normative identity
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Xawery Stańczyk

“Powerlessness, Impotence, Astonishment, and the Need for an Immediate Lie”: The Byproducts of Lopez MausereThe article focuses on the question of national, gender, and religious identity in the poetry and other writings of Wojciech Stamm, also known as Lopez Mausere and Gertruda Jarząbek. Mausere’s affiliation with the Polish Failures Club (Club der Polnischen Versager) in Berlin and the relationships between his biography and literature are examined as well. The author contends that Mausere’s concept of poetry as a genre similar to a joke, anecdote, mistake or deliberate deception, as well as his use of low, slang or colloquial registers of language, reflect Stamm’s belief that the carnivalized upside-down world is more real than the illusion produced by social roles, norms, statuses, hierarchies, and identities. Thus, failure to perform one’s role or normative identity might ultimately prove more creative and meaningful than the proper observance of prevalent social mores. „Bezradność, niemożność, zdziwienie i konieczność natychmiastowego kłamstwa”. Produkty uboczne Lopeza MausereArtykuł koncentruje się na kwestiach tożsamości narodowej, płciowej i religijnej w poezji i innych tekstach Wojciecha Stamma, znanego też jako Lopez Mausere i Gertruda Jarząbek. Przedmiotem badania jest także uczestnictwo Mausere w Klubie Polskich Nieudaczników (Club der Polnischen Versager) w Berlinie oraz inne powiązania pomiędzy jego biografią a literaturą. Autor artykułu twierdzi, że zarówno koncepcja poezji Mausere’a, zestawiająca twórczość poetycką z następującymi gatunkami: dowcip, anegdota, pomyłka lub celowe wprowadzenie w błąd, jak i wykorzystanie niskich, żargonowych czy potocznych rejestrów języka, odzwierciedlają przekonanie pisarza, że skarnawalizowany świat na opak bywa bardziej rzeczywisty niż iluzja stwarzana przez role społeczne, normy, statusy, hierarchie i tożsamości. Stąd porażka w odgrywaniu czyjejś roli albo normatywnej tożsamości może okazać się bardziej twórcza i znacząca niż prawidłowe dostosowanie się do zestawu reguł obowiązujących w przestrzeni społecznej.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Ruta Mazilauskaite

Examinations and their results often become perhaps the biggest challenge in young person’s life, which is associated with the course of later life. For this reason, a high level of stress is observed, which is maintained by both personal and situational factors. In this context, the objective of this study is to identify the links between the experienced anxiety, identity style, examinations stress and its coping strategies of the gymnasium students. The study involved 175 gymnasium students in grades 10 to 12. Of these, 109 were girls (62.3%) and 66 were boys (37.7%), aged 16 to 19 years of age (M = 17.27, SD = 0.92). Gymnasium students were given a questionnaire based on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, 1970), Identity Style Inventory Version 5 (ISI-5) (Berzonsky, Soenens, Luyckx, Smits, Papini, Goossens, 2013), the Stress Coping Questionnaire (Grakauskas, Valickas, 2006), and the Examination Stress Scale for Adolescent Students (Sung, Chao, 2014). It was found that the more frequent experience of stress in gymnasium students examinations was predicted by stronger trait and state anxiety, more frequent choice of informational, normative identity processing style and more frequent use of avoidance strategy in experiencing stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-317
Anila Afzal ◽  
Najma Iqbal Malik ◽  
Mohsin Atta

The present study was aimed to translate and adapt the Revised Identity Style Inventory (ISI-5) developed by Berzonsky et al. (2013) in an indigenous setting. A sample of 600 adolescents was selected from public and private schools in Punjab. The standard procedure of the back-translation method recommended by Water’s et al. (2006) was used to translate and adapt the Inventory. Exploratory Factor Analysis on the sample of adolescents (n = 350) demonstrated three distinct factors that is, diffuse/avoidant identity style, informational identity style, and normative identity style. Factorial structure elucidated that two items of normative identity style were discarded due to low factor loading whereas one item from normative style was loaded on informational identity style. Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the independent sample of adolescents (n = 250) confirmed this three-factor model with good model fit indices. Alpha reliability coefficients were also computed. Moreover, the factorial structure of the scale is considered as validity index. Limitations and suggestions for further investigations were also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 119 ◽  
pp. 14-20
Allison L. Ricket

