scholarly journals Formation of valeological competence in non-medical students

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-23
Alexander Shevchenko ◽  
Liudmyla Shtefan ◽  

Competence approach is generally accepted in modern education. Competence is the ability to perform a variety of practical tasks in life and professional activities at a sufficient professional level, which is due to cognitive abilities and skills, social interaction, motivation and will. There are lingual, informational (digital), communicational, cultural, ecological, valeological (health saving) and other competencies should be formed in the student, regardless of the profile of his education. In Ukrainian legislation, valeological competence is referred to the category of "civic and social competences". Valeological competence in educational standards given less importance than, for example, ecological competence. We have not found a clear definition of valeological competence. In our opinion, valeological competence is the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle, practice safe behavior and provide emergency care. For its formation in students of non-medical higher educational institutions we have proposed the initial academic discipline "Health Pedagogy". The study is theoretical, based on the analysis of scientific sources and regulations of Ukraine, including national educational standards. Preliminary data on the introduction of the author's program of the discipline "Pedagogy of Health" in the educational process of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy for students of "011 - Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" specialty "Bachelor" and "Master" educational levels are also taken into account. Requirements for valeological competence formation in non-medical students on accordance with the level of education, the proposed components of the curriculum and components of competence (cognitive, activity, motivational-value and personal) are formulated. The author's definition of valeological competence is supplemented with a list of its components subject to qualimetric assessment. The list of competencies, necessary for the valeological competence formation, as well as those competencies that are formed or improved simultaneously with the valeological competence during the study of valeological discipline "Health Pedagogy" by non-medical students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-277
G. Zhumadilova ◽  

In the modern educational process, in connection with the accelerated expansion of multilingual information and the need for its correct and agile use in training, the problem of forming a culture of cognitive activity in students related to the production, acquirement of new knowledge and operating it in all the languages studied is of particular relevance. The article reveals the essence of cognitive activity as an activity of intellectuality and speech. The goal of intellectuality-speech activity is defined as an understanding of the subject matter set out in the academic scientific text. A means of mastering this content is considered linguistic and semantic analysis of the text, receding of the text, as well as the production of the text, which are both methods of forming intellectual and speech skills, and idiomatic stages of learning the material regardless of the academic discipline and language of instruction. The definition of intellectual and speech development of students as a process of acquiring the culture of cognitive activity is given. A model of the intellectual and speech development of schoolchildren when teaching Russian as a second language, based on the integration of academic disciplines, is presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-239
Светлана Александровна Корягина

Основные проблемы современного образования нельзя решать без его развития. Ученые и практики обращают внимание на устаревшие формы и технологии управления работой со студентами. В современных условиях решать проблемы образования традиционными системами управления и методами становится все сложнее, поэтому возникает необходимость в адекватном построении методической оснащенности образовательного процесса в учебном заведении, что актуализирует необходимость обеспечения системы образования методическими  разработками, дидактическими материалами, которые отвечают современным требованиям педагогической практики. Организационными формами методической работы вуза являются: научно-методическая и педагогический совет; аттестация преподавателей; предметные кафедры, творческие лаборатории преподавателей; школа молодого преподавателя; психолого-педагогические и методические семинары; методические школы преподавателей-новаторов; подготовка методических пособий, публикаций в периодических и профессиональных изданиях. Большинство вышеупомянутых видов методического обеспечения являются традиционными, но все они дают возможность внедрять инновации. Однако обращается внимание только на формы и методы организации образовательного процесса, а не на психолого-педагогическое сопровождение познавательной деятельности преподавателей и методическое обеспечение управленческой деятельности как источника качества и результативности их профессиональной деятельности. Реалии выдвигают новые требования к методическому обеспечению образовательного процесса в вузt, требуя менять цели, функции и содержание, превращая уровень его качества в научно-методический. Суть и назначение научно методического обеспечения заключается в создании условий для формирования и личностно-профессионального становления преподавателей, развития их педагогических способностей, творческого потенциала. The main problems of modern education cannot be solved without its development. Scientists and practitioners pay attention to outdated forms and technologies of managing work with students. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve the problems of education with traditional management systems and methods, therefore, there is a need for an adequate construction of methodological equipment of the educational process in an educational institution, which actualizes the need to provide the education system with methodological developments, didactic materials that meet modern requirements of pedagogical practice. Organizational forms of methodological work of the university are: scientific and methodological and pedagogical council; certification of teachers; subject departments, creative laboratories of teachers; school of a young teacher; psychological, pedagogical and methodological seminars; methodological schools of innovative teachers; preparation of methodological manuals, publications in periodicals and professional publications. Most of the above-mentioned types of methodological support are traditional, but all of them make it possible to introduce innovations. However, attention is drawn only to the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and not to the psychological and pedagogical support of the cognitive activity of teachers and methodological support of managerial activities as a source of quality and effectiveness of their professional activities. The realities put forward new requirements for the methodological support of the educational process at the university, requiring changing the goals, functions and content, turning its quality level into a scientific and methodological one. The essence and purpose of scientific and methodological support is to create conditions for the formation and personal and professional development of teachers, the development of their pedagogical abilities, creative potential.

