relationship intimacy
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Esther Delgado-Pérez ◽  
Isabel Rodríguez-Costa ◽  
Fernando Vergara-Pérez ◽  
María Blanco-Morales ◽  
María Torres-Lacomba

This study aimed to determine the strategies used by women to adapt to the changes that affect the first sexual relations after childbirth. A qualitative study with a phenomenological approach used three data collection techniques (in-depth interviews, discussion groups, and online forums). Thirty-six women in the first six months postpartum participated in the study, from physiotherapy centers with maternal child specialties in several locations in Spain. Women with different types of delivery, presence or absence of perineal trauma during delivery, previous deliveries, and different types of breastfeeding were included. Among the strategies, closeness support and understanding were the ones that women used to adjust to the new situation, in order to improve the couple’s relationship, intimacy, and cope with the significant changes that appear in the first six months postpartum. Changes and adaptations in sexual practices become a tool for coping with a new sexuality, especially if it is affected by the presence of pain or discomfort associated with physical changes. Personal time facilitates emotional management and improvement of emotional changes related to the demands of motherhood. Accepting the changes that motherhood brings is critical to dealing with the new situation. Strategies used by postpartum women focus on acceptance, self-care, partner, couple time, personal time, and adapting encounters. The findings of this study are of interest to health professionals as they provide insight into how women cope with the changes that appear in the first six months postpartum. In this way, the findings will be able to transmit to couples the alternatives they can adopt before the resumption of sexual relations to improve satisfaction both as a couple and in terms of sexuality after childbirth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 5586-5595
Chen Qingbin ◽  
Wu Suhong

Objective: To Explore the relationship between residents' family relationship, emotion regulation mode, and mental health during the epidemic of COVID-19. Method: an online survey was conducted, and 209 residents' were investigated with The FACES II-CV, ERQ, and SCL-90. Results: (1)The total score of SCL-90 of residents was significantly negatively correlated with family relationship intimacy, adaptability, and cognitive reassessment and significantly positively correlated with expressive suppression. (2)Family relationship adaptability significantly predicts the Total score of SCL-90, explaining 21.8% of the variance. (3)The two factors of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression of emotion regulation significantly predict the total score of SCL-90, accounting for a total of 8.8% of the variance. (4)The adaptability of family relationships mediates the effect of emotion regulation on mental health. Specifically, the mediating effect of family relationship adaptability on the path of cognitive reassessment factors on mental health is -0.508. The mediating effect of family relationship adaptability on the path of expression inhibitors on mental health is 0.393.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-206
Hadházi Éva ◽  
Takács Szabolcs ◽  
Csikós Gábor ◽  
Homoki Adél ◽  
Czinkóczki Annamária ◽  

