successful operation
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Galaxies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Derek Davis ◽  
Marissa Walker

Since the early stages of operation of ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers, careful monitoring of these detectors has been an important component of their successful operation and observations. Characterization of gravitational-wave detectors blends computational and instrumental methods of investigating the detector performance. These efforts focus both on identifying ways to improve detector sensitivity for future observations and understand the non-idealized features in data that has already been recorded. Alongside a focus on the detectors themselves, detector characterization includes careful studies of how astrophysical analyses are affected by different data quality issues. This article presents an overview of the multifaceted aspects of the characterization of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, including investigations of instrumental performance, characterization of interferometer data quality, and the identification and mitigation of data quality issues that impact analysis of gravitational-wave events. Looking forward, we discuss efforts to adapt current detector characterization methods to meet the changing needs of gravitational-wave astronomy.

Zhengyun Wang ◽  
Yanyu Zhong ◽  
Nan Chenhui Wei ◽  
Lipei Jiang ◽  
Hongfang Liu

Abstract Supercapacitors as a class of energy storage devices possess high power density, outstanding reversibility and long cycle life. The development of innovative electrode materials and unconventional configurations determine the successful operation of supercapacitors. Owing to controllable porous structure and unique electrochemical behavior, great efforts have been devoted to designing and fabricating innovative metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based supercapacitors. In this review, recent developments in MOFs related supercapacitors electrodes are summarized. Furthermore, the advances in MOFs composites for supercapactiors application including pristine MOFs, MOFs composites and MOFs-derived composites are systematically discussed by integrating charge storing principle. Finally, future prospects and opportunities in the design of MOFs related electrodes are also delineated.

10.6036/10139 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 97 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52

Various applications have been described in the literature for the High-Strength and Low-Alloy steels (HSLA) industry, analysing their use both in industrial and marine equipment and machines and in structures that require appropriate resilience values and toughness at low temperatures. For successful operation under conditions as large structures under extreme service conditions, it is essential to ensure the proper toughness both in base metal (USITEN 355 0.5 Ni Grade I steel) and in the heat-affected area of the weld. (ZAC). This research carries out Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) tests, showing, in this article, the first part of the test corresponding to fatigue pre-cracking and a summary table of the results of fracture toughness, to guarantee that, under the conditions which exist in welding, both the fatigue fracture values and the fracture toughness are acceptable by the applicable standards. Keywords: SMAW, weld line, CTOD, stress intensity factor, input heat energy, crack growth rate, fatigue fracture, fracture toughness

2022 ◽  
pp. 412-433
Amitpal Singh Sohal ◽  
Sunil Kumar Gupta ◽  
Hardeep Singh

This study presents the significance of trust for the formation of an Open Source Software Development (OSSD) community. OSSD has various challenges that must be overcome for its successful operation. First is the development of a community, which requires a healthy community formation environment. Taking into consideration various factors for community formation, a strong sense of TRUST among its members has been felt. Trust development is a slow process with various methods for building and maintaining it. OSSD is teamwork but the team is of unknowns and volunteers. Trust forms a pillar for effective cooperation, which leads to a reduction in conflicts and risks, associated with quality software development. This study offers an overview of various existing trust models, which aids in the development of a trust evaluation framework for OSSD communities. Towards the end of the study, various components of the trust evaluation along with an empirical framework for the same have been proposed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. P01005
A. Abed Abud ◽  
B. Abi ◽  
R. Acciarri ◽  
M.A. Acero ◽  
M.R. Adames ◽  

Abstract The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that was constructed and operated in the CERN North Area at the end of the H4 beamline. This detector is a prototype for the first far detector module of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), which will be constructed at the Sandford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, U.S.A. The ProtoDUNE-SP detector incorporates full-size components as designed for DUNE and has an active volume of 7 × 6 × 7.2 m3. The H4 beam delivers incident particles with well-measured momenta and high-purity particle identification. ProtoDUNE-SP's successful operation between 2018 and 2020 demonstrates the effectiveness of the single-phase far detector design. This paper describes the design, construction, assembly and operation of the detector components.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-18
Gabriela Fernanda Arias - Ordóñez ◽  
Karina Mercedes Palma Gutiérrez ◽  
Milca Naara Orellana Ulloa

Inventory is one that represents an investment of great importance for MICRO-BUSINESSES, this according to the relationship it has with other assets, and are of great importance for sales, as well as essential to achieve profit optimization. The objective given in this research study is to analyze the importance of inventories by means of a bibliographic investigation predicting the effectiveness of their administration in Micro-businesses. In the following investigation the methodology of documentary analysis was used, where the purpose is to be able to arrive at an analysis of the administration techniques to carry out an inventory and recognize the importance that should be given to it in Micro-businesses, theoretical foundations on the administration of inventories in Micro-businesses will be detailed, factors that are used to carry out inventories. It was concluded as the techniques to carry out the inventory were known and attached, the probabilities that are given to have successful operation, profit and growth in companies, which allows generating profits for micro-businesses.

