scholarly journals Phytosociological Survey of Spontaneous Plants in the Culture of Agroecological Maize with Plants of Intercalar Coverage

Alexandra da Silva Martinez ◽  
Edleusa Pereira Seidel ◽  
Renan Pan ◽  
Tauane Santos Brito ◽  
Wesler Meiners Caciano

Aims: The objective was to carry the phytosociological survey of spontaneous plants in the agroecological maize crop cultivated with intercalar cover plants in the summer and fall/winter harvest. Study Design: The experimental design used was of randomized blocks with subdivided plots in the time 4x2x2, with 5 replicates. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in a farm, located in Missal – PR, managed in agroecological system since 2009. Methodology: The crop modalities used were maize + pigeon pea, maize + showy rattlepod, maize + jack bean and monoculture (control), being evaluated during summer and fall/winter seasons, at 30 and 70 days after emergence.  Frequency, abundance, and density of plants per linear meter and the importance value index (IVI) were determined in a 1 m² area. Results: The specie Commelina benghalensis L. and Leonorus sibiricus L, were the plants with the highest IVI for the crop modalities maize + pigeon pea and maize + showy rattlepod. Conclusion: The cultivation of maize with cover crops, mainly showy rattlepod, may be a recommended management to reduce spontaneous plants in maize in the agroecological system. Aims: The objective was to carry the phytosociological survey of spontaneous plants in the agroecological maize crop cultivated with intercalar cover plants in the summer and fall/winter harvest. Study Design: The experimental design used was of randomized blocks with subdivided plots in the time 4x2x2, with 5 replicates. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in a farm, located in Missal – PR, managed in agroecological system since 2009. Methodology: The crop modalities used were maize + pigeon pea, maize + showy rattlepod, maize + jack bean and monoculture (control), being evaluated during summer and fall/winter seasons, at 30 and 70 days after emergence.  Frequency, abundance, and density of plants per linear meter and the importance value index (IVI) were determined in a 1 m² area. Results: The specie Commelina benghalensis L. and Leonorus sibiricus L, were the plants with the highest IVI for the crop modalities maize + pigeon pea and maize + showy rattlepod. Conclusion: The cultivation of maize with cover crops, mainly showy rattlepod, may be a recommended management to reduce spontaneous plants in maize in the agroecological system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ((03) 2019) ◽  
pp. 465-471 ◽  
Edilândia Farias Dantas ◽  
Ana Dolores Santiago de Freitas ◽  
Maria do Carmo Catanho Pereira de Lyra ◽  
Carolina Etienne de Rosália e Silva Santos ◽  
Stella Jorge de Carvalho Neta ◽  

Green manures can replace or supplement mineral fertilization and add organic matter to the soils, ensuring greater sustainability to fruit growing in semiarid regions. Biological fixation, transfer and balance of nitrogen were determined on an irrigated yellow passion fruit orchard (Passiflora edulis Sims) intercropped separately with three cover crops: sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea (L.); pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill; and jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC. In a fourth treatment, legumes were not planted, but spontaneous vegetation was left to grow freely. The legumes were croped for 90 days in three lines (0.5 m apart) inside the passion fruit plant lines (2.5 m apart). Fixation and transfers were determined by the 15N natural abundance technique, using sunflower as a reference plant. The three planted legumes nodulated abundantly and fixed nitrogen in high proportions (between 50 and 90% of their N), forming symbiosis with bacteria naturally established in the soil. Jack bean produced more biomass than sunn hemp and pigeon pea, and as much as the spontaneous plants, of which 23% were legumes. The amounts of fixed N (150, 43, 30 and 29 kg ha-1) were determined mainly by the biomass of legumes. More than 40% of the N of passion fruit plants came from the biological nitrogen fixation of the intercropped jack bean, which provided an amount of N higher than that exported in the fruits, generating a positive balance of more than 100 kg ha-1. Therefore, it is recommended to intercrop jack bean in irrigated passion fruit orchards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (6supl2) ◽  
pp. 3567-3580
Ivan Bordin ◽  
Osmar Maziero Buratto ◽  
Andreia Cristina Peres Rodrigues da Costa ◽  
Benedito Noedi Rodrigues ◽  