Elmélet: A gyermekek egészséges testi, lelki fejlődésének támogatása a szülői vágyakon túlmutató társadalmi érdek. Az 1950-es évektől kezdve élénk kutatási érdeklődés övezi a szülői nevelői stílusnak a gyermek fejlődésére gyakorolt hatásvizsgálatát, ám a szülői nevelői stílust befolyásoló tényezőkről kevesebb eredmény áll a rendelkezésünkre. A tanul­ mány célja: a Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) kérdőív magyar mintán történő kipróbálása, és a szülői nevelői stílus lehetséges szociodemográfiai, párkapcsolati és pszichoszociális összefüggéseinek vizsgálata volt. Módszerek: 711 fős (113 férfi, 598 nő, átlagéletkor 34,8 [SD = 10,91] év) önbeszámolós, keresztmetszeti vizsgálatunkban a PSDQ 32 tételes kérdőív mellett felvettük az Intim Kötődés Mérésére kidolgozott kérdőívet, a Kapcsolati Elégedettség Skálát, a Közvetlen Kapcsolatok Élményei kérdőívet, a STAI Vonásszorongás, a Zung-féle Önértékelő Depresszió Skálát, valamint a MOS Társas Támasz Kérdőívet. Eredmények: a konfirmatív faktorelemzés a PSDQ-HU önmagára és párjára vonatkoztatott változatának megbízható faktorstruktúráját igazolta (Saját – Self: SRMR = 0,065, RMSEA = 0,059, TLI = 0,796, CFI = 0,818; Másik – Other: SRMR = 0,066, RMSEA = 0,063, TLI = 0,890, CFI = 0,902). A Tekintélyelvű és Irányító skálák belső reliabilitása megfelelő (Cronbach-α = 0,73 – 0,95), a nemzetközi tapasztalatokhoz hasonlóan a Megengedő skála Cronbach-α értéke alacsonyabb (0,64). Az alskálák: Testi fenyítés, Verbális ellenségesség, Indokolatlan büntetés, Melegség, Érvelés, Demokratikus részvétel Cronbach-α értéke 0,54 – 0,93 között mozog. A nem, a családi állapot, valamint az, hogy valaki egyedüli gyermekként nő-e fel, szerepet játszhat a szülői nevelői stílu sában. A PSDQ-HU több kérdőívvel mutatott szignifikáns (p < 0,05) együttjárást. A párkapcso lati intimitás (r = –0,38 — 0,62), a felnőtt kötődés biztonsága (r = –0,31 — –0,57), a párkapcsolattal való elégedettség (r = –0,39 — 0,58) együtt jár azzal, hogy milyen szülőnek észleli valaki a párját. A vonásszorongás és a Zung-féle depresszió kérdőíven elért pontok a pár szülőként való negatívabb észlelésével korrelálnak (r = –0,33 — –0,38). A minél erősebb társas támasz észlelete a párra vonatkoztatott pozitívabb szülői percepcióval jár együtt (r = 0,36 — 0,46). Az önmagára vonatkoztatott szülői nevelői stílus nem mutat szignifikáns összefüggést egyetlen vizsgált skálaváltozóval sem, csak a nemmel és a testvér nélküli felnövekedéssel. Következtetések: A PSDQ-HU kérdőív az önmagunk szülőként való észlelése mellett alkalmas a párunk szülőként való észlelésének a monitorozására, s bár nem párokat vizsgáltunk, eredményeink felhívják a figyelmet a mentális állapot, a párkapcsolat minőségének percepciója és a pár szülői nevelői stílusának észlelete kö zötti kapcsolatra, amely a pszicho- edukációban és a családokkal, párokkal dolgozó szakemberek számára nyújthat hasznos támpontot.Background: Promoting the healthy physical and mental development of children is a social interest that goes beyond parental desires. Since the 1950s, there has been a strong research interest in assessing the impact of parents’ parenting style on their children’s development, while we have more modest research findings on the factors influencing parental style. Aim: testing the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) developed by Robinson, Mandleco, Olsen and Hart (2001) on a Hungarian sample and examining the possible sociodemographic, relationship, and psychosocial contexts of the Parenting Style. Method: In our 711-person (113 fathers, 598 mothers, mean age 34.8 [SD = 10.91] years) self-report cross-sectional study, we checked the structure and internal reliability of the PSDQ 32-item questionnaire and its subscales correlation with relationship intimacy (IBM-HU), adult attachment (ECR-RS), relationship satisfaction (RAS-H), social support (MOSS SSS), and mental well-being (STAI-T, ZUNG). Results: Due to the confirmatory factor analysis a reliable factor structure of the self- and pair-version of PSDQ-HU was confirmed (Self: SRMR = 0.065, RMSEA = 0.059, TLI = 0.796, CFI = 0.818; Other: SRMR = 0.066, RMSEA = 0.063, TLI = 0.890, CFI = 0.902). The internal reliability of the Authoritarian and Authoritative scales (Cronbach-α = 0.73 – 0.95) is adequate. Similar to international experience, the Cronbach-α value of the Permissive scale is lower (0,635). The Physical Coercion, Verbal Hostility, Non-Reasoning, Warmth, Reasoning and Democratic Participation subscales Cronbach-α is between 0.54 – 0.93 values. Gender, marital status, and whether someone grows up as an only child can influence the parenting style. PSDQ-HU showed significant association with multiple questionnaires (p <0.05). Relationship intimacy (r = –0.38 — 0,62), adult attachment security (r = –0.31 — –0.57), and relationship satisfaction (r = –0.39 — 0.58) shows correlation with the way parents perceive their partners. The scores obtained on the trait anxiety and Zung depression questionnaires correlates with the perception of the couple as more negative parents (r = –0.33— –0.38). Perception of stronger social support is associated with more positive parental perception of the couple (r = 0.36— 0.46). Self-referenced parenting style does not show a significant correlation with any of the scale variables examined. Conclusions: The questionnaire is suitable for monitoring the perception of our couple as a parent, as well perceiving ourselves as a parent. Although we examined single persons, not couples, our results draw attention to the relationship between mental state, perception of the quality of the relationship, and perception of the couple’s parenting style. Our findings can provide a useful reference point for professionals working with families and couples, and in psychoeducation as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-89
Veronica Maria Mateescu

"The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to rethink borders and spatiality. The main aim of this article is to explore the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the face-to-face talking therapeutic work. The main solution recommended and adopted by therapists in this context is online therapy. Online therapy becomes an increasingly popular and convenient approach in mental and emotional health treatment due to its advantages in terms of mobility, geographical distance, time management, work-life arrangements, affordability and efficacy. Besides its undeniable advantages, online therapy also raises a number of issues regarding therapists’ education, the means of communication, confidentiality, intimacy, therapeutic relationship, etc. Briefly, online therapy makes us reconsider work, space, place, time, relationship, intimacy and personhood. This article draws on a secondary and primary exploratory research carried among Romanian therapists. The exploratory research is based on unstructured interviews with therapists trained in psychodynamic therapy who moved their face-to-face sessions online as a reaction to the new constraints engendered by the COVID-19 pandemic. While online therapy sessions used to be a niche service before the outbreak, they have now become the norm, thus ensuring continuity within an ever-changing environment and at the same time opening up to new therapeutic avenues (e.g. COVID-19-induced anxiety, depression, stress, etc.). Our focus is on how therapists work, on how they view the changes they are currently making to their work and on whether they envisage implementing these new found solutions in the longer term once the crisis is over. Keywords: online therapy; therapeutic boundaries; space and time boundaries; work-life balance; intimacy boundaries "