Dr. Mridula Singhal ◽  
Devendra Kumar

Export Finance play a crucial role in growth and development of export sector in any economy, which face a tough competition from rest of world. It is an essential and prime element for successful operation of various internal and external activities to grow the export business sector. In view of many scholars and economists, export is considered as the engine of growth and development of any country. Presently, India’s total export is contributing approx. 2% in the world’s trade. In export trading the 6 Ps concepts of export marketing are depending on the availability of export finance assistance in terms of share, cost and period of time. This study attempts to analyze and review the impact of export finance used by various exporters on their export profitability, performance on varied interest rate, cost of finance and special schemes related to pre and post shipment stage in export trading. To analyze the role and importance of various financial institutions in providing the financial assistance to the exporters in India helps and supports to export sector to grow in the right direction and also to achieve the specific goals. This research paper provides meaningful information to policy maker who want to reform their export structure, promotion schemes and increase the nation’s competitiveness in present era. KEYWORDS: Export Finance, Financial Institutions, Export Credits, Export Insurance

R. Batyuk

The article is devoted to topical issues of development of existing and establishment of new approaches to the methodology of assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises with the subsequent formation of strategies for its development. Thanks to the successful operation of domestic agricultural enterprises in foreign markets and effective and fruitful cooperation with foreign partners, economic growth of the country as a whole is achieved. Therefore, in modern economic conditions, the increase in foreign economic activity requires a thorough methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of leading domestic and foreign economists and the work of leading analysts on the problems and methodology of modeling foreign economic activity, comprehensive approaches based on a combination of economic analysis and methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The following research methods were used in solving the tasks: monographic, analysis and synthesis, expert evaluations, deduction method and abstract-logical. In order to implement the organizational and economic mechanism for determining the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises, we propose to use a universal method of foreign economic activity analysis and at the micro level in order to compare the obtained calculations to assess trends in the development of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises. If an agricultural enterprise is engaged in both exports and imports, then to assess its performance in the foreign market for a certain period can be calculated integrated indicators of foreign trade, which provide for the comparability of results achieved for the whole set of export-import operations at full cost. The initial methodological basis for assessing and analyzing the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises should be a systematic analysis and a comprehensive, dialectical approach, which necessitates the study of individual elements and the system as a whole in constant motion, change, in the process of constant renewal. This is important not only for understanding the essence of economic categories but also for formulating conclusions on their practical application, making management decisions at different levels of the hierarchical management system in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the substantiation of the methodology, which allows to calculate and fully assess the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of any agricultural enterprise.

2021 ◽  
Costas Michaelides ◽  
Toni Adame ◽  
Boris Bellalta

The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) has gained a lot of momentum thanks to the introduction of Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) in IEEE 802.15.4. At last, we can enjoy collision-free, low-latency wireless communication in challenging environments. Nevertheless, the fixed size of time slots in TSCH provides an opportunity for further enhancements. In this paper, we propose an enhanced centralized TSCH scheduling (ECTS) algorithm with simple packet aggregation while collecting data over a tree topology. Having in mind that the payload of a sensor node is rather short, we attempt to put more than one payload in one packet. Thus, we occupy just one cell to forward them. We investigated the schedule compactness of ECTS in Matlab, and we evaluated its operation, after implementing it in Contiki-NG, using Cooja. Our results show that ECTS with packet aggregation outperforms TASA in terms of slotframe duration and imposes fairness among the nodes in terms of latency. A validation exercise using real motes confirms its successful operation in real deployments.

2021 ◽  
Costas Michaelides ◽  
Toni Adame ◽  
Boris Bellalta

The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) has gained a lot of momentum thanks to the introduction of Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) in IEEE 802.15.4. At last, we can enjoy collision-free, low-latency wireless communication in challenging environments. Nevertheless, the fixed size of time slots in TSCH provides an opportunity for further enhancements. In this paper, we propose an enhanced centralized TSCH scheduling (ECTS) algorithm with simple packet aggregation while collecting data over a tree topology. Having in mind that the payload of a sensor node is rather short, we attempt to put more than one payload in one packet. Thus, we occupy just one cell to forward them. We investigated the schedule compactness of ECTS in Matlab, and we evaluated its operation, after implementing it in Contiki-NG, using Cooja. Our results show that ECTS with packet aggregation outperforms TASA in terms of slotframe duration and imposes fairness among the nodes in terms of latency. A validation exercise using real motes confirms its successful operation in real deployments.

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