Zakiah Muhammad Rokib ◽  
Purnawan Junadi

Abstract. Health is one of the fundamental rights for every person, therefore it must be provided by the government. To guarantee the quality and type of health services, the Minimal Standards for Services (SPM) must be established. This includes the SPM for the productive age healthcare services (SPM BKUP). This type of healthcare is important since it covers about 60-70% of the current population. In this research, we analyzed the discrepancy between the reality and the ideal in the implementation of the SPM BKUP qualitatively through in-depth interviews, focus group discusions, and studying the related documents. We discovered that in Depok City 10 of the 13 indicators for implementation were incomplete. These were the Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) risk factor conseling, technical trainings for the screening officer and web-based surveillance, NCDs integrated services, recording and reporting, monitoring and evaluation, communication, the attitude of the implementer, manpower, facilities, and funding. And that the other three indicators, incentives for the implementers that reached the target, standard operational procedures for the implementation of the SPM BKUP, and a specialized team for the implementation. Therefore, Depok City was only minimally prepared to implement the SPM.Abstrak. Kesehatan adalah hak yang sangat mendasar bagi manusia, untuk itu negara harus hadir dalam pemenuhannya. Dalam era otonomi daerah, Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) bidang kesehatan menjadi jaminan penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan dengan jenis dan mutu pelayanan dasar yang sama. Salah satu jenis layanan dasar adalah SPM bidang kesehatan pada usia produktif (SPM BKUP). Jenis layanan dasar ini bernilai strategis bagi kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, karena berdasarkan BPS (2017) komposisi penduduk usia produktif menempati proporsi 60-70% dari seluruh jumlah penduduk dan nilai strategis bagi pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) karena bentuk skrining. Analisis kesiapan ditujukan untuk melihat seberapa besar jarak antara kondisi ideal dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik WM, FGD dan telaah dokumen terkait.  Hasil penelitian didapatkan 10 dari 13 indikator kesiapan implementasi, belum lengkap dimiliki Kota Depok, meliputi konseling faktor risiko PTM, Pelatihan teknis petugas skrining dan surveilans berbasis web,  pelayanan terpadu PTM, pencatatan pelaporan, monitoring evaluasi, komunikasi, sikap pelaksana, ketersediaan SDM, fasilitas dan dana. Sementara 3 indikator yang belum sama sekali dimiliki yaitu insentif bagi pelaksana yang mencapai target, SOP pelaksanaan SPM BKUP dan Tim penanggung jawab penyelenggaraan SPM BKUP. Kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa Kota Depok memiliki kesiapan yang minimal dalam rangka implementasi SPM BKUP. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. e001162 ◽  
Gunjan Taneja ◽  
Vegamadagu Suryanarayana-Rao Sridhar ◽  
Jaya Swarup Mohanty ◽  
Anurag Joshi ◽  
Pranav Bhushan ◽  

Building on the gains of the National Health Mission, India’s Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Strategy, launched in 2013, was a milestone in the country’s health planning. The strategy recognised the interdependence of RMNCH+A Interventions across the life stages and adopted a comprehensive approach to address inequitable distribution of healthcare services for the vulnerable population groups and in poor-performing geographies of the country. Based on innovative approaches and management reforms, like selection of poor-performing districts, prioritisation of high-impact RMNCH+A healthcare interventions, engagement of development partners and institutionalising a concurrent monitoring system the strategy strived to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the public healthcare delivery system of the country. 184 High Priority Districts were identified across the country on a defined set of indicators for implementation of critical RMNCH+A Interventions and a dedicated institutional framework comprising National and State RMNCH+A Units and District Level Monitors supported by the development partners was established to provide technical support to the state and district health departments. Health facilities based on case load and available services across the High Priority Districts were prioritised for strengthening and were monitored by an RMNCH+A Supportive Supervision mechanism to track progress and generate evidence to facilitate actions for strengthening ongoing interventions. The strategy helped develop an integrated systems-based approach to address public health challenges through a comprehensive framework, defined priorities and robust partnerships with the partner agencies. However, lack of a robust monitoring and evaluation framework and sub-optimal focus on social determinants of health possibly limited its overall impact and ability to sustain improvements. Guided by the learnings and limitations, the Government of India has now designed the ‘Aspirational Districts Program’ to holistically address health challenges in poor-performing districts within the overall sociocultural domain to ensure inclusive and sustained improvements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Ratna Nur Pujiastuti ◽  
Ayun Sriatmi ◽  
Nurhasmadiar Nandini