Ecopsychology, which investigates the human-nature relationship, draws on marginalized ways of knowing such as Native American Shamanism, “whole earth thinking,” and the dynamic feminine (Gomez & Kanner, 1995). Impediments of literal classroom walls and systemic bias against unquantifiable course outcomes limits traditional pedagogy. Traditional pedagogical approaches to environmental curriculum reinforce perceived helplessness in the face of capitalist forces which identify land only as explotiable “other” (hooks, 2011). This paper describes a university English classroom's radical Ecopedagogy without spatial impedences and state policed “standards” that no longer enforce normative identity constructs. In this Ecopedagogy, students explore Biophilia, which awakens a powerful, dormant identity, expanding the self to include the entire biosphere. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-188
Jennifer Ruef

What does it mean to be “good-at-math,” and how is it determined? Cobb et al. (2009) defined the normative identity of mathematics classrooms as the obligations that students must meet to be considered good-at-math. Obligations are negotiated between teachers and students through series of bids. Normative identities reveal distributions of agency and authority within classrooms, which affect learning opportunities for students. Traditionally, mathematics teachers held the predominance of agency and authority in classrooms. Research supports shifting toward more equitable teaching and learning (e.g., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2018). Clear examples of enacting and supporting changes are helpful. This article shares how sixth-grade students and their teacher co-constructed good-at-math to invite and obligate students to become active agents in mathematical argumentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (SPE2) ◽  
Parisa Mehrdadian ◽  
Mehdi Rabiei ◽  
Razieh Khosrorad

Results: nformational identity style has both direct and indirect effect (through the intervening role of mastery goals) on cognitive engagement (P<0.01). Normative identity style has an effect The path from diffuse-avoidant identity style to performance-avoidance goals was excluded from fitted model, fitted model predicts 41% of cognitive engagement. Conclusion: Inorder to improve learning, cognitive engagement (mental efforts) can be targeted using motivational and identity variables.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-269
Rivnyák Adrienn ◽  
Láng András ◽  
Péley Bernadette ◽  
Nagy Gábor ◽  
Nagy Ede ◽  

Háttér és célkitűzésekAz Identitásfejlődés Felmérése Serdülőkorban kérdőív (AIDA) az egészséges identitásfejlődés, a normatív identitáskrízis és az identitásdijfúzió elkülönítésére alkalmas önkitöltős módszer a serdülő korosztály részére. A diffúz identitásszerveződés a személyiségzavarok egyik átható jellemzője, ezáltal az AIDA hatékony indikátora lehet a serdülőkori személyiségzavarok korai felismerésének. Tanulmányunk célja az AIDA magyar nyelvre és kultúrára történő adaptációja és pszichometriai jellemzőinek vizsgálata volt nem klinikai mintán.MódszerA faktoranalízisekhez felhasznált minta 522 főből állt, az életkori átlag 15,6 (SD = 1,93) év volt. A validitásvizsgálatokat a teljes minta 366 fős almintáján végeztük el. Az érvényesség ellenőrzéséhez a Képességek és Nehézségek Kérdőívet (SDQ) és a Borderline Személyiségvonások skálát (BPFSC-11) használtuk.EredményekA megerősítő faktoranalízisek alapján a magyar nyelvű AIDA faktorstruktúrája megfelel az eredeti mérőeszköz kétskálás, hat alskálás szerkezetének. A kérdőív illeszkedési mutatói a tudományos kritériumoknak megfelelőek. Az AIDA skálái közepes erősségű korrelációt mutattak az Érzelmi tünetekkel, Viselkedési problémákkal és a Hiperaktivitás skáával, míg erős kapcsolatot mutattak a borderline vonásokkal. A regresszióanalízis alapján az AIDA Identitásdiffúzió összpontszám magas magyarázó erővel bír a borderline vonásokra nézve.KövetkeztetésekAz eredmények alapján az AIDA-Hungary egy megbízható és jól mérő kérdőív, amely alkalmasnak bizonyult a normatív és a patológia irányába mutató identitáskrízis elkülönítésére. Az AIDAezáltal lehetővé teszi a serdülők identitásfejlődésének személyiségfunkciók szempontjából történő felmérését a 12–18 éves korosztálynál, illetve a személyiségfejlődési problémák korai felismerését.Background and aimsAssessment of Identity Development in Adolescence (AIDA) is a self-report questionnaire in order to differentiate healthy identity development from normative identity crisis and from identity diffusion. Diffuse identity is a pervasive feature of personality disorders, thereby AIDA can be a useful indicator in early detection of personality disorders in adolescent. The aim of our study is the Hungarian cultural adaptation of AIDA and to examine its psychometric properties.MethodThe sample used for factor analysis consisted of 522 adolescents with an average age of 15.6 (SD=1.93). Validity tests were performed on a 366 sub-sample of the entire sample. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Borderline Personality Features Scale-11 (BPFSC-11) were used for examine construct validity.ResultsBased on the confirmatory factor analysis, the factor structure of the Hungarian AIDA is consistent with the two scales and six subscales structure of the original instrument. The model-fit indices meet the scientific criteria. AIDA scales displayed moderate correlation with Emotional Symptoms, Behavior problems and Hyperactivity scale, while strong correlation was found with borderline traits. Based on the regression analysis, the AIDA Identity Diffusion total score has a high explanatory power on borderline traits.ConclusionConcerning our results we can assume AIDA-Hungary is a reliable and valid questionnaire, which has proven to be able to distinguish between normative and pathological identity crisis. Thereby it provides a new measurement for adolescents aged 12-18 years to assess identity development in terms of personality functioning and to identify problems of personality development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-37
Mary Heinz

