hormonal factors
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Andreas Chatzittofis ◽  
Adrian Desai E. Boström ◽  
Josephine Savard ◽  
Katarina Görts Öberg ◽  
Stefan Arver ◽  

Abstract   Purpose of Review Compulsive sexual behavior disorder has been recently included in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), and the possible contribution of neurochemical and hormonal factors have been reported. However, relatively little is known concerning the neurobiology underlying this disorder. The aim of this article is to review and discuss published findings in the area. Recent Findings Evidence suggests that the neuroendocrine systems are involved in the pathophysiology of compulsive sexual behavior. The hypothalamus-pituitary adrenal axis, the hypothalamus-pituitary–gonadal axis, and the oxytocinergic system have been implicated. Summary Further studies are needed to elucidate the exact involvement of neuroendocrine and hormonal systems in compulsive sexual behavior disorder. Prospective longitudinal studies are particularly needed, especially those considering co-occurring psychiatric disorders and obtaining hormonal assessments in experimental circumstances with appropriate control groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 221-229
Simona Mattioli ◽  
Margherita Maranesi ◽  
Cesare Castellini ◽  
Alessandro Dal Bosco ◽  
Maria Arias-Álvarez ◽  

Rabbit is an induced ovulatory species, so ovulation takes place after mating. Traditionally, exogenous and synthetic hormonal factors (administered by intramuscular and intravaginal route) such as GnRH and analogues, or different physical procedures (i.e. stimulation by intravaginal cannula) have been used to induce ovulation in females when artificial insemination is applied in rabbit farms. Restriction and public rejection of the use of hormones is leading to the study of the seminal plasma components with potential action on ovulation induction. The aim of the present review is to collect and summarise the strategies used in recent years to trigger ovulation and improve rabbit fertility management with respect to more animal-friendly manipulation methods. Furthermore, special attention has been paid to the use of a semen component (as endogen molecule) such as beta nerve growth factor (β-NGF) in male and female rabbit reproductive physiology. This neurotrophin and its receptors (TrKA and p75NTR) are abundantly distributed in both male and female rabbit reproductive tracts, and it seems to have an important physiological role in sperm maturation and behaviour (velocity, apoptosis and capacitation), as well as a modulatory factor of ovulation. Endogen β-NGF is diluted in the seminal doses with the extenders; hence it could be considered an innovative and alternative strategy to avoid the current exogenous (by intramuscular route) and stressful hormonal treatments used in ovulation induction. Their addition in seminal dose could be more physiological and improve animal welfare in rabbit farms.

Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal ◽  

Pyogenic granuloma is a vascularized non neoplastic lesion, in the oral cavity, caused by trauma, local irritants or hormonal factors, with a higher prevalence in women, present more frequently in the mandible than in the maxilla. It is not associated with pus as its name suggests and histologically it resembles an angiomatous lesion rather than a granulomatous lesion. It is known by a variety of names such as Crocker and Hartzell’s disease, granuloma pyogenicum, granuloma pediculatum benignum, benign vascular tumor and during pregnancy as granuloma gravidarum Treatment consists of removal of local irritant, if any followed by excisional biopsy. This clinical case report presents the clinical and histopathological characteristics of the large pyogenic granuloma in a 36-year-old female, who reported to the Department of Santosh Dental College, Ghaziabad. Intraoral examination revealed a lesion mainly non tender, sessile, soft in consistency and measuring approximately 16by 9 mm in diameter in the posterior side of maxillary first quadrant. Keeping in view the characteristics of the lesion, anamnesis and the literature, the pyogenic granuloma and giant cell granuloma were defined as diagnostic hypotheses. Excisional biopsy was done and specimen was sent for histopathological evaluation.

