culture transformation
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Ołena Bondarewa ◽  
Artur Bracki

In the article Karel Čapek’s play “R.U.R. Rossum’s universal robots” is read not only as an anti-utopia devoted to the confrontation between humans and robots, but also as a work of art that defines a number of humanitarian discourses of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The play correlates with modern humanitarian studies of posthumanity, posthumanism and transhumanism, examines various projects of posthumanistic reduplication of man – the archetype of the homunculus, types of humanized robots, cyborgs, iron warriors, predicts the decline of masculine discourse and the origins of feminism. The impact factor of this dramatic text goes beyond fiction and theatre and extends to the whole culture, because the concept of “robot” introduced by Karel Čapek is a stable concept of culture, transformation and technology. At the conceptual level, the article deals with the ability of artistic thinking to forecast, identify promising general scientific issues and structure future humanitarian discourses. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 72-81
Tatyana Klyuchnikova ◽  
Ekaterina Isaeva

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
Sławomir Kadrow ◽  
Martin Posselt ◽  
Thomas Saile ◽  
Marcin Wąs ◽  
Joanna Abramów ◽  

The aim of this article is to deepen the discussion on the nature and mechanisms of culture change based on the analysis of newly acquired materials from the Targowisko settlement region. Three groups of materials were acquired (from narrow time horizons) related to the single-phase relics of Linienbandkeramik (Brzezie, site 40 and Targowisko, site 16) and Malice culture houses (Targowisko, site 14-15). The absolute chronology of the beginning of the late phase (III) LBK was established to be 5100-5000 BC, and the classic phase (Ib) of MC was dated to 4650-4550 BC. Selected threads of the cultural tradition (in the field of ceramic-making technology and ornamentation and flint-blade production technology) were passed on among families living in individual houses. Settlement analysis showed the relative instability of microregions, the increased mobility of small groups of people, and risky colonization attempts in Targowisko region. No evidence of direct, contemporaneous contact between the LBK and MC populations was found. Key words: LBK, Malice culture, early Neolithic, culture change, Targowisko region

Albert P. Kausch ◽  
Kimberly Nelson-Vasilchik ◽  
Michael Tilelli ◽  
Joel P. Hague

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-237
Intan Mandasari ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Sri Widnyani ◽  
Riant Nugroho

The research results in 1. Organizational culture transformation that occurred seen from background for transformation is driven by extraordinary technological developments, this situation initiated the creation of a new business model that requires financial service products to be more efficient, fast, easy, and customer-friendly; the process and form of transformation includes business and the operational transformation that focuses on the customer and the HR transformation and the form of digital transformation; Standard provisions and SOPs; socialization, the process of transforming organizational culture should be communicated and assured by the leader to all employees as clearly as possible; the facilities and infrastructure owned in general are quite adequate, but for the need for digital transformation, these facilities and infrastructure still needs to be revitalized and modernized; the condition of human resources still have to be improved for the competence; and the impact or the outcome of the transformation of organizational culture cannot be said to improve employee performance; 2. The constraints on transforming organizational culture to improve employee performance include constraints due to communication, infrastructure, and HR; and 3. The solutions to overcome the obstacles to the ongoing transformation of organizational culture. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Marina Kolmykova ◽  
Marija Troyanskaya ◽  
Galiya Aralbaeva ◽  
Nadezhda Seliverstova ◽  
Nadezhda Chetverikova

BACKGROUND: Digitalization has transformed the modes of work, communication and collaboration in the workplace, which is a challenge for all organizations, requiring the adaptation of structures, strategies, leadership and management culture. In the study, it is proposed to consider management culture as a potential factor that determines the competitive management of the network structure of supply chains. Despite numerous studies dedicated to supply chains digitalization, there’s lack of researches dedicated to deep investigation of management culture transformation in context of the digitalization of supply chains requires. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to identify the determinants contributing to the transformation of management culture in context of supply chain digitalization. METHODS: The study is conceptual research that links management culture and the supply chain. Based on the evolutionary dynamism of the theory and practice of management culture, two aspects of culture have been identified: national psychology (subjective beliefs) and company potential (values and behaviour of personnel). RESULTS: It is assumed that the most effective culture in context of supply chain digitalization is digital culture as it is focused on the external environment. It has been found that the key determinants of the change are the values and behaviour of the personnel, and as a result, they create an effective approach to the management culture transformation. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study allow managers to assess the established organizational culture that facilitates or hinders the activities of the business in order to successfully implement and achieve the goals set. The results of this study can be applied by top managers of companies facing digitalization of supply chains in developing HR and managerial policies and programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-30
Johanis Putratama Kamuri ◽  
Grace Mariany Toumeluk