The knowledge of the impacts of the management practices used in each agricultural production system on the ecological interactions between commercial crops and weed populations can assist in the development of specific and sustainable integrated management strategies. This study aimed to assess weed communities in soybean in succession to second-crop corn and production systems with crop diversification in Northern Paraná State. The study was conducted during three agricultural years (2014/2017). Six treatments were setup: 1 – corn/soybean, corn/soybean, and corn/soybean), 2 – white oat/soybean, rye/corn, and wheat/soybean, 3 – oat + rye/soybean, oat + radish/corn, and congo grass/soybean, 4 – canola/corn, crambe/corn, and safflower/soybean, 5 – buckwheat/ radish/corn, bean/soybean, and buckwheat/oat/soybean, and 6 – wheat/corn + congo grass, canola/corn, and bean/soybean. The relative importance value index of each weed species and the soil cover (soil, straw, and weeds) were assessed. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with four replications of 300 m2 (20 × 15 m). The production systems white oat/soybean, rye/corn, and wheat/soybean; buckwheat/radish/corn, bean/soybean, buckwheat/oat/soybean; and wheat/corn+congo grass, canola/corn, bean/soybean had a suppressive effect on the species Commelina benghalensis. Euphorbia heterophylla and Digitaria horizontalis were the species most adapted to the assessed production systems. Seeds remaining from crambe and radish cultivations became volunteer plants in subsequent cultivations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (0) ◽  
C.T. FORTE ◽  
L. GALON ◽  

ABSTRACT: Phytosociological studies are groups of methods that aim at the identification, composition and distribution of plant species in a community. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify the main weeds found in beans, maize and soybean cultivated in no-tillage and conventional systems. The experimental design was a randomized block one, with four replications. Experiments were conducted during three consecutive years, with summer crop (bean, maize and soybean) treatments, no-tillage system (NTS) composed by the covers, black oat, vetch and forage radish, in addition to their intercrop. In the conventional planting system (CTS), the area was left fallow in the off-season. The shoot dry matter of the covers was evaluated in each crop. The evaluated variables were: frequency, density, abundance, dry matter and the importance value index of the species in the area. Eighteen species of weeds and 12 families were identified, with Asteraceae and Poaceae families showing the highest number of individuals. The shoot dry matter production presented a difference among the covers; the cover black oat alone and intercrop with radish and vetch stood out, with the highest averages in the 3 years of the experiments. Cropping systems and different cover crops within the no-tillage system interfered in the number of encontered species. The emergence of Euphorbia heterophylla was favored, while the emergence of Lolium multiflorum was inhibited. E. heterophylla was the most encountered in the NTS areas, and its germination was negatively influenced by soil mobilization. The intercrop of black oat and vetch provided maximum weed control in soybean.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (0) ◽  
A. NOLLA ◽  

ABSTRACT: The presence of weeds on fields is a concern for farmers, due to competition with the commercial crops, reducing yields. The intercropping of maize with legumes provides weed control; after senescence, the nutrients accumulated by plants are released, recycling nutrients. The study of plant species and their diversity is called phytosociology. This study aimed at evaluating the accumulation of dry phytomass by maize intercropped with legumes and weeds species, and at evaluating nutrient cycling and the phytosociology of weeds. The experiment consisted of maize intercropped with legumes cover crops: jack-beans, Brazilian jack-beans, velvet bean, lablab-beans, and pigeon pea, and the control treatment (maize without intercrop), all without chemical or mechanical weed control. Maize was sown in the plots, and legumes were sown 64 days after maize. Maize was harvested 120 days after sowing (DAS), and legumes at 144 DAS. Weeds were sampled at 84 and 144 DAS. It was possible to evaluate the accumulation of dry phytomass, the nutrient content of the intercrop components, and the phytosociology of weeds. The phytomass accumulation by maize was not affected by the intercrop with legumes. The intercrop with velvet bean accumulated higher dry phytomass and suppressed weeds. Jack beans accumulated dry mass, but did not suppress weeds. The intercropping system changed the diversity of weeds. Panicum maximum, Commelina nudiflora, Commelina benghalensis, Leonotis nepetaefolia and Melampodium divaricatum stood out by presenting higher values of phytosociological index and nutrient recycling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Irawaty Mertosono ◽  
Ratna Siahaan ◽  
Pience Maabuat