Mario Henrique Quim Ferreira ◽  
Isabella Bessegatto Rodrigues ◽  
Marcella Bessegatto Rodrigues

Introdução: a alopécia ligada a fatores hormonais androgênicos é algo que há muito tempo tem sido alvo de estudos e aplicações de conhecimento científico em todo mundo. Este padrão de perda capilar, principalmente ligada ao sexo masculino dispõe de terapias que atualmente se limitam à interrupção da queda de fios com leve progressão de crescimento em alguns casos. Neste tocante, uma nova técnica de microagulhamento, com ou sem terapias adjuvantes, associado a métodos já consagradas como minoxidil tem levado o tratamento desta alteração estética para melhores níveis de resultado. Objetivo: conduzir uma investigação sobre os resultados atuais de pesquisas que envolvam o  microagulhamento associado ao uso de Minoxidil, plasma rico em plaquetas e/ou mesoterapia. Metodologia: foram feitas pesquisas no banco de dados da PubMed e Scielo em abril de 2021 buscando-se os termos “minoxidil AND microneedling”. Resultados e Discussões: os resultados obtidos têm convergido para a proposta de que a associação do método de rolagem (microagulhamento) com a aplicação tópica do vasodilatador (minoxidil) apresenta um padrão de crescimento capilar nunca alcançado pela terapia convencional disponível, e que, se acrescentar plasma rico em plaquetas e/ou soluções através da mesoterapia, os resultados podem ser ainda mais vantajosos.  Conclusão: novos estudos são necessários para abranger as vertentes ainda não elucidadas para o tratamento da alopecia, contudo, os resultados até aqui obtidos são promissores para o sucesso da reposição capilar.Palavras chave: Microagulhamento, Minoxidil, Alopecia AbstractIntroduction: alopecia linked to androgenic hormonal factors is something that has long been the subject of studies and knowledge applications worldwide. This pattern of hairloss, mainly related to males, has therapies that are currently limited to interruption of hair loss with slight growth progression in some cases. In this regard, a new microneedlingtechnique, with or without adjuvant therapies, associated with well-established methods such as minoxidil has led the treatment of this esthetic alteration to better levels of results. Objective: to conduct an investigation into the current results of research involving microneedling associated with the use of Minoxidil, platelet-rich plasma and/or mesotherapy. Methodology: searches were conducted in the PubMed and Scielo database in April 2021, searching for the terms “minoxidil AND microneedling”. Results and Discussions: the results obtained have converged to the proposal that the association of the rolling method(microneedling) with the topical application of a vasodilator (minoxidil) presents a pattern of hair growth never achieved by the available conventional therapy, and that, if addedplatelet-rich plasma and/or solutions through mesotherapy, the results can be even more advantageous. Conclusion: further studies are needed to cover aspects that have notyet been elucidated for the treatment of alopecia, however, the results obtained so far are promising for the success of hair replacement.Keywords: Microneedling, Minoxidil, Alopecia

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Al Mas - Nurissyita

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using oral tranexamic acid in melasma patients, as well as to explain the definition of melasma, melasma epidemiology, melasma etiopathogenesis, and to explain the effectiveness of using oral tranexamic acid in melasma. The method used was to collect and analyze research articles on the effectiveness of the use of oral tranexamic acid topical drugs in Melasma patients. The articles are obtained through a search using Google Scholar, Pubmed. The term melasma comes from the Greek word "melas" which means black. Clinically melasma appears as macules or brown spots. Complaints of melasma usually occur symmetrically. The areas of melasma predilection are most commonly the cheeks, upper lip, chin and forehead, but can also be affected in other areas. (Debabrata, Handel et al., 2014). Research conducted for 6 months by Sufan et al ,. It is known that after therapy using Tranexamic Acid, there was a decrease in hyperpigmentation. After 6 months of treatment, the results were very good (10.8%, 8/74), good (54%, 40/74), moderate (31.1%, 23/74), and bad (4.1%). , 3/74). There were 4 patients (5.4%) who experienced mild gastrointestinal discomfort, 6 patients (8.1%) hypomenorrhea, subjects who rarely reported skin rash due to allergies as well as dizziness, alopecia, drowsiness and hyposexuality. From these results it is concluded that oral Tranexmatic Acid has good effectiveness in melasma therapy. (Sufan et al., 2012). From the results of this study it can be concluded that Tranexamic Acid has good effectiveness in the therapy of melasma. Where there are several risk factors that cause melasma, which can occur due to genetic factors, UV exposure, hormonal factors and inflammatory factors. Tranexamic acid will inhibit the action of tyrosinase activity by blocking the interaction of melanocytes and keratinocytes through inhibition of the plasminogen system.   Keywords: Melasma, treatment for melasma, epidemiologi, etiologi, tranexamic acid,.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
Mazin Abdalla

Androgenic alopecia (AGA) is the commonest cause of hair loss in men and women. It is attributed to genetic and hormonal factors. This paper aims to discuss three non-surgical options to assess their use and effectiveness in treating AGA. This will include the following treatments: Minoxidil, Finasteride and low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Key words: Androgenic alopecia, Minoxidil, Finasteride, low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