This paper is aimed to determine the appropriate Christian attitude towards the practice of belis (dowry) in Sumba Island. The biblical, anthropological, and sociological concepts of dowry are the conceptual framework for understanding and analyzing the concept of belis. Based on systematic reviews and asymmetric comparisons of the Sumbanese belis concepts and biblical concept of dowry, it is found that rejection of the practice of belis is unnecessary. Belis can be practiced by Sumbanese Christians with a critical attitude. The goal is the transformation of the belis culture. Transformation is achieved through several actions: doing belis principles that do not conflict with biblical principles; rejecting the principles that conflict with biblical principles; and avoiding the practices of belis which have been distorted by deviating motivations either from the biblical or the rights belis principles. Keywords: Belis; Dowry; Marapu; Sumba; Cultural Transformation.

Lirong Zhai

The core significance of China’s development of “new liberal arts” is to comply with the general trend of new technological revolution and industrial transformation, and focus on the new tasks of innovation transformation and traditional culture transformation. The development of tourism education has entered a new historical construction stage, especially the construction of tourism management talents training system needs to integrate innovative elements. The progress of tourism education should not be complacent, but should actively integrate the development needs of the times. From the current analysis, there are considerable problems in the training objectives, curriculum system, teaching staff construction and practical teaching of tourism major in China. In this paper, the goal of the professional training as a starting point, from the above four levels to solve the problem put forward targeted suggestions, put forward the characteristics of tourism management professional training path.

2021 ◽  
pp. 205715852199599
Eva Ericson-Lidman ◽  
Gunilla Strandberg

Culture change in organizations may affect employees and change agents are often a forgotten resource; their perspective is often overlooked in research. The aim of the study was to illuminate experiences of being a change agent in order to improve residential care of older people. Interviews were performed with 15 change agents who participated in a large culture transformation in residential care for older people. The study followed COREQ guidelines and content analysis was used to interpret the text. The analysis revealed that the change agents felt chosen when they accepted the challenge to become a change agent, but they also felt that transferring the message to co-workers was demanding. Conflicting demands about measuring care and aggravating circumstances to implement change were described. The results indicate that change agents benefit from preparation for the role itself as they have a great responsibility on their shoulders. In making the process more successful, all co-workers should be involved in the change process from the beginning.

Tamara Hundorova

The paper explores “The Blue Rose” (1896) by Lesia Ukrainka in terms of the ‘rite de passage’ as the text with a ritual function that reflects the cultural, gender, and author status transformations within the field of literature. In the most general sense, the first drama by Lesia Ukrainka is analyzed as an act of initiation into the fin de siècle culture. Peculiar features of this ritual are the critical comments of the modern culture, transformation of the autobiographical facts into aesthetic phenomena, and interiorization of the motif of death. “The Blue Rose” discusses a female genetic illness — a popular topic of the late 19th century — and depicts an attempt of escaping into the illusionary world of platonic love. Representation of the female insanity and ‘unconventional love’, as well as the critique of a bourgeois view of happiness and the patriarchal world, is also an important aspect of the drama. References to the unpublished materials of Lesia Ukrainka’s archive — her excerpts from the “Psychiatry” by Krafft-Ebing — allow concluding that “The Blue Rose” treats insanity as a psychiatric and not a psychological phenomenon. The mother-daughter relations as well as the tension of the mother-son relations in the family of Kosaches are also an important element in Lesia Ukrainka’s work. “The Blue Rose” (1896) is a multidimensional and experimental drama. Its author transforms numerous autobiographical facts into cultural situations and engages in a discussion on the topical themes and motifs of the fin de siècle, in particular female insanity, hysteria, and maternity. The writer employs naturalistic methods of analysis and reinforces descriptions of female insanity with the facts from psychiatric practice. “The Blue Rose” displays an interest of Lesia Ukrainka in Neoplatonism, which she would later associate with a Neo-romantic impulse ‘ins Blaue’. In general, the author did not follow the foreign patterns, as the critiques noted, but explored the Zeitgeist of the new era. She involved authentic practical experience of her own life and the lives of her relatives and friends, analyzed moral norms and psychological states referring to the cultural codes that ranged from “The Romance of the Rose”, Dante, Shakespeare, and Heine to Zola, Ibsen, and Nadson. This practice ensured Lesia Ukrainka’s initiation into the fin de siècle culture and paved her way to the modernist drama.

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