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Temmy Thamrin ◽  
Maulid Hariri Gani

<p><em>The idea of phatic communion was introduced by Malinowski where the phrase is refered to the language used to unite the union with other members of the community. As Minangkabau community is well known for their Phatic Communication ‘Baso-Basi’. This research was conducted to describe the cultural value of phatic communication of Minangkabau society in the form, the function, and the factors that affected on the use of phatic cmmunicatin. This research is descriptive qualitative research which used the socio-pragmatics approach. The respondents were chosen among native Minangkabau community. The result shows that Phatic communion occurs for in formal or informal situation and the relationship between the participants can be intimate or distant. It can be found in both higher and lower status. The function of phatic communication is to establish and maintain social relationship between people in society. The influenced factors of the use of phatic communication are: (1) Differences in situation; (2) Difference in relatives; (3) Differences in age, (4) Differences in position, (5) Differences in social status, (6) Gender differences, (7) Marital status, (8) Relationship intimacy,  and (9) The purpose of conversation</em><em>.</em></p>

Bernadetha Nadeak ◽  
Evi Deliviana ◽  
Elferida Sormin ◽  
Lamhot Naibaho ◽  
Citra Puspa Juwita

Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam rangka Pembinaan Ketahanan Pernikahan dan Keharmonisan Keluarga dengan Tema “The Family Relationship and Intimacy” bekerjasama dengan Gereja HKBP Sutoyo Jakarta Timur. Kegiatan ini berawal dari adanya permintaan dari pengurus Gereja HKBP Sutoyo melalui seksi Pendidikan ke Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta untuk memberikan edukasi kepada jemaat secara khusus untuk pasangan muda tentang bagaimana pentingnya menjaga dan membina hubungan keluarga yang sehat dan intim sehingga menjadi keluarga yang kokoh, utuh dan bahagia. Adapun sasaran kegiatan ini adalah keluarga yang terdiri dari pasangan suami dan istri dengan tujuan untuk membina ketahanan pernikahan dan keharmonisan keluarga melalui pendekatan ilmu kesehatan dan ilmu psikologis. Melalui ilmu kesehatan, pasangan suami istri diedukasi tentang “Keluarga Sejahtera dan Sehat Reproduksi”, sedangkan dari psikologis disampaikan bahwa “mengungkapkan perasaan secara terbuka kepada pasangan dan juga anggota keluarga yang lain merupakan salah satu wujud pengasuhan dengan cinta”. Peserta sosialisasi terdiri dari pasangan suami/istri dengan usia pernikahan 1 s.d 15 tahun. Para peserta sangat antusias mengikuti sosialisasi dan aktif pada saat sesi diskusi. Berbagai permasalahan dalam keluarga menjadi topik diskusi yang akhirnya sampai kepada pencarian solusi. Pihak Gereja HKBP Sutoyo yang diwakilkan oleh Pendeta menyatakan kepuasan dan ucapan terimakasih atas kegiatan yang dinilai sangat bermanfaat guna mencegah terjadinya ketidakharmonisan dalam keluarga jemaat yang berujung pada perceraian.   Kata Kunci : Ketahanan Pernikahan; Keharmonisan Keluarga; Family Relationship; Intimacy; Keluarga Sejahtera; Sehat Reproduksi.  Abstract  Community service activities in the context of fostering marital endurance and family harmony with the theme "The Family Relationship and Intimacy" in collaboration with the HKBP Church, Sutoyo, East Jakarta. This activity originated from a request from the management of the Sutoyo HKBP Church through the Education section to the Indonesian Christian University in Jakarta to provide education to the congregation specifically for young couples about how important it is to maintain and foster healthy and intimate family relationships so as to become a strong, whole and happy family . The target of this activity is a family consisting of husband and wife couples with the aim of fostering marital endurance and family harmony through health science and psychological science approaches. Through health science, a married couple is educated about "Family Welfare and Reproductive Health", while psychologically speaking that "expressing feelings openly to the couple and also other family members is one form of caring with love". Participants in the socialization program consist of husband / wife couples with marriage age of 1 to 15 years. The participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the socialization and were active during the discussion session. Various problems in the family became the topic of discussion which finally reached the search for solutions. The Sutoyo HKBP Church, represented by the Pastor, expressed satisfaction and gratitude for the activities that were considered to be very useful in preventing disharmony in the congregation family that led to divorce.  Keywords: marital endurance; family harmony; Family Relationship; Intimacy; Family Welfare; Reproductive Health

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (5) ◽  
pp. 537-545 ◽  
Maria Testa ◽  
Weijun Wang ◽  
Jaye L. Derrick ◽  
Kenneth E. Leonard

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