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to a variety of health risks, especially about sexual promblems and reproductive health problems. The government develops adolenscent health programs in Indonesia by using the Adolenscent Friendly Health Service (PKPR) at the health care level. Adolescent health programs in 2019 at Magelang city has not achieved performance targets, so that it becomes attention to optimizing the PKPR program. This research is to find out cause the implementation of the PKPR program in Magelang Tengah health center which is not optimal with influencing factors. The method of research was qualitative with descriptive approach. The technique of collecting data was through in-depth interviews with subject sellection with purposive sampling criteria. Data analysis used content analysis. Analyzed variables were communication, resources, dispositions or attitudes, and bureaucratic structure. The results showed that implementation of PKPR in health center has not been optimal because have some constraints which influenced by several factors, such as the lack of communication between PKPR teams in coordinating scheduling activities, the understanding and clarity about PKPR program owned by officers was limited, the function of public service room in health center has not been optimal to provided service to adolescent, and monitoring and evaluation was limited. Therefore, it needs to communication and coordination was scheduled regularly so that has a good team management, and needs to monitoring and assessment of SNPKPR by Department of Health regularly in order to know the achievement and factors which influence the unoptimability of implementation PKPR program in the health center.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Edmond Wonkam-Tingang ◽  
Karen Kengne Kamga ◽  
Samuel Mawuli Adadey ◽  
Seraphin Nguefack ◽  
Carmen De Kock ◽  

Background: This study aimed to gain an understanding of the challenges faced by people with hearing impairment (HI) in Cameroon, their understanding of the causes of HI, and how challenges could be remedied to improve the quality of life of persons with HI.Methods: Semi-structured one-on-one in-depth interviews and observation of participant behaviour when answering questions were used to collect data from 10 HI professionals (healthcare workers and educationists), and 10 persons affected by HI (including caregivers).Results: The results show that the different groups associate the causes of HI to genetics, environmental factors, and a spiritual curse. There were reported cases of stigma and discrimination of persons with HI, with people sometimes referring to HI as an “intellectual disorder.” Interviewees also highlighted the difficulty persons with HI have in accessing education and healthcare services and suggested the need for the government and health researchers to develop strategies for the prevention and early diagnosis of HI. These strategies include (1) the awareness of the general population regarding HI, (2) the development of facilities for the proper management and new-born screening of HI, and (3) the implementation of a premarital screening to reduce the burden of HI of genetic origin.Conclusions: This study confirms the difficult social interaction and access to proper management faced by persons with HI in Cameroon and further highlights the need to educate populations on the causes of HI for a better acceptance of individuals with HI in the Cameroonian society.

2009 ◽  
pp. 143-156
Jiao Ma

This chapter explores the use of Web sites to provide patients with understandable information about the quality and price of healthcare (healthcare transparency). Our first objective is to discuss patients’ perceptions of empowerment and need for quality and cost information when choosing medical providers and facilities for healthcare procedures. To meet this objective, we address issues of patient awareness of sources of healthcare quality and cost information, perceived responsibility for managing healthcare costs, and knowledge of appropriate actions to exercise choice of providers. Our second objective is to investigate the potential of Web-based tools, which provide healthcare quality and cost information, to facilitate patients’ decision-making processes regarding choice of provider for healthcare services, particularly common outpatient procedures. To meet this second objective, we use insights from usercentered design procedures (e.g., focus groups and in-depth interviews) associated with the development of a healthcare transparency Web-based tool.

