scatter diagram
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Vivek R. Mehta ◽  
Hardik R. Parmar ◽  
Amola B. Khandwala ◽  
Khyati M. Kakkad ◽  
Vaidehi V. Vekaria ◽  

Background: The aim, of the study was to find the correlation between new Ballard score and Parkin’s score and whether they correlate with obstetric gestational age estimated by LMP and/or 1st-trimester USG.Methods: A cross-sectional clinical study for 6 months duration was carried out at tertiary care NICU and postnatal ward of a teaching hospital. Any intramural neonate admitted in NICU and neonates examined after randomized selection in postnatal ward within the first 24 hours of life were included in the study after written informed consent. Their demographic profile was documented using preset Performa and gestational age was assessed using both New Ballard score and Parkins score.Results: Total 387 new-borns were screened with mean age of 12.86±11 hours. Out of which 209 (54.0%) were males and 178 (46.0%) were females. The 259 (66.0%) new-borns were normal vaginal delivered and 128 (33.0%) new-borns were delivered by caesarean section. In the study it was found that the obstetric gestational age strongly correlates to gestational age by new Ballard score (r=0.880, p<0.001), and to gestational age by Parkins score (r=0.880, p<0.001). The gestational age by new Ballard score also strongly correlates to gestational age by Parkins score (r=0.937, p<0.001). Scatter diagram shows that there is strong positive linear correlation between gestational age assessed by LMP and NBS. While that gestational age accessed by Parkins having weak positive relationship compared to NBS.Conclusions: New Ballard score predicts new-born gestational age better in preterm and term new-borns, but Parkin’s Score, being simpler assessment method, takes very less time and has the advantage of no subjective neurological criteria and lesser interpersonal variation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-179
Kamal Husein ◽  
Rr Rochmoeljati

PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang produksi. Salah satu hasil produksi perusahaan ini adalah Bogie atau roda kereta api. Dalam proses produksi masih dihadapkan dengan defect yang sering terjadi seperti crack, pinhole, sinter, dan juga roughness yang memberi pengaruh besar hingga melebihi batas standart perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase kecacatan, faktor utama penyebab kecacatan dan dampak/efek yang ditimbulkan, serta memberikan usulan perbaikan yang tepat untuk meminimasi permasalahan kualitas pada produk bogie pada perusahaan ini. Metode yang diusulkan adalah Statistical Quality Control (SQC) dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Adapun alat SQC yaitu Checksheet, Histogram, Diagram Pareto, Scatter diagram, Control Chart, dan Cause and Effect Diagram. Untuk FMEA digunakan sebagai rekomendasi perbaikan mengacu dari Cause and Effect Diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah defect yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kualitas bogie yaitu Crack (52,2%), diikuti Pinhole (28,9%), Sinter (11,6%), dan Roughness (7,2%). Penyebab terjadinya kecacatan pada produk disebabkan oleh faktor manusia, mesin, metode, dan material. Berdasarkan FMEA diketahui penyebab kecacatan dengan RPN tertinggi sebesar 392 yaitu pekerja kurang hati-hati saat memotong raser. Adapun rekomendasi perbaikan, dapat memberikan pelatihan kepada pekerja agar terampil dalam melakukan pemotongan raser, dan juga dapat dengan menentukan batasan waktu istirahat dalam melakukan pemotongan raser agar tidak terjadi overheating.

Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho ◽  
Sanglar Polnok ◽  
Tanko Titus Auta ◽  
Ambo Dalle ◽  
Bahtiar Bahtiar ◽  

Most of the results of correlation analysis between variables are not equipped with visualization, so it is deemed necessary to explain how best to visualize the results of correlation analysis, especially for numerical variables. In this case, the best way to present correlations between numerical variables is a scatter diagram. If the points on the diagram are closer to the straight line, the higher the correlation coefficient, meaning that the degree of correlation is getting stronger. In this case, the positive correlation is indicated by the line from the lower left to the upper right. This visualization helps clarify the reader's understanding of the results of the correlation analysis, as well as being a valuable lesson for their similar research projects. Keywords: positive correlation; correlation coefficient; visualization; scatter diagram

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Desri Yesi ◽  
Oktaf Juairiyah

The poverty level and the level of access for cleaning water are two interesting variables to analyze. One type of feasible analysis was used scatter diagram. South Sumatra Province with its 17 municipalities has different characteristics in terms of poverty levels and access to clean water for the people. Overall, using the scatter diagram, in 2018 the areas with low poverty levels however high levels of access to clean water (Quadrant I) were Lahat and Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency. The regions with low levels of access to clean water and low levels of poverty (Quadrant II) are Empat Lawang, Banyuasin, Ogan Komering Ulu  Selatan and Prabumulih. The areas with high levels of access to clean water and high poverty (Quadrant III) are Musi Rawas Utara, Musi Banyuasin, Ogan Komering Ilir,  Musi Rawas and Ogan Ilir Regency. The areas with low levels of access to clean water and high poverty (Quadran IV) are Lahat and Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir regency.