Руслан Юрьевич Павлов

Актуальность статьи связана с поиском новых способов и методов повышения эффективности борьбы с преступностью, оперативного раскрытия преступлений, а также с набирающим популярность среди криминалистов направлением «криминалистического мышления», овладение навыками которого будет способствовать наиболее полноценному и объективному расследованию уголовных дел. Проблемным в настоящее время является недостаточное качество следствия и необходимость повышения когнитивных способностей следователей (дознавателей). Задачей исследования являлось выявление факторов, влияющих на развитие и формирование криминалистического мышления следователей. Цель работы - провести анализ составных частей процесса становления следователя и особенностей его практической деятельности, влияющих на когнитивные способности с точки зрения криминалистики, путем изучения и сравнения имеющихся материалов по данной тематике. Анализу подвергнуты личностные качества следователя, особенности образовательного процесса и влияние опыта на результаты работы, а также факторы, сопутствующие следственной деятельности (организация труда, уровень стресса, нагрузки и т. д.). Результат проведенного исследования выражен в определении проблемных факторов, влияющих на формирование криминалистического мышления следователя (дознавателя) и возможных путей их преодоления, важности такого мышления, которое остается знанием, постоянно сориентированным в сторону практики. The relevance of the article is related to the search for new ways and methods to improve the effectiveness of the fight against crime, the prompt detection of crimes, as well as the trend of «forensic thinking», which is gaining popularity among criminalists, mastering the skills of which will contribute to the most complete and objective investigation of criminal cases. Problems at present are insufficient quality of investigation and the need to improve the cognitive abilities of investigators (inquirers). The task of the study was to identify factors that influence the development and formation of forensic thinking of investigators. The purpose of the work is- to analyze the components of the process of formation of an investigator and features of his practical activities affecting the cognitive abilities in terms of forensics by studying and comparing existing materials on this topic. The analysis is subjected to the personal qualities of an investigator, the peculiarities of the educational process and the impact of experience on the results of work, as well as factors associated with the investigative activity (organization of work, stress and stress levels, etc.). The result of the study is expressed in the definition of problematic factors affecting the formation of forensic thinking of an investigator (inquirer) and possible ways to overcome them, the importance of such thinking, which remains knowledge, constantly oriented towards practice

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-31
S.O. Rykov ◽  
O.V. Tumanova ◽  
O.V. Petrenko ◽  
S.I. Kosuba

The main direction of improving the process of professional development of doctors at the stage of postgraduate training is the gradual introduction of modern forms of education. Internship is the first step to independent work of a doctor, so it is important from this stage to direct the efforts of a young specialist to self-improvement. Traditional methods of training interns are primarily aimed at obtaining and deepening knowledge through the transfer of information with subsequent implementation in specific professional activities with recognized algorithms. However, this method of teaching does not contribute to the development of independent cognitive activity of young colleagues, although it is on this postulate the concept of distance learning is based as a new form of postgraduate education. The article characterizes the modern system of training of interns-ophthalmologists. The use of distance learning, clinical analysis of patients’ data, stage test control, situational tasks in the educational process is substantiated. Wishes are expressed to improve the organization of the internship in ophthalmology.

O. Lazurenko

The model and the logic of empirical research are determined. The experimental study of emotional competence is presented. A general description of the subjects is systematized. The results of the ascertaining experiment are presented. The author conducted her research in several directions. This approach allowed the researcher to present the quantitative characteristics of emotional intelligence on all scales and subscales in details. On this basis, the author makes a detailed qualitative analysis of the manifestation of the studied ability in future doctors. Besides, after conduction of the research, the author makes conclusion that students' ability to understand and manage other people's emotions and the ability to understand their own emotions and manage them are not formed enough. And these make impossible the success of the future professional activities of a doctor. The author makes conclusion that the development of emotional competence of students of medical universities can be formed by introducing special courses, educational and developmental training programs into the educational process. The correlation analysis allowed the author to empirically confirm the correct determination of the content of the basic components of the future doctor’s emotional competence. Besides, it is proved that the parameters of the social, cognitive, regulatory, empathic components of emotional competence significantly correlate with each other. The received results confirmed that during first year medical students of the experimental and control groups have the same positions of the level of development of emotional competence. And any significant statistical differences in its manifestation were not found among students of the experimental and control groups. Moreover, the received results at ascertaining stage of the study showed the insufficient level of development of the components of emotional competence among students of medical faculty. This led to the creation of a program for the formation of the emotional competence of a future doctor in the process of training in a higher medical school