2011 ◽  
pp. 1360-1373
Jiao Ma ◽  
Cynthia LeRouge

This chapter explores the use of Web sites to provide patients with understandable information about the quality and price of healthcare healthcare transparency). Our first objective is to discuss patients’ perceptions of empowerment and need for quality and cost information when choosing medical providers and facilities for healthcare procedures. To meet this objective, we address issues of patient awareness of sources of healthcare quality and cost information, perceived responsibility for managing healthcare costs, and knowledge of appropriate actions to exercise choice of providers. Our second objective is to investigate the potential of Webbased tools, which provide healthcare quality and cost information, to facilitate patients’ decisionmaking processes regarding choice of provider for healthcare services, particularly common outpatient procedures. To meet this second objective, we use insights from user-centered design procedures (e.g., focus groups and in-depth interviews) associated with the development of a healthcare transparency Web-based tool.

ijd-demos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rahmad Hidayat ◽  
Asrul Raman

Economics regulation by the state is indeed very necessary to ensure that the pursuit of profit does not conflict with social welfare. That is the reason why regulatory economics becomes really important. However, the context in this paper contradicts with the ideal substance of regulatory economics in which the government proactively provides incentives to remain entrenched monopolistic business practices while taking a dominant role in importing salt commodity through the issuance of a public policy that is more permissive and accommodating to those interests. This paper aims to describe the political dynamics in the formulation and implementation of salt import policy in Post-Soeharto Indonesia which was mainly characterized by the practice of unfair business competition. As descriptive qualitative research, this study utilized in-depth interviews, observation, document tracking, and document analysis techniques in which a number of bureaucrats, entrepreneurs, and salt farmers were used as informants to mine the data. The results of this study show that government intervention through Permendag No. 125/2015 does not reveal a pure orientation of "liberating salt commodity trade from monopolistic business practices", but to satisfy its vested interests and save the sakes of certain importers who were being the important part of its business collusion. Content imperfections, deliberate elimination of substantive obligations, facilitation of rent-seeking and monopolistic business practices, and the impartiality of the regulation’s purpose with the livelihoods of salt farmers in Indonesia become primary impetuses of the resistance of various parties to the dark side of regulatory economics imposed by the government.Regulasi ekonomi oleh negara memang sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa pengejaran keuntungan tidak bertentangan dengan kesejahteraan sosial. Itulah alasan mengapa ekonomi regulasi menjadi sangat penting. Namun, konteks dalam makalah ini bertentangan dengan substansi ideal ekonomi pengatur di mana pemerintah secara proaktif memberikan insentif untuk tetap mempertahankan praktik bisnis monopolistik sambil mengambil peran dominan dalam mengimpor komoditas garam melalui penerbitan kebijakan publik yang lebih permisif dan akomodatif. untuk kepentingan itu. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika politik dalam perumusan dan implementasi kebijakan impor garam di Indonesia pasca-Soeharto yang terutama ditandai oleh praktik persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, penelusuran dokumen, dan teknik analisis dokumen di mana sejumlah birokrat, pengusaha, dan petani garam digunakan sebagai informan untuk menambang data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi pemerintah melalui Permendag No. 125/2015 tidak mengungkapkan orientasi murni "membebaskan perdagangan komoditas garam dari praktik bisnis monopolistik", tetapi untuk memuaskan kepentingan pribadi dan menyelamatkan kepentingan importir tertentu yang sedang bagian penting dari kolusi bisnisnya. Ketidaksempurnaan konten, penghapusan sengaja kewajiban substantif, fasilitasi perburuan rente dan praktik bisnis monopolistik, dan ketidakberpihakan tujuan regulasi dengan mata pencaharian petani garam di Indonesia menjadi dorongan utama dari resistensi berbagai pihak terhadap sisi gelap ekonomi regulasi. dipaksakan oleh pemerintah.