Struktur Makroalga Pada Ekosistem Lamun Di Kecamatan Tabukan Selatan, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Sulawesi Utara(Structure of Macroalgae in Seagrass Ecosystems at South TabukanDistrict, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi) Irawaty A. Mertosono1), Ratna Siahaan1*) Pience V. Maabuat1)1)Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115*Email korespondensi:[email protected] Diterima  15 Februari 2019, diterima untuk dipublikasi 28 Februari  2019 Abstrak Makroalga laut merupakan tumbuhan laut yang tidak memiliki akar, batang, maupun daun sejati. Kegiatan manusia berupa pemanfaatan makroalga, konversi lahan, dan transportasi laut dapat menjadi penyebab penurunan biodiversitas makroalga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis struktur dan distribusi makroalga pada ekosistem lamun di Kecamatan Tabukan Selatan, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Sulawesi Utara. Lokasi penelitian di tiga stasiun penelitian yaitu Pantai Karurung - Desa Salurang, Pantai Palareng - Desa Palareng dan Pantai Galoghong – Desa Batuwingkung. Penelitian dilakukan pada November-Desember 2018 dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode garis transek (line transect) dengan teknik pencuplikan kuadrat. Makroalga yang ditemukan sebanyak 36 spesies yang terdiri atas 25 spesies Divisi Chlorophyta, sembilan (9) spesies Divisi Rhodophyta dan dua (2) spesies Divisi Phaeophyta. Makroalga Bornetella nitida memiliki Indeks Nilai Penting 39, 24% mendominasi di lokasi penelitian. Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H’) spesies makroalga di Stasiun I (H’:3,02) tergolong tinggi sedangkan pada Stasiun II (H’:2,86)  dan Stasiun III (H’:2,63) tergolong sedang. Secara keseluruhan, keanekaragaman spesies makroalga di Kecamatan Tabukan Selatang tergolong tinggi (H’:3,00). Kata kunci:   struktur makroalga, Pantai Karurung, Pantai Palareng, Pantai Galoghong,Tabukan Selatan Abstract Marine macroalgae are marine plant-like organisms that has no true roots, stems, or leaves. The human ativities of macroalgae utilization, land conversion, and sea transportation can cause of macroalgae biodiversity decline. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure and distribution of macroalgae in seagrass ecosystems at South Tabukan District, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi. The research locations were at three research stations, i.e. Karurung Beach - Salurang Village, Palareng Beach - Palareng Village and Galoghong Beach - Batuwingkung Village. The study was conducted in November-December 2018 with line transect method sampling and quadrate sampling technique. Macroalgae were 36 species consists of 25 species of Chlorophyta Division, nine (9) species of Rhodophyta Division and two (2) species of Phaeophyta Division. Macroalga Bornetella nitida had Importance Value Index 39.24% that dominated research locations. The Shannon-Wiener biodiversity Index (H’) of macroalgae species at Station I (H': 3.02) was classified as high while Station II (H': 2.86) and Station III (H ': 2.63) were moderate. Overall, macroalgae species diversity at Tabukan Selatang District was high (H’: 3.00). Keywords: Macroalgae structure, Macroalgae distribution, Karurung Beach, Palareng Beach, Galoghong Beach, South Tabukan

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 ◽  
pp. 126302
Adelaide Perdigão ◽  
José L.S. Pereira ◽  
Nuno Moreira ◽  
Henrique Trindade ◽  
João Coutinho

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 470
Koichi Takenaka ◽  
Kenta Ikazaki ◽  
Saïdou Simporé ◽  
François Kaboré ◽  
Natacha Thiombiano ◽  

Farmed parklands of the Central Plateau, Burkina Faso, integrate native woody vegetation with managed cropland. However, sapling survival in the parklands is increasingly threatened. This study characterized woody vegetation abundance along a 2.7 km long transect in the Doulou Basin, Boulkiemdé Province, Central West Region, to assess changes in vegetation composition since 1984. In addition, a householder survey was conducted to gain insight into tree uses and preferences and residents’ knowledge of regulations. In total, 4999 individuals from 26 tree species were recorded, including 123 individuals (11 species) with stem DBH ≥ 5 cm, and 4876 individuals (21 species) with stem DBH < 5 cm. The three species with the highest importance value index provided fruit for sale or self-consumption. Tree abundance was associated with soil type and topography; highest abundance was on Lixisol soils along the lower transect. Soil degradation and preference changes among residents since 1984 may have influenced tree abundance. Certain beneficial species (e.g., Vitellaria paradoxa) have declined in abundance, and certain exotics (Azadirachta indica and Eucalyptus camaldulensis) have expanded in distribution. Respondents expressed strongest interest in three species, including V. paradoxa, that show high versatility. These results supported the recorded tree composition. The respondents generally understood forest conservation regulations. Dissemination of regreening technology and awareness promotion among residents is essential for sustainable tree use in farmed parklands.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-162 ◽  
Orivaldo Arf ◽  
José Roberto Portugal ◽  
Salatiér Buzetti ◽  
Ricardo Antônio Ferreira Rodrigues ◽  
Marco Eustáquio de Sá