Ivan S. Dronov

A characteristic feature of the vast majority of activity spheres in the modern education system is their systematization. The latest higher education standards center the teacher’s activity around the system and activity approach. That causes the need for its application in the use of information and communications technologies as a means of teaching a foreign language. We give the author’s definition of the term “methodical learning system”, which is interpreted as a component-related system of learning conditions, realizing its methodological potential through the interaction of participants in the educational process aimed at achieving the goal. This system includes five consecutive blocks, including: 1) prerequisites (modern requirements of the Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education), social order for training in the field of written academic discourse, contradictions between the linguodidactic potential of the study group blog, the lack of practical methods of teaching written academic discourse; 2) block target definition (goals and objectives of training); 3) theoretical justification block (list of principles of teaching written academic discourse, approaches to teaching written academic discourse); 4) functional block (organizational and pedagogical conditions, contents and methods of training, means and organizational forms of training); 5) evaluation block system operation results (components of evaluation of educational and cognitive activity, the learning process result). We note methodical system training integrity on the basis of property of integrativity promoting optimization of all components which general interaction is directed on achievement of the training purpose. The goal, for its part, is a system-forming element.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 542-546
Татьяна Анатольевна Бродская

The purpose of mathematical training of bachelors of technical specialties in the framework of the competence approach is the formation of mathematical competence of the specialist, which is expressed in the ability of graduates to apply mathematical methods in professional activities. Competences are acquired by students in the process of mastering the content of education fixed in educational standards and curricula of disciplines. Using new methods and forms of organization of the educational process, using new teaching tools, competencies are formed in lectures and practical classes in higher mathematics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41
А. Ганеев ◽  
A. Ganeev ◽  
В. Власенко ◽  
V. Vlasenko

Turning to reality the new goals set by the federal state educational standards requires using means (methods or instruments) adequate to the relevant anticipations by the teacher as well as the active assimilation and inclusion of the new educational technologies into his/her professional activities and implementation of activity-based models for arranging the teaching and learning process. The article addresses the transformation of the modern educational process and the role of digitalization in achieving the educational results in line with the modern society’s requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 48-54
U Kopzhassarova ◽  
Z Sultanova ◽  
D Akhmetova ◽  
A Akhmetzhanova ◽  

The article is focused on the concept of «virtual learning environment» and its role in the students’ independ-ent work. The virtual learning environment as a means of effective communication of participants in the edu-cational process helps to transit from the «knowledge-based» paradigm to the «personality-oriented» educa-tion, aimed to develop students’ creative potential, their cognitive activity, motivation and engagement at the language classes. The authors highlight that in addition to traditional didactic requirements, there are a num-ber of specific conditions for the successful functioning in the virtual learning environment. Based on the ex-perience of implementing virtual educational environments, a need for the adaptability of educational process, which implies the possibility for students to choose the most appropriate individual pace for studying materi-al. It is shown that specific content of the virtual learning environment may vary depending on the level of training students and their individual interests. The main requirement for the successful use of the virtual en-vironment is to develop creative cognitive abilities, foreign languages skills of students by the application of a virtual environment., so the authors come to the conclusion that the presence of informational technology in the learning process changes the internal specifics of the educational and cognitive activities of students, their thinking style, and psychological mechanisms of mental development. Thus, the independent work of stu-dents is multi-purpose and is aimed to achieve communicative and educational goals.

Shukhrat Boymuradov ◽  
Umida Hodjaeva

In modern conditions, the wide introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the social sphere is of great importance, therefore the development of science is impossible without the use of new educational technologies. The purpose of the research is to develop scientific and methodological provisions for the use of infocommunication technologies and internationalize professional training of medical students. The object of the research is the process of improving the professional training of students in medical universities. The subject of the research is the pedagogical and organizational-content conditions for improving the information training of students of medical schools on the basis of the use of ICT in teaching. The hypothesis of the research is that increasing the information training of students of medical schools in professional activities based on the use of ICT will be effective if: - the scientifically grounded way of preparation of students for professional activity with use of ICT within the framework of existing State educational standards of the higher vocational training is offered; - a model for the formation of cognitive activity of students of medical schools based on the use of ICT is developed. The methodological basis of the research are the ideas of the theory of a intergral educational process, the concept of personal developmental learning, the concept of education using computer technology, the concept of the formation of the information culture of the individual in general and the teacher, in particular [2,4,5,7,8]. Conclusions: The analysis of the state of the development of information technologies in education, the disclosure of the specifics of the use of ICT allow to develop organizational and semantic conditions for the formation of elements of the methodical system of using modern information technologies in vocational training of medical students.

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