Hery Setyo Utomo

The quality of out-of-school education in Indonesia varies greatly and varies in quality . Efforts to improve the quality of national education by the government are always carried out in stages, planned and measured. To be able to organize quality education, every Education organizer must be accredited by BAN PAUD and PNF. There are still many LKp who are reluctant to submit accreditation requests, so that the quality of LKP also does not meet the expectations of the community and the government. The purpose of this study is to find a model for the acceleration of LKP accreditation development. The method used in this study uses a qualitative research approach, data sources obtained through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results of this study are in the form of a product guidance acceleration of LKP accreditation. Accelerating the Development of the Accreditation Model LKP WEB-based quality assurance in Gresik Regency needs a mentoring process by a team of experts in this case the assessors are members of Pokja BAN PAUD and PNF Gresik Regency so that accreditation in Gresik Regency does not run stagnant but can run faster and quota given to the Regency Gresik can be fulfilled.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-19
Crystal Jelita Lumban Tobing

 KPPN Medan II is one of the government organization units at the Ministry of Finance. Where leaders and employees who work at KPPN Medan II always carry out official trips between cities and outside the city. With these conditions, making SPPD documents experiencing the intensity of official travel activities carried out by employees of KPPN Medan II can be said frequently. So that in making SPPD in KPPN Medan II is still using the manual method that is recording through Microsoft Word which in the sense is less effective and efficient. In naming employees who get official assignments, officers manually entering employee data that receives official travel letters are prone to being lost because data is manually written. The web-based SPPD application is built by applying this prototyping method which is expected to facilitate SPPD KPPN Medan II management officers in making SPPD that is effective, efficient, accurate, time-saving, and not prone to losing SPPD data of KPPN Medan II employees who will has made official trips due to the existence of a special database to accommodate all SPPD files.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48 ◽  
Mathews Mathew ◽  
Debbie Soon

Debates in Singapore about immigration and naturalisation policy have escalated substantially since 2008 when the government allowed an unprecedentedly large number of immigrants into the country. This essay will discuss immigration and naturalisation policy in Singapore and the tensions that have been evoked, and how these policies are a key tool in regulating the optimal composition and size of the population for the state’s imperatives. It will demonstrate that although the state has, as part of its broader economic and manpower planning policy to import labour for economic objectives, it seeks to retain only skilled labour with an exclusive form of citizenship.  Even as the Singapore state has made its form of citizenship even more exclusive by reducing the benefits that non-citizens receive, its programmes for naturalising those who make the cut to become citizens which include the recently created Singapore Citizenship Journey (SCJ) is by no means burdensome from a comparative perspective. This paper examines policy discourse and the key symbols and narratives provided at naturalisation events and demonstrates how these are used to evoke the sense of the ideal citizen among new Singaporeans. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Vindhi Putri Pratiwi ◽  
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Dyah Mutiarin ◽  
Awang Darumurti ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

The purpose of this research is to see the open selection mechanism in the government of Bantul district. Because the success of bureaucratic reform is a part of human resources within the government bureaucracy. Therefore it is necessary to have human resource management to realize a state of civil apparatus with integrity, professionalism and competence. In this study, researchers used qualitative approach methods. Where in the technique is done in-depth interviews to get information and gather other supporting documents on this research. Human resource management could be done by structuring employees through an open selection mechanism. The Government of Bantul District has conducted an open selection in structuring employees who are in their government. Because the open selection is considered a solution in the screening of the state civil apparatus. Moreover, the Bantul Government in the open selection process uses several stages including administration selection, competency tests, interviews, and paper presentations. With the existence of several stages carried out in the open selection process by the Bantul Government, it is expected to capture and create a state civil apparatus who are professional and competent in running of bureaucracy in the government. So the existence of the state civil apparatus competent then will be influenced in its performance.

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