ABSTRACT The Brazilian Savannah region presents a great potential for the expansion of upland rice crops. However, studies are necessary to identify practices that can improve the crop performance, especially in no-tillage systems. This study aimed to assess the effect of cover crops in association with corn on the development and yield of rice cultivated in rotation and cover fertilized with nitrogen doses. The sprinkler irrigation system was used and the experiment was developed in the 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 harvest years, using a randomized block design, in a 5 × 4 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of the crop remains combinations of single corn crop, corn + Crotalaria spectabilis, corn + pigeon pea, corn + jack bean and corn + Urochloa ruziziensis, as well as cover nitrogen doses (0 kg ha-1, 40 kg ha-1, 80 kg ha-1 and 120 kg ha-1) in the rice. The cultivation of upland rice in rotation with corn + pigeon pea was favored by the greater soil cover and nitrogen supply via cycling, if compared to the rotation with single corn crop. The intercropped corn + pigeon pea cultivation in the previous summer resulted in a 15 % increase in the yield of rice grains seeded in the rotation, when compared to the single corn crop. The cover nitrogen application positively influenced the grain yield with the maximum estimated doses of 46 kg ha-1 and 105 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, respectively in the 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 harvest years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 18703-18712
Bijaya Neupane ◽  
Nar Bahadur Chhetri ◽  
Bijaya Dhami

Himalayan or White-bellied Musk Deer Moschus leucogaster, an IUCN indexed endangered species, is distributed in isolated pockets in the Himalaya. The deer population is decreasing owing to several pressures that include habitat loss and fragmentation, and poaching. It is essential to identify preferred habitat characteristics to support appropriate management strategies for conserving this endangered species. This study was carried out in the Nysheang basin of Annapurna Conservation Area of Nepal to identify habitats preferred by the musk deer. Habitat field parameters were collected using transect surveys. To analyze vegetation use and availability, nested quadrate plots size 20 m2 were established. Ivlev’s electivity index (IV) (-1 to +1) was employed to determine habitat preference, and one-way ANOVA (F) and chi-square tests (χ2) were used to examine different habitat parameters. Similarly, the importance value index (IVI) of the vegetation was calculated. Our results showed that the Himalayan Musk Deer strongly preferred habitats at 3601–3800 m altitude (IV= 0.3, F= 4.58, P <0.05), with 21–30º slope (IV= 0.2, F= 4.14, P <0.05), 26–50 % crown cover (IV= 0.25, F= 4.45, P <0.05), 26–50 % ground cover (IV= 0.15, F= 4.13, P <0.05), and mixed forest (IV= 0.29, χ2= 28.82, df= 3, p <0.001). Among the trees, Abies spectabilis (IVI= 74.87, IV= 0.035) and Rhododendron arboretum (IVI= 55.41, IV= 0.02) were the most preferred, while Rhododendron lepidotum, Cassiope fastigiata (IV= 0.35) and Berberis aristata (IV= 0.25) were the most preferred shrubs, and Primula denticulata (IV= 0.87) and Primula rotundifolia (IV= 0.31) were the most preferred herbs. These preferred habitat conditions should be maintained and conserved to sustain a viable population of deer in the study area. Further studies will be required to assess the effects of climate change on habitat suitability. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Cici Khairunnisa ◽  
Eddy Thamrin ◽  
Hari Prayogo

The diversity of mangrove vegetation is a community that has different characteristics from other communities. Diversity is an important component in mangrove management, but so far the availability of data related to mangroves is still very minimal, including those related to the species diversity of mangrove forest vegetation in the region. This study aims to obtain data on species diversity of vegetation found in the mangrove forest area of Dusun Besar Village, Pulau Maya District, Kayong Utara Regency. Method used was a combination of path and plot method, and the determination of the location and research path location were carried out using purposive sampling. The results of observation and data analysis showed that the dominant vegetation species with the highest importance value index (INP) for seedlings, saplings and trees was the Avicennia marina, namely the INP value of seedlings 37.04%, the INP values of sapling 65.24%, and the value of INP a tree rate of 65. Based on the results of the most dominant analysis found the species of  Avicennia marina with a value of C = 0.03430 for seedling, C = 0.04729 for sapling, and C = 0.04736 for tree level. The diversity of mangrove forest vegetation species in Dusun Besar Village for seedlings, saplings and trees is low because it has an H 'value <1, and the abundance of mangrove vegetation species was not evenly distributed in each forest area because it only has an e value <1.Keywords: Dusun Besar Village, Mangrove Forest, Species Diversity

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