Active and open identi cation with animals and the creation of anthropomorphic (or zoomorphic) fursonas have become infamous on the internet, yet published research on the subculture is lacking. This ethnographic study explores this under-examined subculture by considering how individuals who identify as LGBT+ and as furry nd and experience community online in ways that contribute to feelings of belonging, inclusion, and overall well-being. Through a series of semi-structured interviews, it was found that participating LGBT+ furries experienced an increase in self-reported emotional well-being when allowed to engage with online furry fandom. Given that furry identity is inherently non-normative, the fandom becomes an accepting space for other non-normative identities, like LGBT+ identities. By creating accepting online communities, those without access to supportive communities in their o -line lives can learn about and explore non-normative identity without judgement. These spaces may allow for the accumulation of multiple non-normative identities, all of which are in relative harmony within online furry fandom, which serves as a “catch-all” identity. Existing within this space had positive a ects on the well-being of the participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 81
Athanasios G. Panagopoulos

The European Union (EU), United States (US), and China are the main global drivers of the international trade system. Trade wars between them create tensions in the world. As the world is facing increasing neo-protectionist trade applications of the Trump administration, this paper analyses whether a greater convergence between China and the EU is possible for protecting multilateralism through two case studies, namely (1) market conditions and discrimination, (2) cybersecurity. In this context, the paper argues that although the US pressure has led the EU to reapprochement with China, this situation creates a dilemma for the EU in terms of the fears about the problems of alignment with the normative identity of the EU. Whereas the EU aims at regulating the global trade on a normative basis originating from its acquis, China has a more strategic perspective based upon specific relationship context. It is difficult to take a side for the EU due to its different standpoint compared to China in defending the multilateral trading system.

Mettraux Guénaël

The law of international crimes has become increasingly dense over the years, which has rendered the law of international crimes more sophisticated and more complex. This is perhaps most apparent in relation to the law of crimes against humanity. From a single paragraph in Article 6 of the Nuremberg Charter, the law of crimes against humanity has grown into dozens of interacting definitional elements and an extensive body of practice. As part of this development, crimes against humanity have established their own normative identity with a distinctive chapeau or contextual element and a broad range of underlying offences, including discrimination-based crimes, penal translations of what are in effect serious human rights violations, a series of gender-based crimes and a residual offence of ‘other inhuman acts’. The combined effect of a sophisticated body of criminal law, international obligations directed at ensuring accountability and a multiplication of judicial venues competent to adjudicate upon such crimes, carries with it the hope that crimes against humanity could become an effective enforcer of international justice. However, resistance to full and universal accountability for such crimes is still a powerful political reality that undermines the possibility of justice and the institutions that are devoted to it. The present volume hopes to contribute to achieving that goal as the law of crimes against humanity is as important and relevant today as it was when first enforced. As it stands today, that law is a testimony to the efforts of many who have strived to ensure that atrocities should not remain unpunished.

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