, Exchange rate, weather, dollar, euro]. Retrieved from  

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-114 ◽  
Joshua M. Bentley ◽  
Christopher C. Barnes

Md. Musrifur Jelane

Most of the non-English departments at the tertiary level of education in Bangladesh conduct the English language course for the development of English language skills of the non-English department students. However, the non-English department students at the tertiary level of education in Bangladesh face many troubles in learning the English language efficiently. The purpose of this study was to explore the difficulties encountered by the non-English department students at the tertiary level of education in Bangladesh in learning the English language. This study followed a quantitative research approach. Data collected from 100 non-English department students both from public and private universities of Bangladesh through survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The findings of this study disclosed that the non-English department students face the most difficulty in productive skills (speaking and writing). Moreover, duration of the class and semester, syllabus design, needs analysis, classroom techniques, and methods are the significant factors that affect the English language learning of the non-English department students.

William Wresch ◽  
Simon Fraser

Studies summarized by the United Nations Commission on Trade and Development show that companies in developing countries face problems executing e-commerce strategies. To determine which barriers might be transitional and which might be persistent, a longitudinal study was conducted of companies in five Caribbean countries. Interviews were conducted with 23 companies in 2004. Interviews were repeated in 2008 with those companies that were still in operation. Some improvements were found in general telecommunications support, but persistent barriers were found in logistics services, and new problems were identified in increased competition and increased shipping costs. As a result of these changes, the general focus of managers shifted from establishing web sites and making them visible to more general managerial tasks connected to finding a place in an increasingly competitive environment. The results of this study suggest improved strategies for companies in developing countries seeking to use e-commerce to expand their markets.

2022 ◽  
pp. 120-141
Yeraldine Aldana

Some researchers consider the qualitative research approach is a finished enterprise; however, this is not the case. This chapter discusses some methodological decisions through a proposal that plurisignifies qualitative research as an otherwise intuitive approach. This derives from a doctoral study about peace construction (PC) in applied linguistics (AL) to English language teaching (ELT). Firstly, a problematization around qualitative research develops to question taken-for-granted methodological beliefs, concepts, and practices, which represent the instrumentalization of research. Secondly, a proposal to re-humanize these problematized aspects is presented through a discussion of its relationalities and a short description of a practical realization of it. Conclusions wrap up the main contributions of this chapter and comment on their possible implications.

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