Cephalalgia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 033310242110444
Seonghoon Kim ◽  
Si Baek Lee ◽  
Yun Jeong Hong ◽  
Yongbang Kim ◽  
Kyungdo Han ◽  

Background Hormonal and menstrual factors are known to influence migraines in women. However, studies in the postmenopausal period are relatively insufficient for clinical translation. This study investigated the influence of endogenous and exogenous hormonal factors on migraines in spontaneous menopausal women. Methods We obtained and analyzed the data related to hormonal factors from the Korean Health Examination database. A migraine diagnosis was identified using the Korean National Health Insurance Service database between 2009 and 2018. We observed migraine occurrence in spontaneous postmenopausal women. Study populations were divided into two groups depending on new diagnosis of migraine during the follow up periods. We investigated the association between endogenous and exogenous hormonal factors and migraine. Results 1,114,742 spontaneous postmenopausal women were enrolled. Migraine risk tended to increase in the shorter lifetime number of years of menstruation group compared to the group with lifetime number of years of menstruation ≥40 years. All of the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) groups showed higher risk compared with the non-HRT group. Migraine risk tends to increase with greater postmenopausal years compared to the postmenopausal <5 years group. Conclusion Our study suggests that female hormonal factors, including endogenous and exogenous estrogen exposure, may be associated with migraine occurrence in spontaneous menopausal women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 3249-3253
Shruti Deshpande

After pregnancy, Diastasis Recti is fairly frequent in women. It happens when the rectus abdominis muscles separate along the linea alba, causing the linea alba to expand. Diastasis recti is caused by a number of reasons. Multiple pregnancies and hormonal factors are the first and most apparent. Because of the elevated levels of relaxin, progesterone, and oestrogen during pregnancy, the linea alba weakens due to connective tissue softening. Diastasis recti should be treated as soon as possible in women. Dial calipers are used to assess diastasis recti in women who have just given birth. A dial caliper is a basic and quick measurement tool. The aim of the present study was to find out “Prevalence of Diastasis Recti in Primipara and Multipara Undergone Full Term Normal Delivery”. This study was carried out in Physiotherapy OPD, Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College and AVBRH, (Sawangi) Wardha. Diastasis recti was evaluated in full term normal delivery females. Diastasis recti was compared in primipara and multipara using dial calliper. The total number of full term normal delivery females in this study was 80 from the age group 22-37, of which 36 were primipara and 44 were multipara, and it showed that inter-rectal distance is greater in multipara while it was less in primipara.. From the present study we can conclude that there is presence of diastasis recti more in multipara than compared to primipara undergone full term normal delivery

Vaccines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 838
Rukaiya Bashir Hamidu ◽  
Divya M. Chalikonda ◽  
Hie-Won Hann

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the most common causes of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a malignant tumor with high mortality worldwide. One remarkable clinical feature of HBV-related HCC is that the risk of development is higher in males and postmenopausal females compared to other females. Increasing evidence also indicates that the prognosis of HBV-associated HCC may involve gender disparity, with females having more favorable outcomes. The proposed mechanism of this gender disparity is thought to be complex and multifactorial. Attributions have been made to gender differences in behavioral risk factors, host stress, immune response, psychology, metabolic risk factors, tumor biology, and hormonal factors. Gender disparities in hormonal factors and stress with consequent incited inflammation and hepatocarcinogenesis in HBV-related HCC is a particularly burgeoning area of investigation. Clarifying these mechanisms could provide insight into HBV-related HCC pathogenesis, and potentially provide a target for prevention and treatment of this disease. Reported herein is a case series involving two families affected by vertically transmitted chronic hepatitis B, longitudinally observed over multiple decades, with family members demonstrating discordant outcomes related to HCC, with worse outcomes among affected males. As a supplement to this case, we review the currently available literature on gender differences in outcomes from HBV-related HCC. In reporting this case series, we aim to add our important observation to the current literature and highlight the need for further research in the mechanisms involved in gender disparity in the prognosis of HBV-related HCC.

Wen-Hui Wu ◽  
Hao Geng ◽  
Eunyoung Cho ◽  
A. Heather Eliassen ◽  
Aaron M. Drucker ◽  

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