Jean-Pierre Jeannet ◽  
Thierry Volery ◽  
Heiko Bergmann ◽  
Cornelia Amstutz

AbstractSpecific managerial practices adopted by the SMEs have been detailed in previous chapters. This chapter takes a step back and reviews the growth trajectories of the documented firms over their histories. Plotting growth (expressed in sales) over time (expressed in years) resulted in a scatter diagram that demonstrates substantial differences across the 36 sample firms. If these firms followed the managerial practices described earlier, what then accounted for the substantial differences in size and the speed of growth over the life of the companies? Were there differences as to which combinations of the chosen practices have been utilized?

Ira Andespa

Tema dan pokok permasalahan yang ada pada penelitian ini yaitu belum efektifnya pelaksanaan pengendalian mutu yang di terapkan pada perusahaan  sehingga masih tingginya tingkat produk cacat atau reject yang melebihin batas toleransi yang ditentukan yaitu sebesar 2,5%. Kemudian dianalisis apa saja faktor penyebab  terjadinya produk cacat menggunakan alat bantu statistik atau pengendalian mutu Statistical Quality Control (SQC) untuk meminimalisir terjadinya produk cacat pada PT.Pratama Abadi Industri (JX) Sukabumi. Metode penelitain yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kuantitatif dimana teknik analisis yang digunakan penulis adalah menggunakan teknik analisis statistik dengan 7 alat bantu statistik atau seven tools (check sheet, histogram, diagram pareto,  scatter diagram,peta kendali,stratifikasi,dan diagram sebab akibat). Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan ke 7 alat pengendalian kualitas statistik yang telah dianalisa dengan menggunakan peta kontrol atau P-Chart dapat diketahui bahwa penyebab penyimpangan yang terjadi pada PT.:ratama Abadi Industri (JX) dari beberapa kerusakan yang terjadi yang paling berpengaruh adalah kerusakan jenis jahitan tidak rapih (22,19%), rubber robek (16,67%), lekang/boanding (15,68%), Kotor (15,89%), logo luntur (14,05%) ,dan aksesoris tertukar (15,53%). Akibat dari masih terjadinya penyimpangan tersebut perusahaan masih menhgasilkan produk dengan kualita yang masih termasuk dalam kategori cacat B-Grade ­ dan juga C-Grade.

V. A. Suprun ◽  
M. A. Shiryaeva ◽  

Purpose: to identify the relationship of sorption of a complex sorbent with a temperature factor and its mathematical substantiation. Material and methods. As a material for the study, a complex sorbent obtained from a mixture of perlite and agroionite in a ratio of 27:73 was used. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions at different temperatures. At certain intervals, when measuring the total salinity of the solutions, the temperature parameter was also measured. During the study, the air temperature was measured. For the experiment, a model water of three salinity levels: 3.1; 5; 7 g/l was used. The weighed portions of a mixture of sorbents weighing 27.5 g with model solutions, 300 ml each, were placed in a reservoir. Measurements were carried out after 5; 10; 20; 30 min; 1; 2; 24; 48 h using a HI 8733 conductometer from Hanna. Results. As a result of the study, the dynamics of the salinity of the model water under the action of a complex sorbent was obtained, a scatter diagram was constructed. It is a statistical analysis tool, with the help of which the dependence and the nature of the relationship between the two process parameters are revealed. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship in the experiments performed. The efficiency of the process depends on temperature readings with a slight deviation. Thus, at an average temperature of 26.3 °C, the total mineralization index is lower than at an average temperature of 19.8 °C. Conclusions. By constructing a scatter diagram and a matrix scatter diagram, a nonlinear relationship between sorption by a complex sorbent and the temperature factor was revealed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
M. S. Patel ◽  
M. S. Liew ◽  
Zahiraniza Mustaffa ◽  
Ng Cheng Yee ◽  
Andrew Whyte

The stability of FPSO or offloading shuttle tanker may be affected in wave conditions which excite parametric rolling. The offloading operations are thereby ceased and eventually leads to loss in production which affects the revenue of global production, better known as downtime cost. This paper discusses downtime cost analysis of offloading operations due to parametric rolling of shuttle tanker under regular waves in Malaysian waters for three different locations. The downtime due to parametric rolling is investigated for two different water depths for which the probability of occurrence was calculated from the location specific wave scatter diagram. The results of parametric rolling of shuttle tanker along with downtime cost charts are presented. Additionally, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed and its work procedure is demonstrated in this paper. The down-time cost calculator will help the oil operator companies to analyze the economic risks involved for field developments and anticipate the loss in revenue for downtime occurrences. The developed GUI was copyrighted under literary work as intellectual property.

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